4dpo! Time to start peeing on tests and getting evaps! Wooo hooo!

Well. Im looking at my damn wal mart test I flooded and I couldnt even get an evap on that! Im dun!!!! DUN! (spelled wrong on purpose) Im going to home and drowning myself in DVR and junior mints! Prime suspect here I come! I will check for you guys in an hour or two tho... and BreakingDawn.... you better get to your movie tonight, old lady!

Babe, I think its just so early. I have only got lucky to get bfp at 7 dpo twice.I lost the baby at 6 weeks one day. The other one I was pregnant with twins. The others I didn't know til af was late..
Oh I know I will cry at least twice. And HOLY CRAP I was just informed people are getting there around 9 for this movie.... that doesn't start until 12:01am. There goes my idea of leaving at 11. Guess we will be leaving earlier. This is going to be a LONG NIGHT!
Yep that's why we waiting til Sunday. It's the wait for seats you better go early to get good seating lol
I will never buy dollar general test again! The walmart tests are soo good! Never thought id say this but glad no two lines no evaporate nothing!! I will be restesting on monday. https://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb435/want2bemommy4/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG2212.jpg https://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb435/want2bemommy4/Mobile%20Uploads/IMAG2214.jpg
Grrr I can't see Breaking Dawn until Monday!! I hope you have a great time!!

And avanemo, c'mon lady you're 7 dpo you better be only DUN not DONE or else :ninja:
WOW, it's taken me two days to catch up on this!!
i watched eclipse yesterday when dd1 was at school and dd2 asleep... will wait til the rush dies down for breaking dawn...
aww, thank you for the prayers! had to Laugh at the lil buggar comes ou a ragin maniac in 9 months...no joke that seriously desribes my delieveries! Im always the last one in L&D and the first one back out and in recovery LOL

and naaa, not only old people havee hubbys with ED. My sisters EX hubby has dietbetes (he was able to control it with the pills though) and it gave him some ED..and welll probably way TMI, but my dad went out on Disiablity when I was in 5th grade..so he was in his early 40's and the narcotics he got for pain managment gave him ED. LOL (yes yes, I know all about my folks sex lives LOL) so anyways, the point was..actualy that Im quite used to hearing about ED in the younger people, vs the older people. LOL which I suppose is quite odd to know so much about my families sex life HAHAHAHA.

and my goodness!! your poor hubby!!! I am SO sorry those meds make him sick! Poor guy!!! It has to be so hard on the both of you. I know my hubby has IBS, so lets say Im used to poop issues LOL way more used to them in grown people then Id prefer LOL but it is what it is. Anyways, you know I read his BS levels, an I was astounded! My word!!! it doesnt surprise me he is sick to his tummy (in one form or anthor) quite frequently. One thing I do from my experience, is that while the BS are in crazy ranging modes it upsets the crap outa your stomach. My stomach durring my 2nd pregnancy was a hot mess until I had my BS under control. once I was able to do that, my stomach seemed to go away.

I dont know anything about the carb counts though. the dietiacan I saw didnt have me do those. I was on a strict carb to protien ratio diet. they wanted me to eat like 6 times a day on it..I was like NO WAY. I cant eat that much! LOL so I modified it...and in the end I had no more then 75 carbs in a day (25 at most per meal) and a shit load of proteins from meats/veggies and cheese LOL and I had my favorite dessert....sugar free jello, fresh cut apples, and a small dollop of whiped cream. id eat it with dinner or lunch for my fruit serving. I looked forward to it EVERYDAY damn day!! what better way to have dessert. LOL I think the most interesting thing I really found was that a lot of things that say no fat/low fat, have a higher carb count, then full fat foods! I was asounded! I was like WOA! WAIT A MIN!! so you mean to tell ME, that ALL these people eating low fat shit..are really just adding extra sugar and carbs into their diet? WOWSA! so YEA low/no fat...YIPPEE! but seriously WHO CARES, if you replacing it wtih SUGAR and CARBS!! My lord, that still really ticks me offf! LOL oh another interesting thing I found...all those off brands of things..they tend to have higher carb counts then name brands! and hamburger helpers..those are AWESOME for noodles! I unhamburgered my hamburger helper and used them for my pasta LOL plus it says on the boxes the nutriental value before meat is added (or at least it used to) and the carbs was WAY lower then anything else I could find at the time LOL goodness, now Im rambling about diets LOL sorry bout that LOL

It really wasnt that difficult for me to have GD..I was able to control my BS easily. but we really think that I got it because I was on meds for the 6 months of my pregnancy. and Im sure you aware that taking meds (antiotibics) for a prolonged period of time can put but you body in a state of dietebets, with out actualy being in it. (I mean you are for that time, but as the body regulates properly again and gets all the meds out, it goes back to its normal state) Plus, even if that isnt the case...the only thing it really did for me other then give me sore freaking fingers...was cause me to eat differantly. Not the actual food I ate, just the order in which I ate it in. and i had to stop drinking coffee, which sucked LOL So I dont really compare what I encountered to other people, KWIM? because it wasnt hard. but the expereince has given me a wealth of knowledge and understanding towards people who live with it daily. Ill never forget the tingles or the tiredness. How eating brought me high, then super low and tired and sick..I cant imgine having to feel to like everyday..or never knowing when it was going to hit. and having to stuggle to get it undercontrol.

and I imgine for you hubby...it has been quite hard. going from being physicaly fit and what not, to having dietebets. :( I rememeber thinking one day, durring my pregnancy when we had my DD at the park...How come I have this?!?!? why not that lady over there who is at least 100 pounds over weight and eating big mac? why ME?!?!?! what did I DO?!?!?! and If I felt that way, I can only imgine how he must feel. :(

you are a great lady to stand with him and help him fight this thing!!! just pure awesomeness! he is lucky to have you. :hugs: (and lookee I found a smilee that works!! LOL)

Youre so cute! First of all, IM praying right now that this lil bugger comes out a raging maniac in 9 months, and I will continue to pray that! Lets just that out there right now. :) 2nd of all, you dont sound like an ass! trust me, I know its all weird! Only old people are supposed to have husbands with ED! haha... We have tried both Cialys and Viagra, and it doesnt help. Sigh. They just make him barf. (EVERYTHING either makes him barf, or poop, oh yes- we have that issue too! LOL because of his nerve damage his intestine, pancreas, stomach dont process or digest food properly so he is sick as a dog prob 75% of his life. FUN! Really makes you horny too btw, lol... not!) Something about the ED drugs just help with blood flow, not nerve signals, so it just doesnt seem to help him. I wish!

Yes, hes insulin dependant- VERY, and as for his diet- youre right some things help some and others others and its just so hard to find the right chemical compound! Im trying to do a low fiber/low carb diet right now because fiber seems to be harder to digest for his stomach....I have a book by prevention magazine that breaks the food out into "carb counts" and gives you 3-5 carbs counts a day... (about 45-70 grams of carbs)... obviously NO sugar... and no carbs that turn to sugar, or as few as possible.. I have NOTHING white in the house- potatoes, bread, rice, NONE... so that helps... but his numbers as you ask are still ranging between about 190 at the best (and very rare) to about 390-450. Sometimes I dont know how he is alive when I look at the monitor and it even says things like 515! INSANITY! and this is with diet and insulin! its like he is just totally broken! LOL...

Oh and yes, what you described is called retrograde ejaculation where it goes back into the bladder- and yes I think thats what happens most of the time but we dont really know that for sure. He is poked and prodded soooo much that I promised him no fertility doctors poking and prodding, being I already have two kids that he raises as his own and we are both 35 and he is like really about 75 on the inside, we just decided if it was meant to be it would be and we woudl do all we could... SIGH... it will truly be a miracle baby if it happens! Let me tell ya!

Gestational Diabetes must have been hard??
hahahaha.... fast deliveries are good tho right even if it is like ripping a monster out of you! :) Thats so cool that your family is OPEN, I have a big open family too.... so I totally get why you know about your parents sex life and that makes me feel better to know Im not the only person under 65 going thru this! hahaha.... But its funny, when you love someone you find out how unimportant sex is...

OMG you totally get it about his stomach, thats so nice to hear too! Yes he is a MESS... I mean the poor guy is in the bathroom like 12 times a day on a good day. Every time he eats, it comes exploding out of him (Talk about TMI) we are living with my parents right now so now every one knows and its kind of become the joke... but I know it must SUCK for him beyond words...I know with your hubbie having IBS you know exactly what Im talking about! I feel so bad for him, I know he feels exactly like you described sitting at the park pregnant wondering WHY me, why not the people who actually abuse food... it is very unfair. People are very mistaken (as was I before I experienced it) about diabetes being a fat obese person disease... Its not at all limited to overweight people... I just hope that we can eventually figure out how to get him undercontrol the poor thing. Sometimes I lay next to him as he is shivering from cold sweats, or cringing from nerve pains, or getting up for the 16th time in the middle of the night almost crapping his pants and think- SOMETHING eventually has to give right!?!??! Its horrible. Thank you for acknowledging my awesomeness... hahaha Im kidding... Im by no means awesome, I just believe when you love someone you stand by the thru it all.... even expolosive diarrhea! :-P

aww, thank you for the prayers! had to Laugh at the lil buggar comes ou a ragin maniac in 9 months...no joke that seriously desribes my delieveries! Im always the last one in L&D and the first one back out and in recovery LOL

and naaa, not only old people havee hubbys with ED. My sisters EX hubby has dietbetes (he was able to control it with the pills though) and it gave him some ED..and welll probably way TMI, but my dad went out on Disiablity when I was in 5th grade..so he was in his early 40's and the narcotics he got for pain managment gave him ED. LOL (yes yes, I know all about my folks sex lives LOL) so anyways, the point was..actualy that Im quite used to hearing about ED in the younger people, vs the older people. LOL which I suppose is quite odd to know so much about my families sex life HAHAHAHA.

and my goodness!! your poor hubby!!! I am SO sorry those meds make him sick! Poor guy!!! It has to be so hard on the both of you. I know my hubby has IBS, so lets say Im used to poop issues LOL way more used to them in grown people then Id prefer LOL but it is what it is. Anyways, you know I read his BS levels, an I was astounded! My word!!! it doesnt surprise me he is sick to his tummy (in one form or anthor) quite frequently. One thing I do from my experience, is that while the BS are in crazy ranging modes it upsets the crap outa your stomach. My stomach durring my 2nd pregnancy was a hot mess until I had my BS under control. once I was able to do that, my stomach seemed to go away.

I dont know anything about the carb counts though. the dietiacan I saw didnt have me do those. I was on a strict carb to protien ratio diet. they wanted me to eat like 6 times a day on it..I was like NO WAY. I cant eat that much! LOL so I modified it...and in the end I had no more then 75 carbs in a day (25 at most per meal) and a shit load of proteins from meats/veggies and cheese LOL and I had my favorite dessert....sugar free jello, fresh cut apples, and a small dollop of whiped cream. id eat it with dinner or lunch for my fruit serving. I looked forward to it EVERYDAY damn day!! what better way to have dessert. LOL I think the most interesting thing I really found was that a lot of things that say no fat/low fat, have a higher carb count, then full fat foods! I was asounded! I was like WOA! WAIT A MIN!! so you mean to tell ME, that ALL these people eating low fat shit..are really just adding extra sugar and carbs into their diet? WOWSA! so YEA low/no fat...YIPPEE! but seriously WHO CARES, if you replacing it wtih SUGAR and CARBS!! My lord, that still really ticks me offf! LOL oh another interesting thing I found...all those off brands of things..they tend to have higher carb counts then name brands! and hamburger helpers..those are AWESOME for noodles! I unhamburgered my hamburger helper and used them for my pasta LOL plus it says on the boxes the nutriental value before meat is added (or at least it used to) and the carbs was WAY lower then anything else I could find at the time LOL goodness, now Im rambling about diets LOL sorry bout that LOL

It really wasnt that difficult for me to have GD..I was able to control my BS easily. but we really think that I got it because I was on meds for the 6 months of my pregnancy. and Im sure you aware that taking meds (antiotibics) for a prolonged period of time can put but you body in a state of dietebets, with out actualy being in it. (I mean you are for that time, but as the body regulates properly again and gets all the meds out, it goes back to its normal state) Plus, even if that isnt the case...the only thing it really did for me other then give me sore freaking fingers...was cause me to eat differantly. Not the actual food I ate, just the order in which I ate it in. and i had to stop drinking coffee, which sucked LOL So I dont really compare what I encountered to other people, KWIM? because it wasnt hard. but the expereince has given me a wealth of knowledge and understanding towards people who live with it daily. Ill never forget the tingles or the tiredness. How eating brought me high, then super low and tired and sick..I cant imgine having to feel to like everyday..or never knowing when it was going to hit. and having to stuggle to get it undercontrol.

and I imgine for you hubby...it has been quite hard. going from being physicaly fit and what not, to having dietebets. :( I rememeber thinking one day, durring my pregnancy when we had my DD at the park...How come I have this?!?!? why not that lady over there who is at least 100 pounds over weight and eating big mac? why ME?!?!?! what did I DO?!?!?! and If I felt that way, I can only imgine how he must feel. :(

you are a great lady to stand with him and help him fight this thing!!! just pure awesomeness! he is lucky to have you. :hugs: (and lookee I found a smilee that works!! LOL)

Youre so cute! First of all, IM praying right now that this lil bugger comes out a raging maniac in 9 months, and I will continue to pray that! Lets just that out there right now. :) 2nd of all, you dont sound like an ass! trust me, I know its all weird! Only old people are supposed to have husbands with ED! haha... We have tried both Cialys and Viagra, and it doesnt help. Sigh. They just make him barf. (EVERYTHING either makes him barf, or poop, oh yes- we have that issue too! LOL because of his nerve damage his intestine, pancreas, stomach dont process or digest food properly so he is sick as a dog prob 75% of his life. FUN! Really makes you horny too btw, lol... not!) Something about the ED drugs just help with blood flow, not nerve signals, so it just doesnt seem to help him. I wish!

Yes, hes insulin dependant- VERY, and as for his diet- youre right some things help some and others others and its just so hard to find the right chemical compound! Im trying to do a low fiber/low carb diet right now because fiber seems to be harder to digest for his stomach....I have a book by prevention magazine that breaks the food out into "carb counts" and gives you 3-5 carbs counts a day... (about 45-70 grams of carbs)... obviously NO sugar... and no carbs that turn to sugar, or as few as possible.. I have NOTHING white in the house- potatoes, bread, rice, NONE... so that helps... but his numbers as you ask are still ranging between about 190 at the best (and very rare) to about 390-450. Sometimes I dont know how he is alive when I look at the monitor and it even says things like 515! INSANITY! and this is with diet and insulin! its like he is just totally broken! LOL...

Oh and yes, what you described is called retrograde ejaculation where it goes back into the bladder- and yes I think thats what happens most of the time but we dont really know that for sure. He is poked and prodded soooo much that I promised him no fertility doctors poking and prodding, being I already have two kids that he raises as his own and we are both 35 and he is like really about 75 on the inside, we just decided if it was meant to be it would be and we woudl do all we could... SIGH... it will truly be a miracle baby if it happens! Let me tell ya!

Gestational Diabetes must have been hard??
Oh and by the way ladies TOTALLY BFN this morning and its 6 days before missed period, which I know you think Im nutty but I ALWAYS had a positive with both my girls by then! IM OUT! Which is ok... honestly... :) One day it will be or it wont... and I guess thats whats meant to be if it isnt!
Oh and by the way ladies TOTALLY BFN this morning and its 6 days before missed period, which I know you think Im nutty but I ALWAYS had a positive with both my girls by then! IM OUT! Which is ok... honestly... :) One day it will be or it wont... and I guess thats whats meant to be if it isnt!

Ummm yeah totally nutty!! :bike:
Oh that bike is funny!!!! really funny!!!!

Im telling you mama... Ive had two pregnancies and both times 6 days before missed period I was positive! I swear. wacky winky isnt ready yet.

Oh and by the way ladies TOTALLY BFN this morning and its 6 days before missed period, which I know you think Im nutty but I ALWAYS had a positive with both my girls by then! IM OUT! Which is ok... honestly... :) One day it will be or it wont... and I guess thats whats meant to be if it isnt!

Ummm yeah totally nutty!! :bike:
On another note, Robert Wagner a murderer!?!?!?!? are any of you old enough to even know who Im talking about? lol....
That name sounds familiar? Btw did you know sometimes boys are late implanters and slow hcg producers? Maybe it's a boy! Neener neener
That name sounds familiar? Btw did you know sometimes boys are late implanters and slow hcg producers? Maybe it's a boy! Neener neener

Well I guess we will know a week from today! cuz Im not testing again! neener neener! (If I got pregnant and it WASNT a boy, Id be selling it on BnB)
On another note, Robert Wagner a murderer!?!?!?!? are any of you old enough to even know who Im talking about? lol....

I know who he is, but mostly because of Austin Powers :blush: and it certainly sounds like he did it, and if he did I really hope he spends the rest of his life in prison. Natalie Wood is amazing!!
I will upload in a minute!
I didnt hold my pee and its been like an hour since i went last! I took the pic within 5 minutes (or so) ..
I will need honest opinions!!
That name sounds familiar? Btw did you know sometimes boys are late implanters and slow hcg producers? Maybe it's a boy! Neener neener

Well I guess we will know a week from today! cuz Im not testing again! neener neener! (If I got pregnant and it WASNT a boy, Id be selling it on BnB)

:rofl: I'd take it, you make cute girls and it wouldn't cost much to ship 'er :haha:
I will upload in a minute!
I didnt hold my pee and its been like an hour since i went last! I took the pic within 5 minutes (or so) ..
I will need honest opinions!!

:coffee: can't wait to see!!
On another note, Robert Wagner a murderer!?!?!?!? are any of you old enough to even know who Im talking about? lol....

I know who he is, but mostly because of Austin Powers :blush: and it certainly sounds like he did it, and if he did I really hope he spends the rest of his life in prison. Natalie Wood is amazing!!

But But But I love him! :(

Youre absolutely right tho, if he is a murderer he needs to fry especially for getting away with it so long! WOW...

I just cant believe it! Did you read that Christopher Walken was on the boat that night too? Wow... I wonder what really happened...

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