Youre so cute! First of all, IM praying right now that this lil bugger comes out a raging maniac in 9 months, and I will continue to pray that! Lets just that out there right now.

2nd of all, you dont sound like an ass! trust me, I know its all weird! Only old people are supposed to have husbands with ED! haha... We have tried both Cialys and Viagra, and it doesnt help. Sigh. They just make him barf. (EVERYTHING either makes him barf, or poop, oh yes- we have that issue too! LOL because of his nerve damage his intestine, pancreas, stomach dont process or digest food properly so he is sick as a dog prob 75% of his life. FUN! Really makes you horny too btw, lol... not!) Something about the ED drugs just help with blood flow, not nerve signals, so it just doesnt seem to help him. I wish!
Yes, hes insulin dependant- VERY, and as for his diet- youre right some things help some and others others and its just so hard to find the right chemical compound! Im trying to do a low fiber/low carb diet right now because fiber seems to be harder to digest for his stomach....I have a book by prevention magazine that breaks the food out into "carb counts" and gives you 3-5 carbs counts a day... (about 45-70 grams of carbs)... obviously NO sugar... and no carbs that turn to sugar, or as few as possible.. I have NOTHING white in the house- potatoes, bread, rice, NONE... so that helps... but his numbers as you ask are still ranging between about 190 at the best (and very rare) to about 390-450. Sometimes I dont know how he is alive when I look at the monitor and it even says things like 515! INSANITY! and this is with diet and insulin! its like he is just totally broken! LOL...
Oh and yes, what you described is called retrograde ejaculation where it goes back into the bladder- and yes I think thats what happens most of the time but we dont really know that for sure. He is poked and prodded soooo much that I promised him no fertility doctors poking and prodding, being I already have two kids that he raises as his own and we are both 35 and he is like really about 75 on the inside, we just decided if it was meant to be it would be and we woudl do all we could... SIGH... it will truly be a miracle baby if it happens! Let me tell ya!
Gestational Diabetes must have been hard??