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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

totally understand the stress thing kitty...I try to keep stress down but it then becomes a matter of stressing over the stress...never ending cycle...so I just try to stay busy or at least keep my mind busy...

So I called and set my appointment for 12 weeks up. It is for the 30th at 2:00 p.m. I will have a scan then...I could have had it today at 3:00 but they say the appointment lasts an hour and that would put me not getting out until my kids had already gotten out of school and no one to pick them up... :( so I couldn't take the one for today...I so wanted to though...but 7 days isn't long to wait...I can make it :)
Hey girls :-D hope your both well everything is great!! Lazy baby tho lol just wanted to sleep take a look at my avatar xxxx
How cute, Jode! Ok, I gotta show you girls my latest photo. My little one was off the wall.. wouldn't sit still. Ok, I will figure this out right now. :)
So awesome girls...I love both the pics...I will have my 12 week scan on Thursday so just 1 week away :) and then I shall update my pic as well :) can't wait...Jode how have you been feeling? Has the sick feeling gone away mostly??? Kitty what about you??
Hi ladies,
Actually today is the first day I feel somewhat OK and haven't had to take a pill. How about you gals?
I really only feel queasy if I don't eat something pretty soon after waking up or if I go way to long without eating my next meal...other wise I am good...I am still tired a lot though...however I have more days where it doesn't kill me to get up and clean my house...so it looks as though there may be light at the end of the tunnel...
Hi ladies. Scratch that...back to being sick again. And exhausted. Perhaps I'm one of the ones that it never goes away. LOL! Oh well.. that's fine. How are you ladies doing?
I'm doing okay...My 12 week apt. is in just two days YAY...This week has been very busy though and it not over...we have family from California in visiting for 2 weeks...had to pick up from the airport Monday...but it was worth it...my dad is coming in tonight to stay for tomorrow...tonight was aurora's final choir concert for the year Friday is josh's 8th grade graduation and Saturday we are driving 3 hrs. to go visit other family so they can see the family from cali...lol...can't I just sleep and visit simultaneously haha

How are you girls doing...do you guys have any plans for over the summer???
Wow, you ARE busy! That's a good thing.. it makes times go by faster! Is it bad to wish these months away?? I just want to get to Nov/Dec. I'm trying to relax but it's so difficult. Your appt. is tomorrow! I wish you the best of luck! My 12 week is next Tuesday. I'm a ball of nerves with each appt. I know this is the big one.

I have a few small get-aways planned for the Summer. I'm visiting a friend in Jersey and I think hubby and I are going to Maine for a few days in August. We also have 2 weddings in September.

Let us know how tomorrow goes! Thinking of you!
12 week appointment was AWESOME!!! I got pictures and a DVD of the whole thing...my little squishy was moving all around he even did a few headstands lol...the sonographer said he was super active today lol...he was measuring 13 and 1 but they left my due date the same as it is pretty close....so between the 4th and 9th of dec.....I am so excited because they also told me it was 95% chance that it is a boy...in 6 weeks we should have the gender scan to confirm 100% though... :) YAY....https://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag110/Mom2Hope/20130530_151944_zps2f324cee.jpg
That is awesome m2h wow look at him in there! :-D I'm sorry if not been on! I've been moving house for the last week so if had limited Internet...

I'm so excited for you, how are you feeling now?

I feel totally normal now which is good!

I'm not sure weather to pay private to find out in 3 weeks??
Awesome M2H. Congrats!! :) It must've been amazing!!

My appt. is next Tuesday... nervous yet excited. I'm feeling pretty much back to normal too. I have my energy back. :)

Hi Jode! Glad you're well!
Yahh we are all getting back to normal, so girls other than m2h thinking boy do you think or have felt like your having a certain sex?

I have thought boy at first but now I'm thinking girlie
Hey ladies not ignoring you all just have company and my normal routine is all messed up lol. So I am hoping to get on tonight and respond properly.
Hi girls! I had my prenatal testing done yesterday. All looks good. Little one was boucing around... it was cute. And yes, I have a very strong feeling I'm having a girl. LOL!! We'll find out in about 6 weeks.

What else is going on... is everyone feeling back to their normal selves again??
I am feeling quite back to normal...with the exception of headaches...I still get a lot of headaches that could also be attributed to texas sinus issues though lol...

kitty it is so fun to watch them when they are wiggling all around...I got my screen results back too for the tests they do and my numbers were all great so they said happy healthy and pretty sure boy...but we will know positively in a few weeks also...

I go back to my normal OB on the 18th so about 2 weeks away...at that point I don't think they are doing the gender scan cause I will only be 15 weeks but I think we will set up the gender/anamoly scan at that point so hopefully sometime in early July we will find out for sure...

Oh my gosh I scared the crud out of myself yesterday...plugging something in to the wall I shocked myself and it went clear from finger tips to my toes on the right side of my body...I freaked out I was positive my LO was hurt or worse...but I have been assured 10 times over that everything is fine and that it would not hurt the baby because though I felt it it was still such a mild shock...but oh my it scared me...however after the numbness went away there were no scary symptoms or anything so everything still appears to be fine...

Oh my...

Jode...how are you doing sweetie?? Do you know when your gender scan is yet??? Are you wanting to find out the sex of lo or are you wanting to wait???

Headed out ladies check back in later...
Oh my! Shocking yourself is scary. I'm sure LO is fine. :) No worries. He/she is protected in there.

It is so awesome seeing them move all around. So surreal! I have the anatomy scan on July 16th - I think at that point they will be able to tell the gender. So excited. I can't wait to find out. I can't believe they can tell that your LO is a boy already! So crazy!!
I know...the boy/girl parts were still to underdeveloped but the doctor went off the nub theory and said he has only ever been wrong twice in all of his practicing years...so there is a pretty good chance it is a boy...however I wont let anyone buy anything until after the gender scan because if he was wrong a third time I don't want to spend months returning boy stuff for girl stuff lol....

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