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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

OH will get off work in 26 minutes and we will leave for the appointment....I don't know whether I feel like puking from nervousness, crying from fear, and jumping for excitement...can we say massive mess of emotions lol...hopefully within the next 2-3 hrs. I will check in with news for how it went ladies...after the appointment I have to pick kids up from school though so that is why I wont be able to check in sooner...

good luck to you tomorrow kitty...i'm excited for you :)

thanks for the good thoughts jode and kitty....really appreciate them
Everything will be great cant wait to hear back! Xxx
OMG IT WAS AWESOME...I told my oh she is good for atleast one worry free night :)...we got to see our little squishy on the screen saw the blinky heart and HEARD the heart beat...the dr. was super sweet and knew I was nervous...we even got to see our LO wiggle around...was so very active...oh said it looked like squishy was doing the back stroke moving its little arms and legs...lol...it was so cool...I can't describe it...I go back in 3 weeks to see the dr. again :)...I don't get a scan at that one though...probably just more blood work at that one she will give me the number for the doctor that does the scanning for the down syndrome...she said at that visit that doctor may be able to do the blood test that gives the sex of the baby :)...so super excited...

said the heart beat was 170 good and strong and measured 7w 5 d...so just a few days behind what my lmp would have put me at she said that was normal.... YAY
woooooooooo how awesome told you everything would be great!

My HB was only 140 :-/ and it didn't move should I be worried? I have read online that that's fine for 8 weeks?

M2H, congratulations!! That is great news!! So so so so awesome!!

Jode, no worries, K? I don't believe it's normal to be able to see it moving around at this point. And your heartbeat number is great. Mine was only 124 and they still said that was normal and strong.

Girls, I'm petrified for today. I didn't sleep well last night thinking that today could be a great or horrible day. 3:00 is a long way off. My husband is very optimistic saying that since I've been sick this last week that it was a great sign. Not once in the last 2 pregnancies was I sick. I'm hanging onto hope.
I'm hoping to get to change my picture to little embryo soon to match you girls. :)
You being so sick is a great sign everything will be great! I love it there's 3 of us all at the same stage so much support :))

Can't wait for the update kitty xxx
Don't worry Jode not moving at that little is not a bad thing...the doctor said it was just an extra treat to get to see our squishy little one wiggle on the screen...so you are just fine for 8 weeks hon...140 is still a strong heart beat too...don't worry about that...

Kitty I know yesterday 1:00 couldn't get here fast enough and then when it did I was so nervous but everything was great...you will be fine... 3 will get here and you will go and get your lovely little picture and feel nice and relieved too...

Jode I agree that it is awesome to have bump buddies here that we can share this with so close in development...

Okay ladies, we told the kids today that they will have a little brother or sister....they took it well and were very excited...I wanted to wait a few more weeks till we were out of the danger zone...but OH really wanted to tell them now...so we went ahead and told them since the doctor said everything looked so well on the scan....

Overall it has been a pretty good day...
hey kitty just checking in to see how your appointment went....
YIIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It went well!! I'm a little behind you girls. What my dr. thought to be the baby measuring 5 days behind isn't the case. I 'surged' later than we initially thought. Baby is right on track and I'm 7w2d today. Baby's heartbeat was 161 and he is extremely happy with that. My fertility dr. (he's the one that has been monitoring me from day 1) said that it was time to release me to my regular gyno. I told him that I wasn't ready yet. LOL! I asked if he could do one more scan before that time. He hugged me and said absolutely! Next Friday I'll have another... then I'll probably have to wait a few weeks. All in all, a great day! WOO HOO!!! Once I figure out how to post a photo, I will upload my pic of the little pepper.

P.S. I love our little group. :)
YAY...7W2D sounds awesome to me...I went to photobucket and created an account because when you upload your picture there they give you a url for forums, facebook, myspace but they also give you a direct url which is what babyandbump uses...can't wait to see your LO...so excited for you...I wont get another scan at my next appointment in 3 weeks (May 21) but she will give me the number to the dr. that does the next test and he is suppose to do a scan...but I just thought about it and she did say "HE" and unless HE is actually a SHE we may have a problem....I wont see a male OB/GYN...has nothing to with them and everything to do with my past...it just ain't happening...its hard enough dealing with a female doctor I can't do a male doctor...argh...I hope I heard her wrong...I hope it is a woman doctor...fingers crossed now...

anyway very happy for you kitty :) Jode what did you say the doctor measured you in at? We should all still be right around each other...
I'm 9 weeks today now :) my bubba caught up it was nearly a week behind!

Woooooo great news for you kitty yahhh we are all going great!

Exciting stuff! Xxx
jode that is awesome...did you have another appointment today??? so happy lo caught up...
Not that's from my appointment last week my next one is the 23rd :)

My sickness is easing a lot should I be worried?

Oh awesome. My appointment is the 22nd. No picture on that day though just an exam and referral.

As for symptoms if I could just not be so tired I would be happy. My ms so far has never gone beyond queasy tummy.
Jode, I wouldn't worry - you're at 9 weeks and I've read that's the time when the nausea could begin to subside.
oh yes, that is pretty normal from what I hear too...i'm not 9 weeks quite yet and when I saw the dr. earlier this week she said it was fine that I hadn't had the vomiting at all too...some women just get lucky and don't have to deal with all the ins and outs of ms...and some do...some last longer than others...so I would think its ok jode...

how are you today kitty

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