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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

Hi girls. It's definitely a Monday! How are we all feeling??

Ok, so THIS week I have 2 appts. One with my regular gyno - they haven't seen me yet. And another with my high risk dr. for another ultrasound (Fri @ 3:00). I'm hoping the regular gyno will do an ultrasound too. LOL, doubt it but it can't hurt to ask.

How was everyone's weekend?
weekend was long but okay. feeling okay right now...but this morning dry heaving and stomach killing me because I ate sausage...apparently that was a big no no because my tummy said so...

today is crazy...my land lord is coming by to look at the sprinkler system and see whats wrong with it...but I only have 1 hr. open today where someone will be at the house before it gets to late for him to show up...he is rarely on time and when he does get here is generally here more than an hr...I was really wishing he had done this on sunday when we had more time...but oh well...this afternoon will just be crazy...

how are you girls doing???
I am on FIRE today! Talk about moody. It's as though everyone woke up today and said, "I'm going to be a jerk today." I just want today to be OVER.

Ok, I feel better.
oh kitty do I understand completely...today hasn't been so bad...but last week I had like a string of 3 days in a row where no one could say or do anything right...and it made my either cry or vent...Saturday was the worst day as far as mood swings...I feel like a lunatic...but it will all be worth it in the end..
Its been a few days since any of us checked in. How is everyone doing this week? I've been so much more tired than even the past few weeks. I literally pass out cold if I sit down, or become to still...it's ridiculous...and no matter how much sleep I get I DO NOT want to get out of bed in the morning lol...my breast are still pretty sore, and I am still nauseous most the time. Also just got a call from my OB's office today. The blood work done last week came back perfect. She said everything looked great. Initially she thought she may have to put me on progesterone supplement due to the PCOS but she said even that came back normal. So...now I just wait a little less than 2 weeks until my next appointment...I don't think they will do a scan at this one but I should get another scan within just a couple weeks of that appointment.

So update me ladies whats going on with everyone.
Hi M2H. Work has been busy so I haven't been checking in on this site as much. Things are going well on this end.. still nauseaous and tired too. My scan is this afternoon. A little nervous. Yesterday I met with my regular GYNO. She told me that since I'm high risk, I'll have to get ultrasounds every 2 weeks beginning at 16 weeks. After today's scan, I won't have another one until week 12. It'll be a long wait for sure.

So happy your results came back perfect! :)

I hope Jode is doing well. Miss her.
I know...miss her too...hope all is well jode...

I am glad everything is going ok kitty..is work making your fatigue worse?? I am not working any more and still fatigue is increasing...I can't even sit to do a chore like laundry and not half pass out lol...

Your scan will go great...try to stay calm...I know my first scan put my mind at ease a lot...is this one your first scan or your second...it's your second right?? All will go well...keeping you in thoughts...

I know I haven't been checking in as often simply because I've been out every morning running errands after dropping kids off and then home trying to keep house in some kind of order...kinda wish that nesting stage was earlier in pregnancy...it sure would help me clean lol...

have a good day ladies...check back in soon.
It's Saturday night and I just finished watching Safe Haven... I bawled. Have you seen it yet?

I had my 3rd scan yesterday and all is going well. We got to see the little bean moving around. Pretty incredible. I have an appt. next Tuesday with my regular drs nurse to discuss things. When I went to my regular dr. last Wednesday, I reminded her that I am the one with a J-pouch (I had my large intestine taken out and rebuilt so I have to have a csection) anyway, my gyno says, "yeh, this is going to be a difficult one".... not something I was comfortable hearing. I plan on contacting my surgeon to see if he knows of a gyno that has performed a csection with a J-pouch. We'll see what happens, I just want to be comfortable and feel safe.

How are you doing? I'm still wondering how Jode is...
I know in the past jode has gotten rather busy with work...hopefully she pokes her head in soon...Still in our thoughts Jode...

Glad everything went well kitty...I would think a docto would have better since than to word a statement like that to a pregnant woman...you can express concern about difficulty in a more sensitive manner so as not to be so harsh with the mother to be...

I hope your surgeon can help you out hon...

I have not seen safe haven yet but hear it is very good.
Hey ladies sorry I haven't replied I am just so tired and I work soo much!!

What's new with everyone?

Nothing new for me, except my ribs feel so bruised today I have no idea why?

My 12 week scan is in a week and a half it's taking far to long.. I don't know how people only have the one this will be my 3rd and its still not enough!

I understand what you mean jode...i know you get busy with life...it happens to us all...I am glad you poked ur head in today though...

I do want to take the time to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to you laides as we are all at this time mothers....
Awe, Happy belated Mother's Day, ladies.

Jode, good to hear from you! I know what you mean, I now have to wait a few weeks until my next one. Seems soooooooooooooooo far away.

I'll be traveling for work the majority of this week, so I'll be checking in later on this week. Hope you both have a great week!
Hey ladies hope your both well :flower:

Had my second midwife appointment asked her if she had a Doppler hehe she did! Found babas HB :baby: cute 8 days till scan!

Starting to feel better now to! Maybe start to enjoy this now yahh :thumbup:
Aww...that's great Jode...I am glad you got to hear the Heart Beat...I bet you can't wait till your scan hu. I have 5 days till my next appointment with OB...it's suppose to be the physical exam because I haven't had one in over a year...I hate those exams...I don't think I will get an ultrasound at this appointment :( but she is suppose to give me the referral to the high risk doctor for the 12 week scan...so hopefully it wont be long until I get to see lo on the screen again...Honestly aside from still being queasy in the morning if I don't eat right away and being tired all the time...basically everything else has disappeared or I have gotten so use to it that I don't recognize those symptoms any more...It kinda worries me but I try not to think about it much...since that first scan I have been a lot less nervous and worried about every little thing and I don't want to go back to that extreme basket case so I try not to over think things too much...

On a side note I have a stupid mouse in my garage and it scared the life out of me...now I have to figure out how to get it out of my garage...yuck...I have never ever had a mouse before and I don't know what to do about it lol...

Well ladies hope you are all well...I know kitty said she would be out most of the week...but for when you get back Hey kitty...hope you are taking care...

Hey I was wondering have either of you bought one of the hand held dopplers like from walmart or anything??? If so do they work pretty good??? I was thinking of getting one but have heard varying reviews about how well they work...
Hi ladies. I'm back. It was a tiring trip.... and I wasn't feeling well most of the time. I got through it though.

I'm happy to hear you're both doing well! :) :) :) I had another scan today.... baby is doing well. I got so nervous this morning bc I had very light pink spotting. I called the dr to push my appt up but they couldn't. I had to wait but thankfully all is OK. Little one is growing well and has a very strong HB. I got to hear it today for the first time.

I hate mice! Actually, I hate spiders worse than mice. You poor thing! You must've freaked out!
YES I DID lol...but the mouse is gone and my garage is clean as a result lol...

Okay ladies...have my OB appointment this morning at 10...hoping I atleast get to hear the hb again...I don't think they are doing a sonogram today though...anyway I will let you guys know how it goes asap...it may take a little while though as we have a strong risk of large hail and tornados this afternoon....Keep us in thought that the bad weather merely passes over all of us....

Hope you are having a good week Jode...

Glad your appointment went well Kitty...I hear light spotting seems to be pretty normal in most cases but it is good that you contacted your doctor anyway as precaution...

Okay ladies...talk to yall soon
Ahhh I love mice I did have a pet rat lol

So I got my Doppler yesterday Jesus you need some patience to find it 2 whole hours but it was so worth it:thumbup:

12 week scan tomorrow girls so excited! Glad your both doing well xxx
Christine glad you could join us...Have you had any of your ob appointments yet???

Well Jode, I had a pet rat once too...but this one wasn't a pet...it was eating my dogs food and digging in my stuff...lol...I was not a happy camper...but he must of gotten out because we didn't see him after cleaning everything out of the garage and then putting it back...

Good luck on your 12 week scan tomorrow sweetie...you must let us know how it goes...I had my appointment yesterday (was 11 weeks 1 day) and we heard the heart beat again but I wont have the ultrasound till my appointment with the doctor who does the downs test...I have the card to call and set that up today...so hopefully my ob said they should get me in within the next week maybe two since I'm already 11 plus weeks...Our lO heart beat was still strong though...she figured we wouldn't hear it because I wasn't 13 weeks yet and I guess it is hard to hear on a Doppler if its too early...but we heard it...so yay...we also started telling extended family and friends yesterday since the 2nd appointment went over well...

Kitty how is it going hon??
Hi gals. Good luck today, M2H. Jode, more great news. :) WOO HOO!! I can't wait for each of us to be able to say "bye bye 1st Tri!" I'm still on pins and needles. I wish that everyday was scan day.

I've had quite a week. It's been stressful and I feel a lot of stress has been put on baby. I'm really trying to keep a cool head with it all. It's not just about me anymore.

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