5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

Hi girls. I need some advise on Benadryl. I've read it's safe during pregnancy but I need to know your take on it. I ended up taking 2 pills last Sat. night and then one last night at 3 a.m. I haven't been able to sleep. I have so much going on right now and my brain doesn't stop. :(
benedryl is safe to take honey...I mean if you don't have to then you don't want to take medicine...but if you have to Tylenol and benedryl are the safest....I hope you are ok....
Thanks! My dr. office FINALLY called me back. I had to get snippy on my last message yesterday. Geez! They said Benadryl was fine to take. I need it to sleep lately. I didn't take it last night and was OK... but am tossing and turning. How are you sleeping, M2H? I can only sleep on my left side........... back doesn't work for long and right side forget it.
Oh sleep...what's that lol...I am tired now, but not because of hormones so much as I think because I can't get comfortable...see we moved from California last summer and left all beds there...and bought the kids new bedroom sets when we moved here...but my OH and I have been sleeping on an air mattress...low and behold if the darn thing now will not keep air at all...and so we are sleeping on couches and taking turns on a twin size mattress until we can afford to get a bed for ourselves...but we are trying to hold off as long as possible because we would really rather save to get a new van come December because our's is old and on its last limb and we will need a bigger and more reliable vehichle once baby is here...so sleep...don't know what that is lol...I can only lay on my back for maybe 10 minutes at a time before it becomes unbearable...I am normally a right side sleeper but I think baby may like laying on the right side and also may not like being squished...so that is rather uncomfortable...even though it is still not comfortable it is more so than any other position so I have been sleeping on my left side hugging the back cushions on my couch lol...occasionally when OH is at work (works nights) I will just go crawl in bed with one of the kids and pass out on an actual honest to god comfy mattress lol...but Rera likes to kick in her sleep and Josh likes to use me as a body pillow...so tell me if that's any more comfy lol...

I do hope you can get some sleep...something you might want to ask your dr....if you can take melatonin...it is the chemical your brain produces naturally to induce sleep...it makes you tired...you can get a bottle at walmart, target, anywhere really for like 3-6 dollars depending on how many pills...I take 2 of those when I am really desperate and it helps me fall asleep...since it is all natural I was told it poses no risk as my body already produces it naturally...

Hope you get some rest dear..
I can understand all of that. You poor thing. Doesn't it only get more uncomfortable?? Eeeeek! Well, I wish you a new mattress! It's important. I'd send you one of mine if I could! :)

I'll have to ask about the melatonin. Thanks for the idea!!! xo
kitty...hope the melatonin is a go for you...

it does only get more uncomfortable...but if i get really desperate and still also want my van come december i can always break and go calling daddy lol...i may be dang near 28 but i'm still his little girl and if I need it he will get it...I hate to do that...but the mattress may be my breaking point since my teen years lol...

Hey Jode...how are you dear...haven't heard how you are in awhile...

My next ob appt. is this coming tuesday (18th)...so less than a week...no ultrasound...but we will still get to hear the heart beat...and we should schedule for the gender scan this time...hopefully she will do it at 18 weeks so I only have to wait 3 weeks instead of 4...we have been doing 4 weeks between visits...either way my birthday gift to me is knowing for sure what we are having whether it will be benjamin edward or renita rose....

have a great week ladies...
Hey Kitty, Thanks!

I went...I got to hear the heartbeat and that again was great....it made me feel better because the last week I was starting to worry that maybe something happened and I missed it because I just didn't really feel pregnant anymore...I mean I have twinges of pain shoot through my breast occasionally...and my feet and hips are sore...but I could easily explain those things off too...so hearing the heartbeat is always reassuring...seriously considering getting one of those fetal heart monitors for my birthday next month...happy birthday to me lol...The dr. went ahead and did the glucose test this time around since diabetes already runs in my family...I'm hoping it comes back all cleared...she said we would still do it at 28 weeks even if it does come back clear though just to be safe...

My anomaly scan is scheduled for July 12th (Friday) which is 24 days away...the new countdown lol...My Ob said if the high risk dr. that did the NT scan said it was 95% boy then it is most likely a boy...but sometimes that is too early to tell the difference so not to buy anything...which we haven't...it's driving OH crazy cause I wont let her buy anything until the anomaly scan...which will also give us a more definite answer on the gender...If it does turn out to be boy then I will be so thrilled...even though I was really looking forward to a little girl...but not because of gender lol...basically because I like my girl name better than my boy name...is that not crazy silly...I will love son or daughter...I can't wait to know for sure what we are having...it is so exciting...

How are you doing kitty??? Jode??? Are you guys showing yet??? I have gone from 206 at the beginning of pregnancy to 210...so only 4 lbs...but my hips have spread a bit because A) they hurt like crazy and B) they don't like squeezing into my jeans anymore...I have a bump...but it definitely looks like a boy bump...it is low and small...lol...

Well...miss hearing from you girls...Jode..it's been a while...pop in and update us girlie....
Hey ladies sorry I haven't been on much only just got the net back at home!!

How are you guys? I haven't been sleeping well either kitty!awake till 4 am some nights.. End up getting up and eating toast and watching tv!

I have my gender scan the 18th of July (would of been my dads birthday that day so that will be nice :) ) are you two finding out?

Last Night I think was my first "baby in belly" uncomfortable sleep lol...I could not for the life of me get comfortable no matter how few or how many pillows I had...

I am definitely finding out...I have my gender scan just a few days before you Jode...Kitty have you had your scan scheduled yet???

I can't wait to know for sure...
Welcome back Jode. :)

I think this is just the beginning of being uncomforable! My friend let me borrow her "S" pillow and I find it even more uncomfortable. I'd rather have pillows everywhere. LOL!!

Yes, my gender scan is scheduled for July 16th. Looks like we're all in the same week! I keep looking at the week countdown on our tickers... and it keeps going down. WOO HOO!!!!!!!

How are your little 'pots'? Mine popped last weekend. I've been using that belly cream so the stretchmarks wouldn't be bad. We'll see what happens. :)
Ok if booked private to find out this day what we are having :happydance: Hahn so excited!! I have a little tubby belly looks like I've eaten loads of pies! Not used and belly cream yet I think I best get going! I wonder what we are all having?

I really have no idea x
when is your private scan jode???

It is awesome that we will all find out in the same week the genders...now just keeping our fingers crossed that our little beans will be cooperative and show us what they are suppose to show us lol...

I still have not "popped" as far as a pregnant belly...in my opinion I still just look fat...but I have been told with your first pregnancy some women don't show until between the 4 and 6th month...well I'll be 4 months on Monday...so I'm figuring I will hope for month 5...I don't want to look fat I would rather look pregnant...my hips have definitely spread though...they don't like squeezing in to any of my pants...
Haha I didn't even write the day!! Saturday :))

I'm the exact same size In my clothes nothing's really got any bigger I just have a large roll of fat on my belly hehe I can't wait to have a proper belly m2h! Do you still think your having a boy?

It will soon be December ladies.. :happydance:
you know...I do think it is a boy...my grandmother swears its a boy because apparently with boys you show later, carry lower, etc. etc. all those wives tails...but me, I think it is a boy simply because the dr. said he has only ever been wrong that early on twice....so while there is a small chance he was wrong....I highly doubt it lol...but I still wont let anyone buy anything until that next scan...I don't want to spend the first 3 months of my LO's life returning stuff

OMG...horrible...I am breaking out with a cold sore right in the corner of lip...it huuuurts...and I of course don't know if I can use the medicine I normally use...I use zorvirax...and I have to wait till morning to try and catch my OB...I just hope it doesn't get worse before I find out what I can use...

I am so excited for you Jode...Saturday is not far away at all...you have to tell us as soon as you can...
I no one more sleep!! I'm so excited

So have you have already been told what they think your little bub is.. It's amazing how they know so early isn't it

Oh no horrible coldsaws I've only ever had one and it took forever to go.

I think I'm boy to.. Everyone else things girl so we will see!

I will update as soon as I know and show you the 3d pics :)
3d pics are awesome...at this point bub is suppose to look more like baby instead of alien lol...so it will be so awesome to see your LO...

Yeah, my Dr. at 12 weeks asked if I wanted to know and I was all over that question...so he said it is with 95% accuracy at that point that we were having a boy...he said he had been wrong like 2 times in his 20 years of practice...so I'm figuring 1 wrong every 10 years isn't a bad ratio...my sister thinks I'm having a girl now, my grandmother wanted me to have a girl but says all the signs point towards boy...and me...I'm just thrilled either way...

Can't wait for your Saturday joy...will your hubby get to be there with you or is he going to be out of town...

well taking the two older kiddos to the bank opening up their first savings accounts in their names today with their allowance money...they are excited...
Hi ladies! :)

Yay! Tomorrow is almost here, Jode! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure what I'm having yet.... everyone is saying a girl but really, how do they know? LOL! We will find out soon enough!
I don't think anyone knows any more than the next person...I think guessing is just half the fun lol...do you have a preference kitty or just hoping for happy and healthy no matter what :)
Hey girls so here's my pics I'm :blue: :) no mistaking him! Soo cute


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