5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

Here's the 3d xx


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And here's the little widge haha :) I'm over the moon and so is the OH xxxxx


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definitely all boy there jode...so very excited for you....do you guys have a name picked out already???? have you told anyone yet...this is so awesome...I can't wait for our actual gender scan so I myself can tell rather than the dr. saying well based on this thing called a nub....

I am so happy for you...so glad you guys got to find out today...
Congrats Jode! HOW AWESOME!! That just made my day! Soooo cool!!!!!!! Those pics are so great!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
definitely all boy there jode...so very excited for you....do you guys have a name picked out already???? have you told anyone yet...this is so awesome...I can't wait for our actual gender scan so I myself can tell rather than the dr. saying well based on this thing called a nub....

I am so happy for you...so glad you guys got to find out today...

No names yet we will start having a good think now! Yeah everyone knows now!

I can't believe how fast it's going! We were all 5 weeks when we started chatting, they will all be here before you know it :happydance:

I did the"nub theory" it said mine was a girl so not very accurate in my eyes lol

Hope you two are both well x
I'm doing well...a little less than 3 weeks left till I find out...today I made 4 months yay....I still am not really showing I fluctuate between having gained 4 and 6 pounds since I found out I was pregnant...and I still fit in to most of my clothes (even if it is a battle to squeeze my hips in them lol)...I am really anxious to actually look pregnant...and not fat...if that makes any sense...I mean I figured I would have popped by now...but I do know with 1st time mom's sometimes they don't show till between 5 and 6 months...*sigh*...most looking fat time...

okay..fat rant over...

How are you ladies today...I am still overjoyed for you jode...I know I can't believe we all have been chatting together for over 10 weeks now...it is so great to know we will get to go through all of this so closely together...
Hi girls - M2H I know exactly what you're saying... I just said to my husband that I can't wait to actually look pregnant bc right now I just look like I gained weight. LOL! I get it.

I agree, time is now finally going by quickly. That first 3 months felt like it went by sooo slowly. My close friends will ask what fruit the baby is each week....lol... I used to be on top of it and now I'm just enjoying the weeks. :)

Have either of you bought an "S" pillow? My friend let me borrow hers and I don't find it comfortable. Odd?

It is great going through this with you both! xo
I have not bought an S pillow...though I have contemplated it...but as it is no place I sleep no position I lay in is comfortable any more...my stomach, my back, my left or right side...I actually contemplated trying to sleep slitting up last night...I had a massive headache that hit around 9:30 p.m. right as the kids were starting to settle for the night...and it kept me up off and on all night long...I just finally got it down to a dull roar about 3 hrs. ago...I have been getting more and more headaches...and my feet and hands are swollen every morning and take like 1.5 hrs. before the swelling goes down...when I asked about this symptom...all i'm told is it is normal and drink more fluids...I can't drink any more fluids or I will become a walking bottle of water...lol...

Only like 16 more days till the gender scan...so excited...in 5 days we have company coming in from Wyoming...they will be here until the 12th...which is the day of the scan...so that will be a hectic day but hopefully not a bad one...hopefully it will all go smoothly and OH and I will still get to enjoy the revealing of squishy's gender...have you guys nick named you lo before finding out the gender??? My sister named it squishy after the baby jellyfish on finding nemo....lol...we thought it was cute so it stuck...
I feel you on the headaches. I wake up with one every single morning. It started this last week. Ugh, migraines are awful. Hopefully they start to let up. I think that I only had one migraine ever and it was horrible! I wanted to bang my head against the wall. Hope you feel better.

I name mine LO the fruit of the week now. HA!
Oh that's cute kitty...

I don't get headaches everyday...and I am rather use to them because I have had migraines since I was 5...but these are just annoying because I can't take the medicine I normally would to get rid of a headache and Tylenol does not work on mine...

Today was fun...I have never been into a babies r us and I was sad because online shopping was not turning up the nursery theme I wanted (Dragon Tales or Baby Dragons of any kind)....so my OH took me to Babies R Us...while we did not find dragons....we did find this adorable theme titled peek-a-boo little monsters...they are such cute little monsters....we didn't buy it because we want to wait until after the gender scan...while it was a high percentage leaning towards boy...I have heard to many people say Dr.s who used the nub theory first were incorrect later so I want to wait till the gender scan confirms boy or says girl...we did however buy a couple of adorable gender neutral onsies and a cute little jump suit...so adorable...it is the first thing we have bought...it made me very excited...

Well I hope you guys are having an awesome week...I may be a little scarce after Saturday this week...we have family from Wyoming coming in on Sunday and they will be here until the morning of the 12th...our scan is also scheduled for 10a.m. central time on the 12th...so even if I am a little more absent than normal from here tot here I will sign on for sure on the 12th and let you girls know what the results are :D can't wait...
Ooh I can't wait to know what they gender is girls!

Anyone feelings movement yet?
I got really really upset a few days ago before our company arrived...like the day before...OH and I both had bad days on the same day which in my opinion should never be allowed to happen lol...and let me tell you squishy does not like for me to be that upset because it was definitely voiced from the inside...but that is the only movement I have felt...I fell like I have flutters sometimes but I never know if that is the baby or if it is just because my stomach already does stuff like that...

what about you ladies any movement???
Hi girls. We found out gender yesterday. It's a girl! :) So excited. It's been a rough week for me. I had cramps last weekend and the neurotic part of me called my dr. on Monday. She saw me that day and performed an ultrasound. They measured my cervix and it was 1 cm shorter than it had been a month ago. She put me on bed rest for 2 days and yesterday they did another scan. It shortened 5 mm more. I'm still not in the 'danger zone' but now am being monitored closely. I saw a high risk specialist and he isn't concerned and said it is bc of my history (specifically the 2 D&C's done with my last 2 miscarriages). If in a week it has shortened more, they will put in a cerclage (a band sewed into my cervix to help hold everything up). I will obviously do what I need to do, but it's so scary. Baby is doing well and I'm the one that might be incompetent. Makes me nervous. So, I'm still not in the clear zone. It's hard not to be able to celebrate this little girl just yet.

As for stress, M2H, I completely get that. Everytime I get upset - I feel it in more stomach. She doesn't like it either. Poor bubbas.

Jode, I hope you're doing well. I'm not feeling any sort of movement just yet either. She's very mobile so it should be soon. I can't wait!
Hey kitty big hugs :hugs:

These specialists know what they are talking about so as hard as it is try and not worry!

You will soon be holding your little girl!!! How exciting a baby girl!!!:pink::cloud9:

So one of each upto now!

I'm starting to feel small kicks now, not very often but defo can feel them!

Take it easy kitty xxx

And hope your well M2H and having a nice time with your visitors xx
Oh Kitty...I'm sorry for the rough time dear heart...you take it easy and listen to the drs...if they say its still ok then try to hold on to that and enjoy the fact that your little one is doing well...but def. keep us up dated on how the dr. appts. go...AND...congrats on a little girl sweetie...that is absolutely wonderful...

Jode...I am having a nice time with my company for the most part...however I thought my hormones had evened out mostly and the past 2 or 3 days I have cried more than I did in the 1st tri and I am not sure why...it makes my head hurt...but I at least have the mental capacity left to high tale myself to the bathroom and lock the door before I go all emotionally weepy on everyone lol...

My appointment is on Friday...just a few more days away...I can't wait...very excited...I will check back in by then if not before...talk to you later ladies...
Thanks girls. I'm doing well... and I know that these high risk drs see this stuff all of the time. It's just different when it's you, ya know? I just keep wishing the weeks away. I keep picturing this little girl in my arms. Little monkey!

Oh M2H... sucks that your hormones are out of whack. Mine have made me break out (face) ... but whatever...LOL!!! I'll take it.

Jode, how goes the Summer for you? You must love feeling those little movements! I can't wait to feel something!!!!!!!!
I am having a "down" thought moment...I keep fearing that when I go to the dr. on Friday for this sonogram they will tell me I had a missed miscarriage...I have not had this thought since right before my 8 week appointment...things have been going great as far as my thoughts towards the progression of my pregnancy...now, all of a sudden...no rhyme or reason...I get these freaky thoughts and I don't want to say anything to anyone because I should be beyond that stage...at least that is what I think they would say....

argh...I hate emotions right now...4 days left to go...then hopefully my nerves will settle...just wanna see my squishy on that screen again...

Kitty, how is the weather where you are....down here in texas it is sooooo hot and humid and I am not digging summer time pregnancy...What about you kitty...you are a continent away...is your weather a bit different right now???
Hi M2H.. I think those thoughts are normal. I still get them too. You have to try to replace them with positive thoughts. My mom told me to think about when baby is actually here. Visualize holding your little one... it's been working for me. Try it.. can't hurt. Everything will be OK... you'll see. :)

I took yesterday off and went to the dr. I was having cramping and got nervous. They re-measured my cervix and it lengthened, thankfully. Great news! Baby is doing well but I was a little dehydrated. I'm so bad at drinking water! They said that being dehydrated can make your uterus contract - that must have been why I was having them. Now I'm making sure that I continually drink.

The weather here is decent. Showers on and off.... muggy.. but all in all OK. Can't complain. We'll be in our 3 trimester when the weather starts to change, thankfully. It'll be Fall and then it's BABY TIME GIRLS!! :) YAY!!!!!!!

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