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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

oh I have one more digi hpt and i'm buying NO MORE...can't...must stop...lol...anyway it was a 2 pack yesterday...so I am saving this test until next Monday...that is 2 days before my scan and ob appt. and I will take it Monday to make certain it still says pregoo :)

preggo not pregoo lol
what a total idiot of a receptionist!!! Bet you didn't half panic!!

So your results should be back Monday? That's great not to long at all. Are you going to get another job or you going to put your feet up and relax?! :)

I love my job but its so hard at times and tiring!
No, I was going to have to quit come the end of may anyway because of summer vacation for my older kiddos...they can't stay at home by themselves and my OH brings home the better bacon lol...so its pointless for her to quit...I only put my notice in and am quitting 4 weeks early. However, the Owner did tell me that any time I was ready to come back I was welcome...so that was encouraging...but I like the idea of staying home the first few years with LO...so I probably wont work for awhile...and if I do...its easy enough to find a sitter job from home...

there was no half panic for sure I was full fledge panic and non to nice about it...I felt bad when I got off the phone...but my goodness I was a nervous wreck...I am hoping Monday will bring results...if not I am impatient and will probably call them lol...

If you feel like you can handle working then it may be a good mind distracter for you...however if it is to much of a strain on you physically and emotionally and mentally then you should think about your health because it affects LO's health...just take care of yourself girlie...

what are you ladies up to today?? I have been burping like non stop for the past 2 days...whether I eat anything or not I go to sleep burping and wake up burping...its ridiculous lol...
my mood has gotten progressively worst as the days go on...I just feel like all I want to do is sleep and cry... I don't know why...just because...
Here I am, ladies! I missed alot. Ok... M2H, what an ordeal you had to go through! CRIPE, don't these people know they should get their words right? You poor thing! I wish you the BEST of luck with the HCG levels test. Ugh, I know how that it! You should get those back quick though, no? Mine were same day results so long as I went early in the morning.

Jode, how are you feeling, girl? Thinking about you both!!

My scan is this Wednesday... and I'm scared. I've never had a normal scan. 1st pregnancy 2 years ago didn't have anything in the yolk sac and last year they found a heartbeat on the first scan but it measured a week behind... and the following week no heartbeat was there. You can imagine where my head is. My plan is to not look at the screen until I hear him tell me what he finds. My dr. is a man of very few words. I'm really hoping things are good and progressing well.

Jode, when is your next scan? M2H, yours?
Thanks Kitty...i'm fixing to call and ask about the results...they had to call the lab back on Friday to run it and they aren't open Saturday so I am hoping today I can get an answer...will let you guys know...my scan is not this Wednesday but next on May 1st...I am nervous and excited...but so much more nervous lol...got my fingers crossed...

I can imagine you would be scared after your previous experiences...but try to keep your mind in a good place...we all just have to keep thinking and believing that everything will be fine...I mean...the alternative is negative and I don't like it...so lets think happy thoughts (that sounded so corny sorry haha)...

well this is my last week at work and I have decided I am happy about that...I have no patience right now my nerves are shot and I get so tired so easy...I don't need to be at work...I need to be at home...I can start working on slowly but surely trying to get my house back in order and resting...

ok...well jode I hope you are doing well...haven't heard from you....kitty hope the rest of your day is easy going hon...
well just called dr. office...they did get ahold of the lab and did add the test...but do not have results yet so they will call whenever they get the results in (sigh) when does the constant waiting and nervousness end....argh.
M2H, the constant waiting and nervousness never ends. Keep us in the loop!!

I'm going crazy today.... tomorrow can't come soon enough. Petrified.
I've got my fingers crossed and sending happy thoughts your way kitty....let us know how it goes...

jode...where are you girl...I hope you are doing ok...send us an update...

today was crazy...but not bad...just didn't go anything like it was suppose to...I can definitely tell my mood swings are kicking up...I am not a snappy person when it comes to my OH and the last week I have been...she takes it very well...but...I feel horrible because I snap about things that aren't even her doing or her fault...just things that happen...then I feel horrible and tell her sorry but I know it doesn't take it back...i'm lucky that she is so understanding...she's been through this already so she is very patient with me and my moodiness...but still...I wish I weren't so moody with her...

I took my last hpt today...I was trying to hard to wait until Monday (next week when it would be 8 weeks on the dot from lmp but I didn't make it)...but at just over 7 weeks it still says pregnant :) so this makes me happy...I've had some pains in my side...not intense...just sharp and quick...so it worried me because I've been getting them for a couple days...but that test still says preggo so I'm gonna let that ease my mind for now... just 8 more days until my first ob appointment and first scan...

how is the day going for everyone else
Hi ladies. I'm back from my ultrasound. Good news. Baby has very strong heartbeat... it was nice to see it. :) The measurement came in at 6w1d and I'm supposed to be 6w6d. Dr. said that it was hiding in the corner so it may be bc he couldn't get a good measurement. He said that it was great that the heartbeat was strong. Of course I asked if bc it was measuring under could it end like last time. He said not to even think about that right now.... to focus on the good. I'll be having a ultrasound every week now until I hit week 12. I feel better but of course and still cautious.

M2H... I understand how moods can fluctuate. Hang in there.. it'll get easier. I think after you have your scan, you'll feel much better. Promise. xo

Jode, how are you doing??
Getting worried about jode. Haven't heard from her. Hope you r ok dear.

I know I will feel more at ease with a good report from the ob and a a scan. But can you believe the added that hcg test Friday it is Wednesday and still no results. Starting to get very agitated with that silly lab. Sitting at the me Janice getting my car fixed. Boring.

Glad your scan went well kitty. Don't worry about the measurement difference I have heard its normal to be a few days off one way or the other. Glad you get to see a weekly scan for a little while.
I would keep calling the dr to see if the results are in... I've never heard it taking that long. Ugh. I'm sorry. I KNOW HOW MUCH WAITING BITES!!
I'm here for ya, girl.

I know that the measurements can be off... but it was 5 days behind... and I took an ovulation test so I know exactly when I ovulated. I'm going to try not to worry about it for now... riiiiight. And you know that I'm going to be researching online, right? The internet is too accessible!

I know, I'm starting to get worried about Jode too.
I know the internet has been my best friend AND worst enemy lol...like right now I have a boil right on my panty line (tmi I know) anyway...I don't ever get those...so I thought maybe it was a pregnant thing...well apparently it can be...and apparently it can be something that isn't to worry about BUT it can also be something called mrsa or something like that which you should worry about...and I don't know what to do...I have little faith in my regular doctor because of all this stupid blood work crud...and I don't see my ob till next Wednesday (down to 7 days yay)...anyway...i'm griping and I know it...all of that just to say be careful with the net it can freak you out when it shouldn't lol...I know cause its done it to me lots already...

JOOOOODDDDDEEEEE....come say hi to us girl let us know how you are...
Hey girls I'm good don't worry just Been working lots! Feeling all over the place emotionally to! Don't worry about being behind kitty I was the same I think they catch up when you go for a 12 week scan!

And m2h get calling and demand! :) I have my next scan Monday a lot more nervous this time!

How's everyone feeling? X
Hi girls! What's going on today? My nauseau kicked in... I guess it's about that time now.. k, I'll take it. :)

M2H, I agree with Jode, call and DEMAND! It's been too long! I'd also ask them about that boil.. eek, sounds uncomfortable! You poor thing. Hope you feel better. The countdown to scan is on! It's almost here, M2H!

Jode, yeh I hear ya on the emotions.. I cry over everything... I watched American Idol last night and cried. LOL! Funny.

I hope that's the case with the measurements. This happened last time.. I was a week behind but heartbeat was also sluggish too... and it ended. At least this time, embry has a strong heartbeat. I'm holding onto that.

So, we all have scans next week?
5 days left until I get to scan day :) yes the countdown is on kitty :)

I did call dr. today...cancled the appointment and let them know I was unhappy to the extreame...the medical assistant said she was going to call the lab and track down the results or find out why they hadn't been sent to the dr. yet...so hopefully a call today is in order...fingers crossed...would really like to know because 2 times now this week I've woken up and just not felt pregnant...bbs don't hurt, not tired, not weepy and not queasy...this morning I did have a moment of queasiness but I had lots of stinky diapers to change lol...it would have done it to anyone haha...

The boil hurts massively but it did pop and release some of the puss and blood in it (yuck...sorry)...it doesn't hurt as badly and everything came to the top instead of going under the skin...so that was a more relieving thought that nothing would go into my system...i'm thinking it is harmless...but am definitely going to ask dr. about it...

jode as far as emotional...yeah, me to...my oh wont even play commercials any more because they all make me cry lol...

well ladies keep calm the scans will all go great...that's what I keep trying to get myself to believe about mine...so you girls need to believe for yours too...we will all be fine...it will be a happy and healthy 9 months :)

take care going to eat lunch now...
alright ladies... a little relief... dr. office just called back and said the blood work (which was drawn when I was 6 weeks 3 days from lmp) indicates pregnancy between 7 and 8 weeks :) so that is a good thing...that makes me happy...now if I can just get my nerves settled and my OH had a spat this afternoon then all would be well....i'm just so moody and I took an attitude but then apologized and got stared at like I was stupid which just made me mad at which point I went to another room and cried...and then I confronted (which I never do) and then I left and went for a ride and then I called a friend and yelled and vented...omg I hate emotions

but blood test results make me happy :)
yup it did some what kitty...

my emotions have been so out of wack today ladies...its driving me crazy...

well down to just 4 days until the day of the scan...getting really nervous about it...

okay girls...what are you all up to and how are yall feeling...symptom check :) all the same as before plus those wacky emotions have gone nuts and being hungry doesn't even explain whats going on now...i'm always hungry and never know what iwant...horrible combination...
No my hunger has gone now unless I crave something! I keep getting my most awful diarrhoea :-( I've googled and apparently it's common!! Ugh it's I horrible! Sore nipples and still knackered that's me lol ow bout you m2h :) I have my scan on Monday at 10.15 uk time :) soo nervous!

That's such good news about your levels! I bet your both so excited for your scans! I've worked so much this week if not long finished and if climbed into bed with the iPad to watch toy story!

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