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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

Hey jode yup what you describe does seem to be the norm. I can't wait to get to the energetic part of pregnancy. I took two naps today and am still tired but need to finish cleaning.

Let us know how your scan goes Monday I am sure it will be wonderful. This is your second scan right? Mine is on Wednesday. Hopefully all goes well.

Think I will go get laundry done real quick and then lay down and watch the avengers. Live that movie.

How r u kitty?
Yeah it's my 2nd I'm so nervous! Il be straigh on to let you guys know!

I love that Film to, I loved the new evil dead

Haven't seen the evil dead. Will have to watch it. Your second scan being a good one will bring you more comfort though. Which will help your nerves after it is over. I ate baked potatoe and salad for lunch today. The salad is kicking me in my gut right now bleck.
Hey gals. Good to hear ya'll are doing well. My nausea has kicked in now.. it;'s been about 5 days. I've been eating a lot of carbs... bread and plain pasta. Today we had a March of Dimes walk for my 2 nephews (they were both born 3 months premature but are both healthy little boys now - little miracles) so I'm mega exhausted.

Jode, good luck tomorrow with your scan. M2H, a few more days for you.. it'll be here before you know it!
i know so excited and nervous too...

remember jode its going to be ok....stay positive sweetie...

wow i bet you are wiped out kitty...you know my nausea isn't everyday any more but it is several days a week and my diet the last 2 weeks has been a lot of carbs...waffles, toast, grilled cheese is me getting risky cause it has sliced cheese on it...and if i'm real brave a hamburger cause it has meat...but has to be a little patty and lots of bread and i've only done that once so far lol....

well ladies...getting kiddos off to bed so they get a good nights sleep for school...will check in tomorrow to see how your scan goes jode and to see how you are kitty...take care girls
Hey ladies all went well I was measuring a week behind on my first scan but its caught up now :) soo cute everything's fine! Here's a little pic of him/her

I do not know what end is the head haha she showed me its arms and legs just starting to grow so sweet!

I can't wait for your scans now eeeek so excited for you two! Hope your both ok xx


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oh jode that is so awesome...it is amazingly sweet and just precious...i'm so glad it went so well for you....I really hope mine goes well...

the closer to time it gets for it the more afraid I am they wont do the scan...cause I mean I called and asked the office and the secretary said they would do a scan and answer questions and what not....but what if they don't...I will be so disappointed...*sigh* nerves are killing me lol...

first day not going to work...but not a dull moment...gotta take kids to school in 5 min. OH started work an hr. early this morning since I am off now...then gotta run errands...hopefully I will be home and done by 12:00 and wont have to worry about doing any more errands tomorrow...it would be nice to stay home and just work on my house and relax...

ok ladies talk to you later...
Oh and my nurse prescribed me Zofran for nausea... I can't wait to get it after work. I've been NON-STOP sick for almost a week now. Not complaining... but I am ready for some relief. :)
Aww they should if they have said... If they don't kick off!

I'm all tucked up in bed now keep getting terrible headaches feel crap!

How's your day been?
hey kitty, hey jode...i'm sure they will...just because it is getting so close to the appt. I am getting nervous that things wont go great or it will not go the way it is suppose to...just nerves i guess...

I hope you enjoy your rest Jode...

my day has been crappy...just emotional and no patience and it is hot and it makes for a crappy day...in about 10 minutes I have to leave and put gas in the car and go pick up kids then make dinner then finish laundry (help kids with homework) then get OH up put together lunch for her then get kids to bed then I can relax round about 9:30 10:00 p.m. whew...i hate afternoons...this morning was my first morning not going to work and it was crap just because i had so many errands to run since i am typically not off that early in the morning...tomorrow my son has a neurology appointment so have to take in to that in the morning...then wednesday is my appointment...atleast I wont have to much time to stop and think and drive myself mentally crazy lol...

have you been getting sick jode (vomiting)? I am still just stuck with massive queasiness....which i am thankful for but then again worry that because there is no severe ms that something may be wrong....argh...i hate worrying...

how is your day going kitty
Wow busy day hey!

Well make sure you find time to relax, no I'm never sick just always feel queasy yuk it's horrible!

Not been to bad today hoping its starting to ease :wacko:
Hi gals! Sounds like we're all going through the same thing. The Zofran is working a bit... but still not 100%, which is fine. At least I'm eating a bit more now. And I have those lovely headaches too. I am taking Friday off to chill at home. Work has been so crazy lately that I need a long weekend.

How are you guys doing? M2H, tomorrow is the big day. Jode, when is your next scan?
my next scan is the 23rd of may that will be my 12 week!

awww are you excited? nervous?

what time is it at?? Glad your feeling better!!
My appointment is for 1:15 and I am soooooo nervous. Please send warm fuzzy thoughts my way that everything is ok. I'm so nervous they won't see anything even though all the blood test and hpt say pregnant. Just super nervous.

Hope u enjoy your day off kitty. Jode. How r u feeling today.
are both of yours tomorrow??

Yeah I have felt abit more human today, only felt ill as the evening went on

Goodluck ladies xxxxx
thanks jode...I think kitty's is a few days after mine but I do believe we are really close...

super nervous...but trying to believe all will be well...will let you guys know tomorrow afternoon...

glad today was more bearable jode....I was pretty good today as far as not feeling sick...that was nice
Thinking of you M2H. Positive thoughts are sent your way! Let us know how things go. :)

Yes, mine is tomorrow afternoon. Jode, I love your new profile pic! :) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder how it went?

Let us know m2h :)) I'm excited! And yours is tomorrow to wow I can't wait!

I'm starting to feel a little better these days things are easing slightly! Hope it's nothing to worry over I have read sometimes things ease around this time due to the placenta forming!

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