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5 weeks today anyone want to buddy up!

Hi ladies! Great news M2H! I'm happy it all went well. Ahhh, I really look forward to the day when I could tell the news! :)

Jode, how has your reunion weekend been? :) I'm sure you're happy to have him back home.

I'm feeling OK.. just mega tired. Met my girlfriend at the mall yesterday and was wiped out after a very short time. I also got my results back on Friday from my 2nd HCG test. I wasn't thrilled with the news but my nurse said the dr. wasn't that concerned. On Monday the HCG was 316. On Friday it was 863. It's on the low end of where it should be. They are sending me again on Tuesday morning. I really hope this will get a little easier and I'll be able to breathe a little more. Ugh.

Good luck with your scan tomorrow! I will be saying a prayer for you, girl.
hopefully you get pics to show up jode :) i can't wait to hear how it went...The party was awesome and he had a blast...kid raked in a ton of birthday money then went shopping today...

With my dad I went with the military went some thing like Hey dad, i'm joining the army and in 2 weeks i leave for boot camp...his head dropped he said why the military...i gave a reasonable explaination...his head dropped again...he was quiet...i'm like...hey dad...na, i'm just pregnant...he got a big grin and said...OOOOH...that I can handle much better than you joining the military....

LOL...he was happy for us and happy in general...he loves my step kiddos dearly as his grandchildren...but this will be his first grandbaby to be with from little years on up...so he was happy...so was my sister...thrilled...shes like i knew it...i had i dream i was preggo and that always means someone i know is pregnant...lol...and my grandmother was over the moon happy...but...that's it...i tell no more ppl till 1st tri is over and we are past that hump...the people who know now are the people who would be that support system should the unwanted take place...

kitty...sorry you have been so tired...i relate with you though..I overdid it today and in way less than half the time that I would normally get tired...today was an emotional day too...i wanted to cry a lot...just because..i have no clue why...

anyway guys...last night was a long night and today was a long day...I'm so glad you had a happy reunion with hubby and kitty i hope you get some much needed rest :) I will check back in tomorrow after work to see how that scan went and what everyone is up to...
hey ladies! well it all went well!! Im about a week behind! which is proberly right as I got caught on BC!! so no idea when I ovulated etc!

I seen the little bean and its beating heart, Im going back in 2 weeks just to check progress :) so made up:happydance:

such a relief considering my sac was empty last time!!

Just off out for the day for lunch with the OH and the dog. Cant stop smiling :D
Jode that is awesome so happy for you sweetie. Bet it was somewhat of a relief to see your little bean in there. My sister has nicknamed our bean "spec" until gender is known lol.
Hey M2H you ok? Im good the feeling sick 24/7 seems to have kicked in full force though!!

Got my 12 week booked for the 23rd of may and got another scan on the 29th of april scans galore hey!hehe

Hi ladies. How is everyone? Jode, you must feel relieved. Scans scans scans! I still have another week but yesterday I received some good news on my levels. They are all where they should be. No need for anymore blood work. :) Countdown to first u/s... I'm nervous.

Sorry you're feeling sick Jode.. hang in there! Ginger Ale and crackers!!

M2H, what's new with you??
Jode that's great about the scans I am excited for you. Not great about sick time. I'm sorry you are feeling bla. Still don't have that here just queasy from time to time.

Kitty are you excited about your first scan? I don't get mine for two more weeks. I'm net ous because I want to know now how everything is going in there but excited to because I can't wait to see the screen. Just I hope I see our lil spec on the screen.

I'm doing ok today so far. Yesterday my emotions and mind were all over the place. So thankful for a good day today.

So what plans do you guys have for the weekend.
well ladies, currently I am petrified :( and very sad...just talked to my best friend...we've been bf since junior high...she told me she was pregnant (had just found out) the same week that my partner and I were due to meet with our donor and make our first attempt at ttc...which turned out to be successful...when I told her we were successful and we were both preggo we were both so happy...but she was about 3 weeks ahead of me...she went this week for her first ultrasound...she said that they told her she miscarried...and even though she still has the ms and other symptoms she should start cramping and then bleed within the next week...they told her that while there was a gestational sac there was no pole or yolk sac or fetus....BUT then the guy (a radiologist not an OB) tells her that he has been wrong before so keep her OB appt. that is coming up next week...anyway...long story short...I am so worried now because she has ALL the symptoms and everything and didn't even know that this had happened...so it makes me worry what if this is all in my head and i'm not pregnant...I feel so sad for my friend...and I wish I could be there with her now (and really hope that radiologist was wrong and her OB sees what is suppose to be there) but the fact that this really can happen makes me worry...what if what if what if....grrrr...I hate what if's...I want to sit down and cry now...I am at home by myself...and just worried...I need to do something to get my mind out of this very negative place...I want to go through the experience of pregnancy (good bad ugly pretty whatever it entails) I want to give birth and have a beautiful healthy baby at the end of the experience...I don't want to think that something like this could happen :(

aaahhh...just needed to spew all of that out ladies...I am so sorry and I hope it is okay that I put it here..... I don't have a journal or anything to put it in....
This is why we are bump buddy's!! Talk away! Aww that's un fair.. That happened to me last time! Just because it happened to your friend doesn't mean it will happen also :) keep positive! I was convinced there was going to be an empty sac again but there wasn't!

You will be fine I know it! And we will have our December baby's, even though I've seen a heartbeat doesn't mean everything will be ok.. But what will be will be! Stressing wont change anything it will just make you feel rubbish! Now go have a big cuddle with your OH and some cake :hugs:
Hey kitty, hope your well! What date is your scan?

I don't think I have ever drunk ginger ale before? Is it nice??

Ginger ale is t bad. U should try it. I did cuddle with oh. She tried down playing it which just made me cry then we just cuddled and talked and now I feel a little better. I am going to do my utmost best to try believing that this could be my time for joy and happiness. Thanks jode. I'm still sad especially for my friend. But it's going to be ok. I just have to believe it.
Hi ladies how is everyone today?

Today I had an awful day at work...it was horribly frustrating and I left late which put me rushing to my dr. appointment....I just wanted to cry by the end of my work day (and its only 3 silly hours)...

At the dr.s I told her I was not taking my anti-dep. or anti-anxiety meds because I didn't want to take anything unsafe...she said that was good and would have recommended coming off of them anyway for this event...she told me I may want to try acupuncture to help with anxiety because it is completely safe....so that's something to think about...my anxiety levels do get pretty high sometimes...anyway...dr. ordered blood work...the nurse had a time trying to draw...I have really small veins...and she stuck one but it wouldn't give any blood....then the second one kept rolling on her and after about 5 minutes she finally got it to give...thank god....I stopped breathing afraid if I moved it would stop giving lol...anyway...so the tests are sent off now and they said in about a week they would call with results....if anything was abnormal then they would have me come in...I sure hope everything is ok...this can do one of two things...put my mind a little more at ease than it has been...or make me very sad...fingers crossed that everything is ok :)

well ladies....let me know how y'all are today...
Nice to know someone suffers with anxiety to I have suffered for a longgggggg time since I was a little little girl!!

Horrible thing to deal with! hey at least you have had blood work done that will keep you going till your scan knowing that everything is how it should be!

I have had a few frustrating times this past week ,and cried a few times also!

How is your friend doing now??? Do you work everyday? what is the time difference between us?
Hi girls. Sorry I've been MIA. First off, M2H I know how nervewracking all of this is... I know how upsetting it is to see someone you love go through that. It's not easy. Try to hang in there and be positive. Believe me, I KNOW how hard it is. If I didn't have work, I'd be going out of my mind. Are they checking your HCG / progesterone levels? Does it really take a week???!?!?!! If it's the same test that I have gotten the last 2 weeks, I got mine the same day. WTF! (Sorry, yes I swear.. LOL) Fingers crossed that all is ok and you can have some peace while waiting for your scan. HUGS GIRL!

I suffer from anxiety too. Great, the 3 buddies are anxiety stricken.I think it's a women thing. I used to take xanax but stopped last year when I became pregnant in October. I haven't had any since. I am on blood pressure meds and they had to switch me just 4 weeks ago bc the one I was on was risky for the fetus. Thankfully, this new med is working but when I'm anxious my heart feels like it's popping out of my chest. I just breathe deeply... and it usually passes.

Jode, what's going on girl? How are you feeling?? I laughed when I read your "Is it nice?" regarding the ginger ale. LOL! I never heard someone refer to a beverage as nice. HAHAHA!!

Ok, we will get through this difficult weeks together. Thinking of you both.

Oh and yes, I am anxiously awaiting the scan.... very nervous but i know that I'm doing all that I can and it's out of my hands. Positive thoughts.
ready for the novel girls lol...

Oh yes, anxiety has been a constant for a long time for me also...its awful...but i deal with it...meds help but knowing i'm not taking it because of the LO growing inside is a good incintive to try and keep the anxiety down as much as possible without meds.

Yes, I do so hope the bloods come back with all good news and everything on track. Kitty, it's suppose to take about a week because they are doing several tests...she listed off like 5 or 6 different kinds of things they would be checking...I wish I could get it back in the days end...or even two or three...but even a week is sooner than the OB appt. so I'll take it lol...

Jode, my friend is still keeping it inside...she says she is fine...and I know she will be fine...but I don't think it is so at this time...I'm going to give her a few days and then try her again...I know if it were me...I would just want everyone to leave me alone so I could come to terms with the loss...*sigh* though I hope she knows I am here for her...

this week has been frustrating for sure...I know work keeps my mind busy but i was so (excuse my language ) pissed off...not at the kids (though they were a rowdy bunch today) but at the lack of help from the director when he knew I was well over my limit of how many kids I could have by myself at that age level LEGALLY...and with 2 transitioning in from a younger room and 1 new one...it was chaotic and I left near tears...and broke in the car :( but then the dr. agreeing to do the blood work and being happy with congratulations made me happier...When I told OH about my day at work though she flipped her lid...told me she wanted me to quit TOMORROW...I told her, I agree I need to quit (i was planning on it come the end of may anyway because i need to be home for our older kids with summer vacation (my step son has autism and my step daughter suffers with anxiety also...so staying home alone is not something they are comfortable with nor am I)...so I am only quitting a few weeks early...but still the occupied time for my mind would have been nice...anyway...I told her I wouldn't just quit with no notice...so I gave my notice this afternoon and next week will be my last week...

as for the time difference Jode...i'm not positive...if you are anywhere near london then google says you guys are 6 hrs. ahead of us...don't know how accurate that is though hon..

thanks kitty for your support...you are a sweetie...both of you ladies are...it sucks that we all have to deal with anxiety but at least we can do it together lol...

Its getting closer to your scan you wont have to deal with that specific nervousness much longer girl...
oh I was horrible...I couldn't help myself though...I know at some point the hpt stop working cause your levels are too high...but I got one of those digital ones...I just wanted to see it say PREGNANT...and it did :) and it made me happy...I needed a mood lifter...
I love a good old preggo test that says PREGNANT on it sure way to cheer you up!

My anxiety has been quiet high today been the doctors about it, but alls fine! Each day we chat is a day closer to our scans! I'm 3 hours from London buts its all the same time here..

Works crap for me I work as health care assistant so lots of wiping old people's bums and stuff!! I have been so close to being sick today haha eeew the thought makes me want to heave!

How are you ladies feeling today? I'm so tired!
Hey Jode, sorry you are feeling icky sick today...I woke up with a headache and nausea that lasted all morning...but then went away...no sickness yet...I am doing okay...yesterday work got the better of me and OH was not happy about the day I had...wanted me to quit on the spot...I wouldn't do that to my preschool...but I did give them my notice...told my boss and owner of the school that I was 7 weeks pregnant (or I will be Monday)...my boss was nonchalant but the owner is a woman and she was all excited for me...it made me feel good...she said she completely understood and I wasn't burning any bridges so whenever I wanted to come back to work there just call her and let her know...so that made me happy too...so next Friday will be my last day of work...

Now on to my doctor who's freaken secretary scared the t-total life out of me...my heart was in my throat...and I was crying omg it was scary...so I went to dr. yesterday for blood work...said it would take a week for results and would call if they were normal and have me come in if they were abnormal...got a call today...lady said your bloodwork is normal and you are B+ blood type...great...I asked her to tell me exactly what all they checked...they checked RH, STD's, Blood Type and then she said and negative pregnancy I burst into tears and was like WHAT...no no no I have taken like a dozen pregnancy tests including one YESTERDAY after coming home from the dr. ALL say positive you cant tell me it was a negative...I want to talk to the dr. or the pa...she said ok...but then she came back on the phone and goes "well I misread the notes, she actually said negative to run meaning that she was not requesting the hcg levels be tested as you already took the urine test in our office...but did you want the hcg levels run?" i'm like heck yes I did...that was the entire point of the dang blood work...I want to know that my hcg is where it is suppose to be...she said she would run it so I want it to be tested...she said she would call the lab and have them run it...so hopefully I will hear something back Monday...but omg I was so scared....i'm still rattled....but my fingers are crossed that everything comes back ok with those hcg levels...keep your fingers crossed for me ladies...this week has been so nerve wrecking...I don't know if I can take another week like this one lol...

health care assistant isn't bad Jode...I know it isn't glorious but those people need help and you are providing it...in my opinion those are the noble jobs that should be more recognized for the work they do...but I understand how you feel...I have done that in the past too...but it was for my own family members whose health was failing quickly...

Kitty how are you doing today??

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