How are you getting on Mrsbubble? Any new possible symptoms. Xxx
Your not out til witch shows so hang in there. When's af due?
Ive got heart burn had to Google it as never had that before!
Heartburn from Percy Pigs lol. Fx fx fx
i see a line too!!!fx eeek xxxxx
I have felt so different this month too. and guess what..i woke up with throbbing bbs on the sides ..mostly my left one and my nipples where feeling that burning sensation through them. I couldnt believe this. Im scared to scared it will be positive and even more scared it will be negative. I have no idea why all of a sudden I got scared it will be positive??? I have been hoping for this for so long an now im feeling nervous? What the heck! I am going to get a test today..i have to know either way to get this wonder out of my head. Plllleeease pray for me its positive!!!!
Cookie..oh no! I really hope itz just ib!
Beverly...You fell different many dpo are you?