Well that's what my ticker says lol but I don't temp so have to put my ov date in, and so its a guess, I think o ov's Fri so Probs only 4dpo, but was gettin so confused with FF I gave up trying to fix it lol. But these cramps are very strong, I feel af could start any min ?! And feeling bloated. Who knows if its good or bad lol. gotta wait and see i guess xxx
Yeah i hate waiting...i think im one of the most impatient people ever when i want something here and now lol. My cramping has subsided now but still feeling a bit nausous...more so cause i just ate. I couldnt eat earlier today because of it but when i started to feel better..i got something in me but it caused it to start back up again. Hopefully im not coming down with something...everyone around me seems to be getting sick lately. My kids were home almost all last week from school.
Aww that's good then.
I've got a migraine not a happy bunny lol. Day off today so been studying all day (well between that and here lol) so that's Probs why, but my eyes are pounding
Yeah you' re probably straining your eyes with paper work and the computer. Tonight im not up to too much..my stomach is killing me and its not cramps now...its BAD Gas pains..how imbarrassing lol...but oh my gosh im sure china can almost hear my stomach making funny noises..its just been going crazy all afternoon! This never happens to me..maybe i' ll take some probiotics and see if that settles it down a bit. I dont know why i didnt think of that earlier
Ahh that's not too bad lol. Better than the Essex reputation.
Essex girls are fake, false tan, revealing clothes, hair extensions, eyelash extensions, blonde and extremely dumb, Ooo and wear white stilletoes. I am none of them lol.
Hahaha really..we have that too but sounds like not as bad as there lol. Im none of that either...well I do like to go tanning tho lol.
How are you feeling tonight? My cramps just started back up about a half hour ago and I was getting sharp light pains in my right nipple a few minutes ago...this has GOT to be a good sign! I havent got cramps this early in over two years and I know its not in my head lol
I dinfinitely will! I was planning on trying to hold out till I noticed any def symtoms. That strange cramping was gone by the afternoon so im soo glad about that and now it just seems like reg cramps. I wish I could explain better what it was like this morning but im so terrible at describing things sometimes. If my bbs start getting really sore..like pregnancy sore...i will test but im sure even if I am pregnant...that wont happen for a few days yet as im only 6 dpo. But we'll see =)
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