6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

I hope my AF isn't going to be delayed like yours. I wasn't far along either so maybe I should be OK? I should get AF like tomorrow or Tuesday - NO symptoms at all. Not even the starting of cramps which I usually get days before AF shows. BFN today at 13dpo. By NOW I'd see a positive if I were knocked up. I wasn't expecting anything this month to be honest but no less, I'm disappointed.

Nat you bring a lot of humor to this dismal process! Thank you :) You're hilarious. I've done some funny stunts too in middle of the night. But thankfully I rarely need to wake up in the middle of night to pee. But every morning from about 6dpo the first thing I think about when I get up is "am I prengant? gotta go check" lol. Actually I think this time w/IUI I won't bother to check until around 10dpo & see if my line's progressing. Because I"ll have the trigger shot again & I don't think I want to test out the trigger from day 1. What's the point? But based on last month I think if I started at 10dpo onward it should be OK...

You have to love it too when you take your test to every window of your house & lighting. Do you do this too? BTW I have a magnify glass too LOL Hilarious. But you know b/c I did trigger shots I know now that the faintest of lines are bloody obvious. If you have to squint or shine a light - its negative. Period. Why can't I listen to myself?!

Nat you've been great support too - thank you so much - I could never repay you. And everyone on this thread that's ever been there to lift me up!!!

Meg - that includes you - where are you? You're missed!!! XO

Awwwwe thanks barbs ...I'm a joker kinda a gal really...it's my way of putting atleast some light on the dismal days I suppose....
Altho sometimes I appear to be really happy outside I am sometimes just dyeing indside...been through so many painfull situations throughout my days...however I like think that dwelling on the misery is no good so making a laugh out of it helps the moving forward process...
Allso I believe that if I can laugh at myself it stops others from doing that for me too lol-if I'm doing that first at least I get the first and the last laugh lol.
And It also makes me happy to raise a smile for others too...THEE most contagious thing in the world is a smile....if you smile at someone ( even if they are a stranger) you can garentee they will smile back-it's actually quite funny sometimes...lol ( and if they don't smile back I just think to myself what a miserable sod lol)

I really hope your af isn't late like mine was barbs...I hated it...and it's always a pain in the behind having the fear of being caught short too...:wacko:

Yeah I do this too ...lol...I go to all my windows to check if I can see that line that (I think) is about to play peek a boo with me lol......I even place it ON the window to see if there is meant to be a line there too ha ...what are we like...
Magna-fine glass? Ooh what a good idea....defo on my wish list now lol.i get sick of trying to keep my hand steady and keep resetting my eyes to see that line ha ha ...

You have been a great support too barbs...and I also don't know what I've have done without you and megs too...you gals are amaizballs..:hugs: thankyou.:)

Yeah meg....where you at? Where you gone chick?
We misses youuuuu.....Come back...:thumbup::flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Well today went kind of well...the sunshine was GLORIOUS to say the least...watching the kids have a good time was the best tho...they were all shatters by the time we took/got them home lol.
Ate some lovely food...(naughty naughty me) :)

So it's 14dpo....all my tests today are negative still....NO af has showed-she was due today...blah!
However my opk tonight was quite dark(which I've posted)...almost pos I'd say but still not the positive I wanted to see...
I've now even tried different pg tests...a frer , x2 20mius, and x6 pg tests!!!
All negative...
Can't believe even af is messing me around now....something sinister has happened to me this cycle....I think it was all the drugs that I had pumped into me during the stay in hospital....I knew that gut feeling i had the other day was for a reason...my inner sense never let's me down :)
So here goes another waiting game....greeeeeat!

So ill be back no doubt in the morning to enter my thoughts on cycle day 31...lol

Hope everyone has had a lovely day...:)

Meg I hope where ever you are your ok love ...we miss you :hugs:
Mommaplus are you feeling any better today-I hope so :)

:) :) :) xxx


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Hey Hun! If at 14dpo you've got bfn, I would say you'll have AF on her way soon?
I am still w/o AF symptoms but here I am sitting with a test I just took...waiting for the results. Maybe I'll have it by the end of this post :)

Today's weather here was also amazing. This whole weekend was so sunny. I've gotten a tad sun burnt! Well we went to go look at an apartment to rent b/c we've run out of time to find a real home. So we're planning to rent for a year & save money for a bigger down payment.

Nat I hope you'll feel better soon & be able to not feel wound up or the need to test so much. I've had my manic phases too though - so I totally GET IT! :)
I just need to be patient & do IUI. NO other way I see it. So odd given I got pregnant w/my daughter on my own w/o even trying. That's how life works though, doesn't it? Well that's that - a bfn as I type :) LOL
I hope AF isn't delayed. I want to get on the IUI plan ASAP. Maybe this sounds nutty but I feel more in control when I'm going to the appointments & the blood tests & I feel like I'm actually getting some where.
I've got 1 more test for tmr morning & that's that! Wish me luck?!

Here is the beauty. Fakin lame.


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Srry for the bfn barb ..I cant imagine how u feel..im still rootin for u gals though. Hoping thins summer brings u big beautiful bellys :)
Thanks momma. I hope I get my positive soon. I can't wait. It is slowly approaching 2 years since our loss & I never thought I'd still be childless.
Thankyou barbs for the kind words..:)
Sorry your still getting the bfns .
I'm seriously thinking about iui too....I feel the same about it happening on our own...it's just not happen ing here lol

I took 3 ic's this morning...one has a evap line blah...others are shadows grrrrrrr.
Then I took a frer...super drug cheepy which turns out to be a 10 miu ...nada...I even took it apart in case it was a dodgy one and the line could be hiding pmsl....bfn!

Well im 15 dpo I'd have thought I would know by now eh.
Still no af yet...I'm a day late now....if no af by Tuesday I'm going to ask for blood work at GP's ....

What a Polava this has turned out to be this cycle....
Oh well it is what it is.?..
Hope your all have great day gals. :)

:) :) :) xxx
Im sooo srry barb..and crossing my fingers and toes nat. Maybe u get late bfp? I am soooo rootin for u both. I truly truly am. At this point seeing ur bfps wld excite me more than my own. I know u both must want it badly. I know u have me wanting it soo badly for u. Prayers from me and baby dust everyday. A friend of mine ttc from age 20-41. Then adopted a child. The day after they finalized the adoption they found out they were pregnant!!! They now have a boy and a girl. :) they did ivf many many times. But once they decided to stop every means of treatment, they concieved against all odds. I hope it dnt take twenty yrs for u girls but I have faith that soon enuf y will both be holding that lil one in your arms. :) god had a plan, its just impossible to figure it out. I have givin deep thought into bein a serrogate mother. Im blessed w easy labors..all my kids were birthed without any pain meds or intervention. I had one child at home and my last one was in a pool..I wld love to put my blessing of uncomplicated births to a good use to help other woman. I am 5'3 and weigh 101lbs. I think I was truly blessed w all of it..I want to b able to do all I can to help..I spent 4yrs in college, have a nursing degree..wanted to go into midwifery...ended up changing major and attending for psychology. I have imcompleted my degree due to all the kids but will finish soon as my kids r all in school. I wish u all a fantastic day, lots of beautiful mature eggs. :))
Ok so I got this theory.....
Going back to dancebabes post when she posted about the two women that have the same cycle but different implantations days and how thier hgc levels can rise and when they get their bfp's.....

So I'm thinking is it possible i could have implanted on the last possible day-10 dpo........
So say I have hgc levels of 0 before implantation.....at 10 dpo.
And then at 12 dpo it's hgc of 2
Hgc of 4 at 14 dpo
Hgc of 8 at 16 dpo
Hgc of 16 at 18 dpo.....
Get me ? :)
So I'm at 15 dpo....which if my theory "could " be right I would roughly be at a hgc of 6...ish
So tmr I would be hgc 8 ....
And then 17dpo if still no af it would be 12 hgc....surely I would pick up a bfp bt then....

Ok so I had this running around my head this morning and so far all afternoon....now I know it's sounds like a crazy idea but if this REALLY is the case and that's what's going on at least with no af yet I still have a glimmer of hope left lol

Just a thought I spose lol :)

:) :) :) xxx
Im sooo srry barb..and crossing my fingers and toes nat. Maybe u get late bfp? I am soooo rootin for u both. I truly truly am. At this point seeing ur bfps wld excite me more than my own. I know u both must want it badly. I know u have me wanting it soo badly for u. Prayers from me and baby dust everyday. A friend of mine ttc from age 20-41. Then adopted a child. The day after they finalized the adoption they found out they were pregnant!!! They now have a boy and a girl. :) they did ivf many many times. But once they decided to stop every means of treatment, they concieved against all odds. I hope it dnt take twenty yrs for u girls but I have faith that soon enuf y will both be holding that lil one in your arms. :) god had a plan, its just impossible to figure it out. I have givin deep thought into bein a serrogate mother. Im blessed w easy labors..all my kids were birthed without any pain meds or intervention. I had one child at home and my last one was in a pool..I wld love to put my blessing of uncomplicated births to a good use to help other woman. I am 5'3 and weigh 101lbs. I think I was truly blessed w all of it..I want to b able to do all I can to help..I spent 4yrs in college, have a nursing degree..wanted to go into midwifery...ended up changing major and attending for psychology. I have imcompleted my degree due to all the kids but will finish soon as my kids r all in school. I wish u all a fantastic day, lots of beautiful mature eggs. :))

Ahhh thankyou momma...thankyou for your lovely kind words and encouragement and kind wishes....I too wish you and dh all the best and lots of baby dust to you too...:hugs:

Your very lucky with your births I see...my lo was a good birth too...I had no pain meds either...
I went for a nice walk up a very steep hill as I was a week over due and I really didn't want a cervical sweep....I was soooo disappointed when I eventually reached the top of the hill....at the top of this hill was a shop so in my moment of dispare my oH said ill get you a drink love....he came out with a cheese sand which too(my cravings) lol
So as you can imagine I'm plodding back down this hill munching my sandwich laughing and joking about the walk not working and then I thought I was wetting myself lol....however it didn't stop lol....I said to oH oh my...lol I'm wetting my pants....lol
He was like naaaaa....you filthy bitch pmsl
I quickly tried my hardest to get home and check myself out and to my supprise my waters had gone....I hung around for an hour keeping an eye and things and my mum happend to turn up I. Her new car to show me and I mentioned I'd gone into labour and she started going nuts at me...right....get yourself up the hospital girl.....I was like naaaaa I'm ok not yet...
I didn't feel any pain for hours...
I did however phone the labour suit and they did advise me to get there as it was my first birth but I reassured them I was ok and that ill phone to come in when I'm ready.....10 hrs later when I started to pace I knew it was time....
My waters went at 3pm and I got to the hospital at 10 past 1 am....
At 8:30 my Harry was born...apparently I didn't make a sound...
All I can recall was turning all the drugs down....I was afraid mainly about baby being affected by the drugs really....
So there you are that was my birth and is do it a millions times over...
I'm just not allowed to lol

I was thinking about maybe a pool birth next time....dunno I guess you do what feels right for you at the time don't you lol :)

:) :) :) xxx
Thanks so much Momma - you're so kind :) And your thoughts of becoming a surrogate is so considerate. How self-less of you. I think that's a great idea!
And thanks for your support & kind words - it's so nice to have this kind of support. Even just having the words for some comfort! xo

Nat, I'm 14 dpo today & still bfn & no signs of AF AT ALL!!!! No cramps, spotting - nada. Looking back, some of my cycles were 15 day LP but if I don't get AF tomorrow for sure Wednesday I'm a day late. Anyway your theory may be right however I feel like that's more of the odd cases than common.
Thanks so much Momma - you're so kind :) And your thoughts of becoming a surrogate is so considerate. How self-less of you. I think that's a great idea!
And thanks for your support & kind words - it's so nice to have this kind of support. Even just having the words for some comfort! xo

Nat, I'm 14 dpo today & still bfn & no signs of AF AT ALL!!!! No cramps, spotting - nada. Looking back, some of my cycles were 15 day LP but if I don't get AF tomorrow for sure Wednesday I'm a day late. Anyway your theory may be right however I feel like that's more of the odd cases than common.

Lol me too I also I think it would be very odd ha haa....I have NO af symptoms either...no break outs no moody ways...no cramping no spotting...it's blooming weird...
I'm sure she will show ...there's no escaping the the scary Mary pmsl...

:) :) :) xxx
Nat you & me both. Weird huh? What is your average LP?
I know 15 isn't unusual for me or anything but not even CRAMPS? Ususally all it took was me to swipe my cervix (which I do some times to see if I've started spotting) & I would cramp.
I thought : hey maybe a Frer would be a different story!!! Not.


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I thought : hey maybe a Frer would be a different story!!! Not.

Lol I was just about to do this with my opk-saying woo!

My usual lp is 14/15 days...I'm officially 31days cycle so far which NEVER happens unless something's going on....I'm putting it down to my stay In hospital...I'm really hoping that the drugs which obviously ruined our chances this month is out of my system by the time I ovulate next cycle...fx

I been testing all day again today...and I now see the funnier side to it all as I am now past the emotional upset of it....I've come up with a new term/meaning to ttc....it's totally test crazy lol

My oH thought I'd really lost it when he caught me cracking open the frer earlier today...he came In and said out loud "what the hell are you doi g you MAD woman lol"
I explained and when I was trying to adjust my eyes to get a closer look I caught him over my shoulder doing exactly the same pmsl...
Fecking hell what are we like :haha:

Ill still probably test in the morning if still no af...
So cervix sweep...like a cm check yeah?
I might have to do this later tonight befor bed to see if there's any signs of af...she IS imminent but I just don't know when lol

:) :) :) xxx
LOL you're hilarous. I keep my hubby out of it - its too stressful on him. So I keep the insanity to myself! I plan to keep the second FRER & test tomorrow morning if no AF sign again.

Yep like checking your cervical mucus. I've detected spotting almost a whole day before it starts by doing it ;)
The pool was amazing. I never had over a two hr labor. Well except my first. But the pool felt so natural and comforting and the freedom of motion was relaxing. I hope u get that bfp gal!
LOL you're hilarous. I keep my hubby out of it - its too stressful on him. So I keep the insanity to myself! I plan to keep the second FRER & test tomorrow morning if no AF sign again.

Yep like checking your cervical mucus. I've detected spotting almost a whole day before it starts by doing it ;)

Lol yeah I try to keep him out of it too but he insist he knows what's going on and always asks "what's accruing today then?"
Last cycle I kept all my tests that I did in the bathroom cabinet-all lined up so I could see progression.(if any)....not thinking that he'd actually go in the cabinet as he always asks for what ever it is he wants anyway...I didn't bank on him opening the door and almost being knocked out by the waterfall of tests flying at him....I thought he was hurt when he did it...all I heard was EFFING HE'LL NAT!!...I went running in and he was looking down at his feet...I looked at his feet covered in tests lol.....I had to explain...lol
I felt so ashamed te he heeeee...:haha:-not!
He found it funny but made me throw them away...I was only to glad...I felt like a new woman lol

Oh my I just wanna get this over with for now eh...I never thought I'd actually be please to see af lol...

I wonder where meg is I hope she's alright you know...praps she's having a break or is on a surprised holiday from dh....you know I bet she's in Mexico sangria-ing it right up....either way I hope all is well for her :)

:) :) :) xxx
Well just checked my cervix and it low soft and open...annnnnd...I will defo get af within the next 24 hrs I had pinky cm....so Yaye at least I know now.
I'm actually relieved all the waiting is over for now :) :happydance:

:) :) :) xxx

EDIT!!!! I obviously don't know my stuff lol....just googled low soft and open cervix....possible pregnant or ovulations signs.....but I did have pinky cm...now I REaLLy am confused dot comage lol....I guess ill see in the morning won't I...ha ha haaaa....I'm such a numpty pmsl....

Quwaarrrrr barbs cervix checking really does cause cramping dosnt it....I think I better take some paracetamol now lol...bllooooming geeez lol
Haha! Nat, I only get cramps if AF is going to come - so the few days before AF - when I check my cervix. Hrmm sounds like AF may be on her way for you :(
I just checked my cervix & like a dummy I totally stabbed it & there's some blood. BAHHAHAHAHAH so now I dont know whats going on. I think its from my being a tool.
Anyway I just keep waiting...waiting...waiting... *sigh*.

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