6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

we've been nt/np (not really trying just going with the flow) for about 9 months now and I think AF might have reared her ugly head ugh lol. well it only took two months this time for her to show up :p

Welcome! Great support here and good conversation too :):hugs:
Hi ladies,

I have spent the last 2 days reading through EVERY SINGLE one of the posts in this thread from way back in 2012. I feel like I know you all just from reading :)

I wanted to introduce myself...my husband and I are TTC/not preventing. I use the My Days app to track my cycles, so think we BD on the day I supposedly ovulated -- not sure! Today would hypothetically by 9 DPO and I got a BFN this morning with a First Response test.

Hope everyone has some good luck and gets their positives soon :)

Welcome! Are you charting? I am only in my 1st month of charting but I am loving it and how I'm learning more about my body, and being in tune with when is really the right time. I'm a tad confused now as temps are low but OPK says yes, soooooooo it's a learning thing lol...welcome again and good luck:hugs:
Hey Girlies - Day 1 of my cycle today. FINALLY!
So I'll be going in Saturday bright & early for Day 3 of Cycle Monitoring & getting my Clomid. And instructions on how to use it.

How are you girls?! I haven't read all the posts yet so I'm probably going to catch up now....
Ugh. At work. Have to confide in everyone. Just got confidential email from a staff wanting to know what she has to do to utilize maternity leave here and asked question about it. I can't believe it. ANOTHER PREGGO person at my work! I can't escape it. I have to smile and be happy for everyone. Cause I'm always happy.....sigh. Sorry to vent.

Hey Chere - I totally get it. It seems like everyone's getting knocked up - but us eh? And the worst are the non-planned pregnancies :(
Fuckers. LOLLLL

You don't always need to be happy, hun. It's OK to have off days. We live in this society where negative feelings are bad & we should always wear a smile. But some days don't warrant a smile. And THAT is OK :)
Hi Ladies,

The test was negative. But I knew it would be so it's OK.
I still haven't had my period. I'm so ready for it already. GAWD!
I'm still just spotting. When I go in for my Day 3 I will also talk to them about my early spotting this month & see if they suggest trying progesterone.

Nat, sounds like a lovely day! Maybe we can be cycle buddies. I still have time to get my period today. I just really want to get the show on the road. Plus it's lining for IUI to happen the week we move but the longer that goes on, the closer it comes to our Ottawa trip & I don't want to miss a day!!!

Meg, good luck & have fun BDing :) :) :)
As for semen collection, it's a new one every morning the day of the IUI. It is fresh :) So we have to be at the clinic with in 1 hour! Hubby doesn't like using their rooms lol

No thanks - no multiples. I'm going to do the lowest dose of Clomid, 50mg so that my chances of multiples are that much lower. If I end up with like 5 eggs we'll have to abandon ship. We can't afford that & it's also physically difficult. Would be at risk for preterm babies & I can't go through that risk again. No way. Anyway lets hope it all works out, eh? :)


Hey Barb.

So is there an option to do sperm samples at home? I think that would make DH feel a bit better about our appt in July. If he can avoid using those rooms I think he would like to lol. Bahhhhh I get it.

Good call on the low dose of clomid. Take something else to keep your cm from drying up I would recommend though?

I hope AF shows soon so you can get on with the show :)


Yes, you can do a sample at home as long as you can get it to the clinic with in 1 hour. We've had to do it at the clinic once & he was OK but he will avoid that at ALL cost. I get it. The room has lots of 'material' though lol. My hubby said it's porn from the 70s LOL!!!!

I don't have to worry about my CM because I'm doing IUI.

AF showed today! This morning about 30 minutes ago. Thankfully.

How are you doing?
Meg, I totally get not wanting to stop trying. Especially since you're already in the groove. I always felt like "what if that was the right month & the best egg, & best conditions & we ignored it?!". If drinking in Vegas is some thing you need or want then sure. But I would rather be pregnant than worry about boozing it up you know? FX
Nat - you covered most of the info I was going to say or thought of for our newbies :) You are so good at this :)

Nat, how are you? You're on CD2??? I'm CD 1 now! WAHOO!
Are you doing anythign different this cycle?

I decided to start back on Maca & Red raspberry Leaf - both of which I was on when I got pregnant. And just cross my fingers!
Nat - you covered most of the info I was going to say or thought of for our newbies :) You are so good at this :)

Nat, how are you? You're on CD2??? I'm CD 1 now! WAHOO!
Are you doing anythign different this cycle?

I decided to start back on Maca & Red raspberry Leaf - both of which I was on when I got pregnant. And just cross my fingers!

Good plan Barbs - maybe thats the magic mix lol!

Glad AF showed for you so you can get on with getting on :)
Meg, I totally get not wanting to stop trying. Especially since you're already in the groove. I always felt like "what if that was the right month & the best egg, & best conditions & we ignored it?!". If drinking in Vegas is some thing you need or want then sure. But I would rather be pregnant than worry about boozing it up you know? FX

Yes - plus I am on my fertile days this week and we BD last night so I think the idea of not trying this month is gone lol ...

I do want to drink in Vegas... but I want a baby more so if it happens I will still enjoy myself - I will have to just eat awesome food instead - moreso in California though for that haha.... but if AF shows this cycle then I will be in my 2WW when we are away so I am going to have to take it a bit easy anyways.
Thanks, Meg! When are you going to Vegas? In July right?
You are planning to go at a very hot time! WHOO! I went in May & nearly melted.

What are all you ladies doing this weekend?
I've got my SD's piano recital Saturday morning. And the rest of the weekend consists of PACKING!
My mom is in Vegas this week!! I am super jealous!! My son turns 10 Saturday so we are going to get a hotel room...swim...shop...and go to a theme park!! I think I am more excited than him.... Then a few days after that he has to go stay with his dad for the summer. :/ he hates going and I hate him being gone!!!
So I am thinking I must have ovulated... My bs started hurting yesterday...which normally a sign for me.... We bd yesterday and the day before....so there is still hope!! I finally ordered my tests!! They will be here the 13th.... Pretty sure I will start testing then!! Hahaha not sure the exact day of ov... Or if it for sure happened... But just guessing from my body...I should at least be 6 dpo then!!! Everyone have a fabulous weekend!!!
hi Crazy, have fun this weekend! Sounds great :) :)
Where abouts in the US are you?

Sorry to hear he goes to his dad's for the whole summer?? Does he live in a different state than you?

I already ordered a new batch of tests & probably WILL be testing my trigger out. I'm going to be away for a long weekend trip right after what will be my IUI's so I wont' be tempted for a while to start testing :) I love distractions.
I live in Texas and his dad lives in Oklahoma right near all that horrible weather :/
Friday can't get here fast enough. Lol I am so excited!!
Distractions are always great!! That's why I am glad my tests will take a week to come in hahaha!!
I hope using the Clomid does the trick this time for you!! Have you ever used it before??
Oh boy - is your ex's home OK?
Cool, never been to Texas. Closest I've been is Vegas lol. Have you been up to Canada?

Nope never used Clomid, this is the first time. I'm a bit nervous & excited.
Well I sure hope the clomid does the trick!!!! I hear it works wonders sometimes!!!! His home is fine... They have had to take shelter several times this past month... Makes me even more uneasy about sending my son.... At least they have a shelter though. I have never been to Canada... I would love too... My kids go to New York to visit family every august for a week. So they have come closest too it! Actually my son just informed me that they have crossed over into Canada while at Niagra falls... Lol idk though.... Texas is pretty cool... Where I live right now... Is dry and windy...it is ugly because we have had no rain! :/
Nat - you covered most of the info I was going to say or thought of for our newbies :) You are so good at this :)

Nat, how are you? You're on CD2??? I'm CD 1 now! WAHOO!
Are you doing anythign different this cycle?

I decided to start back on Maca & Red raspberry Leaf - both of which I was on when I got pregnant. And just cross my fingers!

Hey barbs :thumbup:
Yeah I'm on cd 2 ...:thumbup: Kinda strange af this cycle...I didn't get it heavy on cd1 like usual and cd2 is even lighter.....I was expecting full blown hell in earth this cycle bc of the vit b6 .....it's suppose to let your lining thicken for implantation so I was thinkin more lining more to come away...I know the vit b6 has started to work bc I had been soooo emotional in the ttw...

I dunno....:wacko:

Yeah I started 1000 mg of vit c this cycle and 30 mg of zinc too...all good for immune system and implantation/hormone balance .and I'm eating a handfull of brazil nuts daily...(selenium) ......so thats my new thing this month...lo.

I'm on like 19 tablets now lol...
My mum was shocked to see me swallow all that this evening ....but proud that I am trying my dam hardest to MAKE this work.

I had a little break down/out burst today....I been pms-ing all day...I was sooo stroppy and then I had a sudden wave of guilt for being such a bitch to everyone...so I cried and made my apologies....I had to explain that I felt disappointed,frustrated,upset,hot and bothered,irritable,alone,and pms lol
How they put up with me this morning I do not know....shame lol
It's all good now tho :thumbup:

Good luck with you maca and red raspberry barbs...I hope it works for you:flower:
I'm sorry af arrived barbs...but glad you can move on with next round of iui too...

RE: 70's porn....lol that tickled me...I can imagine my oH disappointment if that happend to him...lol
I would love to see my oH face when he went in the room thinking"oh yes a guilty free one off" just to find OLD mags ha ha ha....the sort his dad would have had pmsl....
Sooo funny...

Good luck with your sd recital this weekend barbs..that sounds good.:thumbup:
And the packing....you take it easy love ok.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Well I sure hope the clomid does the trick!!!! I hear it works wonders sometimes!!!! His home is fine... They have had to take shelter several times this past month... Makes me even more uneasy about sending my son.... At least they have a shelter though. I have never been to Canada... I would love too... My kids go to New York to visit family every august for a week. So they have come closest too it! Actually my son just informed me that they have crossed over into Canada while at Niagra falls... Lol idk though.... Texas is pretty cool... Where I live right now... Is dry and windy...it is ugly because we have had no rain! :/

Oh that's good that his house is fine. It's terrible some of what happens by nature down south. I've heard Texas is pretty cool indeed. I'd love to visit some time. Did you grow up there? Is it like in the movies?! :haha:

Thanks I hope Clomid does the trick too. Give me a chance. Either 1/2 or 2/3...just not 2/2 or 2/3 or 3/3 thanks! lol
Nat - you covered most of the info I was going to say or thought of for our newbies :) You are so good at this :)

Nat, how are you? You're on CD2??? I'm CD 1 now! WAHOO!
Are you doing anythign different this cycle?

I decided to start back on Maca & Red raspberry Leaf - both of which I was on when I got pregnant. And just cross my fingers!

Hey barbs :thumbup:
Yeah I'm on cd 2 ...:thumbup: Kinda strange af this cycle...I didn't get it heavy on cd1 like usual and cd2 is even lighter.....I was expecting full blown hell in earth this cycle bc of the vit b6 .....it's suppose to let your lining thicken for implantation so I was thinkin more lining more to come away...I know the vit b6 has started to work bc I had been soooo emotional in the ttw...

I dunno....:wacko:

Yeah I started 1000 mg of vit c this cycle and 30 mg of zinc too...all good for immune system and implantation/hormone balance .and I'm eating a handfull of brazil nuts daily...(selenium) ......so thats my new thing this month...lo.

I'm on like 19 tablets now lol...
My mum was shocked to see me swallow all that this evening ....but proud that I am trying my dam hardest to MAKE this work.

I had a little break down/out burst today....I been pms-ing all day...I was sooo stroppy and then I had a sudden wave of guilt for being such a bitch to everyone...so I cried and made my apologies....I had to explain that I felt disappointed,frustrated,upset,hot and bothered,irritable,alone,and pms lol
How they put up with me this morning I do not know....shame lol
It's all good now tho :thumbup:

Good luck with you maca and red raspberry barbs...I hope it works for you:flower:
I'm sorry af arrived barbs...but glad you can move on with next round of iui too...

RE: 70's porn....lol that tickled me...I can imagine my oH disappointment if that happend to him...lol
I would love to see my oH face when he went in the room thinking"oh yes a guilty free one off" just to find OLD mags ha ha ha....the sort his dad would have had pmsl....
Sooo funny...

Good luck with your sd recital this weekend barbs..that sounds good.:thumbup:
And the packing....you take it easy love ok.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

Hey Hun,

I've taken a lot of Vit. B & even B3 & never had any major heavy bleeding. You ought to look up Red Raspberry Tea. It's supposed to be so good for you in so many ways but it is a tonic for your uterus to prepare it for pregnancy & then later on for birth. I used that & Maca the month I got pregnant. And I'm going to use the same protocol this time around. Also, I've decided to give it a go & use Bromelain to try & help implantation. I have to use digestive enzymes anyway on a daily basis so I switched from papaya enzyme.

Good luck with your regime! And I totally know what you mean. I pop pills like a fiend all day long :) LOL. Oh well - I'm going to be HEALTHY!!!! And hopefully make a baby too :D

I'm sorry you had a bad day. That's OK we all have it & we're allowed right? This is a shitty process to go through at times. How are you holding up? Are you afraid it's going to take you as long as it did with your son? Does that make things worse?? I can only imagine your frustration. However do know that after each pregnancy, your hormones sort of restart so it doesn't mean because it took you 7 years, it will again. And you will be seeing an RE this year? I think it would be very beneficial for you given how long it took you to conceive last time. Chin up, lady!!! We're here for you :) xoxo
Wish I could come have a nice hot cup of tea with you & just chat about how NOT awesome it is to be in our shoes.

Yes totally - here the men think "alright!" but I bet the material they chosen are modest & lame. Not the awesome stuff men are into now. Actually can you imagine being that person who has to go buy the material? LMFAO.

I will take it easy my dear. You too. Look at the sun brighter tomorrow! XO
Meg, I totally get not wanting to stop trying. Especially since you're already in the groove. I always felt like "what if that was the right month & the best egg, & best conditions & we ignored it?!". If drinking in Vegas is some thing you need or want then sure. But I would rather be pregnant than worry about boozing it up you know? FX

Yes - plus I am on my fertile days this week and we BD last night so I think the idea of not trying this month is gone lol ...

I do want to drink in Vegas... but I want a baby more so if it happens I will still enjoy myself - I will have to just eat awesome food instead - moreso in California though for that haha.... but if AF shows this cycle then I will be in my 2WW when we are away so I am going to have to take it a bit easy anyways.

Well then, there is no reason to stop trying if you already started, right? LOL

You can totally enjoy yourself w/o the alcohol. So much to do there. Anyway it will be great if you get pregnant & you won't care so much. Yes if you're in your TWW take it easy. I read a lot about drinking & TTC & apparently its detrimental to have more than 1 drink per day. So I'm going to take this to heart this month. In fact I won't drink every day (not that I do) & not exceed 1 drink. Some times its so hard to say no to the second :(
Nat - you covered most of the info I was going to say or thought of for our newbies :) You are so good at this :)

Nat, how are you? You're on CD2??? I'm CD 1 now! WAHOO!
Are you doing anythign different this cycle?

I decided to start back on Maca & Red raspberry Leaf - both of which I was on when I got pregnant. And just cross my fingers!

Hey barbs :thumbup:
Yeah I'm on cd 2 ...:thumbup: Kinda strange af this cycle...I didn't get it heavy on cd1 like usual and cd2 is even lighter.....I was expecting full blown hell in earth this cycle bc of the vit b6 .....it's suppose to let your lining thicken for implantation so I was thinkin more lining more to come away...I know the vit b6 has started to work bc I had been soooo emotional in the ttw...

I dunno....:wacko:

Yeah I started 1000 mg of vit c this cycle and 30 mg of zinc too...all good for immune system and implantation/hormone balance .and I'm eating a handfull of brazil nuts daily...(selenium) ......so thats my new thing this month...lo.

I'm on like 19 tablets now lol...
My mum was shocked to see me swallow all that this evening ....but proud that I am trying my dam hardest to MAKE this work.

I had a little break down/out burst today....I been pms-ing all day...I was sooo stroppy and then I had a sudden wave of guilt for being such a bitch to everyone...so I cried and made my apologies....I had to explain that I felt disappointed,frustrated,upset,hot and bothered,irritable,alone,and pms lol
How they put up with me this morning I do not know....shame lol
It's all good now tho :thumbup:

Good luck with you maca and red raspberry barbs...I hope it works for you:flower:
I'm sorry af arrived barbs...but glad you can move on with next round of iui too...

RE: 70's porn....lol that tickled me...I can imagine my oH disappointment if that happend to him...lol
I would love to see my oH face when he went in the room thinking"oh yes a guilty free one off" just to find OLD mags ha ha ha....the sort his dad would have had pmsl....
Sooo funny...

Good luck with your sd recital this weekend barbs..that sounds good.:thumbup:
And the packing....you take it easy love ok.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

Hey Hun,

I've taken a lot of Vit. B & even B3 & never had any major heavy bleeding. You ought to look up Red Raspberry Tea. It's supposed to be so good for you in so many ways but it is a tonic for your uterus to prepare it for pregnancy & then later on for birth. I used that & Maca the month I got pregnant. And I'm going to use the same protocol this time around. Also, I've decided to give it a go & use Bromelain to try & help implantation. I have to use digestive enzymes anyway on a daily basis so I switched from papaya enzyme.

Good luck with your regime! And I totally know what you mean. I pop pills like a fiend all day long :) LOL. Oh well - I'm going to be HEALTHY!!!! And hopefully make a baby too :D

I'm sorry you had a bad day. That's OK we all have it & we're allowed right? This is a shitty process to go through at times. How are you holding up? Are you afraid it's going to take you as long as it did with your son? Does that make things worse?? I can only imagine your frustration. However do know that after each pregnancy, your hormones sort of restart so it doesn't mean because it took you 7 years, it will again. And you will be seeing an RE this year? I think it would be very beneficial for you given how long it took you to conceive last time. Chin up, lady!!! We're here for you :) xoxo
Wish I could come have a nice hot cup of tea with you & just chat about how NOT awesome it is to be in our shoes.

Yes totally - here the men think "alright!" but I bet the material they chosen are modest & lame. Not the awesome stuff men are into now. Actually can you imagine being that person who has to go buy the material? LMFAO.

I will take it easy my dear. You too. Look at the sun brighter tomorrow! XO

Hiya barbs :flower:
Oh yeah your sooo right...I AM scared this might take as long...I really can't bare the thought of it...
When I had my cervical cancer(strains 16 and 17 nic3 (nothing to do with HPV might I add! ) :)
I had the tumour removed from my womb...they had to ad a stitch or two to re galvanise the weakness the removal had caused...so I could (hopefully ) still bare a child...
So there was a concern as to weather or not I may have had fibroids when I was carrying Harry...unfortunately by the time my OB eventually got my appointment Harry was alot bigger and he was "in the way" and they couldnt see properly...it was a case of "lets hope not"

Also 1yr previous to the tumour removal they also treated my cervix with iodine and quaterized the abnormal area...this left alittle scaring too but I seem to be OK with that...just a pitty it all came back so advanced and aggressively that I nearly lost my womb altogether...caught just in the nick of time.phew!

So...I asked my docter at the time if this could affect ttc but she was sure it wouldn't...
I can't help but think it does!
And always has!

I am going to ask my lovely docter in August if she will send me for the ultra sound scan to pick up anything that might be a problem...:thumbup:

Oooo the red raspberry tea defo look into that barbs -thankyou...

I felt kind of sick earlier for taking all these pills lol...I have to take them in the middle of my meal as its horrendous effort to keep them down else...lol

You know we might just have to do that one day :happydance:
My oH sister has a villa in America/Florida ...we should maybe rent it for a holiday .:thumbup:
That would be fantastic...all sat there with our babas...sharing our advice...lol

:) :) :) xxx

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