6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

LOL as I read Spaghetti Factory I was really hoping you were joking lol!!!

Another T-Storm coming & rolling blackouts tonight. Thankfully we're not a part of the rolling blackout grid.

Stop testing! haha well why not right? but count it from the day you had as dark or darker thank the test line! See...its worth testing more than twice some times ;)

Just pounce on him! He wont say No lol
Hi ladies....woop I am sunburnt to the max!....which is unusual for me as I go brown...yes...I'm a bitch! Lol

The rain sounds terrible my fellow Canadians....I hope it's subsiding for you! :thumbup:

Ha ha :re o'rielly ....I'd love to see him being teased lol....he is so harsh on people! But so dam funny.

Anywhos....meg - BANGING opk there :thumbup: !...go meggy :happydance: go meggy :happydance: you go catch that eggy!!! :happydance: lol

Barbs...you got married on my birthday..Yaye...a great day!...was it a white (snow) wedding? How romantic...ahhhh....
And meg Cuba sounds amaizing!

Momma :( I am so sorry your not o'ing...the trip to the doctors will prove interesting I would say love....I read that prolactin (to do with milk production) is a key element to not ovulating...do you think he will test to see if you have higher levels of this?
I hope you have a great time away....right here's my one last plee and bid for that lil extra room for moi....anything? Lol.....
Hope you both have a fantastic time of it.:thumbup:

Cd6 here ladies and somthing odd happend to me at the beach today....had a very petruding pain in my ovary today....I got kind of scared that I didn't have any opks to pee on with me lol.....going to put it down to ovary getting ready to blast out one hell of an egg for me woohoo....
Well lets hope so anyway lol

So we went to the beach today....ahhh it's was great!.....went for a lil swim in the sea...had a lovely tuna baguette for dinner and ice cream for afternoon afters....then had a look round the shops and then ended up at my mums to move a bed...lol....I am nakerd!...
Will sleep very well tonight! Woohoo :)

So whilst I was away In Cornwall today I found a chemist....I couldn't help myself...lol
I went in and came out with a load of new vits ....he heee...
So now I have omega 3 - magnesium and selenium to add to my long list of meds...lol...well why pass up an opportunity he he he....
Pete could not believe it when ii walked out with that whilst we were supposed to be away from the normall hustle and bustle of ttc lol....it just proves no matter where you are and what you do your always thinking about it lol...

Meg I have to admire how you and dh are teenage sweethearts that are still together....how lovely....oH and I hit our ten year mark next year...I'm hoping for some sort of special question any time now....altho if he did pop it i will still be surprised as I have always tested him about not marrying....he knows I'd love to Mary him but I always make out we don't need too...lol....I suppose we have to now bc Harry will ask why we are not one day too....
And how lovely I could dress him up in his little page boy suit too...:)
I want the big church big white dress affair...and posh reception....welllll it's not like I'd ever do it again...marriage is a one time event for me!... Lol

So how is everyone? Good I hope....hope your all having agreeat evening tonight :flower:

Start my opks in 4 days...woohoo...:happydance:

Baby dust to us all this month Yaye :)

:) :) :) xxx
Hello Ladies!!

Chere, I have always had the thigh problems ;) But they're worse now lol.
Damn we just need to learn to love our bodies right?
Good for you getting in so much BD! Crossing my fingers for you. Are you temping?
Sounds like a lovely weekend...most of mine was inside organizing my house but it was so hot out & then all this rain yesterday. It's been a super wet summer here in Toronto so far :(

Nat, I see you're following me on Pinterest!! I am following you as well :)
Do you have a Facebook account?
You are very welcome for the info...I hope it helps you! The CoQ unfortunately upsets my stomach. But I did do tests & my egg reserves are great. So I'm not concerned.
As for diet, you need to exercise too - are you? If you're restricting your body its likely your body is holding onto the fat for calorie reserves. Eventually it will stop doing it...but you'll need to also burn the calories. Since I started running I haven't lost any weight either...I have some fat on my belly area I really want gone. Oh & the wobbly thighs K thanks :)LOL

Lilflu: glad to hear about pup & sorry about the MS...there are meds if its really unbearable...

YUP Nat...boring CD5! I just wanna get this show on the road. I hope that the progesterone suppliment wont be too bad. I have a camping trip the weekend proceeding my IUI & I just wanna enjoy it :)

Meg, how are you doing ? How is your OPK coming along???xox


I usually do love my body Barb but been so damn lazy lately. I am charting/temping and Ovufriend keeps changing O date. It was July 4 so looked like we really got in alot, now it's July 6 and missed a few days if so! Wondering if I should just give up and we aim to have sex every second day through entire cycle! LOL
Hello Ladies!!

Chere, I have always had the thigh problems ;) But they're worse now lol.
Damn we just need to learn to love our bodies right?
Good for you getting in so much BD! Crossing my fingers for you. Are you temping?
Sounds like a lovely weekend...most of mine was inside organizing my house but it was so hot out & then all this rain yesterday. It's been a super wet summer here in Toronto so far :(

Nat, I see you're following me on Pinterest!! I am following you as well :)
Do you have a Facebook account?
You are very welcome for the info...I hope it helps you! The CoQ unfortunately upsets my stomach. But I did do tests & my egg reserves are great. So I'm not concerned.
As for diet, you need to exercise too - are you? If you're restricting your body its likely your body is holding onto the fat for calorie reserves. Eventually it will stop doing it...but you'll need to also burn the calories. Since I started running I haven't lost any weight either...I have some fat on my belly area I really want gone. Oh & the wobbly thighs K thanks :)LOL

Lilflu: glad to hear about pup & sorry about the MS...there are meds if its really unbearable...

YUP Nat...boring CD5! I just wanna get this show on the road. I hope that the progesterone suppliment wont be too bad. I have a camping trip the weekend proceeding my IUI & I just wanna enjoy it :)

Meg, how are you doing ? How is your OPK coming along???xox


I usually do love my body Barb but been so damn lazy lately. I am charting/temping and Ovufriend keeps changing O date. It was July 4 so looked like we really got in alot, now it's July 6 and missed a few days if so! Wondering if I should just give up and we aim to have sex every second day through entire cycle! LOL

Hi chere :flower:
Just tried to click on your chart but i don't think the link is working ....
Do you have any other signs of when you ovulate?
O pains? Sore bbs?...usually when you have ovulated your chart should show a rise in temp for three days...the day this started is the day you o'd...
Have you thought about ordering some opks online?....amazon have a great selection love...and at a fair price...it really dose take a lot o'd confusion out of the cycle.:thumbup:
Hope your ok chere...welcome to the ttw.:happydance: and I have my fx for you love.:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Top of the morning to you all ladies...:flower:

Cd 7 ...trying I remain Busy again today...ahhhh ill be running out of things soon lol...
Have a lot to do today tho!.....may be Mia alittle till later tonight.

Ugh having these disturbing dreams about being pg and bad things happening to the pgy ...woke up really upset this morning...third night in a row this has happened now.:(

Plus side I am getting to bed much earlier and I do feel better for it.yaye :)

So how is everyone?...good I hopes.:)
Well Ill be back later to check in...hope you all have a great day today.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Nat I didn't know you and OH we're not married. It sounds like you want to be though! :) you sure have been together a long time too! Congrats. But if you want to get married you should. And you are right - make that wedding count! Lol. It sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. Sorry about those bad dreams I have been having a lot of them too. But keep getting lots of sleep it makes a big difference. I usually get a good sleep during the week.

Well ladies lets hope sat and sun was enough because once again DH wasn't in the mood. :( I hate when that happens on my O days. Last month we had such great coverage so i feel like I am prob out this month. I know there is a chance still but I feel like its not good. It's not so simple as making the moves on hubby. When he's tired or not feeling it it ain't happening. Ughhhhhhh I know sperm can live for a couple days but that's best case usually so if Sundays sperm are already gone its zip chance for me :(. Fackkkkkk I am supposed to call today 1dpo if you ladies think those opk I tested monday night were positive.
Hello Ladies!!

Chere, I have always had the thigh problems ;) But they're worse now lol.
Damn we just need to learn to love our bodies right?
Good for you getting in so much BD! Crossing my fingers for you. Are you temping?
Sounds like a lovely weekend...most of mine was inside organizing my house but it was so hot out & then all this rain yesterday. It's been a super wet summer here in Toronto so far :(

Nat, I see you're following me on Pinterest!! I am following you as well :)
Do you have a Facebook account?
You are very welcome for the info...I hope it helps you! The CoQ unfortunately upsets my stomach. But I did do tests & my egg reserves are great. So I'm not concerned.
As for diet, you need to exercise too - are you? If you're restricting your body its likely your body is holding onto the fat for calorie reserves. Eventually it will stop doing it...but you'll need to also burn the calories. Since I started running I haven't lost any weight either...I have some fat on my belly area I really want gone. Oh & the wobbly thighs K thanks :)LOL

Lilflu: glad to hear about pup & sorry about the MS...there are meds if its really unbearable...

YUP Nat...boring CD5! I just wanna get this show on the road. I hope that the progesterone suppliment wont be too bad. I have a camping trip the weekend proceeding my IUI & I just wanna enjoy it :)

Meg, how are you doing ? How is your OPK coming along???xox


I usually do love my body Barb but been so damn lazy lately. I am charting/temping and Ovufriend keeps changing O date. It was July 4 so looked like we really got in alot, now it's July 6 and missed a few days if so! Wondering if I should just give up and we aim to have sex every second day through entire cycle! LOL

Actually ever other day from the end of your period will give you the best odds. So not a bad idea id you're up for it :)
Good luck :) xox
I got married on your birthday Nat? How cool! Well, I"ll never forget your birthday then :)
And I thought you were married....well there goes the assumption, right? Sounds to me too that you would like a wedding. So I think it's best to be clear about that or else DH will be confused & think you'll be fine if he doesn't pop the question. Men don't read between the lines at all...lol.
Sounds like you had a great day. I love those days where it's all about lounging & just relaxing & there is some retail therapy.
Dreams....aren't they just precious? I had a dream last night that I got pregnant this cycle & in my dream I recalled how I took the same supplements this cycle as the one I got pregnant on In March & how that was the right thing to do. Ugh. How many times have I had the dream of getting a bfp? Too many times. It plays with our heads...
I think we're going to be anxious when we finally do get pregnant again given our miscarriages. I had a really hard time falling asleep last night...I kept reviewing over & over in my head the past two years. I am starting to feel the panic of not getting pregnant this year. I just have this feeling of doom like it's going to be a very long struggle.

You ladies have been w/your partners so long! makes my 3.5 years seem like nothing lol. It feels some days like YEARS hahaha. Well, my hubby & I have really been through so much in a short period of time so it feels a heck of a lot longer.

Hrmm Meg, your hubby knows you guys are trying right so perhaps you can chat with him that in these crucial times its not all about being in the mood? There were times before IUI when I worked myself up or worked my hubby up to being in some kinda mood because it had to happen. LOL...not the most romantic or sexy, I admit, but still. It's not to just get your rocks off ya know? It's baby biznass :) LOL
I'm sorry he wasn't cooperative. You can try again tonight?...Today shall be 1dpo but you may not have Ovulated yet so you can have a try....or if you O'd last night the eggy is still there, waiting...or yes, sperm can live up to 5 days so you could be OK too.
I think a chat with DH should be up for order if its leaving you frustrated in your endeavors. It's not all about him, you know? Anyway just a thought. Cuz I'd be pretty pissed if this was a regular occurrence. You can't make a baby if you're not doing it when it's optimal...well you can but your chances drop. And men can get in the mood pretty darn easily...some foreplay & they're on their way! My hubby some times goes through major stress periods but he can always be enticed LOL.

Nat, it's cool we're on the same cycle date...wahoo! I start cycle monitoring on Saturday...no sleeping in this weekend. Honestly I dont understand why it always starts on a weekend :(
Hrmm Meg, your hubby knows you guys are trying right so perhaps you can chat with him that in these crucial times its not all about being in the mood? There were times before IUI when I worked myself up or worked my hubby up to being in some kinda mood because it had to happen. LOL...not the most romantic or sexy, I admit, but still. It's not to just get your rocks off ya know? It's baby biznass :) LOL
I'm sorry he wasn't cooperative. You can try again tonight?...Today shall be 1dpo but you may not have Ovulated yet so you can have a try....or if you O'd last night the eggy is still there, waiting...or yes, sperm can live up to 5 days so you could be OK too.
I think a chat with DH should be up for order if its leaving you frustrated in your endeavors. It's not all about him, you know? Anyway just a thought. Cuz I'd be pretty pissed if this was a regular occurrence. You can't make a baby if you're not doing it when it's optimal...well you can but your chances drop. And men can get in the mood pretty darn easily...some foreplay & they're on their way! My hubby some times goes through major stress periods but he can always be enticed LOL.

Thanks Barb... it is not a common occurance - usually we have the prime days covered. But he does usually know when I am fertile and he knows when I am gunning for BD'ing because of it. So when he is not in the mood for whatever reason it does bother me because yes we are actively trying. DH cant always be enticed which I find surprising since he in general has a really high sex drive. Dont get me wrong - I dont like 'scheduled' sex and its never like that with us, but all the times I am initiating it are when I am genuinely frisky and want to do it, and the time is right, but hes tired, or wants a shower, or stressed or whatever it is. I get it sometimes but two days back to back makes me sad :( I hope Sat and Sun spermies are still alive in there because its my only chance this cycle. And this cycle was important to me because of chemical last month and thoughts that I may be uber fertile. Who knows.... I hope we can BD tonight. Sigh.

Thanks for listening to me and for your message Barbs - means a lot xo
You know what, the other thing can be that he knows why you're trying to have sex & it can feel a bit forced. So maybe there is a bit of that on his mind. It's can be a bit stressful to know you're trying for a baby. It was awkward for a bit the first maybe 6 months or so but then hubby got used to it & didn't complain about too much sex. He whined about how frisky I was for the first half of month & then crickets the second half. Hahaha!
I do find my sex drive dropped going through all this. :( I hope Maca helps some what.

How was your DH when you found out you were having a Chemical Pregnancy? Maybe he feels a bit afraid it'll happen again? But you know it wouldn't hurt to speak up & see how he's dealing & if he does it again next month perhaps that'll be a good time to gently discuss how having sex at the right times are crucial. Sat/Sun BD is good for a positive on Monday. So dont worry too much OK :)
You know what, the other thing can be that he knows why you're trying to have sex & it can feel a bit forced. So maybe there is a bit of that on his mind. It's can be a bit stressful to know you're trying for a baby. It was awkward for a bit the first maybe 6 months or so but then hubby got used to it & didn't complain about too much sex. He whined about how frisky I was for the first half of month & then crickets the second half. Hahaha!
I do find my sex drive dropped going through all this. :( I hope Maca helps some what.

How was your DH when you found out you were having a Chemical Pregnancy? Maybe he feels a bit afraid it'll happen again? But you know it wouldn't hurt to speak up & see how he's dealing & if he does it again next month perhaps that'll be a good time to gently discuss how having sex at the right times are crucial. Sat/Sun BD is good for a positive on Monday. So dont worry too much OK :)

Thanks Barb - you made me feel a lot better. I will just tell myself I have as good a chance as any I suppose and get on with it. NOthing I can do now right? If not, onto the next month right?

To answer your question DH was really supportive about the chemical. He admitted to feeling slightly relieved at having another go at it, because he was so stressed at the time with work and what not and he was a bit shocked that we were pg (as if we havent been trying lol) but he was glad that it happened right after the antibiotics because he took it as a good sign that hopefully the issue has been the infection and he said not to worry it will happen again soon. I dont think hes worried about BD'ing for that reason. but you are right about everything you said about timed sex and I do keep that in my conciousness and will be aware of it for sure :) My sex drive does dip a little after O time but we still usually have :hugs:regular sex after that until AF comes so theres nothing to complain about really.

Thanks Barb :hugs:

How are you doing? IUI time is coming up for you
Well you can't turn back the clock but they say 2-3 days before Ovulation is the best time. Day before is great, Day of is good but it takes a while for those suckers to make it to their destination. I wouldn't be too concerned. Ideal that you missed yesterday? No. Detrimental? I'd say not. Try to entice him tonight ;)

I think DH will be shocked no matter when. And there is an adjustment period of coming around to the idea of becoming a parent. Even if you've been trying. And I agree w/him that you'll be pregnant again. I don't worry about you, lady!

I'm doing OK...I'm a bit out of sorts since last month still. And I've got this feeling of gloom & doom this cycle. I am just so hopeful that it happens & affraid if it doesnt.
I went to get more vitamines today....stocked up on fish oil incase we have to try next month. It increased my EWCM so much! Plus its overall healthy. I got Vitamin B-6 & just have to fish for Nat's link to see the dosage. Vitamin D3 & so I've added to my pill popping madness. I need to see what I've got at home too. I'm also taking Folic Acid, Red Raspberry, Maca, Vit B Complex. OMG!
I'm excited me and oh just had a convo and we have decided i will take my last pill on saturday, it is suddenly becoming real, i'm scared my cycles are going to be a pain but i will have bare with it :)

How are you all i will officially on cd1 on tuesday i think.
Hi the ladies...:)

Barbs meg.....I must be a dam physic....:happydance....found a receipt today for a white gold diamond ring...to be collected next week ....feck! I can't believe it h hee he...wow- Ill have to put my surprised face on....lol
Omg! I'm so excited...I wonder how he'll do it?

Ooh barbs you say the fish oil increases cm?? Brilliant!!! Dose it work straight away? Or take a cycle or two to kick in?
And :thumbup: to the maca...I hope this perks you back up again...I'm feeling alittle more "up beat " again.woohoo...l.i love how I can power through things like super gran pmsl...:rofl:

How did you get on with the vb6 dosages? Did you find them ok?.....angle umps protocol is nuts right ?....good that she shared this with everyone tho! :thumbup:
And I get that you feel gloomy this cycle barb....I sort of feel the same...like half heartedly into it....affriad and HOPFULL all at once....wow what a confusing time for us all eh!
I have deliberately NOT bought any more pg tests this cycle - I shall just ration out (lol) what I have left and keep my frer for the "conformation" if needed....
Barbs....great that we are buddies again...woohoo....and I am sending you huge amounts of luck and well wishes for you this cycle!....it's traveling a long way over the sea so it may take a while to reach you but it's on it's way! Lol
And you meg!.....lots and lots of well wishes are in the in the "air " mail. Lol

Meg- totally get how you and dh must be feeling after the chemical.....:hugs:
When we had our mc in January we were both keen to try again straight away given the info were well informed that our chances were so great....however altho we were hopefull we were so scared too....afraid that it would happen again and afraid if our chances didn't work out...it turns out that our chance didn't work but it made us try "even " harder.....we desided to pull all the stops out and in a way lol oH let me go crazy with the Internet and research what in the world we could try out...l
Sounds to me like you have hit that annoying "invisible" brick wall.....and it's soo disappointing too....dh may be "just " tired or it could be what barbs suggested...maybe he has a hang up or two deep down he is afraid with you...
HOPFULLY he can de-stress and negotiate this "brick wall " with you.:hugs:
Then again maybe it's just nothing lol...perhaps he dosnt realise how this important time is.:)
Defo a wee chat needed lol...
Hope you get lucky tonight love.:thumbup:

Natalieexo...:happydance: great news to are joining us soon....so Saturday is your last pill....
Fx your monthlys won't play naughty games with and that your spell on bcp have kick started your cycles back to regular.fx.:thumbup:
So are you going to chart? Or do you already? Sorry I forget again.lol
And don't worry about your tests love.....I had 100 stashed last month ...geese....thinking about that -I was nut buying all them...pmsl....you got to laugh thoe....
A lil word of advice love...before you join us....fight that naughty voice in your head and hold onto your hope....after a while things can get alittle distressing but you stay strong ok.lol

Chere.....how are you doing there me petal?.....what dpo are you now? Has your ovufriend told you yet.
I sure hope so.:)

Well ladies I am pooped again...have horrid hay fever....and I can't take the antihistamines as they are VERY detrimental to ttc....so I am suffering :cry: lol....
It's ok tho....I am used to it now...ill just keep rubbing away at these eyes untill they fall out lol

Can't wait to start my opks on Saturday...not expecting much but I love the maths in it all...like to get them all stuck down on my paper laying in waiting for the specialist if we ever manage to get to see one lol....(we decided to see one in October(private)-and save a little money too)

Hope you are all ok and well ladies....:flower:

:) :) :) xxx
Well you can't turn back the clock but they say 2-3 days before Ovulation is the best time. Day before is great, Day of is good but it takes a while for those suckers to make it to their destination. I wouldn't be too concerned. Ideal that you missed yesterday? No. Detrimental? I'd say not. Try to entice him tonight ;)

I think DH will be shocked no matter when. And there is an adjustment period of coming around to the idea of becoming a parent. Even if you've been trying. And I agree w/him that you'll be pregnant again. I don't worry about you, lady!

I'm doing OK...I'm a bit out of sorts since last month still. And I've got this feeling of gloom & doom this cycle. I am just so hopeful that it happens & affraid if it doesnt.
I went to get more vitamines today....stocked up on fish oil incase we have to try next month. It increased my EWCM so much! Plus its overall healthy. I got Vitamin B-6 & just have to fish for Nat's link to see the dosage. Vitamin D3 & so I've added to my pill popping madness. I need to see what I've got at home too. I'm also taking Folic Acid, Red Raspberry, Maca, Vit B Complex. OMG!

I hear you on the doom and gloom. I am feeling it too although I am trying to break it down with some posiivity - its hard. Thats great news about the Fish oil - maybe I should try that next month as I dont notice much with the EPO... but maybe its all inside! lol.... I am on the vitamin D too! so many health benefits with it as well so thats great. we are all pill poppers isnt it fab?? Sending a big wave of positivity to you Barbs.. I know its so hard but we have to do our best to keep up the faith or we have very little!!

xoxoxo :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Yep should have AF by tuesday, i hope they play nice and settle down into a nice routine, if not i will just have to try other things to try and regulate them, no i am not going to chart or anything just using ovulation tests at first see how i get on with that, i have quite alot of tests haha hope no-one finds them, i will try and hold onto my hope for as long as possible. The OH has talked about having a baby ever since we had the chat i keep having to remind him it might not be as straight forward or it might not happen straight away although we all wish it would.

My friend just found out shes pregnant and she doesnt know who the dad is, i couldnt believe my ears when i heard, its just happened to her she wasnt trying she was clearly sleeping with multiple men things like that drive me crazy.
Kind of stuck on when to start using the ovulation tests since i dont know what my cycle will be like should i just start around cd10? I do remember the middle of my cycles i would get sore boobs maybe two weeks later i would get my period so maybe this was ovulation obviously i never paid attention to this back then lol if that does happen this time it will be a big help.
Hi the ladies...:)

Barbs meg.....I must be a dam physic....:happydance....found a receipt today for a white gold diamond ring...to be collected next week ....feck! I can't believe it h hee he...wow- Ill have to put my surprised face on....lol
Omg! I'm so excited...I wonder how he'll do it?

Ooh barbs you say the fish oil increases cm?? Brilliant!!! Dose it work straight away? Or take a cycle or two to kick in?
And :thumbup: to the maca...I hope this perks you back up again...I'm feeling alittle more "up beat " again.woohoo...l.i love how I can power through things like super gran pmsl...:rofl:

How did you get on with the vb6 dosages? Did you find them ok?.....angle umps protocol is nuts right ?....good that she shared this with everyone tho! :thumbup:
And I get that you feel gloomy this cycle barb....I sort of feel the same...like half heartedly into it....affriad and HOPFULL all at once....wow what a confusing time for us all eh!
I have deliberately NOT bought any more pg tests this cycle - I shall just ration out (lol) what I have left and keep my frer for the "conformation" if needed....
Barbs....great that we are buddies again...woohoo....and I am sending you huge amounts of luck and well wishes for you this cycle!....it's traveling a long way over the sea so it may take a while to reach you but it's on it's way! Lol
And you meg!.....lots and lots of well wishes are in the in the "air " mail. Lol

Meg- totally get how you and dh must be feeling after the chemical.....:hugs:
When we had our mc in January we were both keen to try again straight away given the info were well informed that our chances were so great....however altho we were hopefull we were so scared too....afraid that it would happen again and afraid if our chances didn't work out...it turns out that our chance didn't work but it made us try "even " harder.....we desided to pull all the stops out and in a way lol oH let me go crazy with the Internet and research what in the world we could try out...l
Sounds to me like you have hit that annoying "invisible" brick wall.....and it's soo disappointing too....dh may be "just " tired or it could be what barbs suggested...maybe he has a hang up or two deep down he is afraid with you...
HOPFULLY he can de-stress and negotiate this "brick wall " with you.:hugs:
Then again maybe it's just nothing lol...perhaps he dosnt realise how this important time is.:)
Defo a wee chat needed lol...
Hope you get lucky tonight love.:thumbup:

Natalieexo...:happydance: great news to are joining us soon....so Saturday is your last pill....
Fx your monthlys won't play naughty games with and that your spell on bcp have kick started your cycles back to regular.fx.:thumbup:
So are you going to chart? Or do you already? Sorry I forget again.lol
And don't worry about your tests love.....I had 100 stashed last month ...geese....thinking about that -I was nut buying all them...pmsl....you got to laugh thoe....
A lil word of advice love...before you join us....fight that naughty voice in your head and hold onto your hope....after a while things can get alittle distressing but you stay strong ok.lol

Chere.....how are you doing there me petal?.....what dpo are you now? Has your ovufriend told you yet.
I sure hope so.:)

Well ladies I am pooped again...have horrid hay fever....and I can't take the antihistamines as they are VERY detrimental to ttc....so I am suffering :cry: lol....
It's ok tho....I am used to it now...ill just keep rubbing away at these eyes untill they fall out lol

Can't wait to start my opks on Saturday...not expecting much but I love the maths in it all...like to get them all stuck down on my paper laying in waiting for the specialist if we ever manage to get to see one lol....(we decided to see one in October(private)-and save a little money too)

Hope you are all ok and well ladies....:flower:

:) :) :) xxx

Nat - thanks so much for your message :) I am sending vibes to you too across the ocean!

and OMG about the ring receipt are you serious? were you snooping!? LOL - that is amazing!!! I cant wait to hear more about this:hugs:
Hello Ladies!

Nat, thats SO exciting about the ring! I used to 'look' for clues too but never found any. Were you looking for it?! ;) LOL. That's so great hun. I'm so happy for you! It's great to have some thing to look forward to!

And yes Fish Oil has worked for my CM. And increasing my water consumption. I used to check my cervix for EWCM remember? So I always knew that way but when I took Fish Oil I noticed it so much more. I was on EPO too long time ago & it did nothing for me.
Also Fish Oil is good for so many reasons including when you are pregnant for the baby's brain development.
Nat, I found it worked right away...first cycle. And again I was very regimented at drinking water all day long. It helps with EWCM too.
Meg, I'm sure you know what I'm feeling too. And it is very hard to keep upbeat lately. Usually I'm so good but I think I'm just having a hard time masking how I'm actually feeling so I"m going to let it be...

Thanks Nat for the well wishes...it's all coming back your way too :) HUGS!!!

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