6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Success! Got shorts and two bikinis from Victoria's Secret that I am quite happy with :) now I'm laying out back and of course it's cloudy blah!!! Oh well lots of sun in Vegas and California I hope lol

What's everyone up to? Looking forward to dinner and drinks with friends tonight. Going to try and be good and order something healthy!! It's so hard though on the weekends lol

Hi meg....quiet on here isn't it :wacko: lol
Glad you managed to find your two piece...:happydance:
It's very hot here...phewwwww it's muggy too...I hear it's going to be very hot in Vegas...:happydance:....so your birthday is next week right?...we haven't missed it have we.:wacko:

Not up to much this weekend...took lil man to a fate today...had a scabby burger...yuk!...he won a soft toy and was over the moon...bless. Lol...I wish I could go back the days where I was ecstatic over a teddy lol...
Came home and have lunch in the garden at his miniature patio set...ha ha ha...I felt massive sat with him at that lol...
Then we had to go indoors as it was to hot for him...it's even warmer tmr ...pha!
Nice for me but unpleasant for him...shame...

Tmr I am doing some cooking...and some wardrobe sorting!...Yaye...an excellent excuse to go shopping..lol

Hope you have a fab weekend meg.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Oooooh lol almost forgot....yep I'm not going to say the iso now...your so right right why fix somthing that's not broke...and it is very scary to mess with.
I think I had a moment of desperation lol...I went on a Internet rampage lol...
And when I rang all my local pharmacys none of them had it stocked anyway...lol a sign right? Lol
Success! Got shorts and two bikinis from Victoria's Secret that I am quite happy with :) now I'm laying out back and of course it's cloudy blah!!! Oh well lots of sun in Vegas and California I hope lol

What's everyone up to? Looking forward to dinner and drinks with friends tonight. Going to try and be good and order something healthy!! It's so hard though on the weekends lol

Hi meg....quiet on here isn't it :wacko: lol
Glad you managed to find your two piece...:happydance:
It's very hot here...phewwwww it's muggy too...I hear it's going to be very hot in Vegas...:happydance:....so your birthday is next week right?...we haven't missed it have we.:wacko:

Not up to much this weekend...took lil man to a fate today...had a scabby burger...yuk!...he won a soft toy and was over the moon...bless. Lol...I wish I could go back the days where I was ecstatic over a teddy lol...
Came home and have lunch in the garden at his miniature patio set...ha ha ha...I felt massive sat with him at that lol...
Then we had to go indoors as it was to hot for him...it's even warmer tmr ...pha!
Nice for me but unpleasant for him...shame...

Tmr I am doing some cooking...and some wardrobe sorting!...Yaye...an excellent excuse to go shopping..lol

Hope you have a fab weekend meg.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Oooooh lol almost forgot....yep I'm not going to say the iso now...your so right right why fix somthing that's not broke...and it is very scary to mess with.
I think I had a moment of desperation lol...I went on a Internet rampage lol...
And when I rang all my local pharmacys none of them had it stocked anyway...lol a sign right? Lol

Hi Nat! Sounds like you had a nice day! It's ht here too I love t!

My birthday is on the 15 th so nope you haven't missed it! Lol.

I'm glad you aren't going to try the ISO but I completely understand re Internet rampage lol. I picked DH up some more zinc today! Tee hee

I sent him some bikini shots to entice him for more bding lol!, too bad i Got rained out after half an hour bahhhh
Success! Got shorts and two bikinis from Victoria's Secret that I am quite happy with :) now I'm laying out back and of course it's cloudy blah!!! Oh well lots of sun in Vegas and California I hope lol

What's everyone up to? Looking forward to dinner and drinks with friends tonight. Going to try and be good and order something healthy!! It's so hard though on the weekends lol

Hi meg....quiet on here isn't it :wacko: lol
Glad you managed to find your two piece...:happydance:
It's very hot here...phewwwww it's muggy too...I hear it's going to be very hot in Vegas...:happydance:....so your birthday is next week right?...we haven't missed it have we.:wacko:

Not up to much this weekend...took lil man to a fate today...had a scabby burger...yuk!...he won a soft toy and was over the moon...bless. Lol...I wish I could go back the days where I was ecstatic over a teddy lol...
Came home and have lunch in the garden at his miniature patio set...ha ha ha...I felt massive sat with him at that lol...
Then we had to go indoors as it was to hot for him...it's even warmer tmr ...pha!
Nice for me but unpleasant for him...shame...

Tmr I am doing some cooking...and some wardrobe sorting!...Yaye...an excellent excuse to go shopping..lol

Hope you have a fab weekend meg.:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Oooooh lol almost forgot....yep I'm not going to say the iso now...your so right right why fix somthing that's not broke...and it is very scary to mess with.
I think I had a moment of desperation lol...I went on a Internet rampage lol...
And when I rang all my local pharmacys none of them had it stocked anyway...lol a sign right? Lol

Hi Nat! Sounds like you had a nice day! It's ht here too I love t!

My birthday is on the 15 th so nope you haven't missed it! Lol.

I'm glad you aren't going to try the ISO but I completely understand re Internet rampage lol. I picked DH up some more zinc today! Tee hee

I sent him some bikini shots to entice him for more bding lol!, too bad i Got rained out after half an hour bahhhh

:rofl: now that was an flipping excellent idea....might have to pinch that one when the time comes...I think I worked it out that oH is working his late shifts on my fertile days...so will defo need somthing to intice...I been scratching at my head for ideas...lol
Got to keep the fire alite eh lol...and conspicuous too...lol
Ha ha ha I threw the zinc at him earlier" come on I said" lol....he put it in his mouth but had to run for a drink to swallow it...I heard him gagging at the taste lol...shame....

Good luck with the cosy time later :thumbup: :winkwink: catch that eggy woohoo.

:) :) :) xxx
Haha you said it Nat! LOL

Gotta keep things spicy!
Hey girlies! How is everyone!

I've had a busy day yesterday & will do today too.
Still getting things around the house sorted. Always running out for errands. Lots of trips to Home Depot (Nat, that's a massive hardware store in America).

Meg, Congrats on finding a bathing suit & I hope you've enticed hubby ;) But really...with a few right touches & moves how can any man really resist?! I think not. LOL.

Nat I'm really happy you've decided not to mess with ISO. I completely understand the desperation. After doing some reading I was curious myself but more I read online it defo said if you're 'regular' do NOT mess with it.
I tried a supplement once last year & it dried me up like the Sahara & it was supposed to do the opposite. Then the more I read it said if you're regular do not mess with it. So I didn't. And I wont unless it's doctor approved. You ovulate so this isn't the issue.
PS:I sent you a private message.

It's hot & muggy this weekend indeed. Thankfully we have central air! Whooo!
I'll be going back out shortly for house shopping after I've done cleaning the floors. I've managed to take over an hour. I've had many distractions lol.

Oh yeah went in for my day 3 monitoring. All looks great as per usual :) Back next Saturday. no sleeping in for me lol
hugs to you all oxoxoxox
Nat I looked up the ISO stuff & I've read if you have regular cycle & ovulate to not use it because it can mess up your cycle. I would be very careful & agree with this. Don't fix what's not broken. Tread lightly when it comes to messing with your hormones!!!
Do some more reading, hun. xoxox

Meg, summer hours are awesome. We get that too but what we do is on a long weekend we get an extra day off as long as no clients are booked. We try not to book clients in on those days. So if Monday is the holiday, we close up on the Friday too!
And we pretty much get two weeks off at Christmas. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me!
Thankyou barbs...I have held off with it for this cycle...I worried that I wa rushing into somthing I didn't know all that much about....
If read tht too....but I also see that it can hold of eastrogen whilst on them and then when you stop taking then your body's estrogen comes back with a vengeance and it lease enogh time for eggy to mature.....
I really aught to read more up about it your totally right :thumbup:
I have been phoning every pharmacy in Plymouth today to find out more and to see who has them.....ummmm not one of them....sign maybe?

Oooo sexy one piece eh barbs....lol.....I have one of those but I just haven't got the confidence to wear it..lol....I worry that people are looking lol...
Funny...it used to be the two pieces that I worried about...I need the one piece tho...I don't have to worry about "falling out" lol

Meg good luck with finding your one and only...the bikini...I find it hard to choose aswell....mainly bc I love sparkly things and there's too many to choose from lol...I'm sure you're look great when you finally find it love.and jeez you totally deserve to feel great in one after your amaizing weight loss :thumbup:

Cd 2 stinks today...I am cramping real bad and my hip is in a right wonky way..:wacko: lol
It's nice you and dh have some time alone this weekend....a chance to christen the house maybe? Lol
And good luck with the rest of the unpacking barbs...are you re-decorating too?
Do you have a theme?

:) :) :) xxx

Hey Lady, best to keep researching I say!:thumbup:

We've already Christened the house but only once. I've been really stressed & not in the mood at all. Plus AF got me & we went to Ottawa. But we'lll have time for more this week...
We are still unpacking but not much left. I'm having trouble figuring out where everything can go & fit & I'm running out of space. GAH.
Redecorating...yes,we'll have to redo kitchen & bathroom some day. A bit of 'updating' but nothing major & not on our immediate to-do list. We have to replace our windows first. We have a basement rental unit so we have to do some work to it & find tenants first & go from there. Slowly but surely we'll get things the way we want them & modernize. But for now it's fine. Nothing ugly & unlivable thankfully!!
Hey ladies, thought I'd poke my head in, had a wedding to go to yesterday so that was a nice way to spend the beautiful Saturday we had! Otherwise I did have my first bout of ms at midnight after I got off my evening shift at the hospital! Since then not too much else is going on. Super baby dust and FX for you all this cycle. Oh yes and pup is doing better still on cage rest though
Happy Sunday all! Such a crazy weekend. I finally have a few hours to myself and then must head to the beach for a friends picnic; she's also a co-worker and is moving to Houston, TX on Wed. So it will be a somewhat sad picnic. According to my chart IO'd on Thursday. We managed to BD so much this week lol, maybe too much! But we had fun, the mood struck us...so we'll see. He thinks I'm preg cause he had a dream last night his deceased father told him so! Any positivity is good I say. I am trying to just get through the next 2 weeks with a shred of sanity.

I feel pressured at moment as I just really want to lie down and relax. Have a ton of things to do, then the beach THEN home and chill. I got too much sun over the weekend so feeling the need to cover up today. I'm definitely not going in my bikini! Nowadays I wear board shorts and a bikini top- seems my thighs are my problem as I get older. Well who am I kidding? I'm not exactly exercising much!

Missed you all, hope everyone is good and I'm going to catch up on posts now!:hugs:
Morning ladies...:)
Cd5 here today really not much going on....waiting to get the show on the road again...

Meg: how's them opks coming along dear? :)

Barb: BIG THANKYOU for your email...interesting stuff...need to do some cross comparison as to what I am taking already...phew to the co enzyme! Been on them for three months already so the benefits should be kicking in around about now.:happydance:
Got some interneting to do to find a good place to order the others. :thumbup:

Hey I found you and meg on pintrest lastnight :)
I'm pretty new ish to it so I am struggle ing to work out how to drag my pin it button to my tool bar...
I love all the receipts and photography and wedding stuff on there...pintrest is quite new to the uk so we don't really know how to use it very much lol...I think I am getting the hang of it now...it's just that darn pin it button lol...
I want to upload my pics of lil man on there and interesting funny things I find in my walks of life...

Chere: hope your ok there love...sounds like you did well with the "how's your father" lol
Good luck chere were all rooting for you...:thumbup:
Did you enjoy your trip to the beach with your friend ? Hope you did.:)

Ashley??? Where's this test woman! Lol....have you got back and tested again yet? :)
So hope this is it for you! :thumbup: :)

Talia: so glad your pup is doing much better...:)
I hope her recovery continues to be good and wish her to get back on her feet again.

Well oH is home from work for 4 days now so we plan to go to the beach tmr and hopefully have a barbecue later tonight...flipping heck this weather is just too hot to be cooking In The kitchen! Pha!

Oh and on a ranting note! I am real pissed with my diet!...two weeks and I haven't lost a thing! Grrrrrrrr! I am on a strict 1200 calorie diet-sticking to it real well but not an ounce pound gram kilo stone lost!!!...but I plan to stick with it and maybe watch them pounds drop this week...:thumbup:
Lol glad I got that off my chest lol..

Hope you are all having a great Monday and I will be back later to see if there is any good news to had on here .:)

:) :) :) xxx
I got my scan date for next Monday, cant wait for it to be over then another week to have a telephone consultation with the doctor, hopefully i don't have pcos and my cyst hasn't grew she said if it hasn't then there's nothing stopping me from going ahead and trying, not long now :)

Just ordered like 30 ovulation tests to go with the 20 pregnancy tests i have lol i hope no-one ever comes across them they are bound to think i'm insane.
Hello Ladies!!

Chere, I have always had the thigh problems ;) But they're worse now lol.
Damn we just need to learn to love our bodies right?
Good for you getting in so much BD! Crossing my fingers for you. Are you temping?
Sounds like a lovely weekend...most of mine was inside organizing my house but it was so hot out & then all this rain yesterday. It's been a super wet summer here in Toronto so far :(

Nat, I see you're following me on Pinterest!! I am following you as well :)
Do you have a Facebook account?
You are very welcome for the info...I hope it helps you! The CoQ unfortunately upsets my stomach. But I did do tests & my egg reserves are great. So I'm not concerned.
As for diet, you need to exercise too - are you? If you're restricting your body its likely your body is holding onto the fat for calorie reserves. Eventually it will stop doing it...but you'll need to also burn the calories. Since I started running I haven't lost any weight either...I have some fat on my belly area I really want gone. Oh & the wobbly thighs K thanks :)LOL

Lilflu: glad to hear about pup & sorry about the MS...there are meds if its really unbearable...

YUP Nat...boring CD5! I just wanna get this show on the road. I hope that the progesterone suppliment wont be too bad. I have a camping trip the weekend proceeding my IUI & I just wanna enjoy it :)

Meg, how are you doing ? How is your OPK coming along???xox

I got my scan date for next Monday, cant wait for it to be over then another week to have a telephone consultation with the doctor, hopefully i don't have pcos and my cyst hasn't grew she said if it hasn't then there's nothing stopping me from going ahead and trying, not long now :)

Just ordered like 30 ovulation tests to go with the 20 pregnancy tests i have lol i hope no-one ever comes across them they are bound to think i'm insane.

I might have missed some things. Are you on BC to correct smth?
I got my scan date for next Monday, cant wait for it to be over then another week to have a telephone consultation with the doctor, hopefully i don't have pcos and my cyst hasn't grew she said if it hasn't then there's nothing stopping me from going ahead and trying, not long now :)

Just ordered like 30 ovulation tests to go with the 20 pregnancy tests i have lol i hope no-one ever comes across them they are bound to think i'm insane.

I might have missed some things. Are you on BC to correct smth?

I'm on it to try and regulate my cycles and the doctor insisted i went on it after i found out i had the cyst but i had no intentions of trying then, now I've been and seen a different doctor and told her i want to try soon shes keen to make sure it hasn't developed into pcos or grown.
Helloooooooooooooo my ladies!

Barb - yes what a wet summer so far wow..... cant a girl get a couple hours of sun on a weekend?? the heat is nice but come on!! I hope its over soon... Sounds like you had a good weekend - hows the house coming? :) And back to cyle monitoring right? When do you think your IUI will take place this month?

Nat - I saw you added me on Pinterest! I added you too - I love it - sometimes I dont use it for a couple of months and then I get right back into it... I use it mostly just for recipes but I reallly like it! Sorry the weight loss is a struggle I completely understand. Sometimes it takes awhile to get past a plateau... you can do it!! 1200 sounds pretty low to me I must say... I aim for 1500 a day and more on the weekends because I indulge more then. Make sure you are eating healthy doll!

Chere - sounds like you and DH are having a grand old time in the sack lately eh? Good for you haha!!! Best of luck this cycle.. :)

Our Lil - Sorry to hear about your morning sickness.. my friend who got pg last cycle is having a terrible time with it... she is getting meds from her doctor.. every single day for hours she is so sick and throwing up just started too I feel for her. We want to be PG so bad we forget what may come with it LOL!! :) I hope its short lived for you!

I had a good weekend, back to work blahhh!!! Countdown to vacation is on.. leaving Friday after work a hotel we booked in Buffalo and then flying out Saturday morning :)

I am on CD14 - supposed to get my positive today but low and below its still a bit light! I will take another OPK tonight and see how I am progressing. I think it may be a longer cycle by a day or two - we will see! I will keep you posted :)

We BD'd on Saturday and twice on Sunday - so far so good lol

Yes ma'am! House is almost unpacked. Yee-haw!
And yep good ole cycle monitoring (grumble) starting Saturday morning.
I think I'll have my first IUI around July 15th - July 17th. I'll be CD12 on Monday the 15th. That's the earliest I've done an IUI & trigger. I hope it'll be this early again! One can hope. And then progesterone for I guess two weeks or so? I just hope my side effects are minimal.

I bet you cant wait to get on that plane eh?! How many days are you going for? How hot is it there now? Must be scorching! Is it just you & the hubs?
Yes ma'am! House is almost unpacked. Yee-haw!
And yep good ole cycle monitoring (grumble) starting Saturday morning.
I think I'll have my first IUI around July 15th - July 17th. I'll be CD12 on Monday the 15th. That's the earliest I've done an IUI & trigger. I hope it'll be this early again! One can hope. And then progesterone for I guess two weeks or so? I just hope my side effects are minimal.

I bet you cant wait to get on that plane eh?! How many days are you going for? How hot is it there now? Must be scorching! Is it just you & the hubs?

July 15th Barb? thats my Bday! LOL I have a good feeling about this one for you haha... its a sign!!!

Yes - Just me and hubby going on this trip... 3 days in vegas, then 2 days in Los Angeles area, then 1.5 days driving up the coastal highway, finally 2 days in San Francisco and flying home from San Fran. 8 days total. Should be great. It is boiling in Vegas - mid 40's all week but ive done it before there are lots of places to keep cool - along with a frozen margarita lol.. It will be ok. Afternoon siestas help with the heat too lol...
Haha that'd be awesome if I O'd on your birthday :)
I O'd on hubby's birthday the month we conceived this year.
I really hope you're right. I want this to be it...

Your trip sounds heavenly. I'd love to do a similar trip some day. Hubby is hard to convince of Vegas. I loved it though. SanFran I'd love & he'd be up for it. We're a bit broke for a while since we bought a house tho...tee hee. xo
Haha that'd be awesome if I O'd on your birthday :)
I O'd on hubby's birthday the month we conceived this year.
I really hope you're right. I want this to be it...

Your trip sounds heavenly. I'd love to do a similar trip some day. Hubby is hard to convince of Vegas. I loved it though. SanFran I'd love & he'd be up for it. We're a bit broke for a while since we bought a house tho...tee hee. xo

Yes.. Never been to cali and the coastal drive has been on our bucket list for years.. very excited for sure. I hear you on the house though. it seems our house is a never ending expense... something always to update or replace.
Yep totally - money pit :)LOL
How long have you been w/your hubby?

Nat, where are you lady?!
Yep totally - money pit :)LOL
How long have you been w/your hubby?

Nat, where are you lady?!

:flower: hiya barbs...
Just had another look at that list you sent me...I'm not sure if I can take the l'arginine yet ...need to read up again but I'm sure I read somthing about bees...or was that the royall jelly :wacko: lol...anyways I am allergic to them (bees!)-big time! And aspirin ! Shudder.....scares the crap out of me thinking about it lol...
Must read about it again lol...
The other things...sound simple enough...will have to order them :thumbup:

Barbs do you know how to drag the "pin it" button to the tool bar...I'm trying to do it on my iPad its nit at all easy ...grrrr lol...

Re: Facebook.......I do have an account...but I hardly ever go on there...I get kind of fed up with people telling about there every move in there life...like what time they "dropped the kids off at the pool" lol yuk!
And also I kind of held off abit when I miscarried - just couldn't face everyone and tell them I'd lost the baby...:(
I sometimes check in and see if I have any notes but that's it really...

Wow it's half nine in the evening here and its still 29 degrees in my home...pha! Cold shower me thinks....lol
Glad your getting the sun too now..l.

Ooh I almost forgot....I saw the news earlier and saw the awful train crash in eastern Quebec ...wow what a shame....I must say toe it looks like a glorious place to go...:thumbup:

Yep cd 5 yaaaaawn verrrrry boring..isn't it lol...trying to make the most of the non ss and testing tho...:thumbup:
Not going to look too much in the ss this time...nope! No way!....
I am still getting the retching and nausea -I think my thyroid is playing up...will defo have to go back to the gp and get this check as it can be detrimental to ttc...

So your trying progesterone this cycle?....is that the first time....? Are you have the shots or the cream?
Good luck with your iui this cycle barb...:thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

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