6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Were did u get them from nat, any certain brand i should try? I definatly wana try some lol x
Were did u get them from nat, any certain brand i should try? I definatly wana try some lol x

The ones I got today were from the range...
But you can get them from boots superdrug-supermarkets- pharmacys ...
They can be a lil pricey sometimes...and make sure you don't get the cod liver ones! Big no no.bad for ttc...
It's got to be made up off fish body :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
Hey chicks!!! I am still checking in on y'all and reading up!! So sorry about all the bfns!!! It blows!!!!! Well I have no idea when i ovulated this cycle because I am not trying....I do know that my boobs are hurting...lol so it had to be recently.... Got in a good amount of bding last week.... So who knows.... Guess I will probably waist some tests just to see since I have 50 of them. Lmao!! Not expecting much though.

Hey you! Good to hear from you :) Are you planning on trying next cycle? Takin it easy for now or what? xx

I am planning to try next cycle!! This cycle I just wanted to skinny up for my highschool reunion this weekend.... unfortunatley beer may have gotten in the way of that. Hahahaha not sure that I lost any weight at all!
Well ladies today I definitely noticed an increase in cm. tmi but I went to washroom and the toilet paper kind of glided haha I was like woweeeee hope that's good.

I hope I have the right fish oils. It's fish oil with Alaskan salmon etc. I thought I saw online that was fine.
Hey Meg,

nope not a good distraction...it's a salt rub in wound. dunno to understand unless your a step-parent trying to get pregnant but seeing a kid your husband had with an idiot & doting over her is hard when for the 18th month, you're not pregnant....again.
seeing that he still gets to be daddy is also hard. its just not a fun place to be in.
Anyway seems they'll come to the house for boxes while he's off next week. I like that idea the best. I'm not in preggers company mood at all.

Got the call from the clinic & its negative for sure.
I've decided to set up an appointment for DH for the DNA Fragmentation test on his sperm. WE haven't done that yet. So hopefully we can have those results for Aug 20th regroup with the RE.

That makes sense to me - I didnt think of it that way - I know I have read you say something like that before but I get it now. I think I would feel the same way in your shoes.

I am glad your friends are coming next week instead.... one less thing to dread!

DNA fragmentation? would that analyze if there was an issue with sperm that a regular analysis couldnt catch?

I am sorry about the BFN Barb. I cant even imagine that phone call even when you know what the answer is. Its almost like - dont call me unless its positive, right? xoxoxo

I love the kiddo but yeah its not easy to see your husband knocked up a bitch no problem LOL...anyway :wacko:

DNA Fragmentation is to analyze the sperm & make sure there is no major issue w/his DNA that could be the cause of why my eggy's aren't being fertilized or implanted after fertilization. Apparently this is a big one to look out for when you've been trying for a long time. It's around $260 to do it. We are getting the test done this Friday so I hope by Aug 20th the results are in & we can move fwd b/c I think that would be one of the next steps. I want to be 1 step ahead.

Yeah lol...you got it lady. That call is like the nail in coffin even when you know. Because there is always some tiny hope that you're wrong.
Well ladies today I definitely noticed an increase in cm. tmi but I went to washroom and the toilet paper kind of glided haha I was like woweeeee hope that's good.

I hope I have the right fish oils. It's fish oil with Alaskan salmon etc. I thought I saw online that was fine.

That's excellent! You're getting your EWCM!!! WHAOOO
It makes my CM very watery & within days of taking it. It's great.
I'll have to be sure to take it religiously in August since we're trying on our own.
Oh & the last thing I'm going to try alternatively unless smth new develops is acupuncture & Chinese medicine. I've heard & read good things. Also this practitioner is supposed to be very good & specializes in Fertility. So I have an appointment with her Tuesday after work.

Hey thats great - I am also going to try acupuncture I think. I am just looking for one near me who specialized in fertility. :) I will do some more research. I have never been before. I am not a big believer in alternative medicine but If I understand correctly the science supports acupuncture.

I'm huge on alternative meds too...been going to natropath's for years.
I found a person who's highly recommended in Toronto. She also specializes in Chinese medicine so I'm curious to see what she says. There's a fertility book I found on Amazon which is about Chinese Medicine & curing Infertility with it. I have it on hold at the library. It woudl sorta be in conjunction with what I'm going to try & I want to educate myself. The herbs you buy at a Chinese herbalist in China Town...and it should be relatively inexpensive.
I did acupuncture early this year with my IUI but didn't help. I also question the practitioner who was doing it. But Chinese Meds & Acupuncture, why not. My Tibetian herbs were not awesome tasting & I hear this is worse. Oh gawd...
Hi ladies....:)

Well it's was a BIG FAT FUCKING NO this morning,..AGAIN, grrrrrr....:)
Sorry about my lingo there lol

Barbs so sorry about your bfn too :hug:.......
This just sucks soooo bad!
I get that your sd coming round is salt rub...and seeing your hubby ingauging soo much too...I feel for you barb.

Wow black liners are out! I like this.....may have to google some later lol...
And the colour change has had me thinking....how would that work I wonder :wako:

He he peach sketch- that's a new one! Lol love it!

I am bummed out to here...l just can't imagine getting a bfn any time soon here! And I am sooo angry too......I don't know why I am! So confused!....
I keep telling myself there's only hope (aswell as every flaming trick in the dam book!)
I am popping pills like a fecking junkie ...drinking water like its going out of fashion ...
Peeing on sticks like an escapee from the nut house...trawling the Internet for that mirricle info and just in general waisting my time very fecking month!...
Oh well there's next month to I suppose!

Hay.....Chinese medicine.....yep heard ALOT about this too...all good stuff.....have actually given it some great consideration as to weather or not to try it....
I hear the acupuncture is great too...:thumbup:..... I'm such a wimpy with needles tho so I'm not sure if I would actually have to big balls to go and do it lol

Natalie...I agree with barbs on the bd-Ing!....altho if you get it in daily 4/5 days before o and day of o...is thee most important time of all.
Sperm can take up to 36 hrs to travel to destination...then has been known to service for up to 5 days waiting for eggy to join the party ...:thumbup:
Don't sweat love...I think you did a great job!...and thank gawsh oh listened to your worry and didn't patronise with his already made family....so sorry it had to be that way for you love :hug:
Yaye welcome to the tww.:happydance: I hope it dosent drag for you Hun.:)

Meg-noticed a difference with cm yet?

Hmmmm I sure hope chere ok....she hasn't been on in a while.if your reading this love I hope your ok and everything is alright :thumbup:

Mommaplus did you get any answers at the doctors? I hope it's all ok for you .
Ashley how about you? :)

Well I'm going to drag my moany bum to bed and veg out with a DVD or a film othe telly....oh the joys of crummy tv ...:)
I fancy chocolate.,......And peanut butter on toast!...followed by a nice grand old cuppa tea.
Wow so exciting! NOT! Lol

:) :) :) xxx

Oh hun all I can say is hang in there, big hugs to you & welcome to the club. I've been there so many times. Eventually you'll start to get numb. Before Harry, was there a point you sorta got numb & just went on with your days not thinking anything would happen??

Well I'd say try the alternative Nat. I will try it & let you know how it goes. I didn't succeed with Tibetian herbs. Even the ones he gave me specifically for conception but Chinese Meds should be good.

here is the book I already spoke of:


I have it on hold at the library but contemplating just buying it. It should go with the treatments I'm about to embark on.

Well I've decided to take a 'mental health day' tomorrow from work & watch horrible TV & movies all faking day. I am in a "i dont give a shit" mood & I need a day to myself.
Hi ladies....:)

Well it's was a BIG FAT FUCKING NO this morning,..AGAIN, grrrrrr....:)
Sorry about my lingo there lol

Barbs so sorry about your bfn too :hug:.......
This just sucks soooo bad!
I get that your sd coming round is salt rub...and seeing your hubby ingauging soo much too...I feel for you barb.

Wow black liners are out! I like this.....may have to google some later lol...
And the colour change has had me thinking....how would that work I wonder :wako:

He he peach sketch- that's a new one! Lol love it!

I am bummed out to here...l just can't imagine getting a bfn any time soon here! And I am sooo angry too......I don't know why I am! So confused!....
I keep telling myself there's only hope (aswell as every flaming trick in the dam book!)
I am popping pills like a fecking junkie ...drinking water like its going out of fashion ...
Peeing on sticks like an escapee from the nut house...trawling the Internet for that mirricle info and just in general waisting my time very fecking month!...
Oh well there's next month to I suppose!

Hay.....Chinese medicine.....yep heard ALOT about this too...all good stuff.....have actually given it some great consideration as to weather or not to try it....
I hear the acupuncture is great too...:thumbup:..... I'm such a wimpy with needles tho so I'm not sure if I would actually have to big balls to go and do it lol

Natalie...I agree with barbs on the bd-Ing!....altho if you get it in daily 4/5 days before o and day of o...is thee most important time of all.
Sperm can take up to 36 hrs to travel to destination...then has been known to service for up to 5 days waiting for eggy to join the party ...:thumbup:
Don't sweat love...I think you did a great job!...and thank gawsh oh listened to your worry and didn't patronise with his already made family....so sorry it had to be that way for you love :hug:
Yaye welcome to the tww.:happydance: I hope it dosent drag for you Hun.:)

Meg-noticed a difference with cm yet?

Hmmmm I sure hope chere ok....she hasn't been on in a while.if your reading this love I hope your ok and everything is alright :thumbup:

Mommaplus did you get any answers at the doctors? I hope it's all ok for you .
Ashley how about you? :)

Well I'm going to drag my moany bum to bed and veg out with a DVD or a film othe telly....oh the joys of crummy tv ...:)
I fancy chocolate.,......And peanut butter on toast!...followed by a nice grand old cuppa tea.
Wow so exciting! NOT! Lol

:) :) :) xxx

Oh hun all I can say is hang in there, big hugs to you & welcome to the club. I've been there so many times. Eventually you'll start to get numb. Before Harry, was there a point you sorta got numb & just went on with your days not thinking anything would happen??

Well I'd say try the alternative Nat. I will try it & let you know how it goes. I didn't succeed with Tibetian herbs. Even the ones he gave me specifically for conception but Chinese Meds should be good.

here is the book I already spoke of:


I have it on hold at the library but contemplating just buying it. It should go with the treatments I'm about to embark on.

Well I've decided to take a 'mental health day' tomorrow from work & watch horrible TV & movies all faking day. I am in a "i dont give a shit" mood & I need a day to myself.

Hey we all need those days. I think it's just what the doctor ordered. I should do that soon too lol xoxo
Well ladies today I definitely noticed an increase in cm. tmi but I went to washroom and the toilet paper kind of glided haha I was like woweeeee hope that's good.

I hope I have the right fish oils. It's fish oil with Alaskan salmon etc. I thought I saw online that was fine.

That's excellent! You're getting your EWCM!!! WHAOOO
It makes my CM very watery & within days of taking it. It's great.
I'll have to be sure to take it religiously in August since we're trying on our own.

I hope so! Starting to enter my fertile days tomorrow so would be nice to have any extra help.
Oh & the last thing I'm going to try alternatively unless smth new develops is acupuncture & Chinese medicine. I've heard & read good things. Also this practitioner is supposed to be very good & specializes in Fertility. So I have an appointment with her Tuesday after work.

Hey thats great - I am also going to try acupuncture I think. I am just looking for one near me who specialized in fertility. :) I will do some more research. I have never been before. I am not a big believer in alternative medicine but If I understand correctly the science supports acupuncture.

I'm huge on alternative meds too...been going to natropath's for years.
I found a person who's highly recommended in Toronto. She also specializes in Chinese medicine so I'm curious to see what she says. There's a fertility book I found on Amazon which is about Chinese Medicine & curing Infertility with it. I have it on hold at the library. It woudl sorta be in conjunction with what I'm going to try & I want to educate myself. The herbs you buy at a Chinese herbalist in China Town...and it should be relatively inexpensive.
I did acupuncture early this year with my IUI but didn't help. I also question the practitioner who was doing it. But Chinese Meds & Acupuncture, why not. My Tibetian herbs were not awesome tasting & I hear this is worse. Oh gawd...

Interesting.... I have never looked into it before but with this TTC stuff I will never say never again lol. You'll have to let us know what the book says when you get it. Xx
Oh & the last thing I'm going to try alternatively unless smth new develops is acupuncture & Chinese medicine. I've heard & read good things. Also this practitioner is supposed to be very good & specializes in Fertility. So I have an appointment with her Tuesday after work.

Hey thats great - I am also going to try acupuncture I think. I am just looking for one near me who specialized in fertility. :) I will do some more research. I have never been before. I am not a big believer in alternative medicine but If I understand correctly the science supports acupuncture.

Just popping in quick (y'all know I'm a lurker, right?) I'm a huge fan of acupuncture (I'm a vet, not really big on alternative medicine either, but acupuncture is pretty amazing). Not that I'm a good example, because I lost both of my pregnancies, but both times I got pregnant, I had acupuncture on my lh surge day and one week later for implantation. I saw an acupuncturist who specializes in reproduction. It wasn't cheap, $80 each visit, but it worked for me. I'm going to try it again this cycle. I also take maca and FertilAid.

Good luck everyone!
Were did u get them from nat, any certain brand i should try? I definatly wana try some lol x

The ones I got today were from the range...
But you can get them from boots superdrug-supermarkets- pharmacys ...
They can be a lil pricey sometimes...and make sure you don't get the cod liver ones! Big no no.bad for ttc...
It's got to be made up off fish body :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx

Thank you i will take a look, well actually i will see if i get af then if theres a next cycle try bd less but everyday because i do think all the bd'ing might have dried me up in there to be fair, then if i have a cycle after that i will try the fish oil xxx
I really had doubts in my mind that i had a surge and didnt ovulate, but im positive with the gassiness i did, i would never have put ovulation and gas together to be honest i've been like this since the day before ovulation and didnt find out it was related until yesterday lol xxx
Morning all :)
14 dpo now. Still bfns...think I'm out here I have a few cramps going on this morning...af due in 2 days...oh well shit happens!

Barbs you are so right...it got so bad with every month that passed by and not being pregnant...in the end I did get very numb to it all....at the same time I walked around with a heavy but empty heart ache...smiling politely when I hear of a new pregnancy with my friends or family and crying when I got home :( .....I swear I won't got there again...them were some depressing days....

I think in the end I just plodded along and lost faith in it ever happening.
It would cause some tension between oH and I too...I would have days were I would take it out on him or vice versa and we would row....
But we always relised sticking together through our ttc journey and being united was so important...blaming each other really was no good..
I did have days where I would imagine if he left me and got with sombody else would he get his new girlfriend knocked up?....ugh the torment...thank gawsh that never happened...I think I just got scared and paranoid .

I'm at the stage at the moment where it's still upsetting but I'm all out of ideas and I have to just go with the flow and hope that we have covered everything...then when it comes to 14/15 dpo I get abit pha! Wth! Why why why! Lol

I'm going to try a prayer candle this cycle...jeez ill try anything at this point lol...

Meg...Yaye cm has landed :happydance:

Ashley...hope you have a great time at your reunion love...and don't be worried about your diet...I think you looked great in your pic.:flower:

Natalie...2dpo Yaye....:).... Try and keep busy Hun....when will you start testing?....how long is your estimated lp?
The earlier you test the more you wind yourself up lol...trust me I am a perfect example.....I am going to try to not test at all till af is due or late!.....less anguish and no ambiguous results ...:thumbup:
I wish you all the best Hun ok.:)

Well ladies I will be back later with updates so I hope you all have a good day :thumbup:

:) :) :) xxx
I am not testing until the day before af is due, my esitmated lp is 14 days but i have no idea to be honest this month is supposed to be about learning my cycles so i guess i will wait it out lol bet i will end up testing before that i have little patience lol

Sorry about the bfn hang in there, hopefully you all have your bfp by xmas that would be lovely me included i'd love that xxx
@Meg, I've decided to take the day off :) yahoo! Dawson's Creek here I come :) And some bad movies.
BTW I bought the book on Amazon last night. It's only $14 & the reviews on it are great...ladies you may wanna have a look. I'm at 18 months, tried everything & at a point I'll try some thing new if it means it helps. So maybe worth looking into yourselves?
And Meg, do it...take a day off from those @ssholes at work & have a 'you' day...all about, you!

Nat I read your last post & I totally get it. I'm feeling the way you felt. The pretend smile while inside I'm going "make this stop!!" but I am good at hiding my emotions. I don't cry much about this. I had a lot of trouble a while back & had some melt downs but I really am feeling a bit numb. I can't imagine you went through that for 7 years. That's not easy. And I'm sure it made you & your man stronger.
So Nat, TTC aside, are you in wedding planning mode or what?! :)
Oh & the last thing I'm going to try alternatively unless smth new develops is acupuncture & Chinese medicine. I've heard & read good things. Also this practitioner is supposed to be very good & specializes in Fertility. So I have an appointment with her Tuesday after work.

Hey thats great - I am also going to try acupuncture I think. I am just looking for one near me who specialized in fertility. :) I will do some more research. I have never been before. I am not a big believer in alternative medicine but If I understand correctly the science supports acupuncture.

Just popping in quick (y'all know I'm a lurker, right?) I'm a huge fan of acupuncture (I'm a vet, not really big on alternative medicine either, but acupuncture is pretty amazing). Not that I'm a good example, because I lost both of my pregnancies, but both times I got pregnant, I had acupuncture on my lh surge day and one week later for implantation. I saw an acupuncturist who specializes in reproduction. It wasn't cheap, $80 each visit, but it worked for me. I'm going to try it again this cycle. I also take maca and FertilAid.

Good luck everyone!

Kare I havent seen you in ages :) Thanks for popping in and posting that. I am very sorry for your losses and wish you the best of luck this cycle :hugs:
Oh & the last thing I'm going to try alternatively unless smth new develops is acupuncture & Chinese medicine. I've heard & read good things. Also this practitioner is supposed to be very good & specializes in Fertility. So I have an appointment with her Tuesday after work.

Hey thats great - I am also going to try acupuncture I think. I am just looking for one near me who specialized in fertility. :) I will do some more research. I have never been before. I am not a big believer in alternative medicine but If I understand correctly the science supports acupuncture.

Just popping in quick (y'all know I'm a lurker, right?) I'm a huge fan of acupuncture (I'm a vet, not really big on alternative medicine either, but acupuncture is pretty amazing). Not that I'm a good example, because I lost both of my pregnancies, but both times I got pregnant, I had acupuncture on my lh surge day and one week later for implantation. I saw an acupuncturist who specializes in reproduction. It wasn't cheap, $80 each visit, but it worked for me. I'm going to try it again this cycle. I also take maca and FertilAid.

Good luck everyone!

Hey Hun,

I'm also sorry to hear about your losses. Are you going to be seeking out an RE to find out why you're having miscarriages?
I'm on Maca too....have been for a while. I won't mess with FertilAid...I read if your cycle is regular not to touch it.
I wish you so much luck & I hope you get a sticky bean that sticks for 9 months FX
@Meg, I've decided to take the day off :) yahoo! Dawson's Creek here I come :) And some bad movies.
BTW I bought the book on Amazon last night. It's only $14 & the reviews on it are great...ladies you may wanna have a look. I'm at 18 months, tried everything & at a point I'll try some thing new if it means it helps. So maybe worth looking into yourselves?
And Meg, do it...take a day off from those @ssholes at work & have a 'you' day...all about, you!

Nat I read your last post & I totally get it. I'm feeling the way you felt. The pretend smile while inside I'm going "make this stop!!" but I am good at hiding my emotions. I don't cry much about this. I had a lot of trouble a while back & had some melt downs but I really am feeling a bit numb. I can't imagine you went through that for 7 years. That's not easy. And I'm sure it made you & your man stronger.
So Nat, TTC aside, are you in wedding planning mode or what?! :)

Yes! Dawsons! LOL.... I loved watching all of the seasons all over again recently... it was fun haha... I always watch series on my treadmill so I can go from one episode to the next and keep going. right now on the tread I am watching Prison Break - I am on season 1 but its OK so far.... I will stick with it for now. I am also watching a new Netflix show called Orange is the New Black - DH and I are obsessed! is is an awesome show.... almost done the season :(

I hope you have a great relaxing day at home Barbs!

As for what you and Nat are saying about numbness in TTC - I am still in the up and down phase.... I can go a few cycles feeling numb and then I get reinvested emotionally again for a bit - it goes up and down for me. Right now I am in an emotional phase again. I want it to happen. the infection is gone - gave me new hope - my friend got pg who was trying as long as me - also renewed hope. I just am feeling impatient...and worried.

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