6 DPO...& ...POAS until positive!

Wow Natalie dark opk already??? What cd are you on? I don't get my positive until 13/14
Cd4 over here...... Crickets. Lol

Barb/Nat how are those opk coming!!
Goood mornin ladies...good to see a lot of positive attitudes on here.:) I am sittin at 9 dpo, plan on testing friday!! Fingers soooo crossed but not feeling very positive myself about this cycle..other than this weird constipation I have no twinges, pokes IB, odd cm, nausea, sore boobs..lpl have no symptoms watsoever..booo..so I guess I will have my answer friday(but I think I already know the answer) hopin u all get ur bfps this cycle!! @ crazy, were r u???? Have u tested anymore?
Only 7 lol think my body is probably having a little surge but i might aswell keep opking to keep a eye on it since last cycle was a wierd one x
Af is due in 6 days!! Whoop! I cant wait to test to gwtbit over with now..I soooo wish I felt some symptoms! Anything..lol feeling nothing makes me hopeless and I rely on hope to get me through the horrid tww!
Goood mornin ladies...good to see a lot of positive attitudes on here.:) I am sittin at 9 dpo, plan on testing friday!! Fingers soooo crossed but not feeling very positive myself about this cycle..other than this weird constipation I have no twinges, pokes IB, odd cm, nausea, sore boobs..lpl have no symptoms watsoever..booo..so I guess I will have my answer friday(but I think I already know the answer) hopin u all get ur bfps this cycle!! @ crazy, were r u???? Have u tested anymore?

My only early symptoms was constipation and then it would go the other way... Sore boobs came after my bfp and nausea only in week 6 or 7
Only 7 lol think my body is probably having a little surge but i might aswell keep opking to keep a eye on it since last cycle was a wierd one x

Yeah I thought you were only a few days ahead of me lol... that is very early but I suppose if you have good lines keep going. I will start my OPK on Tuesday -CD10.
Do I take the fish oil every day or just until O? Also - do I take 2 twice a day or 2 total? I have just been taking 2 with dinner.
Only 7 lol think my body is probably having a little surge but i might aswell keep opking to keep a eye on it since last cycle was a wierd one x

Yeah I thought you were only a few days ahead of me lol... that is very early but I suppose if you have good lines keep going. I will start my OPK on Tuesday -CD10.

Yeah i will keep going just incase i have a doctors appointment with the lady who dealt with the chemical tomorrow going to ask if she is going to take my bloods im sure i have too much testosterone in my body for a woman so if she listens to me and is nice hopefully she will check it out.
Natalie, your LH goes up & down through out your whole cycle. CD7 is very early. I would say you'll be O'in some where in mid cycle or else you'd have like a 21 day cycle...

Momma, good luck Friday! WHOO Hope you're preggo! I didn't have any symptoms both times I got pregnant. Not that early...before a bfp. So don't worry about that :)

Meg, I'm 1dpo today!! WHOOO!
And as for Fish Oil, take it every day. It's so good for you & it'll be good to keep taking it when you get pregnant. So just add it to your daily routein.

Nat, where are you with OPKs? Have you tested positive yet?

So I get to test next Saturday...the 28th. That's a LOOOONG ways away! HAHA
I don't feel much of anything about this cycle. I hope it works but I'm not banking on it.
I feel more optimistic having things to do to try & get preggo. The Acu, the herbs, the appointments for more tests. I just feel like I'm not sitting stagnant doing nothing & that helps me.

Doctor said he wouldn't be calling me about my results so I have to follow up.
I'm not sure how it works with this clinic. I'll just ask if they can send me copies of all my test results & do my own comparison too.
Meg, I'm 1dpo today!! WHOOO!
And as for Fish Oil, take it every day. It's so good for you & it'll be good to keep taking it when you get pregnant. So just add it to your daily routein.

So I get to test next Saturday...the 28th. That's a LOOOONG ways away! HAHA
I don't feel much of anything about this cycle. I hope it works but I'm not banking on it.
I feel more optimistic having things to do to try & get preggo. The Acu, the herbs, the appointments for more tests. I just feel like I'm not sitting stagnant doing nothing & that helps me.

Doctor said he wouldn't be calling me about my results so I have to follow up.
I'm not sure how it works with this clinic. I'll just ask if they can send me copies of all my test results & do my own comparison too.

Thanks Barb - will do re fish oil - but do you take 4 a day or 2?

Whoop 1DPO! I wish I was in your shoes LOL..... the lead up is such a drag.

I'm glad you feel more optimistic - you should! you are doing a lot and there is good reason to feel positive- IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.

So I called my insurance company out of curiosity to see what my coverage might be for fertility stuff. All I get is $600 in medicine coverage - LIFETIME - not annually. That is just crap. Hopefully I don't need much....

I assume the bloodwork and diagnostics are covered through OHIP though right Barb? I know I will have to pay for sperm analysis though right?

Any info is helpful

Hey Meg,

I only take 1 a day because that's what the bottle says. Just take as many as the bottle says. I got mine at GNC store - I got a great sale price for two bottles & only have to take 1 a day which is nicer than 2 or 4...like some companies.

Yeah we all wanna be in the TWW When we're only in the pre-O phase. It's so boring.
Mind you it's a boring place for me too - I can't do anything now for 11 days!
I'll have lots of distractions though so that's OK :)

Meg, re: benefit coverage. That's a drag. That's not much at all.
Ovidrel is around $95 so hopefully you won't need 6 IUI's to get pregnant ;) If you go down that route. And you don't have to take Clomid or anything if you don't need it.

Most of the blood work is covered under OHIP. As is the routine semen analysis. There are some tests that you have to pay for however. My benefits covered those additional blood tests & ultrasound.
Hey Meg,

I only take 1 a day because that's what the bottle says. Just take as many as the bottle says. I got mine at GNC store - I got a great sale price for two bottles & only have to take 1 a day which is nicer than 2 or 4...like some companies.

Yeah we all wanna be in the TWW When we're only in the pre-O phase. It's so boring.
Mind you it's a boring place for me too - I can't do anything now for 11 days!
I'll have lots of distractions though so that's OK :)

Meg, re: benefit coverage. That's a drag. That's not much at all.
Ovidrel is around $95 so hopefully you won't need 6 IUI's to get pregnant ;) If you go down that route. And you don't have to take Clomid or anything if you don't need it.

Most of the blood work is covered under OHIP. As is the routine semen analysis. There are some tests that you have to pay for however. My benefits covered those additional blood tests & ultrasound.

Good to know thanks, yes hopefully I wont have to spend much out of pocket for now. I mean its fine if we do here and there but overall would be nice for most of the initial stuff to be covered. We will see I guess. Yep $600 isn't much at all. I was surprised actually because I have good coverage aside from this stuff. Why should someone be penalized for a medical issue? Ugh.
I'm not sure my cm is stringy with brown in it and usually it would be dry by now i'm not taking any chances and will have bd covered anyway lol x
Is it wierd that i am less bored in the tww before ovulation when i take opks? Lol it satisfys me....ok i am strange haha
Hi ladies...:) so I'm really sorry but I have to be a drag...sorry to bring down the good vibe.:flower:

So my opk is still not positive...:( :cry:
I know there's still time bu I just feel so down in the dumps lately too...
I am actually quite down again about the whole ttc....iv been here before.in a place I do not desire to be.
I have spent the whole day just feeling so sad inside and I can't shake it...I have felt this creeping up one for a few weeks now and I have tryed MY ABSOLUTE HARDEST too beat it.
I really do not want to admit defeat and to have to go back on the anti depressants either...I am stuck...and at home (you gals are a wonderfully brilliant support)
I do not feel I am getting the support I need...in fact I feel sooo alone.:( :cry:
Nobody understands how I feel and how it's taking its toll on me in so many ways.i have sort of tried to talk to pete and my mom and they are no help at all...instead It feels like they are on my case ALL the time.

I swore I would never let this get me down ever again but it seems slowly creeped up on me...I have tried to fight it.

I'm the sort to walk around with a smile painted on but underneath I am just breaking down.
I really think this started when my gp told us that there's NO FURTHER HELP available...it was such a kick in the teeth...

I have decided that if I feel no better next week I am going to ask for the anti depressants again...WHICH I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO DO!!!
That should be enough to swiftly kick me up the behind and make me determined enough to beat this SOAB . Fx.

Ugh I am sooo sorry I am being such a downer girls.:dohh:
I feel so crap!

Anyways......how are we all?....barbs to yaye...1dpo!..:happydance:...I hope the ttw is kind to you love.:thumbup:

Nat wow that is early for a opk to start to go positive love,...barbs is right your LH will fluctuate through out the whole cycle.but yeah keep an eye on it.:thumbup:

Meg...I'm sorry you only get $600 to cover everything....fx you won't need to spend it all love.:thumbup:...maybe there's is something very simple going on (like your friend) and they know exactly how to correct this for you both...better still that nothing needs correcting at all even and it's just a case of cm and catching that eggy :happydance: good luck for Monday Hun and I am sooo eager to hear what the re has to say...:thumbup:

Talia-how are you feeling after your fall? Good I hope Hun.:thumbup::flower:

Momma- wow- your in the pact with us...you CAN do it.:happydance:...I hope you get them double pinkys on Friday love.:thumbup:

Ashley- yeah where you at? Have you tested again yet love?

So I worry about chere? I hope she's ok.she was quite down it he dumps when she last posted...maybe I should go back ov the thread and find her blog link and email her and see if she's ok....

Well wish me luck ladies....I really want that positive opk tmr....I only have 4left so I need it to be lol...

:) :) :) xxx


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What cd are you nat, sorry that you are feeling down at the moment and it sucks they wont offer you any help.
I am suppost to be on anti depression tablets but dont take them, i'm doing ok without them. I hope your opk turns positive soon, and i believe you will get your bfp this year but i know its hard to stop your head from wondering off and thinking the worst i do think everything will work out for you though xxx
I just checked af is due for me on my mams birthday, that would be a nice suprise for me it would be like a present for me on her birthday if i get my bfp i am really hopeful for this and thinking positive....oh about my facebook pregnancy prediction thing this morning someone posted that they were excited 6 hours later a scan pic... always the same lol x
Hey Meg,

I only take 1 a day because that's what the bottle says. Just take as many as the bottle says. I got mine at GNC store - I got a great sale price for two bottles & only have to take 1 a day which is nicer than 2 or 4...like some companies.

Yeah we all wanna be in the TWW When we're only in the pre-O phase. It's so boring.
Mind you it's a boring place for me too - I can't do anything now for 11 days!
I'll have lots of distractions though so that's OK :)

Meg, re: benefit coverage. That's a drag. That's not much at all.
Ovidrel is around $95 so hopefully you won't need 6 IUI's to get pregnant ;) If you go down that route. And you don't have to take Clomid or anything if you don't need it.

Most of the blood work is covered under OHIP. As is the routine semen analysis. There are some tests that you have to pay for however. My benefits covered those additional blood tests & ultrasound.

Good to know thanks, yes hopefully I wont have to spend much out of pocket for now. I mean its fine if we do here and there but overall would be nice for most of the initial stuff to be covered. We will see I guess. Yep $600 isn't much at all. I was surprised actually because I have good coverage aside from this stuff. Why should someone be penalized for a medical issue? Ugh.

Check your benefits to see if it covers extra costs for blood work & ultrasounds....It should. It would be extended medical coverage.
Also, it depends entirely on what protocol your doctor takes. And they always tell you what will cost extra & it's optional.

I agree, this is total bullshit re: having to pay. Isn't this a medical issue like any thing else? Our baby makers arent working & some how there are electives around that.
Hey Nat,

I am so sorry. I felt this way last month - even about possibly taking anti-depressants because I was just so done feeling horrible about all this & my life in general.
I hope you kick this feeling soon. And if you need to see someone, you should. Could you go to a counselor? I have a fantastic woman I go to when I feel like I can't handle the world anymore. And she brings me great comfort. It's hard to talk always to friends & family because they can only say/do so much & they dont know how to deal with a person who is having trouble conceiving.

And I"ve been feeling good this month but you know what, my OPK didnt turn positive or even close on the day I thought it would & I started to get that panic feeling that I'd get with pregnancy tests. And I hated it!!!! I didn't want to go down that road again. It only lasted 1 day & I got my positive the day after. But I am really making a concious effort to keep really busy!
It's hard that you're home so much so I understand. But try to do stuff for you or with your son & away from things that are TTC...even if that means you need a break from this site. Or lessen the amount of times you log in. I believe it'll help.

We're here for you, always! Stay strong xoxoxoxox

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