Hey lovely ladies hope everyone is well. Sorry for late update. Have been on & off b&b through April as didn't really get to try properly this cycle due to feeling unwell for over 2 weeks so only gt to dtd twice entire month however 12dpo today & still had to poas for the sake for it lol & bfn. Waiting for af now.
Wowzers petzy your over 20 weeks & half way there! X
Momma lovely bump x
Shay congrats hun! X
Natjen hope everythings fine did u say u have multiple scelorsis? My sis got diagnosed with it 5 years ago hers is at relapse & remission. She has her good & bad days but is doing alot better than the docs said she would although after dad passed away last year obv due to stress she had a relapse but doing well now. Hopefully all is well with u hun my prayers are with you x
Petzy i had to lol at when u said u dont feel like a mum yet i said same until he turned 1 & all i'd hear & still hear is 'mum! Mummy MUM Sometimes i just wana put my ear phones on & block it lol u sure will feel the mum giv it few months x
Hope everyone else is doing great i will pop back in later & update ladies wish me luck for next cycle! X
Oh and when i joined this thread i did read Barbs journey & so happy for you u deserve this & praying all goes well for you x
Haha hey there sheen.
Yes yes....I'm back in the game...wohooooo
Cd2 today,
Oh yeah ok....so a few months ago I had a consultation with a specialist...
And she starts talking abut sclerosis....my ears went firmly shut when I heard that word so I spdid actually listen to the rest.lol
But as it turns out she was saying "a multiple of sclerosis"
And she has now instead diagnosed me with ankylosing spondylitis.
Yeah that's the one.....
The condition sucks ass....big time....I have to have fluoroscopic injections...
But I am trying to change this currently....I'm actually having lots of anxiety about this procedure itself.
Hoping the long term meds become available instead.
Pain is an issue for me daily....but I'm a tough cookie...

I won't let this beat me.not at all....well untill I hit like 90 or something haha
How's you?
How's it all coming along with ttc.?
Good I hopes.
