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7 dpo - really dizzy - bfp?

Hello ladies,

Yesterday was something else. I was actually able to obtain blood results, and it's all systems go. I am going to post pics of the prego tests later today.

Narla and Levi: thanks so much ladies. How are you guys coming along?

Hollrlyrose: today I was due for AF, but I got my BFP 12 dpo. As far as the dizziness, hit me some yesterday, although not as bad as the randomness of days 3-11 dpo. I hope that it doesn't become a prego symptom for me because that would just suck

Well wishes to everyone. I am going to try to get back to sleep.

so pleased for you getting you BFP i'm ok don't feel any different at all apart from i'm not hurgry am having to force myself to eat was not like that with my ds at all and sore boobs but that is it nothing at all. how are you feeling?
apart from being dizzy hope that goes soon for you!!
Morning Ladies:flower:

I'm fine, still not feeling pregnant! Got my digi today so gonna wait a few hours to pee on it (yippie) I can honestly say I never thought I'd get excited about peeing on a stick!:happydance:

Hollyrose: Happy St Patricks Day to you! Hows the weather? Hope you have a nice day at the parade if you go!! Thanks for your kind words about the photo, we think he's kinda cute!!!!:friends:

Cocojo: Oh looking forward to seing them!! Congrats again!! Hows the dizzyness? I found mine wore off after a couple of days so hope its the same for you!!:dance:

Mummapie: How you doing today? Good luck for next weds! If you dont hold out that long let us know!! Fx'ed for you!

Well sending you all :dust: and :hugs: your way ladies.x
Not feeling so sick today, bb's have just started feeling achey though. I'm suprised i havent tested yet lol i'm doing well! 6 days to go. x
Well done you! Im a poas addct so I started at 7dpo which is a bit pointless really!!:dohh:
Morning Ladies,:flower:

Mmmm, I had to dig around for this thread!!!

How are you all today? Hollyrose did you go to the parade?

Sending you all :dust: and :hugs:
Feeling sick again this morning, exhausted and (sorry tmi) constipated and peeing for Britain! C'Mon bfp lol!
Ohh, you havent caved in and tested yet then? Your symptoms are looking good!!:flower:
hi everyone!

sorry i wasn't on yesterday but had a hectic (but good) day! took dd to the parade and she loved it, then visited dh's family. fell asleep on the sofa at 10pm for the second time this week, which i never do unless i'm feeling under the weather, which i'm not.

cd 8 now so only 6 more days to ov! really impatient now to catch that egg!

mummapie - fingers crossed for ur bfp

narla- howd the digi go?
coco- the dizziness is awful! hope it doesn't come back for u.

levi- it's awful when u don't feel like eating but u know u have to. hopefully when u get to 12 weeks it'll ease off a bit and u'll get ur appetitie back.

hi everyone!

sorry i wasn't on yesterday but had a hectic (but good) day! took dd to the parade and she loved it, then visited dh's family. fell asleep on the sofa at 10pm for the second time this week, which i never do unless i'm feeling under the weather, which i'm not.

cd 8 now so only 6 more days to ov! really impatient now to catch that egg!

mummapie - fingers crossed for ur bfp

narla- howd the digi go?

Hey ya,

Glad you had a good time. Wonder why your so tierd?!! Digi came up 2-3 weeks (didnt want to bore you with pics) but thanks for asking! Not long now for you, have my fx'ed for you this month and you can have a xmas baby!!!
narla - post away, i love seeing hpt's.

that's great it said 2-3 weeks then cause that matches ur 5 weeks from lmp doesn't it?

don't know why i'm so tired tbh. fell asleep putting dd to bed last night n woke myself up snoring! then went straight to bed myself. really wanted to watch some of the comic relief stuff on tv but just couldn't keep my eyes open. felt really dizzy again last night too. might have to go see the doctor about that if it keeps up. i sometimes have low blood pressure so starting to wonder if that's the cause of the dizziness. if i didn't know better i'd think i was pregnant! lol!

i would so love a xmas baby. my dh has just told me he has to go away at the start of next week for work and i was so mad cause i'm ov'ing toward the end of next week, if previous cycles are anything to go by. he promised he'd be home on tuesday evening tho. which should be ok. hopefully!

have u made ur bookin in appointment yet?
Hollyrose: Oh glad DH will be back in time, is his back better now? Think docs is an idea just get your blood pressure checked out (for your own sanity)!!!
Are you taking any pre-natal vits at the min coz if not you may low in something as well?(dont want to worry you)

Mmm, made my booking in appoint for the 6th April (@8 weeks) they wont see me before, (have a horribul feeling thats the start of the easter hols here so dd will be about so have to ask her friend to have her for a couple of hours as we havent told her yet) So worried what the midwifes gonna think back after 6 months!!!!:wacko:

Lots of :dust: and :hugs: your way!!!
thats not that long now then. yeah i don't think i would tell my dd until later either. thats good that u have friends u can trust to look after her. they don't book u in here until 8 weeks either. it seems like forever! lol!

at least the midwife will remember u! lol!

dh's back is still sore but not as bad. he got some exercises from a physio so they seem to be helping.

i'm taking pregnacare vitamin and mum omega. had my blood checked a few weeks ago and wasn't low in iron. gonna make an appointment on monday n get checked out anyway.
Oh, well if you've had your blood checked and it was fine it remains a mystery. You gonna pop to the docs anyway?!!!!!!!:wacko:

Yea in a way it seems like a long time til the appoint but I have my hands full at the min so time goes fairly quick!! Luckly I got on with the midwife so hoping she wont be too bad it is her job after all!

Just told my Bro who is shocked, we're now going through what needs ripping out at mums so theres room for us all at christmas 2 newborns (cant remember if I told you my sis is expecting too 7 weeks between us) 1 toddler and a 10 year old not to mention us adults!!!!!:wacko:
Hi girls,

Sorry haven't been on here for a while. Haven't got any emails about this thread....strange??

Anyway, my oh has lost his job and his grandad has passed away. We're sort of leaving things for this month and having a break from trying. Only been trying a couple of months anyway!!!!

We're kind of not trying but not doing anything to stop it either.

I'm going out tonight and having a couple of glasses of wine! So excited I haven't drunk since Jan because of trying!!!!

I think I got a bit carried away with everything and it gets quite stressful doesn't it??

I'll still be on here but just not as much, will let you know what happens around 10th April as that's when the witch should be due again!

<a href="https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com"><img src="https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/tickers/dpo-1300251600z4z25z14.png" border="0"></a>
Hi girls,

Sorry haven't been on here for a while. Haven't got any emails about this thread....strange??

Anyway, my oh has lost his job and his grandad has passed away. We're sort of leaving things for this month and having a break from trying. Only been trying a couple of months anyway!!!!

We're kind of not trying but not doing anything to stop it either.

I'm going out tonight and having a couple of glasses of wine! So excited I haven't drunk since Jan because of trying!!!!

I think I got a bit carried away with everything and it gets quite stressful doesn't it??

I'll still be on here but just not as much, will let you know what happens around 10th April as that's when the witch should be due again!

<a href="https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com"><img src="https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/tickers/dpo-1300251600z4z25z14.png" border="0"></a>

Ahh, so sorry to hear that hunni! Your right it does get very stressfull and if your ntnp then you never know what may happen! Glad your going to have a few drinks tonight by what I've read youve been through you deserve them, let your hair down and have a large glass for me!!:)

Speak to you soon, and deffo let us know how you get on!!

Lots of :dust: and :hugs: your way.x

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