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7 dpo - really dizzy - bfp?

narla - thats great that ur sis n u r both expecting together! r u close? my sis had her baby 4 months after me. was great.

r u living at ur mums then? or will u be visiting for xmas? sounds like it'll be a tight squeeze anyway but lots of fun!

myrtle- i'm so sorry ur oh lost his job and suffered a loss. it must be a hard time for u both. i totally understand how ttc can kinda take over as i sometimes feel like that too.

well, you know we are here for you anytime even if u wanna talk about a non ttc topic!

big hugs ladies. xo
Hi ya,:flower:

Yea just moved back in for amonth til we get a house sorted out, we were privatly renting but it costs so much and I've also had to hand my notice in at work so wont have that extra income until I can find something to do at home (apart from looking after 2 under 2). Is a bit of a nightare but its not for long so its bearable!!!:dohh:

Yea me ans sis are quite close, they live in wellwyn so only a couple of hours a way. She told us last weekend but as its their first I didnt want to take the moment away from then so left telling them, am hoping she will take the news well (its kind of going down like a lead balloon at the min).:shrug: We all come round mums at xmas so its always a tight squeze let alone with all the new arrivals!!! But we always have a good laugh!!!

Well :dust: and :hugs: your way.x

i know! everything has gotten so expensive recently. we were lucky cause we bought a rundown house n did it up so could afford it. still working on it. u will have ur hands full when the new baby arrives but it'll all be worth it.

i'm sure ur sis will be pleased for u when u tell her. everyone is prob just shocked cause ur expecting so soon after ur ds and didn't u say it took a long time to conceive him? so i'm sure they weren't expecting another baby just now. when he/she arrives they will all love him/her!

i'm very lucky to have a permanent office based job which is quite close to my mums house, so she watches my dd while i work. the maternity provisions are very good also.
u still worry about affording another baby, but u always find the money somewhere!

took my dd to the beach this morning and she fell in the water! lol! was a good job i keep a spare change of clothes in the car!
Ah bless her!! Did she mind getting wet?

Yea, took us 5 years to fall with him so we were so worried it was gonna happen like that again so was a nice supprise to me and OH when I fell so quickly!! Like you say though you find the money from somewhere, Im quite interested in 'bookkeeping' so may do a course in that while Im off then I'll have a bit of a change when I can finally go back to work and can also maybe do that based at home as well. I wouldnt have it any other way though!!

Sounds like you have a pretty good set up your way then! Nice that your dd and mum get to spend time together while your at work! Mum used to have dd on a fri night for us before ds was born so they had a girlie night which they both enjoyed.:D

Well :dust: and :hugs: your way.x
she didn't mind at all, thought it was great craic!

bookkeepings a good idea! as u say it's something u could work at from home and fit round the kids.i'd love to work part-time if we have another baby but not sure if we could afford it. ah well, i'll worry about that if it happens.

i work in the payroll dept of a large company. it's hectic work and can be quite stressful at times. i often feel guilty about not being a stay at home mum and feel like i'm missing out on so much with my dd.

sounds like ur mum and dd are close too then? my dd calls my mum 'mummy nana'!

well, must go to bed. nite nite. xo
i am between 5 and 6dpo praying for my bfp..today im havin some really sharp pains on my right side im hoping thats having to do with pregnancy and not AF..
sarina - welcome to the thread.

fingers crossed its implantation cramps! xo

im worried to get excited!
looks like it hun, mine was so faint like that infact think may have been fainter!! cus woudn't show on a photo!!
I think i may have just got my BFP..

Whoop, Whoop mummapie!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happydance: Mine was so faint had to get the ladies to confirm i wasnt seeing things, have you got any other tests to pee on?!!!

sarina53172: Oh fx'ed for you & welcome when you gonna star poas?lol!
Gonna buy some more this afternoon! :D only just stopped feeling sick, wouldve gone earlier aha. Probs get a frer and a superdrugs own.
Gonna buy some more this afternoon! :D only just stopped feeling sick, wouldve gone earlier aha. Probs get a frer and a superdrugs own.

Yeai, dont forget to post them!! Will be keeping an eye out for them!! I found on ICs that the lines were so faint but when I did a boots own brand you could clearly see the line! :happydance:

Good luck.x:flower:

Im well, how bout you?

Told my dd last night so thats done shes very excited to say the least and desperate to tell people but we told her she cant! Meanies I know but she managed last time shes quite good at secrets (not sure if thats a good thing?!)

Mummapie: Did you manage to get any more tests?

Sending you all :dust: and :hugs: ladies.x
she will be delighted! most children couldn't keep it to themselves. what age is ur dd?

i'm good. will be ov'ing thursday/friday n can't wait. my dh was away yesterday and today but will be home late tonight and i have warned him to wake me up cause don't wanna miss a bd'ing opportunity! lol!

yes mummapie, anymore news?
i am so cross!

my dh just phoned to say he won't be home until tomorrow night.

i am due to ov thurs/fri. if we dtd tomorrow night + thursday +fri do you think we'll still catch the egg?

he was away last month around ov time as well and we obviously missed the egg.

feel like crying.

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