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7 dpo - really dizzy - bfp?

Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum. I am due for AF in 3 days. I had brown spotting today very light. Also I have been crazy dizzy (room spinning, feelings of passing out) off and on for the past week. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck to you all
Hey girls,
Bfn again this morning, don't know what's going on. Woke up this morning with a massive headache and feeling sick so I'm wondering if I'm actually ill?
Still no af signs but surely I'm out now??

Hi cocojo, have you tested yet?
levi - u have a great excuse to skip the gym now!

narla- i am gearing up for ov now. drinking my green tea. was thinking of trying the cough medicine to help with ewcm but not sure which type to use? any ideas?
i think u have passed ur cold onto me and my dd. lol!

myrtle - how many dpo are u? that sounds good that af hasn't arrived yet.

cocojo - ur very welcome. i aslo had very bad dizziness before af and the witch still got me! don't wanna dampen ur bfp hopes but i still feel slightly dizzy! hope urs is a good sign tho.
Hey hollyrose,

I'm 15dpo, or so I think, beginning to doubt myself now!!

I know it's a good sign that af hasn't turned up and that I haven't had any symptoms of her coming either, but it's driving me mad not knowing!!

Decided I'm not going to test and am just going to wait for af to show up. If she hasn't by next Monday then I may test then.

Is it quite normal to not have a bfp even though you're late????
Morning Ladies!!:flower:

Hollyrose: Sorry about the cold lol!! Ive never heard about the cough medicine, so I have no ideas (sorry) the ladies out there may have a few though!! I never thought Id be excited about someone else O'ing!!lol

Myrtle58: Your not out til af shows up hun, some ladies on here dont get their BFP's until 16dpo so theres still a chance if she stays away! Have my fx'ed for you! I saw in another post you said about your cat, mine are like that and they never usually pick me to sit on but one of them has started so it may be a sign!!

Coocojo: Hello and welcome :flower: I had dizzyness this time but like hollyrose I also had it a month before then af got me, its not nice though is it!!! Spotting sounds good could be IB so will be good to hear how you get on!!

Loads a :dust: and :hugs: your way ladiesxxx
Thanks Narla :kiss:

I'm going to try and have a break from it all for a few days and see what happens.

Will let you all know if anything happens though!!
yeah i have brilliant excuse not to go to gym haha i think the cat thing is true when i was pregnant with ds my cat want to sit on me all the time and sleep with me and again this time different cat he always sits on me when i sit down and also wants to sleep with me but not just sleep with me he meows at me so i.ll lift quilt up and he'll sleep right next to me under the quilt most the night! Animals sense stuff like that. Hoping you all get bfp's very soon! fx'd for you all x x
Good Morning,

So, no spotting today and AF not due until Thursday.

Myrtle: Havent tested yet, I think I am going to purchase $ Store cheapies today. Don't give up hope, AF hasn't arrived, outlook good!!!

Hollyrose: My first thoughts about being dizzy were that some levels in my body must me off (anemia or low blood pressure) but I had those checked and they were just fine. There was only one other time in my life that I remember being dizzy like this, it was after a horrible cold/stomach virus and I hadn't eaten for days so my body was weak from that. This however, just caught me off guard and it started like 3 dpo, off and on up until this past Sunday. Glad it hasn't bothered me the past couple days. It's a horrible feeling!!!

Narla: Congratulations!!!!! My spotting is a bit suspicious, especially since it stopped ....lol
Hey everyone. Cramping bad tonight. Small amount of pink tinged cm so 100% sure the witch has got me, just feels like af.
Kinda relieved that something has happened, was beginning to think I was broken!! At least my cycles seem to be pretty short so onto next month.
Okay so got faint BFP today with $ store New Choice Test at around 4pm. What made me go ahead and test today was the fact that I was running to the bathroom constantly. The line is quite visible now. Plan to test again with FMU because I am in disbelief, kind of.
Okay so got faint BFP today with $ store New Choice Test at around 4pm. What made me go ahead and test today was the fact that I was running to the bathroom constantly. The line is quite visible now. Plan to test again with FMU because I am in disbelief, kind of.

congrats hun let us know about test in the morning!!:happydance:
Levi-thanks so much

So tested again this morn around 3 and still BFP. AF is due tomorrow, but fairly sure that's not going to happen. Estimated due date 11/27/11.
Okay so got faint BFP today with $ store New Choice Test at around 4pm. What made me go ahead and test today was the fact that I was running to the bathroom constantly. The line is quite visible now. Plan to test again with FMU because I am in disbelief, kind of.

Wow congratulations!!:happydance:

Looking forward to some piccies.xx

Myrtle58: Sorry to hear that hun, sending you :dust: your way!

Hollyrose: How are you today?

Sending you all extra :dust: and :hugs:
myrtle- sorry the witch got u. looks like we'll both be ttc for another month then. i felt the same. was just glad to know and move on to another month.

coco - congratulations! that's brilliant news. how many dpo r u? hows the dizziness?

i'm off work today and the weather is beautiful here so took dd to the beach and the play park this morning. really feels like spring is coming.we're so lucky the beach is 2 mins from our house n it really tires dd out! lol!

well narla our colds didn't really come to much just a few sniffles the last few days but seem ok today so ur off the hook!

oh! i bought cmough medicine with guaefanesin as the active ingredient so gonna start taking that from monday which will be cd 11 for me. i usually get a smiley face on the opk on cd 14 so that should be plenty of time for it to work, hopefully.

my dh has hurt his back so worried that we might not be able to bd next week but fingers crossed it'll have healed by then! he says he'll battle on through the pain anyway!

off work tomorrow too as it's a bank holiday here for st patricks day. will prob go to the parade in town if it's not raining!

anyone doing anything nice this week?
I'm 7dpo today, feeling so dizzy and lightheaded I've had to lay down. Also got a poking feeling in my belly near my belly button.
I'm 7dpo today, feeling so dizzy and lightheaded I've had to lay down. Also got a poking feeling in my belly near my belly button.

Oh, its not nice when you get dizzy like that is it!? Do you know when your gonna test then?

Hollyrose: Glad your colds didnt get any worse, I dont feel so bad now (lol) Sorry to hear about your DH but if he can just put it to the back of his mind and do his bit that will be good!!! Glad the weathers nice there and hope you have a great day tomorow!! Looking forward to updates!!x

Cocojo: Congrats again thats my b/day 27/11/ so double yippie see you over in first tri!!!

Lots of :dust: and :hugs:your way ladies.xx
Hopefully will hold out till AF is due next weds, but I really doubt it lol.
mummapie - hope it's a bfp!

narla- love ur new photo. ur ds is so cute!
Hello ladies,

Yesterday was something else. I was actually able to obtain blood results, and it's all systems go. I am going to post pics of the prego tests later today.

Narla and Levi: thanks so much ladies. How are you guys coming along?

Hollrlyrose: today I was due for AF, but I got my BFP 12 dpo. As far as the dizziness, hit me some yesterday, although not as bad as the randomness of days 3-11 dpo. I hope that it doesn't become a prego symptom for me because that would just suck

Well wishes to everyone. I am going to try to get back to sleep.

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