Hey Ladies,
Holly: Im so sorry to read this hunni my thoughts are with you and your family
I hope your ms isnt adding to things at the min lots of
your way. Looking forward to hearing about your scan next weekxxx
Baby: Yey, hullo hun great to hear from you again!! Strange about your af last time
but fx'd it happens soon for you. Lots of
R3ady: How are you doing hun? Where you really hoping for a girl then this time? Hope your ok.
Levi: Hey ya, how are you getting on hun?
Hi ya to anyone thats joined, good luck.xx
So have been a bit busy the last few days, getting the house tidy and sorted for my sis and bil thurs then dd's sports day fri and cooking the tea etc then sats always go quickly but Im a domestic goddess so have whipped up a toffee cream tart and a lemon merangue pie!!!
Have my scan a week monday so getting excited and nervous at the same time, just keep worring that something will be wrong
Im soooo ready to start enjoying this pregnancy so hope it will help me do this!!
Anyways must dash, lots of
to all ladies.xxxxx