Narla... still feeling cramps today. I had my stomached kinda "bunched" up tonight while sitting on the couch and it was so uncomfortable... its an ache really low. Just now noticing (squeezing my bbs as I type!, i have gone nuts!) that my bbs feel sore only after I have stopped poking at them... kind of a delayed reaction. LOL! Mild nausea, not too noticible today. Af isnt due till next week... I got very anxious our first month, thought everything was a symptom and I tested only to get a BFN, which i kind of expected. Not going to jump the gun unless I get some more symptoms... probably going to try and wait this one out until after next friday. One minute I am feeling so positve and then the next i am almost sure its not going to happen. Only my 3rd month off the pill (that is what I believe caused my "symptoms" in the first month.) Thanks for the excitement... keeps me thinking positve until I know.