hi ladies,went to mums wedding on thurs,it was very emotional.she did so well,she stood up through the whole thing as normaly she cant walk on her own.she looked lovely but i was so shocked to see how ill she looked,the whites of her eyes were orange,like a pumpkin and her skin was neon green,she has jundice,but as i said she did very well.she is in hospital now,she went in yesterday to have her liver drained.
cupcake and i are doing well.no m/s yet
peeing loads at night lol boobs are sore and have streatching low down,must be growing.hope your all ok,holly hope your m/s is better today.narla how is your dd.
babydeabreu,i had/have creamy coloured cm when i got my bfp,fx its the same for you.