78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

We dtd on ov day last time and we had a girl. I think its the luck of the draw so to speak haha
ladies, pos opk on cd 14 today, last month was cd 22! eeek!! so happy great christmas day pressie for me =) hope you all are having a happy holiday!!
good thing is we already baby danced xmas eve and the night before!! and nowww.....

we are about to in 3, 2, 1....hehehe!
still no AF - did a test today and there was a faint line, showed my OH's parents and his mum was like "no that's not a propert line, it should be a lot darker" lol happy christmas to her too:dohh:

i am convinced it's an evap though because each test i do it comes up with the exact same looking line. :nope:

breasts not getting bigger and no longer tender and that hard lump above my pelvis doesnt seem to be getting bigger (although i wouldnt know how to test that accurately lol)

i'd be 13/14 weeks pregnant by now going by my last cycle and what i am 99% sure was my ovulation date so surely id be feeling something by now :shrug:

hope you ladies had a good christmas and good luck with all the BDing :happydance:
MISS_ELLE-do you have a doctor appt?

almosthere-yay for the pos opk GL :thumbup:

AFM, Merry Xmas to all! Today i am Cd8 and feeling pretty good about this cycle. Dh asks me every day we are TRYING for a baby right and i laugh and say yes and he's like just making sure we both are on the same page and wanting the same thing. So im really excited because he wants to know when is ov going to occur etc so im feeling good. Christmas is going good so far. We havent got the chance to dtd yet but will when we get our chance. Hope everyone is having a merry xmas!!
how are all you ladies doing? i hardly ever see this thread stay quiet. :haha:

hope you all had a great christmas and and an even better new year!
bring on the 2012 babies!
Thanks for asking carlicarebear!

I am confused to be honest, thought I ovd cd14 which would make me 4dpo today but now I think I could have ovd last night at cd18 making me only 1dpo! I am so confused with mixing charting and opks ugh, if anyone is a chart and opk expert please feel free to let me know when you think I may have ovd! thanks!!

How are you carlicarebear?
well girls i might be joining you back in ttc... :(
Oh no Pichi, I almost just cried....:cry: sounds like no confirmation of a loss so I am hoping you will not be joining us! FX for you and little bean :hugs:
i'm not sure what's happening. mild cramping but red blood. no big 'bits' and no extreme cramping as of yet but i think this little beany just wasn't strong enough this time around :(

i could try keep my hopes up and hope it's just breakthrough bleeding but it seems a lot... filled a pad now -sigh-
We are here for you-just keep sending your little one positive vibes <3
cali-how are you?

pichi-oh no! :hugs: fxed everything is ok. Did you go to the doc or anything?

almosthere-Oh no how confusing it is. I wish i could help.

AFM, im cd12 today and my birthday party was great! I went out to breakfast, then went to a hobby store, and then went many other places. At the end, we went to Sparez and didnt come home until 2am :shock: I had lots of laughs, pictures, cake, food etc :rofl: Also, dh and I have been dtd every day more then once :shock: I was going to say no dtd today but we dtd this morning :blush: All is well. So hopefully i get a bfp this cycle :thumbup:
happy birthday mzswizz!:happydance:

pichi, FX'd, have you booked in to see the doctor?:hugs:

almosthere - just keep BDing, i think sometimes charting etc can make things more complicated:dohh:

still no AF over here... bloated, tired, MOODY!, tearful and fed up lol. i have booked in an appointment on 13th January (i'd be officially 2 cycles late then)
hey ladies! happy new year!!

Pichi, have you figured out what's been going on with you? is everything okay? really hope you're hanging in there.

Mswizz, glad you had a great birthday! seems like we're all pretty close in age. i'll be 23 in February. sounds like you are on your way to baby city!

Almostthere, yeah- TTCing is super confusing. after a while i just gave up on all the charting and temperatures and just relaxed. has worked for me so far. don't worry too much about it.

Miss_elle, aw, hope you're feeling better! they better give you some answers on the 13th. i remember how frustrated i was after missing two cycles and having no bfp!

as for me, i'm doing pretty well. been very sick and worried but my symptoms haven't subsided yet so i think this little bean is holding on tight. very nervous for my scan on Friday. cross your fingers!
thanks ladies!

& Carli- i have decided to take a break from symptom/cervix charting (already slacking big time with the cervical positioning and cm checks this cycle anyhow!) I have a few opks left so will just use those up and temp one more cycle if this one is a miss, then totally oh natural trying starting in feb-march!

i have been peeing like crazyyyy today! even if i drink a decent amount i never pee. however, feel out anyway and not getting my hopes up. due to test before vacation still and if bfn will just wait and see if af arrives or not. Hope you are feeling better tn!

miss elle by the time you find out if you are in fact pregnant on the 13th, I will know by the 14th! so we would have very close BFP dates! FX for you sounds promising!
Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes.

Pichi-any news?

Cali-:hugs: hope you feel better and sick is good for pregnancy.

Almosthere-GL this cycle. AF is due on the 19thfor me so if it is a bfp, i will find out a few days after you.

Miss_elle-cant wait for your results :thumbup:

AFM, happy new year! Dh and i watched the ball drop on tv and had a glass of wine and shared the traditional new year's kiss. We started the new year by dtd too :blush:
I've stopped bleeding now, temperature has returned to pre-ov temps and I feel empty so to speak so a complete miscarriage here. Never in a million years did I think it would happen to me after the easy pg I had with pixie.

Hope everyone is well... Bump buddies next month ;)
:hugs: pichi. Sorry about the m/c. GL for next cycle :thumbup:

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