78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

snowangel-took one last night. Going to hold out for a few days. it was bfn and i was only 9dpo.

pichi-yeah i know my 8dpo opk looked more positive than my 9dpo opk i think.

AFM, well im cd28/10dpo and this morning started off great. DH and I dtd after we had our little conversation this morning and i feel great and so does dh. DH has to work today so im home by myself. Last night, I made a wonderful meal. I made salmon with white rice, dinner rolls, ceasar salad and fudge brownies for dessert yummy. Also, took the ic last night knowing it was most likely going to be negative and sure enough it was negative. I know i was only 9dpo so im not worried about it. Also, the cramping has come back and left again this morning. I was thinking that maybe it was gas but nope not that because i feel empty :blush: So got to just be patient and see what happens around AF due date. I have found my pregnancy journal in my room from the 1st pregnancy (m/c) and I was fatigue and cramping which I am experiencing now so maybe thats a good sign. Only time will tell.
i am dying for you to test! everything is looking like a good sign to me. really hope you caught an eggy!!! :happydance:
I tested yesterday and got a bfn on the ic at 9dpo. But today i have been peeing literally every 1 hour. My schedule goes as follows: 7:30am, 8:30am, 9:30am and just use the bathroom at 10:30am and only took 2 sips of juice so i dont know why im going so much. And also every time i pee..i feel like its not completely out so when i try..nothing comes out after i use the bathroom so i dont know whats going on. All i know is i have peed 4 times already and its only almost 11am?!
maybe you have a UTI? that's what happened to me the couple times I had a UTI...but I was reading somewhere also that effects of hcg can actually make you urinate more frequently even before you miss your period? A lot of people say it's cause the baby's pushing on your bladder later in pregnancy, but it looks like that can happen early on, too.

I had been wondering about that since now every time I cough- I've been coughing violently for weeks, now :( - I have to run to the bathroom bc I almost pee my pants, even when there's hardly anything to pee! That kind of thing never happens to me! But I think it may just be that I've been coughing so violently, but I guess you never know until AF comes or doesn't come...
Ok sooo got my pos opk today. :wohoo: and got hubby to donate to the cause :haha: hopefully I can get one more "donation" tomorrow. Will do an opk tomorrow too but I would bet money it will be negative.. now I just have to get thru a two week wait.. the way my cycles are I figured my due dates will be Oct - Halloween, Nov- thanksgiving, Dec Christmas. (Within a few days of the holiday) sooo that kind of stinks, I don't want the baby to share a bday and holiday, but on the other hand I'm not sitting the cycles out. :haha:

I went to get something out of the freezer and it fell and smashed the top of my foot.. its swollen, black & blue and it hurts so bad I can't sleep.. in the words of my three year old "Epic Fail".

How are y'all?
Daisy-I dont think it was a UTI because there was no pain, no burning etc. I just went to the bathroom alot but it stopped and im back to normal thank goodness. Hopefully the coughing stopped.

snowangel-Congrats on the pos opk and yay for dtd just in time. FXed for you. Hopefully you feel better and have you thought about going to the doctor for it?

AFM, im cd29/11dpo. DH and I dtd yesterday morning, last night and this morning. So we have been pretty busy as you can tell :haha: No symptoms and im thinking AF is going to come on time or a little late but i have a feeling im out now. Last night, DH woke up having an allergies attack but now he feels better. He also spent all last night telling me that im burning up and he couldnt really touch me because he said that his hands hurt from all the heat :shrug: He asked was i sick i said no and he felt my head and said well your head is cold but your body is burning up. I didnt feel hot at all so i have no clue what was going on with that :shrug: Hoping its a good sign because my dh never tells me that. The last time he told me that...i was pregnant but thats just me being hopeful :blush: Just patiently waiting now. AF is due in 3 days.
Fingers crossed mzswizz.... Can't wait to see your two pink lines!!

AFM- Planning on getting a "donation" (hubby hates when I call it that.. :rofl:) tonight and then the dreaded tww......
Thanks snow! Fxed you get your donation :rofl: and hoping its 2 lines and not 1. But have a feeling its AF. I dont know why just a feeling.
I sooo hope this is it and if it is, I got an excuse to miss my lil bros wedding my youngest bro is getting married on Halloween (which would be my due date) and since he lives 1800 miles away don't think they'll let me on the plane. Do.t get me wrong I love him, but his fiance is weird. Lol. Thank God my middle bro has a sweet girl who I LOVE!!

Well I didn't temp because of various things this month so I won't be able to co.firm what day I ov'd but with my pos opk yesterday I am confident it will happen between yesterday and latest tomorrow....so I'm covered.. soooo starts the tww, prob won't test til cd31 minimum, today is cd18.

Keep me updated mzswizz. :hugs:
Hi ladies, thought I would pop in and see how you are all doing?!?!?!

any :bfp: yet?!?!

I have only just finished by AF!!! (8 DAYS TODAY!!!! WTF???) this never happens. (TMI ALERT)althought the last 3-4 days have been old brown blood with a lot of clotting in it.

FXd for you mzswizz - sounds hopefull!!!
Jim-Hmm that is pretty weird. I usually get brown blood at the end of my cycle which lets me know my af is coming to an end. Maybe thats what happened :shrug:

AFM, im currently cd32/5dpo. AF was due today based on what i thought was my actual ov day but came to realize that i actually o'd later on cd27. Since yesterday, i have been having watery cm. Its running like a faucet. Had to change my underwear twice. When the cm dries..it has this yellowish/white tint to it :shrug: If i dont get a bfp this cycle then its onto the digi opks. Didnt really want to use them because i dont want DH to feel pressured but i think its just to let us know around when i actually ov. DH and I went out to dinner and it was good. We had lots of laughs and talked about serious things that were on our mind. DH is off work today but i work 10-6 so will be leaving in a hour to go to work booo :haha: My next af is due on the 20th so will wait to test. Atleast around the 17th or on the 18th because DH works on Saturday. This morning, I;ve had nothing but cm. I think you ladies were right about the delayed ov because i was bleeding for 20 days. Its crazy because I o'd exactly 7 days after the bleeding. So it did push ov further down. Well that puts my mind at ease seeing that i didnt ov during the bleeding because we didnt really dtd while the bleeding was going on and i was worried that the bleeding would hinder his "soldiers" to getting to the egg if it did occur. Well now its all a waiting game again. Well actually all i have to wait is another 5-6 days so thats not bad. Time will fly im sure of it. FXed and praying its a bfp :winkwink:
Jim Bear, that has happened to me once or twice before, I have NO idea why...our bodies are such a mystery!

I just came back from the Doctor's (well, urgent care center) for like the 4th time in 2 weeks...I have to get a chest xray, so they did a urine pregnancy test and it came back negative. But since my period isn't supposed to start until Valentine's Day, I plan on taking a test in the morning with FMU and again the day after if I don't get my xray tomorrow. I just want to be sure before they do the x-ray and all sorts of meds and stuff! Although, I really having been feeling normal PMS stuff, so I think it's probably right anyhow.
Daisy-what are they going to do a chest xray for?

AFM, i am off work. And i spent my work day leaking cm so i felt wet and also feeling nauseous :sick: hoping these are good signs. Also my cm is watery and yellowish :shrug:
Hey ladies I think I'm cd21 and I think 4dpo, but didn't do anything to confirm which day I ov'd but did see a positive opk.. sooo fingers crossed!!! Headed to bed, need to get up early to register my lil girl for pre-k. :( she's growing too quick, and has started asking for a brother or sister. Let's hope it happens soon!!

Mzswizz- I'm freezing my butt off what about u? Lol

snowangel-aww pre-k. and yes yesterday was freezing. good thing it warmed up now.

AFM, im currently cd33/6dpo. DH and i dtd last night and this morning. DH and i are both off work today yay. We went to the store and bought each other valentine's day gifts but neither of us were together while shopping. I didnt manage to spot dh every now and then so i had to run before he saw me with his gifts :haha: Right now, i am experiencing a bad toothache. Been having a toothache since last night. Hopefully it will go away soon. Other than that nothing to report.
Well I spent the night in the ER and I never got a chance to do another urine test just to be extra sure, but I have pneumonia, which is why they were trying to get xrays to see if I have pneumonia...anyways, it's a good thing I'm not pregnant this month (but I will probably test with FMU tomorrow just to double check!) because I was so violently ill yesterday and this morning...So happy my hubby could stay home from work to take care of me today!

BFPs BFPs BFPs this month I'm hoping for you ladies!!
Daisy-Hope you feeling better now :hugs: And hoping we all get our bfps soon.
Daisy hope you feel better soon!!

AFM- I had some crazy dreams lastnight! LOL. And went to register dd for pre-k (4hr wait) :( and now I have to start touring schools and hopefully get her into a good one.. Our state lets u pick between public, private, or faith based so thats AWESOME.. I'm def not doing public.. lol.
Ive felt a little faint and sick to my stomach, not sure if it's just because I'm stressed about the school thing or if maybe I got a BFP brewing!!


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