78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

Blood test at this point is the only way to get this figured out. Lol. It's crazy. Y are our cycles being so crazy.. we just want answers one way or the other and quickly... :rofl:
Well update for me. I just went to an urgent care center to get my blood drawn. They said that i should be getting the results tomorrow :happydance: And if they're negative...i give it until march 15th which would've been my doc appt date and its also mark 1 month of no AF. Then either go back for bloods or take an hpt. I had to pay $40 there which sucked but hey its $10 less than what i would've paid to see my ob/gyn. Now all i can do is wait. The woman asked me questions and said ummm i think you're pregnant and then the doc came in and said what do you think pregnant or not...i told him i feel like im pregnant but the bloods will say. And explained everything and said if they come back negative then i can come back but i'll go to the one closer to me around that time and see what happens. But thats if AF doesnt show up.
i will call first thing in the afternoon if i dont hear anything tomorrow morning :haha:
thanks ladies cant wait for tomorrow. if anything i would give it 2 more weeks
AFM, today im cd48/21dpo. Well not sure about the dpo but i know for a fact that im on cd48 today. Today i suppose to get my blood results so just awaiting for that. They open at 8am so i will give them until 12pm before i start calling about it. I didnt test with the ic today because i am awaiting the results. Even when i get the blood results back..im still going to be in the middle because the only thing that can let me know whats going on is AF. So if the test comes back negative then im waiting for march 15th before i start testing again and thats if AF doesnt show between that time. DH and I dtd last night so if i am o'ing super late in my cycle then we should've caught the egg. My temp today is 99.2F so its still high up there. Now speaking of temps, when i talked to the student nurse about my temperatures..she was lost. She asked why do i take my temperature and I said i do the basal body temperature to check and confirm when ov occurs. And she looked lost. But then i explained to her that my temp for 3 days were 98.5F, 98.6F and then 99.5F and she said well it would spike up when you ov. And then i thought what is she talking about. The temp will have a dip and then 3 higher temps CONFIRM ov which is the low temp. You think I could tell her that :dohh: If she asked me why im taking my temp..then obviously she wouldnt know. Just had to say that :haha: Now, im off today so im going to clean up and schedule doc appts for my dh to see a specialist and to also take a test at the doctor. But for now im just going to relax a little :haha:
well ladies...women on another thread kept saying they can see lines on the bottom hcg ic which was yesterday's test so i inverted the pic and also tweaked it. Here's the original, the invert and the tweaked


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Here's where i THINK i see a line :shrug:


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I do think i see a line!! I think you should take your temps from your journal and input them into fertilityfriend and see if it gives you crosshairs.. Is your blood test just for hcg or will it test to see if you ov'd too? Well I'll be here,,, :coffee:
snowangel-The thing about my temps is i didnt start back temping until i kept getting pos opks so i thought hmm let me temp just in case i am o'ing but my temps are abnormally higher than usually. And blood test wise they said they checking my hormones so i guess they checking everything.
Yeah. Seeing that im overdue for AF and i was getting positive opks AND i had a whacky bleed...i thought maybe i am o'ing so let me temp and see if i get a dip..but nope my temp is staying in the 99F range now. It went from 98.5 to 98.6 then the next day it was 99.5 and today its 99.2 so it had a massive .9 increase for some reason and now it stays in 99F when i temp..i do it vaginally and it never fails when it hits 98 it jumps numbers massively and quickly goes to 99. Wonder how my temp would look tomorrow.
and the verdict is the test came back negative...so now we got to wait until march 15th. All this waiting and no process :haha: Atleast on the good side i know that.....dh and i still have time to dtd until we know SOMETHING :haha:
What the heck!?! More waiting and uncertainty.. :( Well I'm here waiting with ya.. :coffee:

afm cd6 af has been pretty light and is about over. Hoping that the shorter/lighter af means early ov and better chances for a bfp..
thanks snowangel. I picked up the test results and it had negative under in range so :shrug:
thanks. now its all a waiting game. going to wait until im officially a month late to see my ob/gyn because he really wont do anything until im a month late.

AFM, im currently on cd49. Today, my temp is at 98.9F so still up there :thumbup: Also my temp did a .3 dip today from 99.2F yesterday. Im feeling good today because DH and I both went and bought new phones and we both love them :cloud9: We also bought his mom a new phone too because she's on our plan and was eligible for an upgrade. She likes it even though its going to take her some time to get use to the advanced technology of an android phone :blush: She had a blackberry previously. DH has went to work today and Im off today yay. DH has his echo 2d test at the diagnostic center this Saturday and then its onto seeing the specialist next thursday so we are getting stuff done for him health wise which is good because we both want to know whats going on with him. Well nothing new. My nipples still hurt, the sides of my bbs still hurt, my bbs still feel heavy, still no AF, mild on and off cramping, and lots of cm. So same ol same.
sooo i have any hot moment. Im sitting down on the computer and all of a sudden...i feel very hot like feverish level again. So, like normal i go and take my temp just to make sure but now my temp went from 98.9 to 99.2F So my body is hotter by .3 degrees :shrug: I dont know whats going on. I get these random hot flash moments where im hot and i got to turn on the a/c. And once i start feeling hot...i get a headache. I dont know its just like i feel sooooo hot right now.

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