78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

cant wait for your results almost!

AFM, im pretty sure i o'd yesterday just seeing that MASSIVE temp drop just makes me believe so. Also as long as my temps are 97.91 and higher for the next two days..then I will finally get my crosshairs. So hoping for the best.

hope you guys are doing good and are catching those eggys!

daisy, maybe i can help. when it comes to being morning sick i'm a bit of an expert and have also had an insanely hard time my whole pregnancy choking down water. your best bet is a choose a type of drink that has some sugar so your stomach can bind to it, like gatorade. also it's a good idea to be chewing on tons of ice chips and lots of popsicles. i'm sure your doctor will tell you something similar! hope you feel better soon!
Currently, Im on cd26. And I am confident im 2dpo today. My temp this morning was 97.98 yay :happydance: Now I just need tomorrow's temp to be above 97.91 and I will get my crosshairs :happydance: I go back to work tomorrow and I get off around 2:15pm which is great because I don't enjoy staying there until closing. I totally forgot to say that DH bought a new car like two weeks ago :dohh: We love it...Well because it was the car I always wanted (2007 Scion TC). It's perfect. But now my car needs to get fixed :dohh: It is not driving correctly and is making some disturbing sounds so I have to get that done asap so my car doesn't give out on me. Well, for the past few days..I have been having a small amount creamy cm soo im pretty i o'd because it looks like soon..it will be the dry spell compared to the large amount of watery cm i was getting in the previous days before ov. Well atleast now I know when I o'd this cycle. So now its time for a countdown. I will be testing on April 6th which I will be 12dpo by then. I will test with the ic because I only have the cb digis and dont want to use those until I know for sure. So 10 more days before testing yay. This time around..Im going to actually wait the 10 days :haha: Hoping to get a positive this cycle. I've been trying sooo hard. God please bless us with our own LO [-o&lt;
Af showed today. DH had surgery yesterday and is not having an easy recovery.. Let's fast forward til ov time please?? OHH and I'm having a crap ton of pain in my face, dr tomorrow for a follow up to my er visit and also to see if i'm having allergy problems or a sinus infection or what is up??
Thanks mzswizz.. :hugs: If I get a bfp this cycle it would put me due Jan1st.. So only if I'm early would I get a 2012 baby.. =/
gl with your new cycle! january seems like a less hectic month hiliday wize if you celebrate christmas! this cycle my dd would be dec 8th/10th area, so new born during christmas, but hey, ill take what i can get!!! haha
Carli- thanks! I got some anti-nausea medicine which has helped a whole lot!

Almosthere- FX! hope this is the month :) you too, Mzswizz and Snowangel- and hope your DH recovers quickly

AFM, I got my blood results back today- all my numbers look good, maybe even slightly high for 5 weeks (technically 6 weeks tomorrow). They told me when I went in yesterday to schedule my ultrasound for 2 weeks from now, but today when they gave me my results, they asked me to come in tomorrow for an ultrasound- they said my numbers are high enough now. Sooo, I'm slightly confused? excited? concerned? not really sure what to think...she also said she just wants to be certain there's not blood clots or anything since I've had some cramping-- I also suspect that they may think I'm a little further along than they thought?
Daisy-Im with everyone...maybe you're having twins. Welll cant wait for your update :thumbup:

Snowangel-How are you?

Almost-Boo for the bfn. What tests are you using btw? And 10dpo is still early. :thumbup:

AFM, I am 3dpo today and I got my crosshairs today :happydance: My temp rose to 98.26F this morning. So now im officially in the tww :happydance: DH and I dtd yesterday and was just having fun. Also, I got my car fixed :happydance: But the price made me want to :cry: We had to pay $1,184.00 :nope: Well atleast his mom was grateful enough to give us the money out of his child support account because we REALLY DIDNT want to use our credit card or go into the money we have saved up. So everything worked out perfectly :thumbup: I got into work at 12pm today and only work 4 1/2 hours today so atleast I dont have to deal with my boss very long :haha: Im feeling pretty good today and DH has faithfully been taking his vitamins every day without me telling him to :shock: Im very proud of him. He even made it known he was taking them every day. So i told him i've noticed and im proud of him :blush: So 9 more days left til testing already. Hoping this time around its a bfp :thumbup:
Yay, hoping it'll be a BFP, Mzswizz! Almosthere- there's still time! it's still early

I had my u/s today! We saw the sac, the yolk thing and the little baby just looked like a little dot :) We even saw/heard a heartbeat, but since the little bean is so small, it was hard for them to stay on the heartbeat long enough to get a good reading (I'm even surprised they could find one so early). My DH went with me :) it was so great, but they also found a cyst on my left ovary, so we'll have to keep that monitored (they think my doc felt that and that along with my cramps made her want me to get an u/s early). The doctor will call me with the results though in a couple days.
Doesn't appear to be twins! haha

yay for having a great u/s. Thanks im hoping for a bfp also. And as far as the heartbeat goes..my sister was almost 6 weeks and she was able to get the heartbeat. And that was a shock because i didnt even know it can happen that early. She was around 5 weeks and a few days along too. Cant wait for your results.
eek good news that your your apt went well! Afm wanting it to be monday and iused dollar cheapies I bought online....red dye
daisy, it's great that you saw the sac. don't even worry about the heartbeat! sometimes it can take a long time to get strong enough. it sounds like your LO's is already really strong for how old they are!

mswizz and almost, hope this is your month!!!

i got my ultrasound today! you guys can find the pictures here: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-second-trimester/930653-20w-5d-scan-its.html
i was right. it's a :pink:!
congrats on your baby girl. she looks adorable :blush: Do you have a name picked out?

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