78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

of course you can join! and sounds promising, fx for you!

afm, cd 15 and still no OV! well since it is 1am here, basically cd 16 lol. Hoping to OV no later than Tuesday which would be cd 19..
pebbie-Welcome! Well it can go either way. If its AF, then it will start soon for sure. But if its IB then it wouldnt turn into a full flow. Hoping its IB for you. If it is IB then I would say to hold out testing for a few days so hcg can register in your system.

almost-FXed you ov so you can get busy in your spare time :haha:

AFM, today i am on cd9 and looks like AF is on her way out. Dont know why she lasted longer than 7 days. Im guessing its just one of those things that are unexplained. So today I have to work which is going to be hard because i am exhausted! DH and I didnt come home until 12am. So between that and all the bd we were doing, i am tired. Hopefully I can hold up long enough to make it to 5:45pm today at work. Hoping time just flies by. Also, dh and I found this great website that shows fertility foods for him and her. And dh wants us to go grocery shopping and buy foods that agree with the fertility list :thumbup: So no more junk food for us. We are really getting our bodies prepared for baby. We still want to go on a nice trip before a baby comes too. DH was already saying he wants to take a trip before I get pregnant because he wants us to be able to enjoy the vacation with no worries and he said knowing me i would complain about everything if im pregnant and we go on a trip :haha: Which isnt true...well i dont think it is :haha: Oh and one more thing. So i tinkered with last cycle and added AF temps but this time I discarded cd23's temp because it seemed abnormally high and once i did that..ff lowered my coverline and said that i DID ov on cd24 like i thought I did :happydance: Also, when i removed the AF temps and still left cd23 discarded, it still said the same thing so i did in fact ov and when it came time for AF my temps were dropping and was slowly reaching coverline and below it so im guessing thats good right? Wow this has turned into a long message so im just going to stop typing before more things pop into my head :haha:
Carli- oh no! I'm so sorry to hear it's been so rough!! How far along are you, now? I can't imagine having what you have and esp. for so long :( Being sick while pregnant is still being sick- and being sick for a reeeally looong time! I don't have anything near so bad as you, and I am done being sick! I can't imagine how you must be feeling!!!

Snowangel- oh I hope the cyst goes away on its own!

Pebbie- welcome :) the waiting game is SO hard when it's confusing like that! I don't know what to tell you- it could go either way, and that is so frustrating when that happens! sometimes you just wish your body would be more clear!!!
I agree-bodies are so unpredictable sometimes with af being late/short/longer than usual.

Mszswizz my last af was 8 days long on and off and is usually only 5 max!

afm opk is getting darker, finally, but still not pos. will be testing am and pm from now on to make sure I catch this surge!!! DH woke up super horny which was surprising, since we had sex so late last night, so getting lots in just to be safe early on! haha

hope all our bumps are healthy and that all out ttcs are too-let's create our 2013 miracle baby ladiess!!!!
yes i am sooo ready for a 2013 baby. So its team conceive 2012!!!
my last proper period was on the 30th January and I haven't missed a period since I was about 14 and I had just started my period about 8 months before that. I had a miscarriage just before 2012 New years day and noticed that my period after the miscarriage was a week late which I had heard was normal to happen but I started taking Agnus Cactus (Vitex) supplement (herbal medicine that helps periods/hormones) just in case to help my periods get back to normal. A lot of women seem to take this particular herbal medicine when trying to conceive as it helps ovulation but it seems that it has done the complete opposite with me. I am seriously confused. I did have a little bleeding from the 7th March for about 3-4 days but it wasn't actual blood, it was brown fluid (old blood) with tons of clear and brown discharge which I found really odd as I have never had this before, I then had a tiny bit of spotting last friday (around my actual period time) but nothing, I've had the odd period cramps, no sore breasts which is also weird as I usually have sore breasts before I come on. I haven't seen any real period since January :S Please help :( I'm confused.
Zahraa- have you taken any pregnancy tests?
Is it possible that your body is still getting back on track after the m/c? I had a CP which is different, but everything was off the month after- and a miscarriage further along could really throw you off a little longer. It could be possible that your body didn't ovulate, so maybe that's why you only got brown blood- or it could just be really off, so the brown blood was your period, just a confusing one? I'm not sure I can really speak much to what it could be, but it's definitely something you can call your doctor about. It is late enough/confusing enough that it really could help out a lot talking to a doctor.

When our bodies do weird stuff to us, it just confuses the heck out of us...why do our bodies have to be so weird sometimes...
almost-im still waiting for af to end lol

AFM, well morning ladies. im cd10 and af is being mean because she is still here but im just spotting like. dh still thinks im pregnant because it only increases during sex or when i temp and then after that it goes back super light again. But i know im not.Its like my body is TRYING to still do AF but its really nothing left to use. Today is MIL birthday so we bought her a cake and dh is out getting it. I woke up this morning because i had a bad nightmare. Something about a white bear and its cub trying to attack me, an old man and a cop and i was calling dh because the bear was headed in his direction and he was driving so i had to warn him. Crazy dream I know. Im just ready for AF to get on out of here. Whenever that is because im not looking forward to another crazy 20 day bleeding cycle..so hoping that doesnt happen. My temp rose today. Dont know what that means. Maybe it means the bleeding is going to stop today or something :shrug: Any help with that?
hope you get some answers soon zahraa.....

MW-I agree that maybe your AF will end since your temp is rising-as it is common to dip during af...FX!

afm took opk and is VERY close to pos although took past the time limit to darken up...hmm

anyhow-think i will get my positive tonight, or tomorrow night the latest, woohoo! sooooo close to my tww!
almost-yay cant wait for you to be in the tww. Im just ready to get rid of the spotting :haha:

Zahraa-fxed you get answers soon.
Hey ladies,, how is everybody?

AFM I thought I had ovulated, but then got a pos opk on cd21 & 22, was able to bd yesterday cd22 and today cd23 and had my ultrasound to check on my cyst and the tech said it looked like I had ovulated.. Soo I guess now I'm in the 2ww.. Well I'll keep you updated.

yay. Atleast you are in the 2ww now. Im still waiting to ov :haha:

AFM, im on cd14 today and my temp is at 97.42. About the spotting......it has officially left the building :happydance: So 13 days of bleeding & spotting. How do i manage sometimes :wacko: Oh I forgot to tell you ladies that on cd12...i had terrible cramps and i bled heavy with clots for like 30 mins. My mom gave me tylenol and a heating pad and I laid down. After awhile it went back to light bleeding and the cramps subsided. So maybe dh and my theory was right and I do experience early m/c's when i experience long bleeds. This morning was another shocker. DH is surprising me daily now i see...and i like it :haha: Well this morning while he was getting ready for work...we started having a conversation like normally but this time HE brought up the whole ttc conversation not me :shock: Well this is how the conversation went.

DH: "So what do you want to do until you get fixed?"
Me: :shock: (figured out he meant what do I want to do trying wise until i go to the doctor and fix the issue :haha: )
DH: (waiting for response)
Me: "Nothing different" :haha:
DH: "Well, i know WE can get pregnant. I dont want to keep trying and you keep conceiving and you have to suffer another m/c." (aww :hugs: )
Me: "Well, I will call up and schedule an appt and we can work from there."
DH: "Well tell him the issue and then if he doesnt prescribe the progesterone...then you tell him what's the problem and have him prescribe it" (does he sound like me or what?! :haha: )
Me: "Ok babes will do."
DH: "Ok..dang it im running late for work love you" :rofl:

So as you see..from what Im use to until now..DH has completely changed. I think what changed him is he finally understands my cycles and listens to me but the major thing is...because i keep suffering from early m/c's and i need progesterone. Just like him..i dont want to go through it again sooo im glad we working on it and if we are right..then that means i have been getting pregnant with no problem like every other month or two months and since my progesterone is low...just havent been able to hold onto it. So we WILL get pregnant before 2012 ends. Thats our goal.
aw, good to see he is being more understanding MW!!

Snowangel-looks like we are tww buddies! I am about 2/3 dpo today!
almost-yes im happy about that. And now i got to catch up to you two ladies :haha:

AFM, well cd15 for me. My temps have been pretty stable. Which is good. Still having spotting. Dont know why so will let my doc know on Monday. Yesterday was nice. DH and I went out with my SIL and her two kids for her birthday. We had alot of fun. And just so happens, my snotty boss was there and I didnt even notice. I was telling my SIL about how terrible she was to me etc and then i only noticed her when she was leaving with her family and they were like 2 tables across from us. So hoping she didnt see nor hear me :blush: But all was well. Today im off so i get to relax finally. So we shall see how today goes.
I'm finally getting more support from dh here too.. I've been trying to get through to him that ovulation is a time sensitive thing!! Oh well I'm hoping it continues.

I forgot to add that the ultrasound tech also said the cyst was gone. But that confuses me because I had the normal pain that I've been having.. so hoping dr has some sort of idea,, unless its possible to feel ovulation pains for a week a have no idea what is up, but I've got a follow up with the dr Monday,, so fingers crossed for answers. I think I will be testing May 1st too almost.. I pray this is our month...

Oh and one other thing, if I were to get a bfp. I think I might keep it a secret from the families until I get off the plane for a visit end of the summer.. not so sure dh can keep his mouth sealed!! Worth a shot??
sounds like fun! i was thinking the same thing for DH's side of the family, as we may be visiting them whilst i am pregnant-what fun it would be to tell them with our belly's!!! I think I am 4dpo today, come on may 1st!! (although I think af is due may 2nd)
snowangel-glad your dh is on board too.

i dont know if i told you ladies but i have my doc appt on monday yay :thumbup:

AFM, today marks cd16 and also the spotting has officially left the building this time. I havent had any pink since last night and dh and i dtd last night and this morning and still no spotting :thumbup: So im happy. Also my temp went up to 97.51 so im assuming that the spotting is officially gone. While i was having spotting, it usually stayed in the 97.40s range the most. Well I work today but I get off early so im happy and then im off from sunday-tuesday :happydance: I got my doc appt in 2 days so im happy. DH and I even talked about what i should say and everything and when I should say what i think is the issue etc. He gave me some good tips i must say. I dont want to just say in the beginning that its a progesterone issue without letting the doc do all the necessary things to come to that conclusion. Sooo im going to just tell him whats been going on and get his opinion and THEN say well i think its this thats the issue. He probably is going to do bloodwork which I am okay with. As long as i get an answer. Also, if he doesnt prescribe the progesterone, im going to ask him can he prescribe it to me. But we shall see if he does it on his own. Cant believe im on cd16 already. If ov occurs around the same time as last cycle or earlier, then i may ov in 7-9 days :shock: Doesnt seem like its going to be coming around so fast. I guess because i have been busy with the spotting and family and work etc that i really didnt pay attention to what cd i am on even though I always type it in. Now i actually paid attention and my cycle is going by rather quickly. In 4 more days, I will be on cd20 already. Cant wait until Monday :thumbup:
almost, I think af is due on the 30th for me? Not sure tho..

I've been a little crampy today, am hoping that's a good sign... When I got pregnant with DD, I actually felt implantation.. I had extremely bad pain and had no idea what it was, but when I found out i was preggers I knew exactly what it was.. So now I kind of have myself convinced that if I feel it I'll know, and if I don't feel it I won't get a BFP.. (Even tho I know every pregnancy is different)

Well I got a little girl that wants her toe nails painted for church tomorrow so off I go.... :)
snowangel, i had HORRIBLE cramping in my stomach yesterday at approx 5/6 dpo but too early for implantation i think?? it lasted a good 2 hours, then came back again at midnight. Gingerale and food may have helped it, but then when it came back it was more on my bottom left side of my stomach. The best way to explain it TMI is the feeling of bad cramps when u have to poo, but i did not have to poo and they were so back it gave me sharp pains in my back/back ache =( I did have to take 600 motrin so that could have been the cause too...had implications with novacaine and my tongue (possible nerve damage =() Did not want to take the motrin or have the novacain, but would be so early on pregnancy wise that i am hoping it will not be too harmful....started back up on folic acid and prenatals just in case!!

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