78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

fxed for the both of you!

AFM, im on cd17 and my temp is 97.64. Sooo my body is doing its own thing. I am spotting on and off. DH told me to take a test to rule out pregnancy so i did and it was negative of course. Also, tomorrow is my doc appt. My mom wants to go with me. It's okay though because she knows that dh and i are ttc. The only thing is, once we do get pregnant....i am keeping it a secret from her until i am 12 weeks. But she can see what i got to go through though. Its nice to have someone on my side when going through these rough times. Well, dh and i went to the movies this morning and now we are visiting family. Cant wait until tomorrow.
Mzswizz.. Im wondering of u take out that really high temp on ur chart if it would give u crosshairs???
snowangel-I have tried that but it didnt give me the crosshairs. My temps are staying in a stable range still and im still spotting/light bleeding so it wont do it because its still labeled as menses.

AFM, today is cd18 and my temp is at 97.42. So the bleeding is still here. Today is my doc appt so I am sooo ready to go. I have printed out my charts and FF gave me free VIP membership trial for 5 days so now when i printed out my charts, it is more detailed so that's good because now I won't have to explain all the symptoms etc that I've been having. I must admit, I am a little nervous which is normal every time I go to the doc because I don't know what to expect. So hopefully all my questions will be answered and I will have prescribed progesterone by the time I leave the doc appt. So we shall see how today goes. DH's grandma had said that she better see a car seat in the backseat of our car soon :cloud9: So dh said well the boss has spoken so we have to make it happen now :cloud9: We both were talking and I think the reason DH really wanted a child all this time is because his grandma when she said that around 2 weeks ago. Hey im happy she said that since it pushed him forward :rofl: DH wants to bless his grandma with a great grand and I understand. She is a wonderful lady and you can tell she loves us to the death so I have no problem giving her a wonderful gift like that. Well I see Ih ave become long winded :haha: Well that's all for now until I update about the doc.
hiladies horrible cramps for 3 days now lasting almost all day on and off can't sleep on side this is n fun but hoping its just baby getting cozy!
Hoping it's a good sign, Almosthere!
How did your appointment go, Mzswizz?

Carli and Pichi, how's everything going?

I am almost 10 weeks, and so far everything is looking good. Not long before I will officially make it to the 2nd trimester!!!! But I can't believe how much I underestimated pregnancy sickness- I always thought of all those preggo pains just to be something trivial that women happily endure and barely even like 'real' sickness since it's all for your baby. But it is like real sickness...just for a really long time! haha. I have already been sick for 7 weeks, and the last few days it's gotten even worse. Right now, I can't even leave my house without returning home to just sit in front of the toilet for the remainder of the day. Worse than I had imagined!
AND we have only had sex 3 times in the last 10 weeks, haha! I love having sex, but, well, for example, the last time we had sex, before I could finish I ended up running to the toilet and remained there for half an hour sick as could be-- haha, so sexy!!! :haha:
Anyways, I love being pregnant, but I never quite expected it to be like this! I am so excited to have a little one, but I guess I just wanted to say something (Well, right now, I am just kinda at the end of my rope with being house-bound and sick!), but also it makes me feel like I wished I had just relaxed and enjoyed feeling more normal and the whole TTC experience beforehand.

I hope it all doesn't sound horrible for me to say, even a few weeks ago I couldn't believe people would say stuff like that, I just have been hit with the reality of things versus the rainbows and butterflies I always pictured! lol! I know I would never for a second give my baby up just to feel normal, but I also can't wait for this part to be behind me!! :flower:
i completely agree about the sickness....i mean, if my horrid cramping is pregnancy related!!! will find out in a week! haha..it is sooo horrible my goodness!

and wow cannot believe you are almost into your 2nd tri, eek!!
mswizz- i am glad you are going to the doc again and you have everything charted down to show them. i bet that will help a lot. hope you get answers soon.

almosthere- i think the cramping is a good good sign! i had awful cramping in my early pregnancy and it felt like a hellish AF was coming all the time but never came so fx for you!

daisyanne- you are preaching to the choir as far as pregnancy being way way harder than expected. i am sorry you've been so sick- believe me, i know better than anyone how absolutely miserable it is to spend your life tied to your bed or a toilet. even 7 weeks feels like an eternity... i can't even describe how horrible it's been to feel even worse than that for 24 weeks. but oh well, at least you are getting into second tri soon and there is a lot of hope that your ms will ease up by then. we can't all have fluffy pregnancies but i really hope yours turns into one!

as for me i am still sick as a dog and am completely exhausted physically and mentally. hyperemisis gravidarum is more horrible than i ever could have imagined and has been one of the worst experiences of my life. all i want is to hold my little girl and for this all to be over. wish i had something more positive to say but that's just where i'm at right now.

stay strong ladies, you are all in my thoughts Xx
sorry to hear you are also sick carli!!

afm cramps not as bad over night/early am, could actually sleep on my side without triggering them too much! but they are with me now, although again, not as bad as the past 4 days-although my day has just begun!
carli-hope you feel better :hugs:

daisy-cant believe you are almost in 2nd tri already.

almost-fxed for you!

Also about yesterday at the doc appt: my ob/gyn checked my charts and said that it looks like im not o'ing every month which would cause long bleeding. And he wants dh and I to use opks for 3 months and try to conceive within these 3 months naturally before getting medications involved. He said if i dont conceive by the follow up appt (july 23rd) then he is going to test EVERYTHING including DH's SA and figure out what's going on from there. :thumbup:

AFM, so im on cd19 today and im still bleeding. It has actually increased after my ob/gyn did a vaginal check. My temp is also 97.37 today. Yesterday went pretty well i may say. So I pretty much have 2 cycles left before going back to my doc in July (if im not pregnant before then). I forgot to mention that he did ask did we want to do the SA, HSG etc yesterday but we both decided we just will wait the 3 months like he said in the beginning. The reason for the 3 month wait is because he said that he wants to atleast see if my body can conceive naturally before involving medication and dh and i both agree with that. Not saying there is anything wrong with having the help of medicine. We are just saying we want to see if it can actually happen. I know I know...i've been fighting this for 2 years now but subconsciously...im just going to show him that something is obviously wrong and then we will get the help we need. Also, on my calendar, is shows that my AF would be due around the follow up check up. So atleast he will be at the start of AF when he starts testing. I believe this is going to help us conceive. Heck if I waited 2 yrs..I can wait 3 months. Atleast I know that in 3 months..we are going to know everything and work from there. Instead of 2 yrs of not knowing. So the countdown has started. Next week marks the month of May sooo 2 more months already before I go back :thumbup:
glad to hear you will be getting a full set of tests done-although hope you won't need to! =)

afm cramping is basically gone-yay! Only a tiny bit which was very mild and fast come and go..hoping this is my timeeeee

also, think i have a job lined up which allows me 6.5 months of PAID maternity leave, and think I will get the job officially next week-fingers crossed!
Almost-That's awesome. Hope you get the job :thumbup:

AFM, today is cd20 and the light flow is here. At first, I was upset because I am bleeding for so long but then again this long bleeding may be a good thing because I might only have to go through 1 cycle using opks before going back to my doc for all the tests on July 23rd. At the rate the bleeding is going, I won't ovulate until May which means I might get my new AF in mid to end of May and then I start a new cycle which means i will most likely ov in the end of June and have AF probably end of July or beginning of August. :thumbup: But we shall see. Atleast it's a win/win for dh and I because we get to test out the opks and we still dont have to wait long to get the tests done. So im happy. Also, still waiting on the phone call from the other jobs to see if I got a new job. Can't believe May will be here in 6 days. Where did April go? But hey, im not complaining. Also, dh and I dtd and spent some lovely couple time together just relaxing etc. I must admit, it was lovely and I enjoyed...well we both enjoyed it. I have to work today but the good thing is that my boss is on vacation for this whole week so she wont be there yay :happydance: So a librarian, Jay, is in charge and he is the nicest person ever. So of course I wont be stressed out for a week which is awesome. Now its a countdown to test with the opks and countdown til the next follow up.
eek let the countdown begin! I just want may 2nd to be here so I can learn that af will not show haha I am about 8/9 dpo buying cheapies tomorrow or saturday!
Almost- don't cave. ;) you better wait and test with me... LOL. I was nauseous today and dh has harassed me all day to pee on a stick.. DD overheard and put in her 2cents and said you better not pee on a stick that's just ridiculous.. :dohh: :rofl:

Speaking of DD, an early trip to the ER this morning, she bumped her head and had to get a gash glued together.. :(

Well it's been a loooooonnnnnnnngggggggg day I'm headed to bed, I'll chat with you ladies soon!! <3
oh too late, tested and got this....

but a neg after that on a cheapie and a not preg on a digi but the digi is less sensitive...

anywho here is my one test the 6dayearly first response in and out of the casette...


  • pregnancy test!!!! 008.jpg
    pregnancy test!!!! 008.jpg
    12.1 KB · Views: 5
  • pregnancy test!!!! 009.jpg
    pregnancy test!!!! 009.jpg
    10.6 KB · Views: 7
I see something,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but now you really HAVE to wait to retest!!!!!! torture for cheating.. :rofl: ;)
haha i knoww i will test tomorrow and the day after til i get another line or af!! lol but i really think im preg due to my 4 days of horrid cramping!
i see something. that looks like the line i got on a FRER in december! cheapys heardly show till later on. they're squint and you'll miss it tests

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