78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

yes def a chemical...i even took a test and it had no line no pink unlike my other 3 earlier on...think this explains my horrible 4 days of cramps early on in my tww :(
aww almost :hugs: sucks that it was a chemical pregnancy.
So I've known since Friday night, and already I'm waking often through the night, having crazy dreams and sickness like crazy,, def not complaining, BUT am very anxious i had a dream that I was bleeding, so I can't seem to calm myself and just can't wait til my dr appt.. honestly I didn't have this much fear when I was pregnant the first time.. I've just learned way to much about pregnancy whereas when I was preggers with dd I was nieve. So please just pray for me and hopefully I'll be able to calm myself .. Dr appt Wednesday but that's just for a referral so not sure when the Ob will see me.. well I'm going to try to go.back to sleep.
aw almost i am so sorry. chemicals are so cruel. i have had 2 and they made me absolutely bonkers. :nope: really hope your sticky bean comes soon. :hugs:

snowangel, i am sorry you are having so much worry already. just remember every single day is a step closer to meeting your LO and whatever is meant to happen will happen despite your worries. hope you find peace soon.

afm, i will be going to the doctor tomorrow and will give you a proper update then. Xx
snowangel-you're in our prayers. I know its easier said than done but try not to worry. The pregnancy is out of your control. Whatever is meant to happen will happen and I believe that you will have a LO in your arms. Do you need a referral to go to the ob/gyn? I did when I was pregnant but when I called for ob/gyns that i found on our insurance's website, i asked and some dont even require referrals. They can test you for pregnancy there. You might want to look into that. The referral i ended up getting was the worst ob/gyn ever. Not trying to scare you but just want you to be able to have a few options available. Everything will be okay.

Carli-Cant wait for your update tomorrow!

AFM, its cd26 for me already. This cycle is really flying by quickly. My temp is 97.17 and the opk is negative. Today is May 1st and so its 12 more days until Mother's Day in the U.S. Even though it was raining yesterday, i had a good day. I hung out with my friend and we had lunch. DH and I had an argument but it ended in apologizing and dtd in the wee morning :blush: We also had some wine last night and it was pretty darn good :thumbup: Before, I use to stress about drinking wine etc while ttc but now im saying to heck with it. Im going to enjoy life with DH and enjoy my life. I havent been enjoying myself because I was soooo worried about what anything will do to my body to effect me to not get a bfp. I cant make myself live in a bubble. We only drink wine anyways so its no harm in that and we drink it on occasion. So no more stressing for me and it feels good to just live life with no worries. If we get a bfp before july then great and if we dont then its great too because we have a great ob/gyn that will help us achieve a LO so either way it goes...its going to be great. Well, i go back to work tomorrow and I know the boss is back. Still waiting for a job to call. Any day now...because full time is exactly what i need right now and higher pay. So we shall see. Oh and here are my opks from cd23-today.


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Well my regular dr i think will just do a urine test to confirm that I need an OB and then probably will refer me to the OB that I just saw for my cyst.. It's dumb needing the middle man, but I think I'm going to have my family dr give me a lab paper so I can get a blood test, just to ease my mind. I go back and forth from feeling super sick to not feeling anything no cramps or nausea at all. Oh well.. one more day til my regular dr.. I was thinking about lying and saying I didn't know how far along I was so they'd get me right in, but considering I had an ultrasound the day after ovulation I'm pretty sure that won't fly.. :rofl: Im anxious to find out what due date they'll give me..

On a good note, DD is sooooo happy!! She asks about 5 times a day if the baby can come out now. And yesterday she started kissing and hugging my belly saying I love you baby!!
On a not so good not I overheard this prayer... dear God, Please give mommy a baby girl....... and a baby boy... :rofl: :rofl: This isn't the first time I've overheard her pray for two!!

Anyways I'll update tomorrow after my appt.. Wish me luck!!
good luck with the doc. And my mom is on the same boat with whenever i get pregnant its going to be twins. Now twins run in both dh and I family but it skips generations iykwim. It's dh's generation's turn to have twins and since all but him had kids and none had twins...then he is the last one which leads a possibility and my mom told me that its my generation's time to have twins too and since nobody in my generation had twins neither....its down to me. So now we are the last of our generation and im freaking out because im like what if it does come true. I mean i wouldnt have a problem with twins..its just the fact that i didnt think it was possible and we didnt have twins but after a sit down and talk like last week...we found out that twins do run in our family weird huh.
Snowangel- I had a few dreams that I was bleeding, I know that can be really freaky :( Your sickness is a good sign! (haha, but I've always disliked when people told me that when I was miserable, lol) But, if you're worrying, then really the sickness is a good sign for you right now. Hugs to you!

I'm 11 weeks, and my sickness has pretty much disappeared the last couple days, which is great! I really had a miserable time for awhile, so I'm glad that now I feel less like I have the flu all the time, and more like a pregnant woman. And I have my 12 week scan next week! And then we can announce it to the world :happydance:

Carli- are you feeling any better yet? I can't imagine going through all you've gone through. Hope the doctors are able to make it more comfortable for you, and that it will go away and when you have your LO in your arms it will all just be a distant memory! Oh my, I've known people who had hyperemesis, and it is such a terrible thing :( Hope all is looking up!

Mzswizz- the no-stress approach is great! I think it's so healthy to just enjoy life like you're doing, and whatever happens, happens- c'est la vie! Some women can never do that (I think we're wired to worry;)), and I struggle with that all the time!
hi ladies just popping in quickly, have my last final exam for my undergrad EVER tomorrow...so will be busy studying all afternoon then have to nanny at night!

already on cd3....going by fast for me...think I will start temping once af stops so I know when to expect my next af! =) plus, since school is basically done, I can temp same time each morning!
snowangel- oh my! Mommy better start some "counter" prayer, lol!
Although, twins is a blessing in and of itself, too- I'm just glad I only have one inside of me! :haha:

almost- well, I've heard it said that a lot of women get pregnant the month immediately after they have a CP, something about being more fertile that month (but for me my cycle was really off the following month :neutral:) I will say though, chances of a CP in your first pregnancy is high, but chances lower greatly after that...so next time you get pregnant it really should stick :hugs: Hoping you are like those women who get pregnant again right away!
Well I couldn't help myself... I had to do another, trying to ease some of my anxiety.. This is the 88cent walmart version, which is darker then the line I got when I took their test a couple days ago..It was before the time limit. Also I went and bought the Sea Bands.. I must say I feel relief.. Hopefully they'll get me in to the ob quick... Although I know I still have a few weeks before I could even see a heartbeat.. :flower:


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Well I'm on cd 43, lots of ewcm and creamy cm, and no sign of AF! I have no idea what I should do! I'm sick of testing and never seeing a BFP!

Kris-Have you thought that maybe you o'd later than usual? Sometimes late ov could delay AF cycle.
Well I got a +opk on April 7th so I know I definitely o'd after that. What do you guys think? Sorry I'm new on here and always have tons of questions :winkwink:
do you know your lp? Hmm maybe its possible that your body geared up for ov hence the positive opk and it failed so it tried again...oorrrr you can be pregnant and its just taking long to register. Have you tried getting a blood test done?
I don't really know my lp but have not gotten a blood test done. Ever heard of anyone not finding out for more than 2 weeks late....just curious! My cycle days used to range from 28-30 days but lately have been closer to 35 days. So weird I know!
I would say get a blood test done. The quantitative so you know the exact amount. My friend found out weeks later that she was pregnant so its possible. A blood test will be able to tell you sooner than a hpt sometimes.

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