78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

Nope, still no call today. :( when I talked to them Friday they said by Wednesday.. so I plan on calling them first thing Wednesday if I don't hear from them tomorrow..
Snowangel- have you heard back yet?

As for me, I have my 12 week scan in an hour and a half! so excited, but I've been so nervous about it- I don't know why! It's also the one to check for down syndrome, but I'm not really worried about that so much. I really hope we get to see the baby move, and that everything is still going well!
Snowangel-Any news?

DaisyAnne-Cant believe you are 12 weeks already :shock: Time is flying. Cant wait for your update.

AFM, today is cd2 and the bleeding has went from a light flow to a medium flow so its definitely AF. Im proud of myself on how i handled last cycle though. Even though i experienced a long bleed, i was still optimistic and when AF appeared, I wasnt disappointed or sad. I just grabbed a pad and carried on with my day. I wasnt even hopeful that it could be IB or pregnancy related or stressing about what it could really mean. I must say that Im not stressing about my cycles and it feels pretty good. Also, if you check out my chart overlay, it looks like this cycle might have the lowest temps so far out of the 3 cycles. So maybe this time my cycle is on track and hopefully i ov because starting, my temps are pretty low which is good. FF has me so far with an 11 day LP and an average cycle length of 34 days. March cycle lasted 35 days and April cycle lasted 33 days. So it seems like my body is sort of on a set schedule. Im happy about that. Atleast my cycles arent all over the place like they use to be. FF also estimated next AF on June 12 or 13th. So we shall see if it will be a June bfp or not. And dh setup a 60 day program on the UFC trainer and started yesterday. That 1 workout alone made him burn more than 200 calories :shock: And it has the calendar so atleast he doesnt choose to workout on his own days because that 60 day program would never get done :haha: So im happy for him that he is really serious about everything and working hard to get things accomplished. Hopefully all the work we have been doing will pay off soon.
aw sorry to hear AF showed, FX June is your lucky month! it is my bday month, so if no may bfp for me, hoping for a wonderful birthday bfp or a wonderful july anniversary bfp! FX for us all stilll trying!!!

I am on cd12 and not bd for two days so hoping today wont be a 3rd unsuccessful night-we are working so hard-I got home at almost midnight from babysitting, ugh I really want my baby!!!
almost-I know what you mean. Im ready for our baby also. its been 2 long years and counting. Hoping to get a bfp before the appt on July 23rd. Either a june bfp or a wedding anniversary bfp. Either or would be nice but i would just love to be pregnant before dh and my birthday.
agreed! I always dreamt of being a mom or at least preg. by age 22-and I am a little over a month away from turning 23...I think I want 3 children, so always wanted to start young!
The max we want is 4 children. And i was thinking that I would have atleast 2 kids before i turn 25 but this year im turning 23 and still no luck yet.
Well I haven't heard from them yet, but left them a message lastnight asking them to please call to help ease some anxiety.. so I am expecting a call today, if I don't get a call I will be changing Dr's! It's only a family Dr and I will be seeing the Ob for the next 8 months anyways.. I really miss my Dr from the previous state I lived in.. I really tried covincing him to move. :rofl: anyways I will update later if I hear from them. :flower:

Mzswizz- this is ur cycle!! That'd be the perfect bday/anniversary present :bfp:

Almost- get Bd'ing your ov day will be soon!! I'm sooo excited about you joining me. :hugs:

Daisy- I'm sooo jealous you get ur scan ;) I'm impatient :haha: can't wait to see ur New pics tho.

Daisy-Must be torture to not hear from them yet. Hoping you get a call soon. And yes dh birthday is in september and mines is december. I atleast want to be pregnant so we have u/s pics for when our birthdays come around and hopefully know the gender and feels kicks etc. Also if i do conceive this cycle then that will be our early wedding anniversary gift which is july 25th. And when the baby is born..it will be an early anniversary (being together) for us because the baby would be due in february and our anniversary is feb. 18th. So we shall see. Hoping i ov this month.
Ultrasound went well today! And went even better for my hubby and me that they couldn't get a good angle on the little babe's neck for the test, so we got to see the baby for about an hour and a half before it moved to the right position! We just both instinctively referred to the baby as he/him/his the entire time, so I wonder if that's intuition? haha. I'm just relieved that baby is well :flower:

Oh and I'm 28 and having my first! I think that may affect how many children we have as opposed to ttc younger (although all my morning sickness- that has returned- may affect that as well). I think it's great for you ladies a few years younger to start now! I worry slightly about that 30 mark :nope: and wanting more kids. Hubby has 7 siblings- don't think we'll ever catch up to his family! lol!
I was just thinking about that daisy these girls are so young :rofl: you guys have plenty of time ;). I will be 28 this month, my original plan was 4 kids by 30 not so sure I can still pull that off since I just started baking #2. :haha:

Still no call back today. U might just say I'm annoyed.
Daisy-great that the scan went well for you :thumbup: And wow 7 siblings?! My mom is 1 of 7 or 8 siblings.

Snowangel-If i were you, I would go into the office to get the referral. Whenever the doc is taking too long, I go there myself. Therefore they have no choice but to push the paperwork at that moment.

RE about age mark for kids: Yes, dh and I started since we got married and I was 19 and he was 20. I know we are still young but it seems like it is taking forever to just conceive one. I would atleast want 2 or more before 30.

AFM, today i am on cd3. My temps are still staying pretty low so thats good :thumbup: And now the bleeding is heavy which normally happens on cd3 so my cycle is right on schedule for now :happydance: Im off work today so I got to go down and visit my Mom but before that, Im going to clean up a bit around here. 4 more days to go before i can go back to dtd and using the opks. Im ready to get this cycle rolling. Also, my dh kept saying that if we dont conceive before going to the doc then its a high possibility we are going to have twins once my ob/gyn starts issuing meds. I've noticed he keeps reminding me about it...he seems more excited than anything hmmm wonder why :shrug:
glad to hear everyone is doing well including the little beans!!!

afm cd13 should ov within the next 4 to 10 days....10 being the VERY latest and 4 being the earliest..no opks or temping so very layed back cycle i hope to join you too snowangel!!
and we bdncd at midnight last night as i was worried since it was already basically 2.5 days without doing so! no opks so gotta be safe hehe
just stopping in to say that I'll be on vacation for a bit (going to visit a friend of mine), so I won't be around on here much, but I hope there is lots of good news when I get back! Baby dust, baby dust, baby dust...hoping this month has lots of positives and positive news!
almost-fxed for you this cycle.

daisy-enjoy your vacation!

AFM, im on cd4 and my temp rose to 97.80 but i discarded the temp due to me having a toothache and i took meds. I tried aleve but it didnt really work so i took tylenol before bed so im assuming one of those, if not both, contributed to the rise in temp. Well, dh and i both work today but i get off early so im happy. I have been having a rather good time at work and my supervisor hasnt been rude lately so thats good. Also, i have found out that we are getting 2 new part-time employees :happydance: Happy about that because they would be in my age group so now i will have somebody to talk to. Also, hopefully now i wont have to stay late so i might be able to leave on time compared to staying 15 minutes after on most days. So everything is going well. DH is still on his 60 day program. He missed 1 day because we came home very late so thats understandable but he didnt miss yesterday's workout so i was happy that he is staying on it. I found out my friend's due date is Oct. 4th so she doesn't have long to go. Looking at FF, it put possible ov on June 1st so we shall see if that happens. If i do ov on June 1st and conceive, then my edd would be in March which is the same month of my other best friend's birthday so we shall see. Yesterday, I had a good day except for the excruciating toothache. Its not as bad as it was yesterday so its getting better. I put some orajel on it so its helping. Also, my mom and i both dyed our hair. Mines is red and hers is blonde. The color is different but it looks nice on her because she is very light skinned (alot of people mistaked her for spanish :haha: ). My hair is a nice burgundy color. I love it. Well, the bleeding is medium/heavy for now. 3 more days before AF suppose to end. Hopefully AF leaves on time this time around.
I'm hoping ur af leaves on time to u deserve a break!!

Afm- I've given up on getting my levels from my blood test.. they got til Wednesday to get me my referral for an Ob or I'm taking matters into my own hands and I might just start with complaints! The good news tho they've waited ling enough that I should get in rather quick now. Can't wait to see the first ultrasound!!

I'm feeling pretty crappie and dh isn't being very supportive which is irritating.. anyways I'm going to go get dd some lunch and pray I get a nap!!
busy day today ladies i am officially a BA graduate, yay! feels great to have 4 out of a possible 6 done....considering a 2 year program but would not start until next summer depending on the baby situation! I missed the deadline to start this summer...but it will be nice to have at least a years break to really figure out what I want to master in. Anywho....BD to all, I am hoping DH will BD tonight as I think I am going to OV early...so horny today which I know is a sign! But, we dtd the last two nights in a row so not sure he will have the energy to go again...if we wait til tomorrow will it be okay do you think??? hmmm these are the times a lady wishes she had an opk! haha
If u did it yesterday, you're good to skip today and Bd tomorrow.. :flower:

Congratulations on ur degree!

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