78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

Thanks snowangel!!! I think an issue I have with ttc is assuming I O sooner than later even though its prob the opposite-have too much sex early on and then not enough later on...so trying to be more relaxed but it is so hard I just have the idea stuck in my head that the more sperm I have in there the better my chances are!!!

and have an amazing vaca daisy!!
Hey ladies,
Just wanted to check in and see how you guys are doing. And also give an update.. I had pretty much given up on hearing from my Dr and Monday I was experiencing chest pain so dh wanted me to call Dr.. which I did, but didn't tell them y I needed an appt. Because obviously they would have just told me to go to the e.r. anyways, it had been a pretty stressful day and had read a bunch online and assumed it was heartburn with stress. I didn't have any more problems so felt good enough to "ignore" it. Anyways still had the appt so went and Dr basically told me I didn't have to wait for a referral that as long as they (my primary) knew I was going to the ob it was fine... Soo that kind of irritates me I've been waiting for two weeks to call for an appt for nothing!! Called the ob on my way out of the Dr office and got an appt for Monday morning! :happydance: the great thing is they didn't even ask how far along I thought I was or when my last lmp was, but since I will be almost 8 weeks I'm hoping they do an ultrasound!! I've been pretty sick starts off really bad in the morning and have it for most of the day.. :( hopefully that ends soon tho.. I haven't thrown up but am losing weight. :( well I'm going to try to get some rest can't wait to hear ur updates. :flower:

Sorry to hear about your sickness sounds like no fun at all! And how frustrating that you have yet to hear back! I was supposed to hear back from a general ultrasound yesterday, but not a peep! Will bug the office Monday if still no word by today.

afm cd 20, only had spotting once cd15 randomly...not from dtd like it usually is...so unsure if I am in my tww or not! I usually O anywhere from cd14-22, so three more days until I am def. in my tww. I have had LOADS of stress this entire past weekend and week, so not surprised I may not have Od. No spotting after DTD which usually tells me I od...o how I wish I did opks...hahhaaa... I could have Od on mothers day, but no ewcm yet...it was sticky and white over m's day weekend and now is watery...so just a waiting game for now!
snowangel-cant wait for updates after your appt :thumbup:

almost-congrats on your degree. anf fxed for you this cycle!!!

AFM, today is cd10 and the spotting is gone so AF has left the building on cd9. Well at least i only spotted for 2 days and it only lasted 9 days this time :thumbup: Also, I've noticed my temps are in between both of my previous cycles' ranges so I don't know what to expect this time. But im thinking im going to ovulate because my temps are a little higher than last cycle's temps :thumbup: Well, right now, we've just been busy trying to get all the info from our family so we can fill it out in our paperwork. We've been pretty tired lately and this is the first cycle where we havent really been dtd because we've just been so busy. Also, now our nephew will be graduating high school in a few weeks and now he has decided to join the Navy too. But we kept telling him that he may not be stationed with us and just because he is our nephew doesn't really hold any significance. But he still wants to do it so we are supporting him and his mom (my SIL) is happy of his decision because she wants him to become independent and a man. Now, in order to make a decision for the Navy, we've talked to my friend Jeyvis who is currently enlisted and my dh's cousin who is going to retire in January after serving 20+ years in the Navy and also my godbrother who is currently enlisted and wants to retire in the Navy. We've talked to all and told them the things the recruiters said to see if they agree or they disagree. Majority of the things were accurate and they said training may be changed to 13 weeks now but they are not sure but if they said 8 weeks then its probably still 8 weeks and 13 weeks wont take effect until the following year. So we are pretty confident and all of them want to stay in there so that must mean something. We heard from all 3 different lifestyles how the Navy is. My friend is single, my godbrother is married with no kids and dh's cousin is married with 3 children. So if they can do it, we know we can :thumbup: The days are starting to move faster which is good because then i get to see my ob/gyn and figure everything out before we do leave for training but that's if we arent set to leave before then. But we shall see. If i cant get it done..then i will tell him my situation so he can put in notes for my next ob/gyn to do it. So everything will work out for us :thumbup:
today is my cd20! This will be easy with remembering where you are in your cycle b.c we are only 10 days apart! haha =)

and i am loving your attitude and I agree-WE CAN DO THISS!!! yeaaaa!! haha spring/summer bfps here we come! it has to happen in the next few months!!!
almost-you're right. Now i will remember because we are 10 days apart in our cycle :haha: And yes we can do this!! And if i end up pregnant before boot camp, then dh and I will decide to go in after the baby is born :thumbup: So everything works out. But right now, we are putting ttc on hold.

AFM, im cd11, temp is 97.53 and the opk is negative. DH and I dtd for the first time this cycle this morning. It was actually DH who initiated before work so it took me by surprised because i thought he was tired but I guess not :winkwink: DH and I, well let me rephrase that to I, am trying to complete our applications for the background check. I am almost done with completing mines. Now I just have to be done with mines and then finish the other half of DH's and we are good to go. I'm going to complete mines and then save it and then complete DH's and then send both off at the same time :thumbup: It's been a pretty tiring week and I have to go to work today. Then im off for 3 days yay :happydance: DH and I have decided that we are going to sell this house whenever we go into boot camp etc because we don't want to continue making payments for the mortgage if we already know we are not coming back to this house. We have already been trying to save up to move because this area and this house are nothing but headaches and stress and we just want to get out of here. Hopefully, today flies by so i can come home and start my 60 day endurance program on the kinect. I must say the UFC trainer game is working well for DH because he is getting smaller and you can REALLY see the difference. So i'm happy about that.
glad to hear the ufc training program is working-fantastic news! and that is too bad about all the stress and headaches your home is causing! GL as you move to new things! And bummer to putting ttc on hold after this cycle :/

afm cd21...dh woke me up to dtd at 2am! ugh! I mean, I do like the surprise of this sometimes, but I was VERY tired after having my first day of teaching yesterday haha. still no spotting, and I usually OV no later than tomorrow...although I have this feeling I od mothers day which was my cd15 (on may 13th) OR graduation day which was cd14, may 12th...which would already put me at around 5dpo!!
All the not knowing can drive a girl crazy huh Almost? I hope you get your BFP soon. :hugs:
haha yes it can! I wish I knew, but it is also fun being a surprise...
almost-i think the ttc hold would be good for us just until we get settled into our new place.
Glad to hear you could get your scan, snowangel! Let us know how everything goes (today, right?)

I'm back, and had a horrible drive both ways, definitely will not travel far again til I'm feeling better! Today I have an appointment with a genetic counselor to talk about the numbers from my NT 12 week scan. They just want to monitor my baby for possible heart issues, so hopefully I will find out more info today! I'm not too worried about it, since it is still a small chance, but it is a little bit stressful...
They'll also refer me for my next scan, and I was told I *might* have one around 16 weeks- which I'm hopeful I could find out gender early!! :)
Hey ladies, had an ob appt today and have an ultrasound scheduled for first thing in the morning. :). Omw excited, but very nervous... Well after my ob appt I went and had my blood drawn,, and I passed out!! :dohh: have an ob appt next week on my bday to go over all results etc. Will update after my ultrasound.. :flower:
yay cant wait for your scan pics!!!

AFM, we finally completed our forms for the Navy so now its just a wait and see moment.
how is everybody? hope you all are good. it's been quiet around here lately.

i've been doing okay. finally got out of the hospital and was put on antibitocis for a long while because of the sepsis, thankfully the infection is now gone. i am still really really sick with the hyperemesis so they decided to put a subclavian port in me (this little port that is surgically put under my skin in my chest that runs to a main artery so i get my meds/fluids/blood draws from there). it has a little less risk of infection than the PICC's so i'm hoping i will get out of the pregnancy without anymore blood infections.

stuff will be busy in a few weeks as we are moving to a new house and i have only a few months, not even to get everything ready for baby. i'm already losing my mind thinking about trying to do it all with how i feel, but it has to get done! so yeah, more of the same for me. getting closer to the finish line but in my situation it still feels like eternity. i know you ladies can relate, always a waiting game.

will be thinking of you all! Xx
Carli-glad that you are out the hospital and hopefully the subclavian helps out completely :hugs:

AFM, im 2dpo today and my temp only rose a little to 97.49. Im thinking im out this cycle because my rise is very slow. Compared to my last ov cycle where it increased rather quickly and by 2-3dpo, it was high. I know its still early but I just have the feeling im already out. CM has turned to a small amount and sticky. So I know ov is over for sure. Im hoping that this positive opk and the temp dip wasnt a dud ov because that would suck. So now i have to wait it out and see what tomorrow's temp looks like. Today, im off work so I am going to take my dog to the vet and relax. I was cleaning up last night so that saved me the time and hassle to clean :thumbup: Still waiting for the availability to open for the physical so the Navy can call and schedule us. Im just ready to move forward with the process but I still need to practice my swimming technique because at the rate im at, Im not going to pass the swim part. They do have swimming courses for the people who arent that good in swimming but I just want to be able to pass so i can get that course. Well time to start the day.
Hey ladies. I didn't update right away because the ultrasound tech was a b*tch she wouldn't tell me if she saw a heartbeat...she only said Dr will discuss it with you. :cry: so basically for 36 hrs I was panicked and thinking there was no heartbeat.. sooo I've been very stressed. Turns out baby was fine, measuring 7weeks not 8, which I figured due to late ov.. Soo that lady was def a b*tch I'm filing a complaint and having my Dr refer me somewhere else!! Nausea really isn't too bad, its more of a food aversion thing. I don't want to eat anything and the smell of food. Yuck.

One thing that I've found out but kind of upsets me.. my brother and his g/f found out they're expecting.. I knew they were trying and normally I would be Soo happy, the problem I have is she doesn't know how far she is so #1 she could be further then me which will piss me off. And two she is pretty much due the same month as me, whether before or after me. The reason that's a problem is I live 1800miles away from them and all family and I guarantee they will stay home where she is rather then travel to see me.. I thought after almost four years of living here I finally had a reason for my family to come visit. :cry: oh well nothing can be changed, guess I'm just waiting to hear her due date..

Sorry for the vent.. I think what actually set me off was finding out they were expecting while I was expecting the Dr to tell me baby had no heartbeat.. just a very draining week emotionally. :flower:
aww snowangel sorry to hear about the trouble you are having. Hopefully she doesnt take away your shine and your family will come see you! It would just be rude if they dont. Every child is different so it just wouldnt be fair if one got loved more than the other. Hope everything gets better for you.

AFM, im on cd20 today and my temp rose from 97.23 to 97.73. Yesterday, DH and I went swimming and I must say...i have a lot of practicing to do. Hoping I can get better before we are sent to boot camp. Also, dh and i have been working out so we are preparing ourselves. The only thing holding me back right now is swimming and that fear is pushing me. I have to build my endurance because I cant even swim from 6ft to 3ft. I always make it BARELY to 4'6. Sucks but i have to get better especially since we have to swim in an olympic pool :dohh: We also visited our family in Miami and broke the news that we are joining the Navy to our nieces who were sad because they will miss us but we made sure to tell them we are going to keep in contact when we can. My body is sore from swimming so i got to work later on to make my muscles feel better and get use to it. Yesterday, i told dh that my temps are very low and im thinking cd14 pos opk was a dud and i think i havent o'd yet. So i told him since i have 4 opks left im going to continue to test with them and see what happens. If i havent o'd yet, then thats going to put me at an AF due dute of either june 12th or june 13th. So dh agreed that I should continue testing just in case. Soooo in the meantime, we spent our free time at the house dtd yesterday :haha: So this morning, I woke up and took my temp which gave me a reading of 97.73 which shocked me seeing that it went up by .5 degrees and then i tested with an opk and this is what i got

yay for Oing!!! afm spotted for the first time this cycle last night after dtd...af should be here any day :/ I am cd30 today...
almost-well seeing that your tracker says you are 9dpo....it could be possible IB. So its not over until AF shows her face.

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