78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

i've been dtd nonstop but nothing yet so who knows
yep, that hasn't helped me get my AF started..but I have been feeling non-stop queasy the last couple days and just plum exhausted...I usually cook since I don't work, but hubby is out getting dinner for us bc I am so tired after even a pretty quiet day...so I'm testing in the morning...FXed! Even if it's not our time, that's ok bc it will give us more time to prepare, but we would be so excited :)

Saying a prayer tonight for all of us ladies :)
CD36 here. I'm going to stop saying XXXX late because I'm pretty sure I O'd later. Usual cycle is 30-32 days for as long as have been charting (over two and a half years on my phone) and got another bfn tonight.

I know I'm just starting out here and truth be told I would be a bit irritated if I was pg after the first whack. It almost doesn't seem fair and I kind of wanted to enjoy the fun of trying for a bit. I know I'm not out til AF shows but it seems like she doesn't even want to do that much.

DH has been lovely as I've been so exhausted from I don't even know what to not do a whole lot around the house. He's been cooking and making sure I'm okay. I just feel like I was hit by a bus and I think that is due to my sleeping, but I can't force myself to sleep longer than my body wants. Today was the longest amount of continuous sleep I've gotten in two weeks and it was about six hours and I thank two of my cats and my dog for curling up and making me so comfortable that I was able to sleep. I usually have sleep issues (insomnia to needing 10hrs of sleep) right before AF but this is just ridiculous.
Esst- thats exactly how I've felt today: like I've been hit by a bus...welcome to our late AF club! have you tested with fmu yet?

today I've decided that I really do feel like my body is telling me I'm preggo-- right now I'm barely hangin on without throwing up--think i might be waking up tonight sick- may need to keep some crackers upstairs so i can wake up and put something in my stomach to keep it from getting too sick...but testing in the morning, so we'll see what it has to say...

Esst- try to relax for awhile before you go to sleep tonight if you can! take a bath, have DH rub your feet, or whatever...hope you can sleep well!

:dust: and :bfp:s to all you ladies!
DaisyAnne - teeeeeeeeechnically? I had a six hour nap and tested w/ that. Longest sleep I've had in a while.

I'll probably be up for a few more hours but I will try to relax. I'm going to try and iron out my sleep schedules as well as I am naturally nocturnal but unfortunately this doesn't work if you live where I do where everything closes at 10PM.
Hey girls update possible AF for me this morning CD41 Pink tinged cm this morning expect she'll show up properly later although It usually floods out first thing in the morning so I'm kinda just anticipating it tampax at the ready cant believe witch has dragged this out so long for me.. Any other updates? Xx
Morning ladies, after my spotting last night I was convinced would wake up to af but nothing again, not even spotting!! Tested last night which was negative. Still feeling really tired and sicky on and off. Even bd last night to try make it come and nothing. Any more updates ladies?
hey ladies! i am so freaking glad i am not alone right now. i am in the the same boat as all of you guys!

i am now 5 days late with no sign of :af: and am having LOTS of symptoms but i took a test yesterday and it was still bfn!!:confused:

this really worries me because i had a very bad experience earlier this year where i was 100% positive i was pregnant but could not get a positive on any tests even after being 20+ days late. all the doctors told me it was in my head and there was absolutely no way i was possibly pregnant... no obgyn would see me without a positive result... they wouldn't even do an ultrasound but my body reminded me constantly that i was pregnant...:nope:

to make a long story short i started having really bad cramps and spotting. they got so intense i had to go to the ER. in the hospital i found out i was 9 weeks pregnant. i had a very intense miscarriage with extremely severe labor pains even with medication... :sad2: the doctors still couldn't tell me why the hcg never built up in my system... :growlmad:


as the days go on i grow more and more terrified it's happening again.
i hope i haven't scared anyone. does anyone have any insight on this?
i really hope we all get our bfp's soon!!
well ladies still no AF here that's 9 days late since expected period on a 28 day cycle did some Bd ing last night to see if it brought it on but nothing! had ewcm yesterday too

I'm baffled! Glad it's Friday tho got the weekend to relax, then off to docs on Monday if AF is still a no show

2 weeks late today on cycle day 49. tested this morning BFN going to hold out till tuesday to test again i think just incase that was me ovulating last week which would make me 10dpo on tuesday, unless AF gets me before then xx
Hey Ladies

Sitting in the docs office yesterday I had a moment where i realised that i had miscalculated my cycle!!! All the stressing and freaking out had sent me loopy, i dont know what my cycle is eactly but its between 33 - 35 not 29!!!

OK last night i was a lil more relaxed then this morning i clearblued again and i have a very faint line so a possible BFP =) fingers and toes crossed now that my line will become stronger when i retest on the weekend.

Oh please, please please be BFP

Good luck to us all

Well DH and I dtd this morning before he went to work. Didnt dtd last night because I was exhausted. Cant believe I am on cd58. This is a HUGE milestone because I never passed being 2 weeks late (cd50) ever since I had the m/c so something is going on. We dtd and still no AF only cm. Cant wait to go to the doctor. I think I might schedule the appt for the 16th instead of 17th but not sure yet because DH took the 16th and 17th off so we can go any of those 2 days. I am hoping they will do bloodwork AND a U/S because thats what he did the last time when i decided to get with a new ob/gyn because my former ob/gyn was a certified prick. He did bloodwork and a U/S to see what was going on inside so hoping that will happen again. He is a pretty good doctor, he loves to cover all the bases. And its like a win/win for me because I get bloodwork and U/S just to cover the bases and also because he is an OB/GYN and a fertility specialist :happydance: So if I am having issues, he can just help me and I wont have to get referred and seeing that im already 19 months of ttc, it wouldnt be a problem. But DH believes we will see a baby on the U/S. Im thinking of keeping the appt for the 17th because he does U/S on Fridays only (u/s tech comes in) and so if i go on the 17th (thursday) i can get bloodwork done and then schedule for the u/s the next day so lets hope that will happen. FXed! Also i temped this morning and it was 97.7. So i looked in my temp booklet (when i use to temp) and the highest I ever gotten was 97.3 so thats a .4 difference?! Now im curious to see what tomorrow's temp will be.
9 days late today-

Tested this morning and I think it's a BFN??? but it's the SAME issue I've been having...I can clearly make out a line- but it's not an obvious line- and it was within about 2 minutes I could make it out- I'm so confused, even though it is EVER so slightly, I mean just slightly, more visible than the last one I'm not convinced at all, just confused???

Calling the doc today! For you ladies who have doctors that won't see you until you get a BFP, are you in the U.S. the U.K. or where?

Oh, and hubby cannot see the line- but he is colorblind so he could only see it if it's very dark (light pink and white are almost the same color to him)
Im in the u.s. and I wasnt transferred to an ob/gyn until i had a bfp. But now i can just go to him when i have any issues. I went when my AF lasted a month (1st AF after m/c)
9 days late today-

Tested this morning and I think it's a BFN??? but it's the SAME issue I've been having...I can clearly make out a line- but it's not an obvious line- and it was within about 2 minutes I could make it out- I'm so confused, even though it is EVER so slightly, I mean just slightly, more visible than the last one I'm not convinced at all, just confused???

Calling the doc today! For you ladies who have doctors that won't see you until you get a BFP, are you in the U.S. the U.K. or where?

Oh, and hubby cannot see the line- but he is colorblind so he could only see it if it's very dark (light pink and white are almost the same color to him)

Guys are useless with colours though, my BF thinks magnolia is white! lol

Are you in UK??

I really hope it's a BFP for you!!! FX'd! xxx
im in the UK and my doctor wont see me until i miss my second period. apparently its not uncommon for woman to miss a period but if you then miss a 2nd they will see you :( xxx

I have just posted a new thread about this very subject... I cannot believe so many are having the same problems.... I'll copy and paste my comment here. x
Hi everyone,

I'm going crazy so wondered if anyone could offer any hope. I have 2 children and since my second I haven't temped. I have however, kept a record of my cycle length. My cycles for the last three years have been between 27 and 31 days. Never once have they been later than 31. I have been ttc and this month I am now on CD35. I started to get pregnancy symptoms days ago - metallic taste, nausea, tender and veiny bbs, fatigue, darker nipples etc. I have taken countless tests- all negative!

I have now idea when I ovulated but I'm guessing around cd22 - experienced pain that evening.

I am a real worrier ... I'm now thinking I'm either not pg ( strong symptoms all psychosomatic), I am and it is a bit early (ovulating later than expected), Its ectopic or a problem due to slow rising hcg????

Surely if I have symptoms ( I recognise them from previous pregnancies) then hcg must be present so why not showing up on hpt?

Anyone have a successful late hpt???
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Kitty x
I'm in the U.S. and maybe I should check with my insurance plan again but I scheduled an appointment with my gyn since it's more their area

And my hubby really is color blind- he can't see reds or greens. Blue and purple look the same to him, green and orange look the same, and pink and white look the same (unless the shades have a strong contrast) not very helpful when trying to see if there is a 2nd pink line or not!

P.S. I've been sicky and queasy and just plain nauseous the last couple days and last night I almost threw up multiple times :-/ but I put a sea band thingie on, which is a wrist band that pushes on a pressure point, for awhile while I slept and it reeeeally seemed to help! I recommend trying it if you feel sick and can't take any meds :)
Sounds like pregnancy symptoms. Nov. 17th will mark 2 cycles late for me so thats why im going to wait until Nov. 17th to go to my ob/gyn. Atleast then we can figure out whats going on.

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