78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

snowangel- yes they told me that they can sometimes tell that early! Although they couldn't at mine that early....
I so wish they would've looked on Monday when they did the emergency ultrasounds, but since DH wasn't with me, and I was squeezed in at the end of the day only bc it was an emergency, I didn't bug them- they seemed not to want to look down there, just at the vitals!
I still have almost a month before our next one!
daisy-cant believe you are 16 weeks already?! Wow time is flying thats for sure.

AFM, im cd31 and my temp is at 97.87. FF has finally put crosshairs on my chart and is saying I am 12dpo. If i take off the opks, it would say i o'd on cd28 and im only 3dpo BUT looking at cd19 and cd28 ov for cd19, i had a .5 temp rise the next day and for cd28, i had only a .38 temp rise so im thinking cd19 was the actual ov day. What do you ladies think? Also this is the 3rd day my temps have been in the 97.80s. Actually it went up from 97.83 to 97.87 today :shrug: Also FF has labeled my chart as triphasic :shock: That's a first. Im not taking any progesterone either so its a huge shock. Plus, i looked at my chart to see when i had the right ovary pain which was the same day dh said it could be possible implantation, and it was on 8dpo which is when i got my first dip and it stayed low the following day and since 10dpo, my temps have been in the 97.80s sooo im freaking out because what if i am pregnant :shock: But we shall see. I will take a test the next time i have to pee and see what happens. Well, dh and i got to get everything in order before he leaves so we know what to do and whats going on. I start my new job on the 25th so thats really going to help out alot. So everything is falling into place as we speak. Now, if i am pregnant, Im just going to do what we planned and I enlist after the baby is born like around when the baby is 6 months or a year so no problem. Im just excited about everything actually so we shall see how everything plays out. What do you ladies think about my chart?
looking at your char i would have said you OVd the day it's putting you at 9dpo. the reason being - your temps are higher than the temps before signifying a shift
i was thinking it was possible but then we i looked at my march chart. It had similarities like my temp dropped on 8-9dpo and the temp rise on 10dpo but then fell after 10dpo which triggered my AF on 12dpo but this time, it stayed high so thats what got me a little confused. because for cd19, the temp rise on cd20 was by .5 degrees and on cd28, the temp rise on cd29 was only by .38 degrees so i thought it would be cd19. maybe i should take off the opks?
did you take OPKs after the 2nd of June? because maybe you missed a 2nd surge = a +opk? see what happens if you take the +opk out :) usually a temperature rise is more accurate than just cm or opks on their own
no i didnt bother because i had the first positive opk on cd14 but i took that one out because i didnt ov and the 2nd positive was on cd20 but it looks like i caught the ending of the surge and the pos opk on cd20 didnt match the temp so i expected it was a positive opk on cd18 or cd19. And once i started getting my negatives, i just stopped testing.
by the looks of your chart you were gearing up to OV and then your temp dropped again... i might be totally wrong but usually there is a pattern for before OV and after x
at the 4dpo, i think thats a fallback temp. I get those around 3-4dpo and i've noticed a pattern where 5-9dpo my temps drop. I dont have a clue why.
i just removed the opk and it put it as cd28 and my CL is wayyyyy higher now compared to 97.4 CL. its now around 97.7 so i dont know what to think now.
are you all still alive? it has been so long since i've heard any updates!

as for me, i am still trucking along. hyperemesis is still going strong and i just got out of the hospital today for another blood infection. they had to cut my port out and have decided to induce me at 38 weeks (July 27th) if all is well with babies lungs. can't wait for this to be over! now, your turn, update me :D
Hey carli and everybody else. :thumbup: I was actually thinking of this thread earlier. :hugs:

Afm I had a dr appt today the dr has decided to induce me at 39 weeks due to gestational diabetes. 39weeks is actually Christmas Day. :dohh: soo he will do it Dec 26th. I go for an ultrasound July 25th and am hoping to find out the gender then. :) then the next day I'm flying home and will hopefully be able to do a gender reveal to family. :happydance:
Carli-yay for finally being able to get induced. I think baby will be fine and i cant wait for the blood infections to be over for you :hugs:

Snowangel-your u/s is on dh's and i 3rd year wedding anniversary :cloud9: And you're getting induced too?! Well, now i will have dates to look forward to :thumbup:

AFM, im on cd8 today and AF is still gone :happydance: So AF really did leave on time. And im going to be busy today. I got to go to my recruiter and do my DEP meeting at 14:30 (2:30pm), going to TRY and clean up a bit and then catch the sleep that i could never catch because my dog keeps barking. So now since im up, im just going to start cleaning so atleast by the afternoon, SOMETHING gets done around the house :haha: I guess i will start on the laundry because thats the first thing that needs to get done. Long day and weekend ahead of me. Oh and also I only have 11 days left before I leave to go to boot camp for the Navy and DH left on the 5th so he is already there.
Mzswizz. Where are y'all going to boot camp? My baby brother is in south Carolina for boot camp until the end of the month and he's immediately going to Georgia for his schooling. :thumbup: which he will actually be closer to me then the rest of the family because everybody else is in New England. So depending on how prego i feel I might make a trip up to visit him while he's there. :flower:
Hi ladies-glad this thread opened back up again! haha

I have been having lots of hard times lately....dh is seeing a urologist for infertility tomorrow, and then we both see a FS next Tuesday...this is because DH had a sperm analysis a couple weeks ago and it came back very abnormal- only 11 million sperm as oppose to 20.....and slow motility :/ So am sure we will be put on some kind of treatment plan soon....dh also needs to do a follow up SA so we are either going to do it next week or the week during my af lol (although I hope no af as is is due on my anniversary-the latest it would be due is two days after so fx i get bfp instead!)
snow-Boot camp for us is in Chicago. (Great Lakes, IL)

Almost-fxed for a bfp for you.
almost- hope you get things sorted.

Afm we are just toddling along lol
Glad to hear how everyone's doing!
Gl at bootcamp mzswizz!
Almosthere, I hope they can help you all out!
Carli- I can't even imagine how you must feel! At least now you know you won't have to worry about being overdue, glad they can set a date for you!
Snowangel- sorry about the GD! I know that's rough! I have my glucose test in a couple weeks :-/

AFM, we recently found out that we're team :blue:!!! So happy to be having a little boy and to start planning for him :) I've been enjoying pregnancy much more than I was in the beginning- m/s has 'mostly' left, feeling him move around also makes the more miserable stuff worth it, too! However, my big issue lately has been kidney stones :( I already painfully passed one a few weeks ago, and it looks like I've got another one in the wings now :( Looks like that's one pregnancy symptom I'll be having to deal with, and it scares me for future pregnancies as well :( But overall, I think it's worth it to meet my little monkey!
we are team :blue: too... But not 100% so that's why we are going for a private scan to doubly be sure :haha:

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