78 days LATE. [no sign of AF] 1 Angel <3

I'm tempted to change my scan to find out sooner then 13 days. :haha: tho I know the longer I wait the more accurate it'll be. ;). Hopefully baby cooperates. :thumbup:
Hi ladies...just popping in to update...very horrid day....went to the FS for the first time...so even though dh had 11mil sperm, only 2mil were alive..the rest were dead/useless....no iui for us....straight to IVF if dh's second S.A comes out the same or worse....
Hi ladies...just popping in to update...very horrid day....went to the FS for the first time...so even though dh had 11mil sperm, only 2mil were alive..the rest were dead/useless....no iui for us....straight to IVF if dh's second S.A comes out the same or worse....


Awww, almost i am so sorry things have been so rough on you lately. i am sure it's all been very hard and was not the type of news you wanted to hear. really, really sorry you are going through this.

i guess the good news is IVF is extremely succesful and you are definitely on your way to finding answers and solutions and eventually a precious baby. try to keep your head up sweetie. Xx
yay for being team blue daisy and pixie!!!

carli-when is baby due?

almost-im with carli. keep your head because ivf is very successful.

AFM, wow sorry ladies I havent been on much. I only have 5 days left before I leave and I must say, I have been very busy getting everything sorted out so I can finally relax before leaving. Im very excited to go in. I cant wait to see DH. My family is coming around now about me leaving to go to the Navy. And they even bought a webcam so we can video chat once I get out of boot camp. We received the formal invite for DH's graduation on August 31st :shock: Cant believe he is graduating already. It doesnt seem like he has been in there for like 3 weeks now. Time surely is flying. Speaking of time, I am already on cd14. I havent been really paying attention to my cycle at all. I just want to say that Im going to miss every last one of you. Im so glad that I have you women in my life going through my journey as well as letting me into your journeys. We have been through good times and bad and even whacky times :haha: But we have all kept each others' spirits high and always was willing to give out a helping hand and I must say, you ladies made me who I am today as a woman and a wife that is ttc. So i want to say thank you for everything you ladies have done and will do for me in the future :hugs: And one more thing...i am officially an E2 yay :happydance: AIRMAN APPRENTICE CLAYTON!!!!
You won't be able to attend dh's graduation will you? Good luck!!

Afm. Spent yesterday in the er. Vomiting Non stop so my dr had me go in. They tested my blood and urine for infection was all clear. They found I was dehydrated so pumped me full of fluids. They did an ultrasound to check on baby, baby is fine and I asked since we were in there maybe a guess at gender. So I think we're team :pink:
hey guys!! i wanted to let you all know that i finally had my little girl!! well, i actually had her 10 days ago now. I was induced on the 27th and ended up having my LO on July 28th by c section due to faluire to progress. she weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 19 1/2 inches long.



my pregnancy was so long and hard for me but she is absolutely perfect and was so so worth it. :cloud9: my hyperemesis is gone and i feel great, it is insane!! hard to believe over a year ago i was in this thread freaking out asking for advice and now after my very long journey here i am. i want to thank you all. you were a great support to me through all of this and i truly could not have done it without you.

i know the road is long and hard and that many of you are still working on your precious peanuts but i truly believe your day will come sooner than you think and you will wonder how life was ever different. thanks again guys, much love to you and please keep me updated!!
Omgsh carli soo beautiful wow! Congrats....afm I am preparing for ivf was on bcps but had a sonohystogram and they found a polyp so may be delaying my ivf a month due to needing a hsg to remove the polyp...will keep updated enjoy your baby girl she is absolutely precious...thanks for sharing!
Beautiful baby girl, Carli :) She is just perfect :flower: I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better, too!

Almosthere- saying a prayer for your IVF! Excited to hear the results :flower:

For me, I am just trucking along...I'm starting to really feel the pressure of getting things done because I know baby will be here before I know it! Also, my older doggie hasn't been doing too well, so that has been making me sad lately, but she's started to do a little better so I'm hopeful :flower:
hehe when i came on here it brought job seeing your precious baby carli!!!

afm I am officially waiting to test for my first IVF cycle! I will find out with beta results if it worked next friday the 21st. My transfer was today-it was a 5 day which is great and they put in one beautiful expanded blast!
And today, the day of my transfer, is dh and I's one year of ttc so a special date for it to fall on...and we hope it works!!!
24 weeks today so made it to V-day. :happydance: The not so positive side, I've been dealing with some complications. I've been on bed rest for two weeks. For two reasons #1 I've been having contractions and #2 baby's stomach is measuring behind so they are not sure if my body is burning the calories before she is getting them or if she's got a growth restriction or other medical condition. And we won't know until my next ultrasound which is Sept 19th.

How's everybody else?
Yay, I've been thinking about this thread and all you ladies! It's great to hear updates- we want yours, too, Carli!

Almosthere- can't wait to hear what happens! I really hope things went super well! :) Snowangel- I had to be on bed rest for only a week, and it was more difficult than one would expect- even though I have no kids! Hopefully all will be better at your next growth scan! and yay for V day!!! :flower:

AFM, I hit 30 weeks today, so only 10 weeks until EDD! I can't believe it- baby is doing well, but I've had some bad back problems and sciatica- I'm definitely starting to want this baby out of me, but also trying to enjoy this time and not wish time away. My hubby has been wonderful and really doing more around the house without complaining to save me the time on my feet for my back. It's really great to see him naturally transitioning to a new role- I know he'll be a great dad! Even with the severe back/hip problems, I am enjoying this stage of pregnancy- such a different experience, and just waiting patiently for our baby boy! :)

Hope to keep hearing more from you ladies! :flower:
Thanks ladies-so I keep hearing V day what does that mean in pregnancy?? Reminds me of valentines day! lol and daisy-wow, you are so close to meeting your LO yay!!!!
The 'V' stands for viable in V day- basically once you hit 24 weeks your baby has a better chance of survival if he or she is born!
Also, I just finished watching "What to Expect When You're Expecting." I loved it just because I feel as though it accurately portrayed the way I feel much of the time (well the woman who tried to get pregnant for awhile and then pregnancy was not what she was expecting). I think it shows how each woman has a totally different experience, and I loved how the pregnant women who made it look so easy just made you want to scratch your eyes out, lol!!!
I want to see that...is it already out?! It is so funny you mentioned the movie b.c DH and I brought it up yesterday!!

And oh, then super yay for v day!!!
it is so good to hear from you all! nice to be reminded that the journey continues even when our updates stop.

almost i am so so excited for you! whoo! how did it go?? i can't wait till you get your bean, it will totally happen for you! with IVF have you considered the possibility of twins? would that be awesome to you or too much? just curious cause i could imagine you getting two little angels after your long journey. one is going to be just as awesome as well.

snow, how did your ultrasound go?! i am really sorry to hear about your complications. pregnancy can be so scary at times and holy crap do i know how much bedrest sucks! it is not easy even though you would think laying around would be awesome, hang in there! Netflix saved my life during pregnancy.

daisy- what?! you are 30 weeks already? wow! seems so fast but I'm sure it's felt like an eternity to you. sciatia is awful and the next few weeks you will really start to feel it as you get bigger- it's amazing how many aches and pains it takes to make a baby! But 10 weeks isn't too long, you are getting so close!

As for me i have been enjoying being a new mommy. it is very very challenging but so awesome all at once. breastfeeding has been very hard (don't let anyone tell you it wont be) but i have stuck it out! my baby girl finally started smiling consisntely and batting at her toys this past week which has been so rewarding. i hope it's okay to show you guys a picture? please tell me if it's not. we took our first mountain trip the other day, here she is 12 thousand feet high- my little mountain baby!

carlie beautiful photo!!!

well ivf WORKED!!! I am 4 weeks and 2 days pregnant today!! We transferred one, not to say we cant have identical twins, right?? MY beta at 15dpo was 238!!

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