7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hey ladies....how are we all? Sorry, I meant to reply sooner, but have been sidetracked with all this with Joe dad.

Betty, so sorry about your mum.....she's not having a good time of it is she, with her cancer scare too?? My heart goes out to you, I hope she's ok. I can't imagine that happening to my mum, I'd be so upset Xx :hugs:
It must seem like everything is happening at once, with your cysts too?? Poor you......Just take one step at a time betty, you are going in the right direction, it's just taking its time.

Tina, how was Wales?? Hope your all rested and relaxed!! Your photos looked fab :)
Want just1more.....how's things your end??

I've had the worst day from when I woke up. Managed to lose 50quid. Then went to post office to collect a present I got for Joe, when I got there, realised I'd left my id at home. Finally go back, get it and the Thing breaks in the space of 5 mins.

Then head to asda, park on a side road where we ALWAYS park, as does everyone else. Was in asda 10mins, come out to a parking ticket!!! I just burst into tears!! I give up today Xx.
This is me yesterday......24weeks tomorrow :) X


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I have been reading yalls posts from the beginning very interesting and I loved all the stories and closeness of this group!! I would love to join!! Me and DH have been trying for about 2 years to conceive... with no luck yet.. I had a horrible period last month with every symptom in the boobs... this month was odd for me A LOT of ewcm around O time.... than now lots of cm and dull cramps with a little bit of tender bbs... other than that nothing... Af is due to arrive the 13th-15th ish... I pray everyone gets there BFP who hasn't already... =)
Hello Tryin & welcome!! There are a few of us on here who have been trying around the same time as you. Feel free to rant on here to us, these are the best ladies ever! They know all my darkest secrets! Haha

I'm praying you get your bfp soon....keep us all posted lovely Xx
Oh boy do I want to rant lol... I want to give up at times but that's not going to help anything =).. I also have a doc appointment Monday maybe I will get some good news.... I really feel like im out this month... I haven't tested at all and idk if I even will until af is late.. just tired of the disappointment... Im sure yall can relate =)
Welcome tryin! Rant away dear, if there's anyone who can relate to what you're going through its the wonderful ladies in this thread. Although we're only on cycle 11 which seems like no time at all compared to some of us it's been a roller coaster of 11 months!

Have you had any tests done?

Frisky how the bloody hell did you manage to lose 50 quid? ? They say bad things happen in 3s and you've got your 3 out of the way in 24 hours so the only way is up!! You're still looking totally fabulous by the way you little skinny minny! Pregnancy is most definitely agreeing with you, although you probably don't feel that way I bet!

I had the drunkest week, as you can see from the pictures. My sister's fella has uploaded a video of us singing fresh prince of bel air waiting for our pizza one night. . The shame! !!
Might as well make the most of drinking whilst I'm waiting for that BFP I guess.

Where are all the girlies? ? Everyone's so quiet! Xxx
I haven't had any tests done but I do go in Monday to start the process of figuring out what is wrong... Praying I don't have to get that far.. you ladies are awesome such a warm welcome =)
Sending you good luck for Monday! If you do need to start testing we've all been through that process and will be here to give you reassurance :)

How long did it take to conceive the 2 LOs you already have? Xx
I believed I o'd around the 30th as I had an abundance of ewcm on the 29th.. I really am feeling like im out this month... I have a constant dull cramp with some mild on and off af like cramps.. Sore bbs and and upset stomach with tmi loose bms and gassy..... preparing myself for the worst.. Im not very confident in this month...

1-7 DPO- Felt nothing
8-9DPO- dull cramps, sore bbs, upset stomach,gassy

feels like af is on her way early... As she's not due until the 13-15th... which is a 28-30 day cycle..

My DD who was born in 08- was a surprise at 18... haha
My DS who was born in 10- was conceived on the first month trying ..
but that was with my ex husband im remarried now trying for my dh first..
Good luck tryin xx
Tina glad you had a good time xx
Betty hope all is ok with you and your mum xx
Frisky, you look really neat xx
Hi everyone else xx
Good morning girls,

tryin - your symptoms sound good! I remember Frisky had the cramping before she got her BFP! hoping you get 2 lovely pink lines at the end of the 2ww :)

Betty, you've been quiet for a few days dear how are you keeping? Is your mum still okay?

Think I'm 4 or 5 DPO today. No symptoms really apart from constant niggley headaches :( of course I have my
sore (o)(o) but that's all normal for me until the day AF arrives.

I'm a bit concerned really wondering what the hell is going on with my body... my ovulation day seems to be getting later and later the past few cycles. It's gone from being on CD15 to now CD18! I'll never understand my messed up hormones haha

Hello everyone..... Sorry I have been AWOL, had a bit of a crazy week last week.
Welcome tryin, your symptoms sound so promising..... Good luck today with your tests...
Frisky, my god you look FAB!!!!!! Such a neat little bump xx
Tina, glad you had a fabulous drunken holiday, you deserve it chick. When is AF due for you????
All good my end, my mam is totally fine, her angiagram came back negative so she didn't have a heart attack, she has an erratic heart beat (which she didnt know about) which caused the ECG to show that she had a heart attack and accompanied with chest pains and vomiting the doctors basically were convinced she was having a heart attack, such a massive relief that it wasn't, and it's made my mam realise that she takes too much on (she is a stress head) she needs to start taking it easy :)
I have my app with the consultant on 26th June to discuss my cysts, I'm sure it will be surgery, that's fine with me... That way they can actually see what is going on inside me :)
On another positive note, I have got an interview next week at James cook hospital to work in the pharmacy, whoop!!!! Best news is that Sainsburys own the pharmacy so if I get the job (fingers crossed) it will just be an internal transfer!!! Hope I get it! Xx
How is everyone else?? AB, how are you feeling??? Charm, you're quiet, hope everything is ok your end xxx
Betty, ahh that's such good news about your mum!! she's been through some shit over the past few months hasn't she! She's a little tough cookie by the sounds of things.

Good luck for your interview!! I'd love to work in a pharmacy, every day would be different and your day would fly by because they're always busy aren't they.

I'm thinking that my AF is due in about a weeks time, I could be wrong though! My cycles are normally between 28-31 days so any time in the next 9 days or so. Mark has his first sperm analysis a week today. I'm so anxious to see whether the results will have improved from his last one. He has two within a week of eachother so starting from Wednesday there's practically no rudies of any kind for 2 whole weeks! haha I feel so sorry for him.

GAME OF THRONES TONIGHT!!! eeeekk Betty what do you think the outcome of poor Tyrion will be? I'm so excited to get home, get my jarmies on and get my game of thrones on haha. xxx
Awww thanks so much Tina I don't know why they sound promising as I really do feel out this month. I keep running to the bathroom thinking that she has come haha.. I hope you get a BFP soon as it seems your getting down to the final days.. I completely understand what you mean about cycles.. They are so unpredictable and annoying... FX'd she stays away!! And enjoy your Game of Thrones haha

Betty thank you my tests went ok I suppose I know that im ovulating going back for more tests after fasting and than have a ultrasound to check for cysts and fibroids on the 19th.. I really am glad to here that your mam is well that must be such a relief!!.. I hope that you do not have cysts that would be horrible :cry: But I want to wish you good luck with your interview..

How is everyone else holding up?? Anyone tested or have any new symptoms...??

Im just dealing with yucky on and off cramps the upset tummy has seem to of gone away and now just cramps and sore bbs.. we shall see im just waiting for the :witch: to show her ugly face!! so I can be on to next month... I tested this am at 9DPO and it was a :bfn: on a walmart cheapie :cry:
It's so tough hun to try not to symptom spot and especially after trying for so long I guess you just expect your period to arrive every cycle, even after 11 months I'm already like that! BUT there's still a few days to go.. crossing my fingers for you.

I had the freakiest dreams last night, I woke up sweating and everything. Had 2 dreams, the first one I had gone to wake up Evie from a nap and she was just still and wouldn't wake up. Obviously this made me jump and I woke up and then I must have fallen back to sleep and dreamt that my dad had a huge blood clot in his stomach which killed him. What the hell????

I told my mum this morning and she was like "dreaming about death means a new beginning is coming" we can only dream can't we!

Wish my AF would either show or not show... this 2WW is dragging!!! xxx
Good luck with your interview Betty.
Its horrible having dreams like that Tina, but dreaming of death does mean new beginnings xx
Alright yall im officially frustrated haha :cry:

Tina I to have been having weird dreams.. its driving me nuts!! :dohh:

alright guys... so here is an over view maybe yall can help me figure this out!!!

1-7 DPO- Felt nothing
8-9 DPO- dull cramps, sore bbs, upset stomach,gassy... sharp pain in my right side of my uterus I think... for a few hours like someone was poking me with a needle.. :bfn:
10 DPO- :bfn: but really light cramping on and off and just this weird feeling like I might be pregnant..

Im so confused as yesterday I was having these terrible af like cramps...

I was reading the the 88cent walmart tests are about 25-50mIu

How is everyone else doing while I go nuts!!
Might I also add that yesterday morning I woke up with my hand and fingers asleep and tingling... along with my legs and arms if I rest to much... hoping this is a good sign...
:gun: ](*,) :toothpick:
Hi ladies, it's been a while. I can't believe I'm saying this but tonight I got my BFP!!!
6 long years after ectopic and m/c and I've finally gotten it! I just wanted to drop by with my symptoms etc if it helps anybody and also to say please ladies never give up! If it can happen to me with 1 tube there's hope!!
Well first of all, I'm 5 days late for af today. The reason I tested was because, I had af like cramping for the last 5/6 days I felt like af was DEFO coming but she never did! So I had the cramping but without the bleeding. I also spot for a few days before af, my spotting still came for couple days but then stopped.
Looking back, I had times when I was dizzy and a bit gassy. But the main one for me was the af cramping but no bleeding. The funny thing is, all the times we bd and planned things out it never happened, this month we weren't even trying and only bd once or twice!! I'm calling dr tomorrow for early scan to check it's all in the right place so fingers crossed for me!! Never thought I would get to write on here I have 2 blazing bfps

I wish you all lots of luck and baby dust to you all and thank you to all the ladies who had lovely words of support for me when times were hard. Keep at it girls you will get there! Xxxxxx
Hi ladies, it's been a while. I can't believe I'm saying this but tonight I got my BFP!!!
6 long years after ectopic and m/c and I've finally gotten it! I just wanted to drop by with my symptoms etc if it helps anybody and also to say please ladies never give up! If it can happen to me with 1 tube there's hope!!
Well first of all, I'm 5 days late for af today. The reason I tested was because, I had af like cramping for the last 5/6 days I felt like af was DEFO coming but she never did! So I had the cramping but without the bleeding. I also spot for a few days before af, my spotting still came for couple days but then stopped.
Looking back, I had times when I was dizzy and a bit gassy. But the main one for me was the af cramping but no bleeding. The funny thing is, all the times we bd and planned things out it never happened, this month we weren't even trying and only bd once or twice!! I'm calling dr tomorrow for early scan to check it's all in the right place so fingers crossed for me!! Never thought I would get to write on here I have 2 blazing bfps

I wish you all lots of luck and baby dust to you all and thank you to all the ladies who had lovely words of support for me when times were hard. Keep at it girls you will get there! Xxxxxx

hopefully I am not far behind as I have had cramps for 3 days and now it all seems to have vanished... fx'd
:dust::dust: to everyone still waiting for a :bfp:
ahhhh babyhead such good news!!! I'm over the moon for you!

Strange that lately whenever anyone has announced a BFP they've said that their main symptom was the cramping.

Well I've had ZERO cramping... really not feeling it this cycle. about 5 or so days until my period is due. It would be wonderful to give Mark a BFP on fathers day but I'm not feeling positive at all.

Mark said last night in the car "It's weird, I just have a strange feeling that you're pregnant" ... his "strange feelings" never come true haha!

Gotta tell you this because it made my morning... I have worn nude tights to work today with a pencil skirt and Mark's mum ALWAYS wears nude tights every day. Evie came over when I was putting my shoes on and rubbed my leg and said "Mummy your legs look like Nannys today" hahaha just made me chuckle! I love my princess <3 I think moments like those make you feel entirely grateful that you already have a child, however difficult TTC for another may be.

Is anyone doing anything for the first England match (those of us that are in England!) We're going to town on Saturday night for food and drinks to watch it eeeekk I'm excited! I love the world cup, especially if the weather is good. Sitting in a beer garden in the sun with a huge screen and a half a lager and black watching our team get kicked out on penalties, you just can't beat it! xx

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