7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Morning girls!

Tina, I SO need a holiday!! Keep seeing all my friends on facebook posting pool & beach shots! Arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Not jelous much!
Betty, can we come to Greece with you! Haha! X

Well, I ended up in hospital to get baby monitored last night. I hadn't felt any movement all day. It got to teatime, I tried icy cold water and lying on my side, but nothing. Then I had a bath which he usually wriggles around like mad in, but nothing. So I went in. On the monitor for about 20 mins, still nothing. Strong heartbeat but no movement. Then boom!!....He woke up about 10pm!! Thank God!
The midwife Said I did the right thing, as it's unusual for no movement to be happening at this stage. He is normally really active come tea time. But I did do alot of walking yesterday & housework, she Said this could have sent him to sleep & he was just been lazy.
I'm going to be worried untill he's here & safe in my arms!!

Santa, cramping is a good symptom. I had terrible cramps when I got my BFP! Fingers crossed x x

It's sunny here today, my mum's down which is nice. Not up to much today...yesterday killed me! Xx
Oh no frisky.... Are you ok??? Can you be closely monitored until LO is here???? You did the right thing! If in doubt get straight to the hospital!!!
Looks like we might not get to Greece ourselves! Got a message from the passport office today saying that new passports will take 6 weeks :( BORING!!! I want a holiday NOW!!! :)
Yeah, I'm ok. I'm already getting quite closely monitored, I'm in at the midwife every Wednesday now. If I could, I would just love to stay in hospital until he's here, that way I know I'm in safe hands! Haaha but obviously that can't happen!
Once I get the scan over with next week, I'll only have 3 week's left. Just hope all is ok until then.

That's rubbish about your passports!! Have you already booked your hol?? Can't they rush it through or can you not drive to Liverpool & do it that way?? Xx
Morning everyone,

Frisky I can't imagine how you're feeling hun, he must have been having a really sleepy day. We all have days like that after all don't we... but of course because you can't see him it's bound to worry you. Only a few more weeks and he will be in your arms for loads of mummy cuddles. <3<3

Betty, that's shit about the passports!! I had heard a few weeks ago that there was a backlog but I thought it'd all been sorted. I haven't got a passport either, mine's expired.. not that we have any friggin plans to jet off anywhere anyway!!

What's everyone up to over bank holiday weekend? Our friends are having a mojito night on Sunday so Evie is off for a sleepover in her nannys whilst mummy and daddy have a go at making some cocktails! Gonna have to do something fun with her on Saturday to make up for leaving her. I know all parents need "me time" but I always feel terrible!

My baby only has 1 more week in Nursery then she's off to big school! I'm gonna be an emotional wreck next Friday on her last day. where has my baby gone?!?!?!?!

Oh my God!! I want to join you for mojitos!! Sounds fab!! Can't wait till I can get sloshed!!

We won't be up to much, depends on the weather! Aaron will hopefully paint our cot this weekend! We had a beech one, but I want a white one, so he's sanded it down ready to paint :) We got it free off the Navy (perks of the Job) which is why we haven't bought a white one, In case your wondering! Haha
We got baby gates, fireguards, playpen & a cot matress too!

I've had no sleep, baby is head down, but he must have his arms up over his head, as I could feel punches right down there last night. Below my section line! Soooo uncomfortable. I ended up going downstairs as I didn't want to keep waking Az up!
I said I'd exercise to keep toned in this pregnancy. I just haven't. I'm really annoyed at myself for it. It's just so tiring, keeping Joe entertained, working, my diabetes, the worry.....I've just not managed it at all!! Poor excuses I know! Haha

Awwwwh Tina, bless your evie. They grow so fast don't they? Xx
Hi ladies, usual working week madness - no life Monday to Friday.

Well, AF showed up today. Think I'm only CD24 and going by the ovulation sticks 10DPO. I had some cramping last week and more last night, actually felt like AF was coming. I don't know what my body is playing at - 26 days to 30 days to now 24. My body is just wonky. I'm also getting strep throat I think, it's that painful tight way. I'm off Friday this week and we're going to take munchkin to the Thomas weekend at Brechin railway line. Sometimes she's into Thomas, sometimes not so much, but we thought it would be a nice weekend together before hubby starts Uni. She's not into much except Studio Ghibli at the moment if I'm honest. She wants to watch My Neighbour Totoro on repeat. I don't get it. Trippy nonsense if you ask me.

Want1, I'm relieved to hear it's not a tumor - that's great news, but I can appreciate it must still be worrying for you and it's great that she's getting the care. I really hope that the vitamins help keep the headaches at bay. Migraines are awful - I can't imagine a poor child getting them. Hugs x

Betty, those photos were great - and your little one is a doll! Glad you had a good weekend.

Ab, lovely news - would love to have a boy but also feel like I'd know what I was doing if we were to have another girl, know that might be weird!

Welcome newbie - nothing is too much info for these girls so welcome to the over-sharing world of TTC!

So rather embarrassingly, hubby and I both forgot our anniversary today until I signed in to facebook at 8.30pm and it told me. Four years we have been married. Doesn't time fly. Too many other things going on - my job, his prep for Uni, his driving lessons, munchkin going to nursery. Ugh, and both our birthdays and Mia's are within a couple of weeks in August so it all kinda blends together.

OK, embarrassing admission over (certainly won't be announcing that one on FB!) - time for bed! x
Oh, and Frisky, I'd have done the exact same thing but I probably wouldn't have made it to tea time! Mia used to dance all night and sleep in the morning and if she hadn't stirred by number 2 breakfast around 10.30 I used to be in a cold sweat! Just you do whatever you need to to feel confident and calm, everyone will understand your concerns - even if you went in every day for the next 5 weeks. It's a Mum's job to worry.

Mia has taken to going to sleep inside the fitted sheet on her bed (like between the mattress and fitted sheet (with it still attached to her bed). Keep having to lift her out and remake the damn thing around her before I go to bed for the night. Where to they get these crazy ideas from - it can't be comfy!
HAHA Edinburgh that's funny about your anniversary, you can be excused though because you haven't had time to think about anything lately! Sorry that AF showed for you :-( Just a question here... have you ever had your progesterone tested? I read online that if you have a leutal phase of less than 12 days it can be more difficult to fall pregnant as your progesterone levels don't have the time to build high enough.

I only had a 10 day leutal phase and started taking B12 vitamins for a few months and it lengthened it to 12-13 days. Just a thought for you :)

Frisky, the way you've been given loads of free stuff you lucky bugger! I remember when I was preggers that nursery furniture was so friggin expensive. My in laws bought Evie's furniture fortunately but I'm sure it ended up coming close to a grand for the cotbed, a set of drawers with a changer on the top and a wardrobe. We're getting bloody robbed blind!!

Edinburgh, the way your LO likes Thomas has just reminded me... Evie keeps seeing Thomas Land on the telly and asking if we can go. She loves Thomas, and fireman sam and the ninja turtles. haha she's like a little boy <3<3

I said I was going to start temping this month to pinpoint my ovulation day but that's totally gone out of the window. Can't even find my thermometer haha

Hi ladies how are you all???
Edinburgh, sorry AF arrived, she is so early this month?!?! I think Tina is right, you should ask for a progesterone test.... Funny that your LO sleeps in the fitted sheets! They do the funniest things kids.... Mine has to take 3 blankies to bed and it has to be certain ones and they are all minging as she won't let me wash them!

Girls, this may be tmi (but I guess we all know each other's bodily functions by now! LOL!!!) but for the last 4-5 days I have had the most abundant watery CM???? Not creamy or globby at all, just clear and lots of it???? Anyone had this before??? I remember having lots of CM with my last BFP but I think it was more creamy than watery??? I also have a sore throat but I think that's because I'm working in a hospital and I'm bound to get ill! And my 3 day birthday bender didn't help!

Frisky, my little girls cot and furniture is white, cost me a small fortune from mamas and papas!! I tell you, they do have peoples eyes out! It's ridiculous....
Have you got everything you need and have you packed your bag yet????? Soooooooo exciting!!!! We are having a baby on here soon!!!!
Anyone heard from momwife? Wasn't she being induced on 17th????
Right, we need another BFP on here!!! :)
Holding out a small hope this might be I B. Just enough for a panty liner and it is kinda pink, brown and mucusy, sorry, def tmi! Also, the sides of my boobs hurt like no ones business which is for sure not normal for me ever. Gonna feel silly when I get up to bright red blood tomorrow. I'll need to look into the progesterone thing.
Did I tell you ladies about the day mia's blankie went in the wash? I totally understand why you just don't wash theme betty! I hope you feel better soon and that your bodily fluids are another positive omen for you!
And tina, all those shows are about doing good deeds and being good friends to people. Much more sensible than my little ponies or chip stick barbies!
Evening/morning ladies! I'm currently on sofa again as baby is doing handstands on my bladder & I'm not gonna lie, it's freaking me out! Feels well weird!

Edinburgh, hope af stays away & this is IB.....it seems to be the right time for it to be happening & sore boobs is always a good sign!!
Made me laugh about your little one getting into the blanket to sleep.
I remember doing that as a kid, really vivid memories....I used to pretend I was in a magical land in my blanket & actual duvet were clouds!! Haha

Betty, your bodily functions sound unusual for you? Haha....But watery cm is a good sign I think. I've read other posts where that was one of the major symptoms! I forgot to ask, are you still taking the Clomid or have they put it on hold whilst you wait for op??
I hope the cm is a good sign for you this month!! Fingers crossed Xx

Tina, don't remind me about the temping. I remember doing it and lasted about a day!! I kept forgetting! Haha

Yes, I've pretty much got most things now.....the nesaccities anyway. I've started packing my bag, it's a bit soon, but I can't help it! just need a few more bits to go in. Gonna treat myself to some new PJ' s for the hospital!! Ha....never have I Been so excited for new jimjams!!
I'm struggling on the feeding side...what exactly do I need?? With Joe I breastfed for 8 months. So I never needed a bottle or sterilizer as he went straight onto a beaker then solids!!

I don't plan breastfeeding for that long this time, it was too much. I may do it for the first few weeks.

Momwife will have her baby by now won't she?? Crazy....I hope she's ok!

I need to sleep, I've the dentist at 9am then I'm off shopping to get the rest of Joe's uniform & school shoes. It's gonna have to be Clark's! I know they are expensive, but they don't half last! And I always think of that saying


Oh and a very happy belated anniversary to you Edinburgh!!
That's hilarious how you both forgot!! Haha Xx
Edinburgh!! I hope this is IB for you, I thought that it's very early for AF for you..... Fingers crossed, keep us posted :)
Frisky, have you got some bottle and a steriliser just in case??? I got a tommee tipper electric steriliser which was about £50 but the microwave ones were about £10. My plan was to BF for as long as I could but ended up in A&E with very bad mastitis in both boobies after about 4 weeks. I was in agony and miserable so decided to put her on formula. The electric steriliser ended up being a blessing but I hated washing and sterilising bottles!
I need to get my LO some shoes for nursery and although clarks are expensive you are right Tina, they last forever.
My symptoms are v. Strange this cycle but don't think I'm PG as again, we are not really DTD during my window. It's just interesting to see how each month my bodily functions completely change which is why the TWW was always a pain in the arse!!! I only did one round of clomid, have to wait till after my op before I can try again :( ugh, it will be winter and almost Christmas, how far away it that?!?!?!

Anyone doing anything exciting over the bank holiday???
Awwh betty, we are almost in September, so Xmas actually will soon be here. I know it's frustrating, but in the grand old scheme of things, it's not that long!! Xx

No, I've got no bottles or anything, I don't know where to look. They do starter kits I think, I'll just get one of them. They do the microwave sterilizers quite cheap in asda too. Mastitis sounds horrific.....poor you, I hope I manage to avoid that!

I've had 2 hours sleep girls....I feel sick with tiredness!! :( Xx
Oh frisky..... I don't envy you! I remember being very close to my due date and basically had zero sleep! I thinks it's our bodies way of getting us used to the sleepless nights ahead :( try and have some disco naps during the day xx
So I'm desperate to pee on a stick but only have ovulation sticks in the house, I'm about 9DPO and this is the test????
Anyone done an opk around this time in their cycle? Don't know why I'm doing this to myself!!!!


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Morning ladies,
frisky, sorry you're having sleepless nights, but like betty said,it'll be your body getting used to sleepless nights lol.
Betty, looking promising. Seen lots of people getting positive opk at same time as bfp, good luck.
I need to get Zoe shoes for nursery too. Like you ladies, I'd rather buy decent ones. The girls shoes always cost more than mine lol xx
Evening girlies,

Frisky I tried breastfeeding with evie but ended up in hospital less than 24 hours after bringing her home because she wasn't feeding. Turns out that I wasn't producing any milk so we went straight onto formula. Think I'd do the same if we had another. I got a tommee tippee steriliser with the matching bottles. Really easy to use and you can get pink/blue bottles that fit the steriliser.

Betty, just gonna be honest with you. .. I've took OPKs when in the 2WW and it be positive when I wasn't pregnant but I've also read stories of women who've had an inkling that they're pregnant who've taken one and they've actually been pregnant.

Loads of CM is a good sign because CM generally dries up before AF arrives so I'm crossing my fingers tightly for you. When is your AF due?

Edinburgh, has AF started full flow?

Ovulation is almost here for me again, about 5 days to go I think. Excited for this 2WW because mark's been taking his meds for almost a month so I know I'll be symptom spotting bonkers! !

Back to just clear cm for me. Fingers crossed, only a small mark on liner today, less than yesterday and wed. Due AF sunday so might test then.

We arrived in dundee for our mini vacation. Consumed too many calories and my friend and I caught up for an hour in the bar after the tots were bathed and then we swapped over with the guys. I had a bath! I never take the time at home but figured what the hell! Baby asleep in my room and someone else' s hour water bill! Now curling up to sleep. Deffo coming down with something. Hope I can enjoy tomorrow first!

Tina, I will have everything crossed for you! I hear bananas are very good for swimmers! You could try mark with banana bread, pancakes, fritters, sundaes... :) Sorry, just been a while since someone threw out an old wives tale.

What's the worst old wives take you've heard but secretly tried?

Breast feeding is bloody hard. Mia was a very sleepy new baby and didn't latch well. Then I couldn't feed because I was engorged and had an underlying infection but it took two weeks of syringe feeding and expressing fire anyone to suggest that might be the problem. 48 hrs on the cream and I could feed her again, no pain. I did have to take alittle milk out if they got too fully to help her latch but by weeks 6 I was feeding her directly fully time. I swear by breast flow bottles. Mia had no problem taking expressed milk from them then feeding from me. It was brutal and caused lots of tears and hysterics, gotta love hormones. In the end it was worth it, I fed her till 8 months when I went to work. Expressing in a bathroom was the pits. Interestingly, she slept through when I stopped offering her the boob when she woke up. Formula wasn't floating her boat at 2am. Still mad at matt that after 8 mnths he did a weeks of night time feeds before she decided to sleep throughe the night. Please may the next one sleep through from week 2 like my cousins baby!

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