7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Ooooohhhh Frisky, less than 3 weeks til you are holding your littlest man, sooooo exciting. I can't wait to see a pic xx
How do you feel about having a C section Frisky? Did you have one with Joe?

CD15 for me today, my cervix still feels open so I'm guessing ovulation is still happening.. think I'm becoming all sexed out now though!

I'm taking Evie to the doctors this afternoon, maybe I'm being a paranoid mother but I just want to get her checked out...

2 weeks ago today I had to take the day off work because Evie woke up vomiting, 2 hours later she was fine! she had all of her energy back and was eating like normal without throwing up so I thought that it must have been viral
This morning she woke up, went for a wee and then went to get back into bed to watch cartoons and no sooner had she walked out of the bathroom she said "Mummy I feel sick" and started to heave, but nothing came up. Then 5 minutes later she was fine!!

I'm a panicker and I have to get everything checked out. I think all mummys are though, we're protective of our little ones xx
Ha!! Wish I was bloody sexed out! Not even getting sexed IN at the minute!! :(

Awwh Tina, hope evie is feeling better. Your only right to worry, don't feel daft for taking her in. It's probably nothing, but if it puts your mind at rest then it's worth taking her to see a doctor.
It's funny you mentioned sickness. I was in bed with Joe till midnight last night as he felt sick, he was crying his eyes out as he was scared of throwing up. I had a bowl next to his bed & lay with him till he nodded off.....he wasn't sick though & was fine this morning.

Well, the hospital rang. 3 week's today I go in, on the 18th September. I've got to go in overnight the weekend before for steroid jabs. Then bk in on Wednesday night ready for op on Thursday morning. I will be 37 week's & 4 days then.
I voiced my concerns as I thought it would be bang on 37 week's, but she assured me it will be fine, plus they are all booked up??? Don't suppose I could get a cancellation! Haha

It will soon be here though & gives me time to get organised.
I'm still not sleeping, was up at 3am till 6am this morning, back up at 8! When Joe goes bk to school next week, I'm going to make the most of it and try and catch up on sleep during the day Xx

How's everyone else getting on?
Hi Ladies,

Work has been even worse than normal this week. I had to fire someone for gross misconduct. Unfortunately that has left my team absolutely screwed for one of the busiest weeks of the year as all the students move out and move back in again. Doc gave me anti-biotics, which I'm glad of as my whole body is rattling when I cough now. I had a similar chest infection and 2 sets of anti-biotics when I had Mia and she's fine, so I'm fairly comfortable taking them. If I can't breathe, neither is the little seed down there!
Yeah so instead of enjoying being pregnant I'm working crazy stupid hours at work.

Frisky, sorry to hear you're still not sleeping and very exciting to have a date. I hated the whole not knowing when aspect of childbirth the first time - I'm an OCD planning junkie! Hope Joe's OK.
Tina, I'm sure Evie will be grand but never hurts to put your mind at rest. That's hilarious you're sexed out!
Enjoying the darker mornings up here as Mia seems to be sleeping a bit later than normal :)
Betty, how you doing Mrs? Any other symptoms this month?
Hope you feel better soon Edinburgh.
Yay, for a definite due date Frisky. So exciting xx
Edinburgh, sorry to hear that you're feeling so under the weather but at least now that you're on antibiotics they should start kicking in in a few days which means you'll be over the worst of it. It's starting to get to that time of the year where everyone gets ill with sniffles & colds NOOOOO!!! How are you feeling in yourself pregnancy wise? Getting any more symptoms yet?

Frisky YESSSS for having a planned date to meet your LO!

Took Evie to the doctors and it was a total waste of my time, the most useless doctor I have ever come across in my life told me that he thinks she is experiencing constipation which she completely isn't! I'm just going to keep an eye on her and take her back if it happens again.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS it's the weekend!!! What's everyone getting upto?

I'm going out for tea tonight with my friend then we've got Evie's graduation party on Sunday. It's her last day in nursery today, I can't believe it!!! I felt a bit teary taking her in this morning thinking it's the last time I'm going to do it. She's gotta get ready for the big wide world now and start big girl school. I'm shitting it!

On ovulation watch: My cervix is STILL open!! my boobs are a little sore but not loads so I still don't think ovulation is complete. Really... cannot... have... any more.... sex!!!!! hahaha

Tina, seriously...do one with your sex!! I have massive sex envy! Haaaaha ;)

Let's hope it's worked!! I'll be symptom spotting with you!
Awwh graduation party?? They had nothing like that when Joe was little, guess I've got it all to come!!
In answer to your question about C sections. Yes I had one with Joe and with eve. With Eve, it was horrific for obvious reasons. Even though she had passed, I still had to go through Labour for 18 hours before they made the decision to do an emergency section. Truly horiffic.
With Joe, I actually requested a general anaesthetic as I couldn't bear to be awake as I was so scared something would go wrong. At the time, it was right for me.
This time however, I'm looking forward to it! I want to be awake....although I'm scared a bit, I'm excited. Not having a natural labour doesn't bother me, I've had my experience a bit there & it wasn't a good one.
I'm really excited to see Aaron's face when he meets our baby! :)

Edinburgh, hope your rattling body has calmed down & your feeling a bit better. It can't help matters that your run off your feet at work. Have you thought about when your telling them yet? Any more symptoms happening for you??

Betty, your quiet, hope everything is ok! XX
Hiya girlies,

The sex has ended haha! !! I'm 1DPO today I'm guessing, CM has turned creamy and I've got sore side boobs. Mark thinks we've done enough this cycle, I think not! ! But I'm a huge pessimist with everything in life anyway.

Frisky, I can't even begin to imagine what you went through with eve, I think it's every woman's worst nightmare and for that reason you're a bloody strong lady and I admire you for having the strength to pull through.
Natural labour can be horrendous, mine was over pretty quickly but some women end up with contractions for 48 hours. . NO THANK YOU! !

just been really naughty and ordered a Chinese, Singapore vermicelli, spring rolls, chips and curry sauce yessssss. I need some carbs desperately in my life

X factor tonight, is everyone tuning in? Xx
Oh my God!! I can't believe it's xfactor time already! The Count down to Xmas begins tonight!! I'll be watching! Food sounds lush, I'm trying to persuade az to get us a Chinese in for Tonight! I so cannot be arsed cooking anything!

Just been on a huge walk with the dog, az and Joe! I'm bloody shattered! Az took some photos on his new camera.....oh my God! I look bloody awful, you can tell I've been getting zero sleep, I've the biggest darkest circles under my eyes!! And my face has officially got baby weight, chubby chops I am!! Xx
Hi girls.... How are you all?? Hope everyone has had a good weekend, we have had quite a hectic one but it's been lovely....
Frisky..... I can't believe oscar will be here so soon!!! Like Tina said, I think you are so brave and you are just a superstar! I can't even imagine what you went trough with eve, it breaks my heart :cry: this is going to be emotional for you but you will be cradling your little boy so soon :) I can't wait!!!! It's so exciting!
Tina, all eyes on you these next two weeks!!! Sounds like you guys have been like little rabbits so hopefully it has worked :)
Well I'm on CD 33 today (4 days late for AF) tested this morning on a 10miu internet dip strip and left it, came back about 20 mins later and there was this weird mark on the test so this afternoon I used a superdrug test and total fat BFN! I have had AF cramps for a week now and I'm so bloody depressed it's untrue :( oh, just feels like this will NEVER happen.... Have a look at the pic....image.jpg
Oh my God betty!!No wonder your feeling down, There's definitely something there!! How frustrating you got a bfn on superdrug test!! Your emotions must be all over the place! Plus your 4days late? That's unusual for you, are you going to test again?? Xx
Oh it's a bloody pain in the arse isn't it??? I will no doubt test again in the morning but I know I'm not PG which is so annoying that my body is doing this to me. I'm working full time all next week too and you can guarantee the witch will arrive tmrw morning and I will be flooded off my feet and in agony for 2 days, ooooooooo can't wait!!!!
It's so bloody dull! Where's the wine??? :wine:
Hi ladies, betty, I'd maybe stay off the wine tonight. The 10miu dip sticks are more sensitive than most of the supermarket ones so test again tomorrow! I had cramp quite a bit weeks 3-4.

Frisky, I second all these ladies, you're a star and deserve every happiness.

Tina, I second the jealousy thing! Don't think there's been nookie in this house since we conceived. Everyone is too sick!

Feeling a little better but I am so so thirsty all the time. Had my first nap before tea tonight. Spent the good weather today laundering my early maternity clothes because I have such a bad case of bloating I don't think I'm going to be in regular pants very long. Because I'm a 10 to 12 normally I have both sizes of maternity clothes. Just as well really. Won't be announcing at work till 12 weeks scan I don't think. Unless I get sick like last time. Think I'm gonna phone my mum now though x
Yes betty, cramping was one of my main symptoms too....I'll be stalking here tomorrow to see what your test says. Sending lots of positive vibes your way.

Edingburgh, I had really bad bloating those first few weeks after i got my bfp. Like i had a baby bump already. Maxi dresses have been my God send over the summer. I'm struggling for things to wear now, I'm literally living in one pair of maternity jeans, Yoga pants & vest tops! With just a few weeks to go, I refuse to buy any more clothes.

I've not stopped today, proper nesting, hopefully I'll sleep tonight Xx
Frisky your facebook post had me in stitches last night! I'm surprised you could still stand up after all that!
Morning girls,

Betty there's definitely something on that test!!! I can see pink but it looks really thick which is a bit odd, it's looking good if your AF is late and you're cramping. Get a FRER lady :) Sending positive vibes <3<3

Frisky, it's officially the month that you will meet your little man!! eeekkk. How are you feeling today?

Edinburgh, did you tell your mum? what was her reaction like? I never had bloating or anything with Evie. In fact I barely looked pregnant until about 22 weeks, I had this illusion that I would have a massive bump when I went to my 20 week scan and I didn't even look preggers haha

3DPO today, no symptoms to report but I'm trying not to look for any. xx
Morning girls,

Haha edingburgh....Needless to say,I slept like a baby last night after yesterday's cleaning spree!!
Totally won't be doing that today!

Betty, anything to report??

I'm feeling ok thanks Tina...not as tired. Can't believe we are in September!! Where has this year gone really?? It's frightening!
Joe's down in the dumps as he's got school on Wednesday! I think he will be ok though, 7 week's is too long to be off, it's dragging out now.

Tina, Evies graduation photos were adorable......how cute!!

Really pissed off as our gas & electric bill had gone down by 30 quid a month, it comes out of my account. However,,today they have taken the old higher amount out, which I've not budgeted for. I've rang & they have apologized, they will refund the Money, but it will take 5 days to go in!! They bloody annoy me.......quick enough to take money off you, but don't rush when they are in the wrong! Morons!
I know!!! it's terrifying thinking that there's literally 3 more pay days until Christmas and it hasn't even entered my mind to start Christmas shopping! Can't wait for Christmas though, I love feeling all festive and going to the Christmas markets :):)

Joe will be fine when he starts back! It's just taking that first step and getting it over and done with that is the difficult parts.

Evie starts school on Thursday, she goes in for 3 hours to slowly ease her into it then a 5 hour day next Tuesday before starting full time the week after!! I'm so scared, I was looking over her graduation photos last night in bed and I started bawling my eyes out. Mark was like "what the bloody hell is wrong with you woman??" I just feel sad for her that she's never going to see her little nursery buddies again. I need to get a grip!!

Betty, any updates???? hoping it's good news! xx
Awwwwh bless you, we sound so similar.
I get really emotional over things like that, Aaron is a really positive person, always looks to the future, sees the positives in everything. Even though I can see positively, I do dwell on other things & get sad. I'm feeling the same about moving from here, how Joe will miss his pals & not ever play on the cornfield with them again! Aaron's like 'Sarah.....he will make new friends, there will be other fields & parks to play on'
I'm getting emotional now, as we will never walk past our stream & ropeswing again :(

If you think back though, how many friends from nursery school do you remember? I don't even remember nursery school. I think the most solid friendships start in high school.

You will laugh at my emotional state at the moment......I had 2 big dirty flys buzzing around my room last week. So I got the fly killing spray to zap them! Zapped one, then when I looked again, I realised it wasn't a fly, it was a little spider!!
I murdered a spider!! :(

Cried my bloody eyes out!! Proper tears.....Joe had to comfort me!! ME! His own mother!!

Poor spiddy :( Xx
We are deffo similar! I dwell on everything and cry over the stupidest things. I watched Beyonce on the VMAs last week singing a song about her daughter and the tears started rolling. I had to hide my face because if Mark would have seen me that would've been it, I would have had the piss taken out of me for weeks! I'm a bad worrier too, especially with health... the slightest thing and I'm googling what it could be which is never a good idea!

When are you moving?? I'm in the opposite situation, I can't wait to move house! We've got our deposit sorted but just can't find anything that I think "ahhh that's perfect!" xx

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