7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Haaha....Tina, I have to clear my Google history from Aaron as he would go mad at some of the shit I look up!! Even at the hospital the other week, when the sonographer said I had alot of amniotic fluid......first thing I did was Google it! Bad idea, I got in a right state!

We will be moving back up north before Xmas, that's all I know!
Not long though, like you say, 3 more paydays!!

Arrrrghhhhh!! X
Girls!!!! STOP talking about Christmas!!! I can't handle it, where has the year gone???? I'm so disorganised with Christmas, it's normally done on Christmas Eve :)

Update is I did a frer this morning and BFN :( what is going on??? I will be 5 days late tmrw and I have been cramping for ages now, even this morning I took 2 paracetamol and put on an always as I was convinced she was on route! I'm never late, I'm always regular and my last few cycles have been 28-29 days and I'm currently CD34. Ugh, really rubbish or what?????

Edinburgh.... Have you told anyone your news yet??? How you feeling???

Girls.... I cry at a sad advert!!! Chris thinks I'm an absolute nutter!!!! All those hormones flying about!!! Us ladies are crazy!!!! :)
Betty, sorry that it was a BFN :-( have you thought that maybe you are pregnant but implanted late? If that's the case it might take another couple of days to get a positive. Failing that see your GP for a blood test. It's horrible being in limbo not knowing what's going on, why do our bodies do this to us?!?!?!

I had a bit of a weird one in the middle of the night last night. I woke up at 10 to 4 with what I can only describe as stabbing pains behind my belly button, I tried rolling over and ignoring it hoping to fall back asleep but I couldn't.
Went downstairs to get some painkillers and felt the urge to be sick so ran back up to the bathroom and wrapped myself around the toilet preparing for the worst but couldn't be sick.
Next I felt a sudden surge of heat right through my body and had to strip off and lie on the bathroom floor for 10 minutes and then I felt fine again! Back into bed I got fine and dandy


Seriously thought I had a stomach bug or something.

p.s.... Betty get into the spirit only 114 more sleeps till Santa arrives!!! hahaha xx
Morning girls,

Tina, that's a weird one. How are you feeling now?? When is af due for you?

Betty, sorry about your tests....any sign at all of af? Tina is right with the late implantation thing, hopefully this is the case. It's awful when you are late & see a negative.....sending positive thoughts your way.

I feel like crap today, I can hardly move now, the backache is awful. I feel an emotional wreck too. I had it my head that Aaron was having an affair yesterday!! I mean, WTF???
He mentioned a girl's name who works in the office at his new job & I immediately got jealous!! Then my mind was going into overdrive!! I feel so paranoid, fat & vulgar!!

I told az how I was feeling and he basically told me he loves me & to 'Stop being such a bellend!' Haha!!

Urrghhhh, I hate being so out of control of my thoughts & emotions!!!
Aaahh Frisky, good old pregnancy hormones lol! Hope you feel a bit better soon.
Tina, that sounds strange. Hopefully a good "sign".
Betty, I hope you have a late implanter, that test looked very strange. I don't really like those ic's, bought a batch once and couldn't really read them properly, there always seemed to be some kind of line.
Hope you are feeling better Edinburgh.

I am feeling pelvic pain now, going to buy a support belt at weekend to see if that helps xx
Oh and Betty, there really isn't that long now until Christmas lol. I am usually well organised but am going to be super organised this year as I am due 12 days later but not expected to get to my due date!! Xx
I feel absolutely fine now! It literally only lasted for 15 mins and then I felt fine again. My AF isn't due for another 8 days so doubt it was anything to do with that.

Frisky, as if Az would cheat on you. You're bloody wonderful! he would be stupid too. But that doesn't stop your crazy pregnancy brain going into over drive, most men actually find pregnant women really sexy so I'm sure he doesn't have eyes for anyone but you.

AB, sorry to hear about the painful pelvis! Have you been having any other symptoms? any sickness or anything?

Evie comes home tonight from 2 nights at my mums, she's had the bad poos since last night. My mums been up all night with her, apparently it's just like water. Lovely! I imagine I'm going to have a wonderful evening tonight haha xx
Hi girls.....
Tina, how weird that you felt like that???? I'm hoping it's a good sign, what CD are you on now???
Frisky. Are you turning into crazy hormone lady??? Totally normal my lovely, go with the flow and let it all out!!! You look absolutely gorgeous!!!! Not long now hot mamma :)
Ab..... How are you doing!!??? When are you due???
Edinburgh.... How are you my lovely???
Well.... Still no AF and I'm on CD35 (6 days late) really feel that AF will arrive through the night though as I'm really bloated and have terrible cramps, not sure why she is so late?!?! I'm never late :( do you guys think stress has anything to do with it??? I have a few family issues at the minute (won't bore you with it all) could be that??? Although I've been stressed in the past but never made me late???
What's the longest cycle everyone has had before???

Will keep you posted but keep your fingers crossed just in case there is a little glimmer of hope xxx
ahhh Betty I'm crossing my fingers for you dear! Have you done another test this morning?

My cycle completely changed out of the blue a few months ago, it went from 28 days on the dot every month to 31 days.. No clue why but my ovulation date just decided to delay itself by 3 days but since I had the HSG it's gone back to 28 days.

Have you done any research on it?

I'm 5DPO today, no symptoms that jump out of me just been feeling icky the last couple of days but I bet it's just because there's viral stuff going around.

Woke up this morning in horrible pain in my lower back, not a stabbing pain but an achey muscle pain and also under my ribs. Felt sorry for myself for a little while and had cuddles with Mark. It's probably because I was slept in a funny position!

Been checking my cervix... yesterday it was low and slightly open, today it's high and slightly open.

That's a thing you could do Betty! Have a check of your cervix and see if it's high.. because when your AF is coming your cervix should drop low. I know you're not into all that though are you haha!

Evie starts school tomorrow ARGGGHHHH!!! I feel like an emotional wreck, like when the little birds fly the nest and leave their mother haha

No doubt though she will come home and tell me she had a fabulous time! xx
Betty, hope its a shy bfp!
No other aches and pains apart from pelvis. I am due 6th January xx
Gosh AB your pregnancy is flying by too! ! Feels like yesterday when you announced your pregnancy. Do you have a lovely little bump now?

Betty any news? ?

I've just got into bed, being forced to watch the football but to be honest I can feel myself falling asleep in the next hour or so.

Na night girlies xx
I have a lovely big bump, lol, I feel huge already xx
Ab I feel for you - I had pelvic pain with Mia. Had to wear a belt from about 20 weeks and limped about everywhere. Couldn't sit very long, couldn't walk very long. Felt perpetually kicked in the tailbone.

She and I are just back from our first nursery settle visit. She was fine, happy to play with new toys/water/draw while I filled out a ream of paperwork. She wanted two cuddles, once when she tripped and once when a little boy took a train off her. Got the wobbly lip too that time! You can't laugh though when they take such things to heart. Off to pick up Matt from his second day of University. He's actually doing a pre-starter induction week this week. Just a few days of lectures for people who have been out of formal education for a while. He's enjoying it and it's good for him to be out and about with adults again after being stay at home Daddy for so long.

I'm fine. Bit nauseous on the approach to mealtimes. Am not as tired as I remember being early on last time - or maybe I'm just used to so much less sleep/me time. Work has been hugely stressful this last few weeks but I have a new person joining the team next week which will hopefully help.

I'm going to the doctor this afternoon to see if I can get a medical exemption from my jury duty (week after next). I don't think I can cope with anything else going on in life at the moment and I'm terrified of getting sick/not being able to go to the bathroom. I'd be delighted to do my civic duty, if only you could volunteer at a time in your life when things weren't mental. We'll see what doc says. He'll either have had a wife and understand morning sickness or he'll be a dick who doesn't and just say no. It would certainly help free up some head room for me!

I've told my mum, my brothers (they live with mum) and my dad. We won't tell anyone else till after our scan. I have to call the midwife today for a booking in appointment. Been too bloody busy to do it yet. I feel mentally less involved with this pregnancy so far. Last time I called the midwife immediately and started reading the books immediately and this time it's kinda 'oh, I might get round to doing that a week on Tuesday'. Life's just too busy, and we haven't experienced the bleeding drama we did last time, so it's all a bit more sedate. I'm hungry and enjoying eating while I can, just in case the 24hr nausea rears its ugly head again.

Betty, any news peeps? I do think that stress messes with our cycles. I was 3 weeks late at Christmas and it was diabolical. Especially testing negative throughout that time. I really feel for you and have everything crossed there's magic afoot!

Tina, how's Evie? You had any recurring signs of that bug/jiffy tummy?

Frisky, I think we all understand the mental hormone thing. If I had a penny for every time he's not been in the mood and I've totally broken down with 'you just don't want me anymore!!' - pregnant AND not pregnant! You're carrying his baby which will make you just the most amazing being in the world to him. And remember it's temporary.

There's been no nookie since conception for us cos one or the other of us has been bloody ill! Coughing up a lung here and there doesn't breed the romance. Definitely need to work on that.

Tina, ever thought about a career change to gynaecology? You must be pretty dexterous - or I've got short ass arms - I've never been able to feel my cervix ever. Thankfully, I've never much had the inclination ;)

OK ladies, off to enjoy some of my forced annual leave as I'll be writing a report for work tonight (due tomorrow annual leave or no annual leave). Costco here we come. Exciting times.
Edinburgh, you need to slow down woman!!

Hope that the doctor gives you a pass from the jury service, just go in there and put the tears on complaining that you're literally throwing up every 30 minutes and I'm sure he would have to excuse you. I've never been on Jury service but imagine it would be awesome if you could get on a good case! Anything has gotta beat work after all...

Look at all you ladies lovely and blooming and pregnant :):):) It makes me so happy inside that some of us have been given the chance of a happy ending to this journey! Here's hoping that me and Betty follow you all shortly

I have always been a cervix checker, at first I didn't have a bloody clue what I was feeling for but now because I've been doing it for so long I can tell where I am in my cycle and when ovulation is near from what position my cervix is in and how it feels. As gross as it sounds prodding around in your lady bits it's actually very informative!

Well my little girl started big school today. I didn't sleep well last night at all, woke up loads worrying about it. She was super excited this morning until she found out that mummy and daddy couldn't stay and then she got a bit panicked. Once we got in there though she toddled off with the teacher and left me sobbing my heart out at the door. The school itself though it really good, it has a twitter page and throughout the morning they were posting pictures of the reception class so us worry heads knew that everything was okay.

6DPO today, still nothing to report. Cervix is high and starting to close over, got cold symptoms. My throat has been sore for 2 days and I have the sniffles today. Some say these are preggo signs, I expect not for me! I guess we will wait and see xx
Evening ladies

Ab can you post us some bump pics?? A new year baby will be lovely, something to look forward to in the bleek month of January!

Betty, any sign of af? I do believe that stress can cause alot of problems with our bodies. However, you have been stressed before when your mum was ill, it didn't affect it then did it? How many days late are you now??
I'm sorry to hear you have been having family issues, I hope it all gets sorted, you know you can rant any time on here Xx

Tina....have you survived the emotional rollercoaster of your baby's first day?? Bless, she looked mega cute!
How many dpo are you now?? I have a feeling all of us on here Will get our bfp's....Just some sooner than others, hang in there!!

Edingburgh, I was exhausted just reading your post. Tina is right, you need to slow down. Hopefully things will ease off with the extra help at work.
I know what you mean about Not feeling involved in this pregnancy as much as your first.
As much as I wanted to get pregnant, I'm not as manic as I was when I had Joe. I had all the books, bought every pregnancy magazine going every month! Bought brand new everything!
I'm more chilled out with this one. I have other things going on with Joe, so the pregnancy isn't my sole priority. I've only bought one magazine and have been shopping around for 2nd hand bargains. Got a changing table yesterday for 15quid, its 50quid brand new in Ikea.
Anyway, I saw it on gumtree, went to view it & it's perfect, looks brand new, I'm well happy! Haha
You should have seen where i got it from though, it was like something off Shameless!!

I'm downstairs at the min, I've got a really bad tummy.
Was lay in bed with Az before & had cramping, then my tummy started making noises, so I legged it downstairs & have been here ever since.
I had fish & chips for tea, but so did Joe & az and they are fine!
Not had tummy problems like this in ages....urrghhhhhhh!! X
Hope Evie enjoyed her first day. Zoe starts Nursery on the 16th, I'll be so upset. Seems like only yesterday she was born lol.

Edinburgh, it's awful, I was the same with Zara but just got on with it, going for a support band tomorrow to see if that helps. Hope your workload eases a bit with your new start.

Betty, sorry you have family problems.

Frisky hope you are feeling better, maybe Oscar wants to come early. I had a really dodgy tummy the morning b4 I had Zoe.
Here is my 22 week bump for you! Xx

22 weeks.jpg
ahhh AB you look amazing! I never had a bump like that with Evie at 22 weeks, well jealous :):)

Frisky, Evie had a lovely day, I've just about got over the stress of it all haha! I'm actually surprised that she left her hair in all day. She normally walks around looking like a little scruff! Now I've got the first day over with I'm sure I'll be fine next time.

That thing about the changing table made me laugh! I suppose it doesn't matter where it comes from, as long as it's in good condition you have gotta take it haven't you!

Are you feeling any better this morning?

Betty... all very quiet.. hoping you're okay *hugs*

I'm 7DPO today nothing to report apart from the cold symptoms. Still feel poo, got a sore throat and runny nose but I'll be okay! Nothing a takeaway won't sort tonight haha xx

I'm feeling a bit better thanks Tina, no idea what that was about. Still feel a bit sickly, but what's new?
When I came up to bed at about 1am, I had my kindle in my hands, Az was fast asleep. So I crept in the bedroom as quietly as I could so I wouldn't wake him, next minute I drop kindle on the floor, which starts blasting out loud rap music!! Az shit himself....I had to scramble around the flood trying to turn it off, couldn't do it! So had to leg it downstairs with it still blaring out, my boobs exposed! The dog looked at me like I was a mad woman! Needless to say, Aaron wasn't in the best of moods this morning! Haaaaha!

Ab, your bump is amazing! You look fab! I must post pics of mine, it's HUGE now!!

Betty, any news? Edingburgh, hope your feeling better.
I wonder how momwife is getting on, I hope her baby arrived safely. She's probably not got any time to log on here!

Tina, how's the hair? Are you used to it yet? I'm gonna dye mine on Sunday, my pre baby hair colour! It goes really dark, too dark....but I like the colour it goes after a few washes....So should be right for Dday!

What's everyone's plans for weekend? Just chilling here. Az is working at 5am tomorrow, so he will be in bed mega early. I'm gonna stay up with Joe & watch a movie with crisps & chocolates!!

Best turn my kindle off before I go to bed tonight though! Xx
Frisky, that made me laugh out loud, lol, my hubby would not have been impressed either!
Enjoy movie night.
Tina, enjoy your takeaway.

I'm going into town tomorrow to get the girls coats and boots, they both have a party next weekend so I'll need to look for birthday gifts for 2 boys! Hubby is going out until 7pm ish, so after that we'll have pizza and watch x factor!! Then chill on Sunday.

Have a nice weekend ladies xx
Evening ladies, how's everyone doing?

Urrgghh, I've got a bad tummy AGAIN tonight, it's awful! I've Been fine all day, did the garden with Joe, it was really sunny. Then at about 10pm I get the dreaded tummy ache & need the loo!


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