7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Morning girls! Frisky have you eaten something that's making your stomach feel bad or do you think it's purely down to pregnancy related stuff? Sorry you're feeling shitty chick, not long to go now! Are you officially on countdown?

Still no news from Betty! Hope you're okay lady

Got up this morning and my phones decided it's had enough and it's toddled off to phone heaven! I feel properly lost haha is that sad?? I'm a constant phone checker like every 5 minutes so don't know what to do with myself

9DPO today experiencing a little cramping but that could be down to my AF being due in 3 days time xx
Tina, I always think cramping as a good sign...I'll have everything Crossed for you!

Don't even start about phones, mines dissapeared! I feel lost too! I've had to put a status on facebook via my kindle for my mum to ring me! I've looked everywhere & I've a horrid feeling it's on SILENT!! Great!

Az is on his way bk up north as he's on a course in Leeds tomorrow, so he's staying at my mum's in Bury tonight. I was gonna go, but I actually couldn't think of anything worse than Been sat in Aaron's work van for 5 hours as it's maximum speed is 50mph! Haha

I feel fine again this morning, I think it must be pregnancy related as I've eaten the same as the boys & they are both fine. Yes I'm on count down .....Az keeps insisting on saying 'A week on Thursday' as it sounds sooner!! Haha.....I'm trying to hold on till next Monday to get my Eyebrows threaded , but they are like catterpillars! I may just go into town tomorrow & get them done a week earlier! X
Haha just realised how pathetic I sound with the eyebrows.....nice to see I'm getting my priorities right! Not even bought bottles or sterilizer yet! But as long as my brows are in shape, who cares hey?? Haaha xx
Sorry girls for my absence, been hectic!!!!
Frisky, that's absolutely hilarious! It made me laugh out loud!!! Crazy lady!!! Also, I had an upset tummy right at the end of my pregnancy :) won't be long now chick!!!! Eeeeeek! Also, getting your eyebrows done is way more important! You can always get someone to go out and buy you some, where as those brows may not get waxed for a while!!!! :)
Tina, have you gone dark??? I need to see pics!!!! How was Evie's first day at school?? My little girl starts nursery in a week, my baby is not a baby anymore and I'm so sad :(
Edinburgh, any news on jury service??? I agree with the rest of the girls, sounds like you are doing too much!!!
AB, your bump is amazing!!!! You look fantastic :)

So, AF arrived a week late! How ridiculous is that?! It was also a very strange one. Only lasted 2 days, severe pains and huge clots (sorry tmi) think my insides are screwed girls :( anyway, on a positive note I have a date for my lap. 20th oct, whoop!!!

My family issues have not got any better, in a nutshell my mum sufferers from depression and refuses to get any help (typical stubborn, northern woman!) me and my sister get all of her anger and rage (she is not nice when she has her bad 'bouts') so it's tough for us. She hasn't spoken or seen me and my little girl for over 6 weeks. Anyway, my Granda got sectioned last week (sounds worse than it actually is) he has just recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and he has gone down hill rapidly. When I went to visit him last week the nurses told me that they are more worried about my mum than my Granda, that tells you everything!!! It's just a sad situation.
I was at the walk in centre with viv yesterday and she has a chest infection, bless her, she has been up coughing for the last two nights so I've had about 6 hours sleep in two days! All good fun eh?
Sorry for the extra long rant girls...... What would I do without you all??? :hug:
Betty, that sounds like a really challenging situation to manage. Manic depression runs in my family and it takes a huge toll on the people nearest the person suffering.
Does your mum get any support at all? A CPN?
Anyway, hugs to you. It is really pants having to be the grown up in a relationship with your parents.
Frisky, sorry you' re getting sick in the evening. Not long now. I have a funny story about pregnancy and hair removal but I'll share it later.
I've been in bed two days with horrid fever sickness and diarrhea.not sure if I'm poisoned or have a bug. Not nice at all. Holding down noodles and water today though so getting somewhere :(
Haha betty, I read that in my head then as 'you can always get someone to go out & buy you some EYEBROWS!!' I was tthinking, is this a new thing?? Stick on eyebrows?? Haha I'm loosing the plot.

Sorry af turned up, great you have a date for your lap! Hopefully things will start getting better after that.
How awful about your mum, I remember you saying she suffers from depression. Must be such a frustrating situation & I bet it wears you down you poor thing. How is she with your sister? Is she not talking to her either?
It sounds pretty stressful, especially when your going through your own stuff, it's nice to have your mum there to talk to. It wouldn't surprise me if the stress of it all was having an effect on your body betty Xx big hugs to you Xx

Edingburgh, sorry your feeling shitty, is it not pregnancy related??

I found my phone thank God....Tina, I want to see your hair!

I'm been a lazy cow today, feel sick again now.....did loads in the garden yesterday, so don't feel too guilty about doing nothing.
I went for breakfast at asda with Joe this morning & treated him to some new clothes. I feel a bit guilty as I've Been buying bits for baby. So I couldn't Say no when he asked for some new clobber to wear! Xx
Afternoon lovelies

Betty, sorry that your AF turned up. Weird though that it only lasted 2 days. It might be down to the cysts do you think? We have no clue how things like that can have an effect on periods!

My mum suffers with depression too Betty, it's an illness that is rarely understood by people unless they themselves have a family member who suffers. There's times I've found my mum sat in a dark room crying her eyes out and not knowing the reason why apart from she feels so down in the dumps. Sending you hugs xx

Thankfully Vodafone have been wonderful and let me upgrade early so I've got an iPhone 5s on the way but it's gonna take about 5 days to arrive because there wasn't any in stock so I'm phone less until the end of the week NOOOOOOO!

Promise I'll take pictures of my hair once I've got a device to take them on. I'm still getting used to it! I've never ever had brown hair in my life but I just needed a change
My sister thanks it looks better and I should never go all over blonde again. I know I'll go back at some point!

I've had cramping all day, this morning it was stronger than it is now. I kept rushing to the loo incase my AF was starting early but nothing yet. I bet it's just pre AF cramping!

Oh girls..... You're all so lovely! Isn't it sad that depression affects so many people yet it's not really spoken about that much??? No-one, apart from our close family know about my mum and most people run away from it. Edinburgh/Tina, I don't know how you deal with it or how your family members are but my mum turns very nasty and blames everything on me and my sister which takes it's toll on both of us. She just can't deal with anything slightly stressful and everything is all about her and how she is suffering, never mind anyone else who has problems. Edinburgh, you're right, it's like we are the parent and she is the child, I'm tired of looking after her, it's draining me! She has I help, she won't... I've tried everything :(

Frisky..... Sorry I missed out 'bottles' on my last post!!! You can grab bottles at anytime but brows need addressing ASAP!!! Although I'm sure you can get stick on brows!!! Or just get them tattooed on then that will save any maintenance!! :) the sickness must be down to you being at the last stages of pregnancy, it's a it crap, I feel for you! I'm sure you've been told this a million times but have you tried a little bit of fresh ginger in some hot water??? Not the most appetising thing but might help???
Tina, I have the iPhone 5 and love it although the battery life is shite!!! Tina.... Your cramping sounds good!!!! When is AF due for you??? Are you gonna test or just wait for AF??? (That's if she comes!!!)
Edinburgh, you sound terrible my lovely!!!! What is going on?? Pregnancy or bug??? Either way it's not good, can you take some time off work next week just to recover???
I agree with Betty frisky, brows are definitely a necessity haha! Whether you pluck them at home or manage to get out to get them threaded make sure you sort it! Hairy caterpillars are not a good look haha

Betty my mum never gets angry at us, when she's at her worst it's like she goes into this little cocoon of loneliness and nobody can get her out of it. She distances herself from her family and believes that there's nothing worth living for. It's strange as well that it's normally in the winter months.. She seems much happier in summer time.

Cramping strong again now, it eased this afternoon now it's back. My AF is due in 3/4 days. I'm convinced she's coming early. Never had a 25 day cycle though in the 11 years I've had periods so it'd be insane if she came!

I'll keep you updated on cramp watch LOL

Oh Tina! Cramp watch!! Haha it's awful isn't it....we try not to symptom spot, but we do it anyway!! It'd be weird if af showed early though....fingers crossed him!

Betty, my heart goes out to you, I hope things get easier for you in regards to your mum. I've never really had first-hand experience in this area, but know people who have, it's not nice Xx

Looking forward to star fishing my bed tonight as az is away! Amazing how vulnerable I feel with him not been here though, I don't like it Xx
Check out the size of me!!!

36 week bump!! I feel huuuuuuuge!!! Xx


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Hi! I'd love to join the 2WW(ers)! I'm 27 and have a 2 year old. Just started trying for #2 this month. I'm about 5 dpo. I know its early but I've been off. Super gassy..:blush: I've had (tmi alert) loose stools and diarrhea at least once to twice a day..IN THE MORNING..(I'm a normal #2er) hardly ever have a bad poop! Pains,bubbles,pulls,twitches. My bbs have been sore since before O which usually they're not sore until after. Tired and been on a hot sauce kick..and a lil more cm than usual. Idk..maybe I'm crazy! I want to be pregnant so bad!!! Look forward to hearing from all you ladies! BABY DUST..BABY DUST!!:happydance:
Hi Tina,
Cramping was definitely my biggest symptom before I got the light IB. I had tugging and pulling and actually thought I had AF pain coming on at about 7DPO. Everything crossed for you.

Had a better day today. Kept down water and some food but this bug/food poisoning - whatever it was it wasn't normal! - has kicked off the nausea proper. Really struggling to eat at all today. Have my damn sea bands on and everything. Cannot remember how I functioned like a human being for 6 weeks like this last time. Hopefully being at work will distract me a bit. Bloody good job I was a bit overweight to start with - lost 5lb in 2 days.

Betty, there are support groups for people affected by someone else's depression - they can offer some help with de-escalation and deflection techniques if blame/anger/aggression are common. Not sure which will be in your area but I'm sure your local doctor practice could point you to one? It never gets any easier emotionally but you do develop somewhat of a thick skin and you make a lot of allowances and do a lot of forgiving. Just remember to always give yourself the right to walk away for self preservation when you need to. In my experience people who are ill still have the ability to know when they are being hurtful. I find it works to just end a phone call/a meeting with 'that's not fair and I don't deserve to be hurt because of the way you're feeling, I'll call you back/see you later and we can start over when you're calmer." In some cases you'll find the behaviour modifies because they recognise that they need you as a supportive outlet that they can vent to. Just try to never let them attack you personally.

Lovely bump Frisky - the rest of you is so tiny woman!

And just to cheer us all up, here's the pregnancy/hair removal story...
When I was about 7 months pregnant with Mia I decided I HAD to go for a swim to take some weight off and get some exercise. Things had gone a bit 'back to nature' down there as I had a lot of pelvic pain and wasn't doing much of anything gym related. So, rather than just shave, I got the Immac out to sort the bikini line. Now, I had a little trouble with very mild incontinence late on in my pregnancy - whenever I sneezed.
So, I'm sat legs akimbo on my bathroom floor, trying not to get hair cream on the already sizable bump, reading on my kindle to pass the 10 mins when I sneezed.
Instinctively a drew my legs together to prevent an accident.
Immac everywhere.
Tried to take it off/wash it off the areas it wasn't intended for and ended up with bald spots! Had to take the whole lot off to even things out. Hubby is not a fan. Felt like a bit of a freak for about 8 weeks but thankfully it was mostly normal by the time the birth came round!

So, when heavily pregnant, best leave hair removal to the professionals!
hahahaha Edinburgh you have just cheered up my Monday morning with your immac story! You should have asked your hubby to help you out :) I can't use immac on my lady bits, I find it's too awkward trying to get the hair off once it's "dissolved" I prefer a good old venus shaver haha

10DPO today, just have a weird feeling that AF is coming. Still feel niggly but nowhere near how I felt yesterday. I honestly don't think I'm pregnant.. I'd be astounded if I was. xx
Good afternoon lovelies, how's everyone doing today?

11DPO here, been cramping since 9DPO on and off. Strong on 9DPO just like you'd get on the first day of your period then mild cramping sporadically since.

I am also noticing like bouts of nausea for a few seconds every now and then.

Seriously I feel like I'm going crazy. I keep telling myself "there's no way you're pregnant Tina, this is just your insane hormonal body tricking you again" and then I get a feeling of nausea and think... "hmmm could I be?"

Here's my symptoms since ovulation

CD17 1DPO - Boobs sore (normal for me)
CD19 3DPO - Woke in the night with pains behind belly button, felt the urge to vomit but couldn't. Had to take off my clothes and lay on the bathroom floor because I felt a sudden heat rush through my body. 10 minutes later I was fine
CD21 5DPO - sore throat started, cervix high and feeling open
CD22 6DPO - woke with an "ache" in lower back and under ribs. Just felt icky and sniffly
CD25 9DPO - Intense cramping all day just like AF, thought AF was coming but it would have been 3 days early??!?!
CD26 10DPO - Cramping continued throughout day but not as painful as 9DPO. Cervix low/medium throughout day. Sure I experienced nauseous moments
CD27 11DPO - Cramping in AM only very slightly. Cervix back higher and closed. Nauseous bouts throughout the day.


my AF is due tomorrow xxx
Tina TEST!! Lol xx
Edinburgh, that made me lol. Hope you are on the mend xx
Betty, sorry about your mum, I agree with what E said, just gently explain and put the phone down xx
Frisky, you look amazing. You do not look huge xx
Hi nuggy, good luck xx
Nope definitely not caving in and testing, she's due tomorrow so if it's a no show then I'll test in a couple of days.

I've been sure I've been pregnant before and my AF has been 3 days late

I could be imagining it all! xx
Eeeeeek Tina!!! It's all sounding very promising!!! Can't wait for you to test! Of course I would have used about 10 tests by now!!!! :) fingers crossed for you xxx
Frisky, you look bloody amazing girl!!!! I looked like a beeched whale at the end of my pregnancy, everything was swollen, even my lips, looked like I had too much Botox!!!
Edinburgh, that immac story is hilarious!!! ALWAYS visit the salon during pregnancy! That's one thing I do, I always have a wax. Haven't shaved since I was 23!!

Thanks for all your kind words re: my mum, it's tough but it's just one of those things. :( might try slipping some Valium into her tea! Sounds awful but that's what she needs!!!! Or some for me!!! :)
Ps: welcome nuggy..... Keep us posted on your symptoms x

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