7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Edinburgh, that's good news about little Mia (beautiful name by the way <3 it). Kids scare you to bloody death don't they!?!?! They pick up everything so easily because their little bodies haven't built up an immune system yet. YES for the bleeding stopping :):):) that's fantastic news, I bet you're mega relieved. How many weeks are you now?

Lizzy, my husband is taking Tamoxifen. It's a drug which is also used commonly for breast cancer but our consultant seemed pretty confident that it also increases sperm motility so fingers crossed! Where are you from Lizzy? Are you in the UK? I've never heard of that drug before that your husband is on.

AB - fantastic news about the bubba :) :) :) it's always good to know that everything is developing as it should be. xxx
Morning ladies!!

Sorry for no update yesterday...was a bit of a blur.

Oscar is currently in the special baby unit, he's been in there since yesterday teatime. His bloodsugars were very low, so he was unresponsive & unable to feed. He's currently been tube fed. He should be back with me today though.
The C section was amazing.....I'm in alot of pain now, but worth it!
I've never felt so much happiness in my life as when I heard Oscar cry as they pulled him out! Truly amazing.
Aaron is wonderful.....a natural daddy.
Joe was fine yesterday after all the upset.....he loves his baby brother Xx

Edinburgh, glad your bleeding has stopped hun, that's a,relief....please try & take it easy. Betty hope your feeling better.

I'll catch up properly later girls.
Love you all lots Xxx
An, fabulous the scan went well & your little man is doing ok Xx

Lizzie.....welcome my love!

This is definitely a lucky thread, you have got a great bunch of girls here.....stick with us!! Your more than welcome to moan, rant & discuss bodily functions! Haha Xx
Oscar James Lawrence

7lb 3oz

18th September 2014
09.28 am


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Aaaahhhh frisky, he is gorgeous. And look at you looking all gorgeous after having had a baby!!
Hope his blood sugars regulate and he is back beside you soon.
Lots of love to you all xx
ahhh Frisky, like I've said tonnes of times already he is super gorgeous! Glad that everything went as well as can be for you. Hope that little Oscar is well enough to be back at your side today. How long will you be in hospital for?

what's everyone upto this weekend? Not much for me, going for a chinese at my parents tonight and hopefully going to look at booking a villa for florida. Then Mark is on an all dayer tomorrow with the boys so I think a lazy day for me and Evie is on the cards xx
Frisky you had me all emotional after seeing the pictures!! You look amazing!!! And your little man is just pure joy! I'm sure the pain was all worth it in the end! Thanks for welcoming me and hugs and kisses to you and your new little beautiful man :kiss:
Awwwwwwww...... Frisky, I've already congratulated you but can I just say again, we'll done girl! I'm so proud of you and Oscar is absolutely gorgeous! As are you, did you really just give birth???? You look amazing!!!! We need regular updates as and when you can.... Hope his blood sugars regulate..... Big love to you xxx

Welcome lizzyrose, stick with us, these girls are the best!!!!

Edinburgh, huge relief that you have stopped bleeding and also that Mia is feeling better, nothing worse than our babies being poorly :(

AB, fantastic news that little man is well, it's good news all round today!!!! :)

I'm sat with a vino (my first in over a week might I add!!!) I've been super good lately and juicing everyday, have to say that my yummy mummy tum is starting to get a little flatter, hooray for that!!!! :) :wine: :wine:
Thanks Betty!!! Enjoy your vino tonight! Have an extra glass for all of us babyandbump girls :)
Betty, your juicing diet looks fab & so fresh! I can't wait to start getting back in the gym &#health eating! You deserve a large vino...Hope you enjoyed it!

Tina, villa in Florida sounds fab....as does your Chinese!!Haha the food in here is shocking!!

Oscar still isn't with me :( He's getting there though & should be down here in the morning. I've Been up there all day....tried to establish breastfeeding. It took a while, he latched on eventually......but he's not taking enough, so needs to be topped up with a cup of formula.
I feel like a bit of a let down if I can't breastfeed, I really want to do it. Think it will be better once he's with me & feeding on demand. At the min, it's every 4 hours.

He's amazing though......So so cute.
I think I should be allowed home on Sunday or Monday. I'm struggling today, my section scar is extremely sore.

Aaron has been amazing....The love he has for Oscar, I can't explain.....It's just wonderful Xx
Hi girls,

Frisky, don't feel like a let down if the breastfeeding doesn't work hun, remember it isn't for everyone! I tried with Evie and I don't think I was producing any milk so had to give up after 1 go. There's everything in formula now that is in breast milk so I'm sure if you have to go down the formula route your LO will be getting everything that he needs.

Are you home now hun?

Betty, I wish I had your determination to juice!! I have properly let myself go lately and seem to be shovelling whatever I can into my mouth. I need to find the strength from somewhere to start eating healthily again.

So I've started temping again this cycle. At the minute my temps look all over the place because I'm getting up at 4am :-( Gonna stick it out though and see what results I get around ovulation. It should be happening in 3-4 days time

Hello ladies!
Frisky - brilliant to hear you're home and that hubby is looking after you so well. Breast feeding was a bloody nightmare for us for about a month. Mia didn't latch well to start with, but with a mix of feeding her expressed milk in first a syringe and then a Breastflow bottle, we finally were able to go back to boob full time from about week 4. Like I said, nightmare, but once things are running smoothly it's so much easier to breastfeed than to faff around with bottles, especially in the wee small hours. I did hate though that my body didn't feel like it belonged to me at all during that time.
Betty, hope you're recovered from your migraine. Migralieve is the only damn thing in the world that worked for me but I was quite lucky and only really suffered from them in my early twenties.
Tina, how's Evie getting on? And Betty, is your little one still enjoying nursery? Mia has started with the tears when we drop her off now, but on the plus side she's delighted to see you when you pick her up.
Fab news on the heart scan! Glad all is well there.
I'm 8+2 now and feeling wretched nearly every moment of the day - I can't wait for this damn nausea to pass. It's almost impossible to concentrate on anything during the day. Totally carb loading to stay on top of it so I look like I've put on a stone in a few weeks. Going to tackle the bikini line (after a brief nap on the couch methinks) so I can start swimming. Have to do something or I'm going to be a whale by week 12!!
Have a lovely evening ladies x
Evening girls.... How is everyone???
Frisky.... How are you my lovely, how is it being home???? How is Oscar??? Have you had a million visitors yet??? :)
I think when it comes down to breast feeding you just need to go with what your body is telling you, and also how you feel physically and mentally. I really wanted to breast feed, there was no other option for me so when I couldn't from being in so much pain from mastitis I felt like I had completely let me and baby down.... This obviously wasn't the case, she has turned out fine on formula milk and it also gave me a break wen daddy wanted to feed her.... What ever you decide you are amazing!!!!

Tina..... I'm so in the 'zone' with my juicing.... Totally loving it and I've found this amazing product, maca powder, girls, google it! It is supposed to be really good for fertility, spermies and eggs.... Also good for balancing out hormones and makes you horny!!! What more could you ask for???? Today is my first day so will keep you posted on how I get on :) :) :)
Hi ladies, just been to the bathroom and I'm bleeding again. Much later than I had with mia, all my bleeding problems had stopped by now. Going to have a cuppa tea and some chocolate and go to bed. Nothing I can do about it until tomorrow anyways. trying not to panic.
I hope everything is ok Edinburgh!

Frisky, how is little Oscar doing! And you? Hope you are both well.

Betty, hope you are feeling better now.

Tina, good luck this cycle xx

Not much happening here. Zoe has started nursery and goes in without any bother, seems so big now. We are going Christmas shopping next sat as I don't want to do it when I am too big. Girls are staying overnight with my mum. They have never stayed away from home overnight b4 so I was a bit upset, lol, dh says just concentrate on the lie in next morning! And we have managed to book Cosmo for the sat night so should be good. Xx
Hi girls how is everyone???
Edinburgh.... How are you? Are you still bleeding? Have you been back to the hospital??? Hoping everything is ok xxxxx
AB, you're putting me to shame by going Christmas shopping, I'm normally the one running around on Christmas Eve looking for wrapping paper and last minute pressies!!! Although I have bought one pressie for my little girl.... She loves mermaids and has asked for the Dora mermaid doll for the bath so went out and got it the other day :) it's a start!!!
Frisky..... How are you settling into yummy mummy life??? &#10084;&#65039;
Hi girls :)

Edinburgh, sending you big hugs. I feel terrible on you going through bleeding again! Even though the hospital told you everything is fine it's only normal that you'll worry until your LO is here. Hope everything is okay for you sweetie keep us posted

Betty, hows the maca powder coming on?? I saw on FB that you were making all these healthy juices and it made me feel VERY guilty whilst tucking into my KFC. Is it supposed to make you lose weight?

Frisky, are you home now with your little man? I expect you're super busy and tired so haven't had the time to get on here yet!

I'm on CD15 today, ovulation is probably gonna be tomorrow. Been taking my temp and it hasn't risen as yet. Been so so busy. I can't quite grasp just yet the whole school routine, I'm finding that I don't have a single minute to sit down from 4am until bedtime then when I do go to bed which has been around 7am most nights all I want to do is roll over and go to sleep.
Actually I don't have a choice on that one because I physically can't keep my eyelids open haha. So naturally Mark is saying that we're like passing ships and don't spend any "us" time together anymore.

What am I supposed to do??!?! argggghhhh!!! xx
Hey ladies....not had a chance to look at everyone's posts, so forgive me for being ignorant. I'll catch up later Xx

I'm settling in fine, breastfeeding going well now :)
Oscar is amazing......I love him so much, he is perfect. I can't stop looking at him. Can't believe it's been a week.

I'm not too great, I've felt really unwell. Dizzy all the time, to the point of feeling faint. It's not tiredness, I know the difference. My tummy has been in agony, I'm not myself at all.
I went to the doctors, who had a feel around....and it seems I've got an infection in my womb. The doc says it can make you really poorly, so i be been prescribed antibiotics & bed rest. Hopefully I'll feel bbetter soon XX
Oh god frisky! I was gonna say before I read it that maybe you have an infection, I believe it's quite common after having a baby and can be agonizing :-( Just keep on bed rest having snuggles with little Oscar and you'll be right as rain in no time at all

Edinburgh any news my dear? xx
Oh Frisky, hope you feel better soon. Taking care of a little person is hard work when you're 100% never mind not well.

I'm OK. I went back to the hospital yesterday which was just as well as had another massive bleed today. The little button is fine. Less grain of rice, more baby shaped, if slightly alien. There is a wall of damaged tissue down the opposite side of my womb from the one the little one is nestled into. It's a big internal bruise they said might be a form of implantation 'damage'?? Anyway basically it's bleeding out whenever I exert myself. Not that I'm going running or anything, but picking up Mia, passing a stool - anything I have to use my abs for basically creates this big gush of red blood! They said to take it easy but it could basically keep bleeding like this for another 2-3 weeks, or I might bleed all the way through the pregnancy.

Although I've seen again that the baby's OK I think I'm a bit depressed about it all. I get so anxious now going to the bathroom and not knowing what to find. It's often like a period and a bit clotty - it's everything you shouldn't be seeing when you're pregnant and knowing it could continue so long or all the way through is just really worrying. It's not like they're offering to scan me every 2 weeks for peace of mind. Once I hit 12 weeks the Early Pregnancy Support Unit won't see me anymore. I know I should be feeling relieved but I'm so tired, I'm fighting nausea all the time and getting a bit anaemic.

Pregnancy should be this joyous exciting time, but I just feel stressed.

I'm sorry ladies, don't mean to take my downer out on you, and I know I am blessed to be pregnant. Might be time for some serious down time!

I hope you all have a great weekend.


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