7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Ps: frisky, when are you planning on moving back up north????
Awwwwh betty, your right to be nervous, it's natural. It will be fine though. Do you get results straight away?

The prescribed me some painkillers, but they aren't really helping. My course of antibiotics end on Friday. It's just annoying as I can hardly do anything, I think I did too much too soon when I came out of hospital.

Yes,I'm still breastfeeding....I think I'm going to introduce formula though when he hits 4 week's. I'm gonna stick to breastfeeding him in the day, then giving him formula in the evenings.
It may help him sleep more and it's just better for me with Joe.
Breastfeeding takes up so much time, so when Joe wants time with me, he has to wait for sometimes an hour till I've fed Oscar. It's not fair.
He doesn't moan, he's very good....but I just think it will suit my lifestyle better if he had formula in the evenings.

What do you think?

Ab....can't believe your in 3rd tri, that's crazy! It always goes faster for other people though hey? Haha

Betty, we are currently looking for a house, we have money ready and saved.....there is just nothing available at the minute! We want to be bk up north before Xmas. I can't wait now.......I want to show Oscar off to everyone! Xx
Morning lovely ladies!

Betty, I think it took about a week for the scar to heal over after my lap. It kinda feels like when you've been doing too many tummy exercises and you feel tender to touch. So going from lying down to sitting up hurt because you're using those lower muscles but you will be back to yourself in no time at all!

Is this lap to take out the cysts? What's the next step after that for you as far as assistance with TTC goes because you can't go back on the clomid if I remember rightly can you?

AB, you are so bloody organised! I have made a start on my Christmas shopping but only bought 3 or 4 presents. Gonna go mad next pay day though. Not got a frigging clue what to get Mark for Christmas! Why are men so difficult to buy for?!?!?!

I feel for you sweetie :(:( sounds like you're in an awful lot of pain. How does it manage to get infected from the inside?? I think changing to formula from week 4 will be just fine, I never breast fed because I didn't produce any milk and Evie turned out fine and dandy. Well apart from her having her crazy moments every now and then haha maybe I should have breast fed after all!

Would you feel comfortable leaving little oscar maybe with your mum for a weekend around your anniversary?? Book a spa hotel and go and have some chill out with your hubby for the weekend!

Evie is much better now, she was literally sick for about 4 hours and then she was back to normal. Mark's mum is kindly having her overnight on Saturday, we're going to go for a meal and then get back home in time for x factor with some goodies and beer :) AND I WILL GET A LIE IN YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

Frisky, yes the van driver did get through. Simon also put through the coloured girl with the big hair anddddd I can't remember the other one haha.

Simon put thru Jay(the ex marine who got injured).

I need to be organised this year. I don't want to be standing in queues or waddling round shops when heavily pregnant. Especially since both girls were early.

Frisky, hope you feel better soon. I bf the girls but wish they had been on a bottle at night as they slept right thru when they eventually did go on bottles xx
Good morning....

Good idea on the weekend away Tina, but my mum is in hospital the same weekend so it's a no go. We really need to save money too. Your right about men, they ARE so bloody hard to buy for! I'm struggling with what to get Joe too! I must say, I'm loving the fact I get to do all the Santa stuff with Oscar. Joe doesn't believe anymore, he thinks it's 'Gay' Haaa he only writes a xmas list because I make him!

I think we're just gonna get a takeaway in & some champagne!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do that with the formula feeds at night. I feel bad, but I'd have done 4 week's solely breastfeeding & he will still be getting it in the day. I have Joe to consider though. I forgot how much time breastfeeding takes up.

I'm knackered today, Oscar was up 3 times in the night. It's not bad getting up to feed, it's the whole settling him down after. He woke up at 2.30am....I fed him for half an hour...then it took another hour to get him settled & to sleep! Is that normal? The other 2 times he went straight off xxx
Tina....I'm well jel about your lie in!! Haaha

And is it wrong I have a crush on Simon Cowell???? :shrug: X
Breastfeeding is tiring. Zoe used to feed every 3 hours until she was about 3 months. She got better when she went on baby rice etc. She self weaned at 11.5 months. Zara at one point wanted fed every hour, but she was older so got put on a bottle. I had to wean her at about 16 months as it was getting too much and I was exhausted. I won't be making that mistake with this little man lol.

Frisky!!! Honestly!!! Lol, I suppose I can kinda see where you are coming from but he doesn't do it for me!! Xx
Haha I think it's his arrogance! I think he's sexy! And he has a hairy chest! Haha

Oscar was up every 2 hours last night! I'm bog eyed!
I breastfed Joe for 8 months & that drained me. It took up my life as he refused to drink from a bottle. I've made sure this time around, I've introduced a bottle to Oscar from day 1, they say not too as it confuses them....but if you leave it too long, they won't drink at all from one like Joe. Oscar is fine on both, I express milk so az can feed him. I had no help at all first time around.

How bad is this weather?? Looking through my wardrobe today and I've NO clothes for winter! It's full of maxi dressers! Deffo need some new clothes! X
Frisky, I can definitely see an attraction to Cowell, just wish he would do something with his bloody hair! I think he would look much more attractive if he let it grow out a bit and styled it messy, that could definitely work!
Takeaway and chinese sounds well good to me! We have the opportunity to go out and get rat arsed on Saturday but I'd much rather just have a quiet one and snuggle on the couch. I think that's definitely a sign that I'm getting old! I honestly can't be arsed with feeling shit the next day haha

AB, how much earlier than your due date did your LOs arrive?? I think it's probably a good idea to get everything out of the way as soon as you can haha! Have you started buying little bits and bobs for the baby?

I know what you mean Frisky about the whole santa thing, Evie is at a perfect age now where she believes that everything is magical and that santa is watching her. It was so funny the other day, she must have spilled some glitter in her bedroom without noticing and I was cleaning up and found it so I shouted her in the bedroom. I said "Evie look at this, I think Santa has been in your bedroom to inspect how clean it is ready for Christmas and he wants you to tidy up" she was amazed! AND she cleaned up!!! I FRICKIN LOVE SANTA!! hahaha

Aaaahhhh Santa. Zara was being naughty on Monday so I pretended I was on the phone to santa, she's been very good ever since!! Lol.

Zoe was born at 34+5,Zara 38+5. Yeah I have a few vests, babygro's, nappies and outfits. Still to get moses basket mattress and snowsuit/pramsuit. I'll pick up more things when I see what size he is.

Lol, my mum had the girls on sat night. We went out to Cosmo at 5, were home and snuggled on the couch for half past 6 and in bed by 10, was great xx
Morning girls.... Tina, AB! Those Santa stories are great!!! Will have to try that on my LO although every time I say to her 'Santa is watching to see if you're being a good girl' she turns round and says 'no he isn't silly!' :)

Frisky.... Breast feeding is so hard, everyone does it a divergent way to suit them and their lifestyles. One thing is certain, little oscar will be absolutely fine on formula milk :)

AF arrived for me, 5 days late. Painful as usual but hopefully this will all change after my lap, fingers and toes crossed!!!

Tina, I'm totally with you on just wanting to stay in. When we get a babysitter, I almost feel like we should use the time catching up on 'us' time and sleeping, hangovers and me don't go very well any more and I dread having one! I'm actually going out with one of my old uni friends on Saturday and she is totally wild so no doubt Sunday will be a complete write off for me!!!! All good fun hey?!?!

Happy Friday everyone xxxx
Happy friday girls!!!

The weekend is finally here woohoo :):):) Evie believes in all the Santa stuff but when I say to her "ahh Evie I think I can hear your baby doll crying upstairs" she says "mum, it's a toy! it doesn't talk!!" and looks at me like I'm ridiculously stupid haha

Sorry to hear that your AF arrived Betty, but good thing is that with any luck next cycle shouldn't be as painful for you. How are you feeling now your op is getting closer?

My AF is due in the next couple of days, a nice longer cycle as I expected :( I don't know why my ovulation date jumps around so much, any idea girls? It ranges from CD15-19

I'm going into town after work to get Evie a Disney princess fancy dress. We're going to see Disney On Ice next Friday, I managed to get front row seats right on the rink so I'm so excited to see her little face! She has no idea about it, we've managed to keep it all a secret.

Started my diet yesterday too, I put a skirt on for work yesterday and it's the first time that I've worn it and it's felt tight around my waist so that was the motivation for me to stop eating the rubbish!
I bit the bullet and weighed myself when I got home from work and I've put on 5lbs which I know can easily be lost, to be honest I thought I'd put on far more than that.

Just stocked up on some fruit and sushi so going to dine on that until we go out for tea tomorrow night to a big fat american place haha xxx
Ah Tina.... Kids say the funniest things! They are so innocent, I wish I could record everything my little girl says, she cracks me up!
I have no idea why ovulation dates jump around, mine also vary but I'm really not sure why this happens.... When is marks next app??? Have they mentioned the next steps for you???
Only 9 days to my lap, I'm not as nervous as u was but I know I will be absolutely shitting myself on the day, seriously girls, I'm such a whimp!!! I'm not looking forward to it.... Need to grow myself some balls!!!

Edinburgh, how are you? Has the bleeding eased any???
AB, it must be strange now buying boy things after having your girls! You are right to get organised sooner rather than later, you don't want little fella to be popping out while you are Christmas shopping in debenhams!!!! :)
Can you believe how close we are to Christmas, eeeeeeek!!!
Ps: Tina, I'm so jealous you are going to see disney on ice! When i went to buy some for Newcastle they had all sold out! My little girl would absolutely love it too!!! Evie will think it's amazing (as will you!!!) :)
Morning girls,

well my AF arrived yesterday (CD32), this is officially the longest my cycle has EVER been!! Gonna continue with the temping this cycle to confirm when ovulation is with it jumping around so much.

Marks next appointment is a week tomorrow!! he will have a SA and then another one exactly a week later.

We have worked out that if ovulation is late, so up to CD19 like last cycle then we should just catch it. If it happens early between CD16-17 then we will miss it because he isn't allowed any sexy time before his analysis. So I'm secretly hoping it is late again this cycle!

No idea what is going to happen next :( we're back in to see the specialist at the beginning of November where he will discuss marks SA results to see if the medication has had any effect.

I guess if it hasn't then the only other thing that will get us pregnant will be IVF. Mark thinks he is a lost cause, he's convinced that there's no way we are ever having another baby. I can't imagine how he's feeling :(:( I keep telling him that as long as there's SOME moving sperm then we have a chance, even if we have to pay 5 grand for it.


Hope everyone has a great weekend, did you all watch the x factor?? xx
Think positive Tina!!!! The medication might have done wonders for those little spermies!!! Wait till your app and see what they advise you, I have also thought about IVF and if we need to go down that route then it will have to go on a Visa card, simple as that, we don't have the cash and no way to save up in time....

I've had spotting today and pain which is unusual for me in between my cycles.... Felt pretty crap too so not sure what is going on there :( need to get fixed soon!!!

I am not watching X Factor girls, I just can't stand it anymore!!! I watch strictly and more importantly the walking dead starts again tonight WHOOP!!!!
What CD are you on Betty? Are you thinking that it's the cysts that are giving you the spotting?

Imagine if we both had IVF! we also don't have the cash if that's what it came down to but Mark's mum had money saved away from when his dad passed away so we've discussed it and said that we would ask for a loan from his mum if we needed to.

I also watch strictly and the walking dead!!! I recorded last nights episode so we will have a snuggle tonight and watch it once we have got Evie into bed.

I'm in a rage today, I'm going to see Lady Gaga next Tuesday with my sisters and we're going fancy dress. We've decided to all go dressed as a different Lady Gaga! I ordered a yellow wig off ebay about 10 days ago and it arrived yesterday, it was GINGER! I contacted the woman who I bought it off and she's sure that it's yellow even though I've sent her a picture of the ginger wig. This woman is either colour blind or seriously deluded!!! So I've opened a case against her on ebay to get my money back.

Oh no Tina! A ginger wig!!! I feel sorry for you but that us just hilarious!!!! Do you have a local market you could go and buy a cheap one from??? Or see if there are any on eBay that can do next day delivery?
I'm CD8 and I feel absolutely terrible, didn't sleep last nite and I'm so tired today, I just want to crawl back to bed. I think it's just because I'm nervous for Monday, I need to chill out a bit :(
Morning girls,

Betty, how are you feeling hun? has the spotting stopped? Sending you tonnes of good and big hugs luck for your op. I hope they manage to remove everything so you can start TTC again properly :):)

Frisky, hows your little man doing? How are you finding being a new mum again? I bet you're rushed off your little feet!

Edinburgh, you've been very quiet lately... is everything okay with the bubba? Hope you're enjoying some much needed rest with your feet up

AB, how are you my dear?

This thread has gone awfully quiet lately!! We need to vamp it back up again girls

Last day in work for me today for 2 days yessssssssssssss!!! I slept through my alarm this morning, I got out of bed 30 minutes later than normal yet still got to work earlier than I normally would, how does that work out haha?!?!

We're off to Disney On Ice tonight, Evie knows that she is getting a surprise but she doesn't know what it is. Just can't wait to finish work and see her little face! xxx
Aaaahhh Evie will be so excited. I can't wait to take the girls, prob wait another couple of years.
I'm ok, choked with the cold and making me feel crap. Baby is doing lots of wriggles and jabs which is great.

Not long now til your next appt Tina!

Betty, good luck for next week.

Edinburgh, how are you doing?

Frisky, hows the little family? Xx

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