7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Oh no Edinburgh, how scary to have bleeding again...I hope it's eased off. Of course your going to worry.
I felt quite down through alot of my pregnancy due to worry that he would be ok. I'm sure if you talk to a midwife, they will closely monitor you. If you request it, tell them your anxieties. Even if it's just to have a listen in to little ones heartbeat every other week. And I hope your not running around stupid at work, have you told them yet?

Betty, how's the juice plus going? Your juicing looks fab, I want to do it.
Tina, when's your lady gaga gig??

I'm on my first solo shift with Oscar tomorrow as Az is working.

Wish me luck!!!Xxx
Morning ladies,
Edinburgh, glad baby is ok but sorry you are bleeding. I totally understand the worrying. I have only started to feel better now that my baby moves a lot, but then worry if he is having a lazy few hours. I agree with Frisky, have a word with the midwife.

Frisky, glad you and Oscar are settling back in at home. Sorry you have an infection, hope your antibiotics kick in quick. I'm sure you'll be fine when Az is at work, and you'll have Joe to help.

Tina, hope you get a nice lie in this weekend and that you and Mark get to spend some time together.

Betty, going to have to look into this juicing that everyone keeps talking about, sounds good but I love food lol xx
Hi ladies.....

Edinburgh, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this! You must be worried sick, you will have to try and look after yourself as best you can and rest as often as you can. Like everyone else said, talk to your midwife and tell them how concerned you are. Hopefully they can give you the extra support you need..... We are all here for you my lovely ❤️

Frisky, how you feeling? Are the antibiotics working for you? I'm hoping you are not in too much pain, it's awful straight after you give birth but hopefully you will be back to 'normal' soon (if there is such thing as normal after having a baby!!!) how is that beautiful boy of yours??? He looks absolutely perfect you must be so thrilled!!!!

Tina, really don't know how you are doing everything you are doing. It makes my head spin just thinking about it! Have you had any :sex: during your window? God, that would just be the last thing on my mind after getting up at 4am!!!

AB, how are you my lovely? Has your little girl settled into nursery ok? My little girl has been out on the 'thinking chair' (aka the naughty chair) twice in one week and she has lost 2 school cardigans too, arghhhhhhhhhh!!!

Girls, I'm feeling bloody fab! Have been juicing for just over two weeks and I can't believe how it makes you feel. I have loads of energy! I have lost weight which I did need but I am doing it more long term to feel better! The maca powder is going well, I don't think I have been using it long enough to see results so hopefully after a few more weeks I will notice the difference! So far so good! Frisky, are you gonna do juice plus once you're feeling better? We might meet up at one if the conventions!!! That would be amazing!!!
Hi ladies,
How are you all?
Betty, Zoe loves nursery, goes in without any bother. Was actually upset that she doesn't go on weekends lol xx
Morning girls,

Edinburgh that's amazing news that everything is okay with your LO, I think we take for granted sometimes that rest is such an important factor in life! As much as your life may be go go go at the minute you need to step back and take some time out :)

Frisky, how's the infection clearing up? Are you starting to feel any better?

Betty, that's great news about the maca! I want to look it up but I wouldn't know where to start. How much weight have you lost in 2 weeks? I desperately need to get back into some kind of healthy eating regime. I feel like I'm letting myself go again and getting back into that routine of eating rubbish.
We have managed to get a couple of jiggy nights in but to be honest I feel like my cycle is totally messed up this month because I have been getting up at 4am along with feeling run down and stressy

Last month I ovulated around CD16, today is CD19 and I'm SURE I haven't ovulated... My boobs aren't sore, I'm still getting watery EWCM and I haven't had any ovulation cramps. Though my fertility friend chart is saying that I have ovulated. I don't think my temps look risen enough to suggest ovulation myself.. What do you think???

Hello I'm here!!!!! How is everyone? I'm getting the train to work today so I have the next 35 mins of peace and quiet!!! Whoop!

Tina, how are you? Sorry but I'm useless at reading charts! I have only ever done opks and even then i still didn't know when I ovulated!! I think that your body is bound to be all over the place as seen as you are in a new routine, how are the early mornings? You're like a superhero mummy!!! I don't know how you do it!
Edinburgh, how are you? Has the bleeding stopped!? I hope you're taking it easy :hug:
Frisky, oscar is just totally adorable and you look amazing! How is it being a new yummy mummy??? ❤️

I can't believe it's Wednesday already! Where is the time going? We are in October!!!! Eeeeek! 19 days to my laparoscopy, gulp!!!
I'm totally in the zone with my clean eating and juice plus.... I want to be able to recover from this op ASAP and make sure my body heals so we can start TTC very soon! I want to be knocked up by Christmas!!! Big ask I know, we have to reach for the sky!!! I haven't got on the scales yet Tina, knowing my weight always freaks me out! I was always so thin before I had viv but have not been able to shake off this extra weight I've carried since having her. I'm gonna weigh myself on Friday and see if it has made a difference. I certainly look and feel different which I think is more important! AND! Me and all my friends are going out in Durham on Saturday night.... I'm so excited! I haven't been disco dancing in ages! Whoop!!! ��������
Ladies! I'm here....I've just not caught up on posts! I'll be on here later! I just didn't want to leave a half hearted reply!! I've not abandoned you!

Speak soon my lovelies! Xx
Betty, dancing in Durham sounds brill!! I need a good night out, I've planned to go out with the girls on the 18th so I'm hoping that goes ahead but more often than not our planned nights out get cancelled because someone can't make it.

How do I go about juicing then Betty? Do you have juice for brekki and lunch then something healthy for tea? I think I might give it a go. Need to start my pre-crimbo diet shortly then I can pig out for 2 weeks over the festive period.

Has anyone got the manchester christmas markets page on facebook?? They open in about 4 weeks time eeeekkk though I don't think it's acceptable to be going really until December arrives.

I completely think that fertility friend got my ovulation date wrong. I think I ovulated on CD19 which would be 3 days later than last cycle and would put us out of the running this month I reckon... just completely haven't had the energy to BD this cycle. I've been getting into bed at about 7.30 and Evie is still wide awake running in and out of our bedroom so we can't exactly get jiggy then I wake at 4am and Mark is zonked out.

only 4 more weeks to go anyway until mark's next SA tests to find out if his meds have worked! eeekkk xxx
Hi everyone.... What's going on? Everyone is so quiet!!! Frisky, we let you off as you're obviously in yummy mummy mode xxx

Tina, what CD are you on now??? Have your temps evened out a bit? Are you still exhausted? I'm loving juicing.... It's really working for me! I have a juice plus smoothie for my brekkie with fruits and then one at about 11.45am with kale, cucumber, kiwi and pineapple. Then I have a light meal at about 3.30pm like cucumber, tomatoes, feta, avocado and then a proper 'clean' (unprocessed) tea. It's been really easy and fits into my new daily routine and I have SO much energy!?!? I never thought that would happen! Oh, and I've lost 8lbs :) happy mummy!!!!

I was out with my friends last night, we had such a good time, really needed a good night out :)

Edinburgh, what is going on honey? Is everything ok with little bean??? Hope you're feeling better my lovely..

Frisky, how are you??? Are you delirious yet????? Xxxxx
Ps: I'm on CD33 and still no sign of AF..... Not pg but my cycles are getting longer!!!! What's going on?!?!?!
Betty I feel your pain about cycles getting longer, for some reason my ovulation date was 3 days later this cycle meaning my AF will be later... I'm on CD26 today, deffo not pregnant not feeling anything out of the ordinary in the slightest. Expecting my AF in about 5/6 days.
I'm so tempted to give this juicing a go!! Today is supposed to be day 1 of eating healthily and getting back on the atkins.. hmmm we will see how it goes!

Edinburgh, any more news at your end?? is all still well??

AB how are you feeling? Any more scans coming up?

Evie is sick this morning, she woke up with tummy cramps and has been throwing up since :(:( good thing is that Mark is off for a week now so at least there is someone off work with her. She wanted her mummy though, it's awful leaving them when all they need is mummy cuddles.

Has anyone been watching x factor?? There's been some shocking decisions I think! I think Mel has the winner xxx
Oh no Tina! Poor Evie, what's brought that on? I hate leaving my baby when she is poorly, they always want their mummy :( hopefully it's just a 24 hour thing and she will be fine by tmrw.... Do you get up every morning at 4.30am? I don't know how you manage it! I went to bed at 9.30pm last night which is super early for me, I was awake most of the night and when I did sleep I was having nightmares!!! :(
Tina.... Why don't you try clean eating for a week and see how you get on with that? Then you can start incorporating some juicing into your daily routine???
How is everyone else today??? ITs cold and miserable where I am :(
Hello ladies, sorry for the absenteeism! Feeling a bit better yesterday and today, not quite as sick, although when I'm off work and not having to do computers and buses etc I do think I do better than on working days. Took today off as annual leave and had my booking appointment this morning. They weren't too fussed about my anxiety levels on account of the bleeding and were just like 'Yeah, we'll see you in 6 weeks'. I've got some friends from Finland and Germany and they've been just horrified at how little we see of our midwives here. They have a scan and checkup basically once a month from week 4-20 and then even more often.

Bleeding has eased a bit this week and the midwife says I should start swimming and doing yoga again. Basically said if I want a homebirth to get as fit as possible. The whole hospital experience was shit for me last time.

No other news really. Still no energy really and not enough hours in the day. My house is a tip and it's starting to get to me. Mia has settled a bit at nursery now and she's talking more and more which I'm really glad about. She was very quick to walk (and climb) but prefers communication with her hands. Want to get her talking so we can think about potty training. Really want her out of nappies before the next one arrives.

OK, gonna do some housework before I have to go pick up the boy and baby. Have a good week...
Edinburgh, it's good to know that you're feeling a little better! Even if it is only by a tiny bit it's better than feeling worse isn't it! I think our antenatal care in the UK is poor, 2 scans in 40 weeks?!?! I paid for 2 private scans with Evie to put my mind at rest. I remember my mother in law saying to me a little while ago that when she was pregnant with my husband... so 32 years ago... there were no scans at all! It was simply a matter of hope that your bump grows and bobs your uncle! IMAGINE THAT!!! Maybe women in those days were much more laid back then we are now haha

Betty, I actually get up at 4am every day :-( Evie woke half an hour after I woke up yesterday. I was half way through applying my eye liner when I heard her throwing up, lovely smudgy eye haha. It is so tiring.. I feel drained like all of the time now and our sex life has completely gone out of the window apart from the baby making time because I fall asleep at like 7pm most evenings. Hopefully I will fall pregnant soon and I can have a nice 9 months off!

We won't be able to try now until December, Mark has his next sperm analysis tests at the end of october which will mean no sex for 10 days because he has 2, 5 days apart. So we will completely miss the November ovulation grrrr

Looks like it's going to be a new year new start for us TTC and hopefully with a solution to our problem! xxx
Morning girls... Edinburgh, good to hear from you... It's totally shocking that the midwives are being so laid back about your bleeding?!?? Did you bleed like this with Mia??? It's so frustrating, you must be past yourself. I know it's easier said than done but you're gonna have to try and take it easy.... Do you normally do yoga? Might be a good way to relax.... Keep us updated!!! How many weeks are you now?

Tina, god! 4am starts.... That's a killer. How is Evie now? Any better?
Looks like we both will be starting TTC again in the new year! How has this happened? We are going to be in 2015! I've been TTC since 2012, that's soooooo depressing! AF arrived this morning, CD 34 (5 days late) 13 days till my laparoscopy...... :)
Tina.... How long did it take you to recover from your lap? I'm taking 2 weeks off work.
Morning ladies.
Hope you are all well.
Not much going on here, baby goes crazy a few times a day and makes my bump jump around. 3rd tri today, I can't believe it!! Next scan 30th oct to see if I will be able to get a home birth.

Almost finished my Christmas shopping, spent a small fortune on sat. Looks like its mostly going to be a Disney Christmas in our house this year, lol, between Frozen and princesses xx
Morning everyone, how are we?

My bloody kindle is being a right tit! Keeps freezing when I go on it....I've only caught up on the last page here as it won't let me read the others!! I did message you on fb to tell you I hadn't abandoned ship! But I don't think you have messanger.

Betty sorry Af got you! It's annoying when your cycles change. Where are we up to with you? When is your lap?

Tina, New year New start hey? Let your hair down over Xmas then get bk to it! Can't believe it's nearly Xmas!

Ab, can't believe you have done your Xmas shopping....this makes me feel slightly sick as I've not even thought about it! I love Xmas, but I've got so much on my mind with us wanting to move, I've had no time to think about shopping. I've no idea what to get Joe either, he's at an awkward age.

Edingburgh, how are you now? I hope your feeling better? Have you told work yet? How many weeks are you now?

I'm sooooo tired, to be expected though. Az is back at work, so I'm in full solo shift mode! I'm trying to catch up on sleep in the day.
My scar isn't healing well, I'm on another course of antibiotics.....the pain is unbearable. The doctor Said the internal scar is infected. It just seems to be getting worse, I can hardly move. I have a midwife coming on Thursday, so I'm going to hang on and speak to her as I can't even get to the doctors.

Tina, who went through in Simons group on X factor? I like the van driver, can't remember his name, he's well fit too! I said to az, he will win it
.but not sure if he made it through!

It's my 2 year wedding anniversary a week on Friday, I need help girls....what can I get for Az???? Xx
Oh my god AB, 3rd tri already???? Where has the time gone??? That's scary! I hope you can have your home birth, that would be so lovely.... I can't believe you're all done for Christmas, arghhhhhhhhh!!! I have got 3 presents and I thought I was amazing starting so early! :) love Christmas but hate the stress x

Frisky, bless you, infection does not sound good! What painkillers can you take? (Are you still breast feeding?) I really hope tat the antibiotics work for you, you must be in horrendous pain! Sending you a big :hug: ps: think you have given az the best present he could ever wish for, lol!!!!
My lap is in 13 days on 20th October, I know it's stupid but I'm really nervous! Need to man up a bit! ����

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