7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Afternoon Girls,

Edingburgh, I wouldn't worry about the 6lb you have gained, as long as your feeling ok your keeping your strength up. I think sometimes the nausea feeling is actually worse than throwing up, it's horrible. You must be relived the bleeding has stopped & your at the 12 week's stage.

I think I'll try that with the blanket tonight, your so right....the worst part for me is actually getting him back off to sleep. I'm still breastfeeding....I can't bring myself to stop, I feel guilty. He does have the odd formula feed though. Aaron wants me to stop b.feeding now as it's making my sugars drop &he worries as I'm on my own. I think I'm just gonna have to do it...He's feeding like every hour, 2 hours tops & he's 5 week's now.
In desperation the other night, I gave him a bottle of the hungry milk to make him sleep longer. He slept for 3 hours, but he was poorly yesterday, his tummy was sore & he was really whiney. I've since found out you shouldn't give it breastfed babies as it can upset their tums...So I now feel massively guilty :(

My scar hasn't healed, I'm still on antibiotics which is pissing me off as I feel I'm taking a step back, I just want to feel normal again.
But Oscar is amazing, I love him so much.

Tina, how was lady G?? You looked fab! Even in your wig! Loved that photo on facebook x

Ab, your Prince will soon be with us, it's flying by. :)

Betty....I've been thinking of you all morning, I hope your ok and hanging in there Xx let us know how it went :hugs: Xx
Hi girls... Just to update you, hospital have called to confirm that I'm having a miscarriage which is only what I suspected :(
I'm taking the positive out of this, I can get pregnant and that's a great start! I really think that me juicing, being healthy and certainly using maca powder has had a lot to do with it. I now need to wait for a new date for my lap and then we can start again. I feel totally ok with it. Onwards and upwards xxxx

Frisky.... I didn't realise that formula milk could effect a baby who is having breast milk? I alternated with viv when she was a baby, she had breast milk during the day and hungry baby formula on the night to try and get her to sleep longer. You will find a routine that works, he is still only teeny. What has your health visitor suggested you do??? Can you express during the day so that az can give him the boobie milk from a bottle and you can get some rest??? If the breast feeding is affecting your sugar levels you really need to find a way where you are making sure YOU are ok!!! I would try and speak to your midwife/health visitor for some advise.... Make sure you take care of yourself xxxx

Girls, I just want to thank you all for being so amazing.... I really don't know what I would do without you, it makes this process so much easier knowing we are all in this together.... Love you all :hug:

Sorry to hear that Betty, I have been checking all day for an update. At least, like you said, you managed to fall pregnant. Hopefully it won't be long until you are carrying your rainbow. Sorry you are having to go through this again.

Frisky, you need to speak to someone. You don't want to be collapsing, especially if you are alone with Oscar. You have done well to bf him this far xx
Morning girls,

sorry for being AWOL for a couple of days, I had a mad Tuesday then spent the whole of yesterday being hungover on the couch but it was GREAT!! Mark took Evie to school, I slept in until 11.30am which I haven't done in forever :):)

Betty, it is a shitty situation that you're going through a miscarriage but I completely second what everyone is saying, this is a breakthrough really showing that your body IS ovulating naturally and you CAN conceive. Do you have any idea on how long you will be waiting for a lap date? I genuinely believe that once your lap is out of the way and your body has healed that you will have no problem falling pregnant again :)

Frisky, thank you for your lovely words! I decided on the ginger wig in the end, how friggin indecisive can one woman be haha! I had the best night, though felt seriously self concious going out in hotpants and fishnet tights haha
Hows little oscar doing? He is one seriously gorgeous little boy. Every picture you post on facebook has me cooing for ages at him. I second what Betty said though, can you not express your booby milk now and let aaron take over so that you can rest up? I know we have this maternal instinct to do everything for our LOs but sometimes we need to let daddy take control so mummy can get her energy back and be an even better mummy!

Edinburgh, YESSSS for being over 12 weeks! I can only imagine how insanely relieved you must be feeling that you've reached that point and the bleeding has stopped. Your little bubba must be snuggled into your uterus nicely :):) Have you decided on whether you're going to find out the sex?

Well girls Mark had his first of 2 SA tests on Tuesday, eeek we're half way there towards knowing whether this tamoxifen has raised his sperm motility. One more test to go on Tuesday then it's another waiting game until we see the consultant at the beginning of Nov. Hopefully we will have an answer one way or the other as to what our next step should be.

Is anyone off work with the kiddies over half term? I've got one more 4am get up and then a lovely 9 days off!!! xxx
Tina.... That's great that mark has had his first lot of tests, you will soon have answers which is great!!! When will you go in to actually discuss the results???
I can't believe you slept in till 11.30!!! How amazing, I can't remember the last time I had a lie in! :)
I booked 2 weeks off work as holidays to cover my operation recovery so I'm off all next week too! I'm planning on meeting up with friends who I haven't seen in ages :)

Tina, you're right, I'm totally taking the positive out if this. If I can get pregnant through all the endometriosis, adhesions, cysts etc then surely once I've had a good 'clean out' down there then we are good to go!!! Here's hoping xxx

Happy Friday everyone xxx
Hello ladies.... How is everyone????
Tina, are you enjoying your time off work? Hope you are making the most of not getting up at stupid o'clock!!!
Well my consultant has been on the phone to discuss moving forward after the MC and he has told me that they need to investigate why I've had two consecutive miscarriages. I have to go for some blood tests to test how my blood clots?!?! And he is going to do a hystescopy while doing the laparoscopy as I have a fibroid in my uterus and this may be the problem! He has given me a new date for the laparoscopy which is 11th Nov, 2 weeks!!!! BUT, I have to have a period before the lap otherwise they can't do it, so now I'm desperate for AF! I've been reading up on parsley tea to bring on AF, anyone heard of this? I've started a thread on the MC forum to see if anyone has any advice.... Herbs hey?!?! Aren't they amazing!!! X

What's everyone up to??? Edinburgh, have you had your 12 week scan? Xx
Morning girls! Betty that's great news about a date for your lap! I haven't heard anything about herbs that can bring on AF, do you have any idea when you're expecting her to show??

I'm having a lovely time off, managed to fit in some Christmas shopping yesterday and have lunch with my 2 sisters. Only just getting started on the shopping though! Got so much to buy argghhh!!! Has anyone else made a good start of it?

We missed ovulation as I expected, it happened 2 days ago and we're only permitted to DTD from today onwards. Good thing though is all marks tests are out of the way so we're just waiting on next Tuesday to arrive now so we can discuss the results!

Oh Tina..... That's great that you will have the results on Tuesday!!! Are you both going in to discuss everything??? I know it's a bummer that you have missed OV this month but hopefully you will get some answers and be able to put a plan in place xx

My AF should be here next friday (7th nov) but I don't know if she will be late due to the MC, I really want to get in and get this done so don't want to miss this date! Apparently parsley infused water can bring on AF, I was reading about it last night, it is also used to bring on 'miscarriage/abortion' I found this highly distressing reading that people actually use this to get rid of an early pregnancy! And here we are, desperate for a pregnancy!!!
Betty that's life for you! It's a big fat pain in the arse!!! Do you normally have any little warning signs before she shows? I normally have cramping about 3 days before her due date

Yes we're both going to the appointment, I know if I left it to mark he wouldn't take everything in and it'd be one of those moments where he gives the briefest of details when I ask what was discussed!

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN by the way ladies!! Is anyone doing anything fun today? I sti haven't carved Evie's pumpkin so that's the first job of the day once I've had my sausage on toast and a brew! We're going to do the trick or treat thing early because there's a party tonight at a pub near to where my parents live for the kids!

Frisky, AB, Edinburgh... How's everyone doing? Xxx
Quick update.
Been for growth scan and as long as baby stays cooking until 37 weeks I can have a home birth. Don't know if I mentioned that we had a change of heart on his name, lol well I did! He is now going to be called Frazer Jack.

Hope af comes soon Betty

Hope Marks appointment goes well Tina and that the drugs have worked.

Frisky, hope your little family is good.

Happy Halloween. Taking girls trick or treating tonight then we are having a little Halloween/fireworks party for them tomorrow night xx
Hi girls.... How is everyone???
AB, that's fantastic news!!!! Looks good for you to have your home birth! I'm so pleased for you.... God, not long to go now! Where is the time going?
Tina..... Good luck today getting marks results, I hope you get some good news. Keep us posted as soon as you can....

Frisky has said sorry for her absence but she cannot get on here due to her internet access and she is also in the process of moving back up north.... She will be back on her once she is all settled in her new home :)

Still waiting for my AF to show. Went to extreme measures last night and put a parsley pessary up my fu fu, yes, you heard it right! I had a sprig of parsley up my tut all bloody night! The things you have to do!!! If she doesn't arrive today/tonight I'm going to have to call the hospital tmrw to rearrange my operation date (so gutted, I just want to get in and get it done, I'm so sick of waiting!!!!)
Keep your fingers crossed that she arrives today for me xxxx
Thanks Betty.

Hope af shows soon for you so you can get your op done.

Tina,hope the results are good today xx
Betty hahahah that has brightened up my day with your parsley story! Can I suggest something? Have you tried some good old fashioned sex? I've always found that if we DTD around the day my period is due that it brings it on a day or so sooner... maybe because of the friction around your cervix as crude as that sounds! Crossing my fingers for you that she shows sweetie :):)

Our appointment is at 3.30pm so I will make sure to come on as soon as we're out (hopefully with some fabulous news that the meds have worked!!)

I saw on FB that frisky is moving up north, I bet she is over the moon but also sad for Joe because he has made friends :-( It's good to have a new start though as a family, and she will be closer to her friends and family so happy days all around!

Tina.... Any news???? Hope everything went ok for you.... Let us know when you can xxxx

I've had an emotional day, after the parsley up my fu fu all night and copious amounts of parsely tea and ginger no sign of AF so looks like I'm going to have to cancel the op next week :( very sad face! Tina, I'm having one last ditch attempt tonight so we are going to :sex: and I've done 2 gym classes, hot bath and another sprig of parsley up my woo woo for good measure!
It was my first day back at work and I nearly broke down in tears twice. Once when a couple came in, they had just been for their first baby scan and were gushing over the images, I nearly burst into tears on the spot. Then another family came in and they were on the phone to friends/family telling them that his wife had just had a baby boy.... I was so emotional!

What's everyone else up to? Edinburgh, how are you my lovely??? Hope everything is ok with little bean! Xxx
Sorry you had an emotional day
Hugs to you.
Lol at your efforts to start af. I thought you meant a parsley suppository hahaha xx
No AB.... I'm talking a fresh bunch of parsley!!! Lots of fun getting it actually in there! Seriously, the things you have to do! Chris thinks I'm absolutely bonkers!!! :)
Fingers crossed she arrives tonight!!!! X
Lol, I hope it works for you! ! Does sound a bit bonkers but hey, if it works xx
Morning girls,

sorry I didn't reply last night I had a nightmare night because our bloody boiler has gone and given up! No heating = a stressful Tina and a shivering 4 year old :-(

So back to the appointment.... Marks motility had risen to 25% (meaning that 25% of his sperm are moving really quickly). 25% is the lowest normal level so he's now considered "normal" but still not brilliant. The consultant has suggested that we try Clomid but because we already have a child he said that it wouldn't be free on the NHS so it'd be £260 for a private consultation and then however much the Clomid is...

Betty you've had Clomid, I kind of feel at a dead end. I ovulate, my tubes are all clear, I have no known ovulatory problems so what good would clomid do??

He said to try that for 3 months and if still no luck then our last resort would be IVF.

I wouldn't be able to start Clomid until next cycle anyway because my AF is due in 2/3 days and it has to be taken at the start of your cycle doesn't it?

My head feels quite messy :(

Any sign of this god damn period Betty?? Did the rumpy pumpy bring it on? haha

Just done some research this morning on clomid effects on women who ovulate naturally....

Clomid is also frequently used to stimulate extra follicles to develop in the ovaries of women that already ovulate without medications.

In these cases the hope is that there will be an improvement in the chance for getting pregnant by increasing the number of follicles developing in the ovaries - and therefore the number of eggs releasing. This is called controlled ovarian hyperstimulation or superovulation.

so.... our consultant wants me to take Clomid to try and release more eggs in which case if we did fall pregnant it could result in multiples!?!? xx
Tina..... That's great news that the drugs have worked!!! Although you ovulate fine they will prescribe you clomid so that you release more eggs to have a better chance of one of marks swimmers getting to them so there is a chance of multiples.
How are you feeling after your app??? I'm surprised they are making you pay for a consultation??? You need to ask them if you are going to be ministered on clomid as this is really important so you can see how many follicles you have produced (you don't want to end up with quads!!!) have they given you more info or do you have to go back???? X

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