7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Thanks Tina.... I'm getting myself really stressed about it! I can't eat as I feel so sore and full! Sorry to rant on.... I've called the doctor, waiting for them to call me back.
I'm sure it's not an infection as the pain would be constant wouldn't it? When I get the pain I feel so ill and sick, I just want to throw up! God, this is awful :( I'm CD36 today, still have cramps low down and in my back. I'm sure the doctor will tell me to wait for my lap......

Tina, I'm glad you haven't had any side effects from the clomid... I bet you can't wait to get down to it!!! When is AF next due for you? Will you test or just wait??
Just been to the doctors.... He said it has nothing to do with my cysts or the miscarriage and said that after 3 weeks the miscarriage will be 'dead and buried' he actually said those exact words!!! He also suggested that I didn't have a laparoscopy as that can only cause more adhesions and more problems and that I should just keep trying to have a baby.... I feel worse now!!! I know he is wrong but really??? Did I need to hear all that?
He has prescribed me omeprazole to stop the acid in my stomach..... Totally feel in the dumps! :(
What a waste of space the NHS are!!! I'm not a doctor or anything but even I know that your pain isn't being caused by an "acidy stomach" REALLY??? there's clearly something more going on.... I think you definitely need a lap, I've had a lap and had no problems getting pregnant afterwards. I'M ANGRRRYYYYY!!!

What are you going to do now Betty? Do you have a consultant at the hospital? If so maybe you could call and see if the symptoms that you're experiencing are normal?

These days a doctor will prescribe you anything just to give you a solution and get you out of the door.

What an inconsiderate prick too, HELLO!!! you've just lost a baby!!! To refer to it being dead and buried is fu**ing horrible! You should have gone down there and smacked him one haha

Sending my love sweetie :( I hope you're feeling better soon

My AF isn't due for another 4 weeks or so, I'm almost finished this one now and then it'll be count down to ovulation in about 10 days time! I'm actually excited about this cycle

Just catching up. Betty what an insensitive arsehole of a doctor. I would complain. I am sure that he could've found a nicer way of putting it!! I am so angry for you right now.
Sorry, I don't have any advice for your pain, only time I have been like that it was trapped wind or bad constipation.
Hope you feel better soon.

Tina, hope the clomid works for you.

Frisky, hope you have all settled in xx
Hi girls.... Sometimes you don't know which way to run, I think I should have maybe just called the ARU dept and asked for their advice, either way I need something to stop this hideous pain.... It's much much worse on a night, I'm not so bad now, it just feel is like I have something stuck above my tummy (like an alien!!!) will try the omeprazole tonight to see what happens (bloody paid for it now!!!) I'm not angry with the doctor, they all have their different opinions on what works and this doctor has no idea of my history so how could he possibly give me any advice?!?! Won't be long before I have my op date.... :)

Tina.... 4 weeks is nothing!!! I'm really excited for you! It's a huge step towards getting that BFP!!!! Come on, let's get our BFPs!!! Whoop!!!
Morning girls!

Betty, did you manage a better night's sleep last night? Did the meds make a difference?

My period is just about gone, YES!!! God what I'd give to be pregnant just so I don't have to have horrendous pains for 48 hours every month.
I'm on a short day in work today, I'm only in until 10. It was hardly worth coming in really. It's Evie's parents evening tonight so the school is finishing early at 1pm.

I'm gonna finish at 10, go home and snuggle on the couch until quarter to 1 I think ahhhhh bliss! xxx
Oh Tina..... That sounds wonderful!!! Wish I was still at home on my sofa!
Yes, the mess helped however I still feel I have some 'pressure' in my stomach, can't really describe it other than I'm uncomfortable and feel 'full'.... Called the hospital yesterday to see if I have a date yet but no one has called me back yet :( I'm sure they're really busy but I just want to know!

Wouldn't it be nice to not have a period for a year!!!!? Hopefully soon Tina!!! Have you finished taking the clomid now? Any side effects yet? Hopefully you won't have any my lovely xx
Glad that you're feeling a little better! a little better is better than feeling worse I suppose :)

I still have 1 more clomid tablet to take tomorrow then it's the waiting game. Not really having any side effects. The only odd thing I've noticed is that I am going for a wee a lot... could totally not be down to the clomid though.

right gotta shoot I'm off to pick my little munchkin up

catch you later xx
Let us know how Evie's parents evening went..... I'm sure she will get a glittering report!!! :)
Good morning lovely ladies :):)

Evie's parents evening went "okay" Betty. Some good points to take from it and some bad
Evie has a problem with accepting that sometimes she can't have things/do things/be in control when she wants to. She's always had an issue with sharing with other kids. I think it's probably because she's an only child and has never had to share before so she takes her anger our by hitting the other kids. So they've put a behaviour plan in place and she is improving so that's good!

She also said that she picks things up really quickly, she's getting a good grasp on letters and sounds and that we should be proud of ourselves because she's a polite and loving little girl.

How are you feeling today chick?

I take my last clomid tablet this morning eeek! xxx
Countdown is now on for you Tina!!!! When are you starting to 'get it on'??? Eeeeeek, this is all very exciting!

Personally I think that all kids are like that (well all kids I know!) my little girl has issues with sharing and she also likes to be in control.... Don't let anyone take that away from her Tina, I believe in allowing children to develop their own ways, obviously as long as they don't beat the shit out of other kids!
Funny story... Yesterday at nursery viv and two other children went into the toilet and emptied all the soap from the soap dispensers onto the floor and then cleaned the floor using all the paper towels, they then disposed of all the paper towels down the toilets which flooded/blocked all the nursery toilets! Now, I know she wouldn't have done this just for the sake of being naughty.... She would have thought it was a good idea to clean up! I thought it was funny but my sister, who is the deputy head of the school and who picked her up yesterday, didn't find it amusing!!!! Kids eh???

I'm just at the hospital waiting to see the urologist.... Still no sign of AF and I'm CD 38 now.... I guess there is no rush as I was told yesterday that my operation won't be until W/C 8th dec :( oh well, what can you do?!?!??

the 8th of Dec will be here before you know it! It's less than a month away.. actually it's 25 days away!!! I wonder where the hell your period is! What did the hospital say?

The consultant said to start BDing from CD10 whilst taking OPKs. He said on the day that I get a positive OPK I must make sure that we do the dance on that day. Common sense really!

that story about little viv cracked me up! I can just imagine all the kids on the floor with soapy knees thinking they're doing an amazing job and that everyone will be proud of them haha ahhhhh <3 <3 Evie does things to try and help all the time. She won't let me pour her a glass of juice, she has to pour it herself, which ends up with more juice on the floor than in the glass but you've got to let them have a go!

I'm worried actually that the school are trying to turn her into a prim and proper little girl. I like that she has a little quirky side and that she isn't afraid to go out and get what she wants. I'd rather that than her be timid and afraid.

I'm off to get my extensions fitted after work, I can't wait eeeekkk. Evie keeps saying that I'm getting rapunzel hair haha xx
Tina I totally agree! Don't let the school change her! My sister is a teacher so I am in no way calling teachers but I think sometimes they want all kids to be exactly the same.... I want my child to reach for the sky and believe anything is possible, she can only do this if she believes in herself, people putting her down and telling her she is doing wrong will only knock her confidence. Viv is only 3, I say let them be 3 and enjoy life! It's the one time they have no worries.... Let kids be kids :) I really am a hippy, I would prefer her to be home schooled but I want her to also be able to be with other kids and enjoy the same things that they are doing!

Urologist couldn't believe I've only just been referred with everything that is going on.... I have to have a scan of my bladder and kidneys and a cystoscopy where they put a camera into the bowel and check that all is ok.... So nothing major there :)

Hope you get to have a lovely relax at the hairdressers Tina.... Or should I say rapunzel!!!! :) :) :)
HaPpY fRiDaY eVeRyOnE!!

the weekend is finally here wahoo, it feels good.

Betty I knew that the hospital would say that, who in their right mind thinks that it is an acidy stomach haha. So did they give any indication of when these tests will be carried out? I know it all seems terribly scary but just think how worth it all it will be when your insides are working how they should be and you get that much longed for BFP!

I got my long hair, I adore it <3<3 it took like over 2 hours to fit which was getting irritating by the end but every penny was worth it.

What's everyone doing this weekend? I need to go into town at some point, it's my sister's 21st birthday next weekend so I could do with finding something to wear because we're off out for mucho drinkies! Apart from that... a snuggly weekend staying in my pyjamas as much as I possibly can

Morning girls,

hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Back to work this morning BOOOOO!!! :(:( Didn't do much over the weekend, went shopping to find something to wear for Friday and failed miserably.

CD10 today for me, ovulation is expected in about 4-5 days time. Time to start that baby dancing. I need to buy some OPKs today too before I forget!

Sorry for being AWOL all weekend, had a pretty hectic weekend but was so much fun!!!

Tina, I LoVe your new hair! Looks amazing :) how are you feeling after the clomid? Any side effects yet??? Not long now before you can get at it!!! :sex:

I'm CD42 today and no sign of AF ;arghhhhhhhgggg!!! Also, this is defo TMI but I have a thick (quite yellow) CM, no itching or discomfort, do you think I have an infection after the miscarriage???
Still haven't heard from the hospital re: my new date, girls, it's gonna be the week before Christmas I just know it! I really don't want to be laid up in bed over Christmas and spoil it for my little girl, I will be so sad if this is the case :(
Thank you Betty! I love my hair but it's seriously heavy. I've had a niggly headache since I got them fitted but I'm hoping it's going to subside soon. Pain is beauty is definitely the case this time haha!

I feel fine after the clomid, no side effects at all. I've had cramping since last night like pre-ovulation achey cramps so I'm expecting it to happen in the next couple of days.

Regarding the discharge, if it isn't normal for you then I'm guessing you will have some kind of infection. See your doctor before it gets any worse, I think a round of antibiotics should clear it up.
I hope your date for the lap isn't close to Christmas :( I'll be crossing my fingers for you that it isn't! Nobody wants to be going through that at Christmas time. If they did say it was the week before Christmas would you ask for it to be re-arranged or just get it out of the way and hope for the best that you're not in too much pain?

What did you get upto at the weekend? xx
Just took my first OPK of this cycle CD11 negative, only testing so early because the consultant said to test from 10DPO in case the clomid makes me ovulate earlier than normal xx
Tina..... I ovulated about 3 days early on clomid so keep testing!!!!
The CM seems to have eased off today and I have no other symptoms so maybe it's normal after a MC (can't remember after my first MC) still no sign if AF, bloody typical!!!! I don't think I can re-arrange although if I feel that they wouldn't mind I may ask for the first week in jan.... No word from the hospital so god knows when it's going to be!!!

Shame you are getting headaches but you are right! Beauty is pain!!!! I'm sure it will subside soon, you are just getting used to them :)

I've had viv at the walk in centre today, she was so poorly today. They think it's just viral but she was asleep most of the day and is asleep in bed now which is just not like her at all, and she is complaining of tummy pains but really low down.... Doctor said she couldn't feel anything. :( bless her, I hope she is better tmrw xx
:( Hows viv feeling today Betty? It's awful when they're not feeling themselves isn't it. I think I'd rather be ill than see Evie ill. It takes it out of their little fragile bodies. It's coming to that time of year though where everyone gets sick! No doubt we will all have flu type viruses in a few weeks time.

I remember Christmas 4 years ago, I remember it vividly because it was Evie's first Christmas and we were all sick with the flu. We didn't venture out of bed over Christmas and new year!

Took another OPK this morning, still negative but I've got crampy pains and I feel a little nauseous this morning. Not much CM though and normally I have loads of EWCM around ovulation. Did you find that your CM dried up at all Betty? I'm sure I've heard it can be a side effect.


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