7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Ps: no period and I've been told my operation will be in December.... I shouldn't be gutted, at least I'm being seen before Christmas but I just wish I could get on and get it over with!!! :(
:( ahhh Betty sorry your AF didn't arrive when you wanted it to! So have you got a date in December?

I am back at the hospital today, they have a free appointment at 2.30pm :) I will ask today if I am going to be monitored, I bloody well hope so since we're paying an arm and a leg for it.

I think it's so wrong that you have to pay if you already have kids. It shouldn't matter if you have kids or not, if you're having trouble conceiving and tests have proven that there's a problem then you should be offered help for free! It really angers me :(:(

My period still hasn't arrived but I'm crampy so it's deffo on its way. It'd be nice if they can give me the clomid today then I can start it this cycle. I have already had a HSG a couple of months ago which was clear

Is anyone upto much this weekend? We're going to a firework display tonight and then I have to wait in alllll day tomorrow for a bed to be delivered.

Frisky, any news on your new home? Are you all settled in? Hope that everything has gone as smoothly as possible! I can't imagine it's been easy with a new baby

AB, how are you my dear? How many weeks to go?? xxx
Ah Betty sorry af still hasn't arrived. Hopefully you'll get a Christmas conception! !

Tina, wow at the chance of multiples. I hope they do monitor you. I agree that you shouldn't have to pay, it annoys me that some people work all their lives and have to pay for everything and others who choose a different lifestyle get everything handed to them. Good luck today.

Frisky, hope you are settled in and are all happy in your new home.

I'm fine. Just getting on with day to day life. 31 weeks so just hoping that baby stays cooking until 37 weeks xx
Tina.... It's shocking you have to pay! All these people sprouting out kids left, right and centre and won't work a day in their lives but get everything handed to them on a plate and then you have the hard working folk like us who get shafted left, right and centre! The system is all wrong, don't get me started as I get so bloody angry! One thing I will say is that I have not been charged even though I already have a child. I'm actually surprised at this, I think that the NHS have been brilliant in my case :)

Feel like AF is on her way but I'm always in constant pain now so who bloody knows!!! I don't have a date yet, they will call me as soon as the schedules have bee released. I hope it's the beginning of December, fingers crossed everyone!!!

AB, your pregnancy has gone so quick! I can't believe it! Sounds like baby is going to behave for you so you get your home birth :) you're so brave, I would need the pain relief on tap!!! :)

I don't have any plans this weekend, going to chill with my little girl as Chris is in London for the weekend.... Xx
It gets me angry too girls, I try not to talk about it to anyone because I go off on a tangent and end up really pissing people off haha!!!

AB, you are definitely brave for having a home birth! I am with you Betty, I'd need gas and air and diamorphine on tap! What happens AB? does a midwife come out to your house?? And if so does she bring pain relief? Or do you simply do it at home on your own? I'm really not clued up at all on any of it :(

A relaxing weekend sounds like bliss Betty! Especially since the weather is going to be rubbish. I have just been to Asda and they are selling Yankee candles, I just got 12 little Christmas candles for 12 quid! Well cheaper than what they charge in the Yankee shop. I also got a pair of wellies to brave the weather tonight at this firework display. I must be mad!!

I'll update you this afternoon girls once I'm home from my appointment xx
To be honest, I don't really know all the ins and outs yet,lol. I have a midwife appointment at 34 weeks and it will be discussed then. I do know that just before 37 weeks I will get a birthing box delivered to my house, think that has gloves,pads etc to save the mw bringing that when the time comes. I never asked about pain relief as I never had any with the girls so I am hoping not to have any this time. I know that I need to get things to protect the bed or wherever I give birth. Been googling and a lot of people just buy cheap shower curtains and put towels etc on them. My friend said her friend used a childs paddling pool,and then just folded everything that needed binned up in that. I just have to hope that the midwife on duty when I call lives close enough to get here in time. I am fully expecting to be holding him by the time she arrives tho xx

That's a good price for the candles,I'll need to have a look as the Yankee shop is quite expensive.

I'm taking the girls to a disco at the school tonight for an hour.

Good luck Tina.

Enjoy your relaxing weekend Betty xx
Oh my god AB! You're so relaxed about it all!!! I love that you can just go out and buy some shower curtains and use them! Brilliant! You can get some cheap ones from
Primark!!! :)

Tina.... What happened at your appointment today??? Hope you have some good news.

Still no AF for me but pains in my back all day and tummy ache (but more like IBS than ovaries) I'm home alone tonight! Chris in London and my mam is having my little girl, first time she has seen her in god knows how long, my little girl was broken hearted when I was about to take her home, she thinks that she will never see her grandma again, so my mam said she could stay. Seriously, I have to block this whole situation out of my mind otherwise I would have a bloody breakdown! Families hey??? X
Evening my lovelies!

Just got home from the fireworks, I'm bloody freezing!!! Just got my jarmies on and climbed into bed with the heating on ahh bliss!

So the appointment went well, I HAVE MY CLOMID!! As I thought, I've had all the tests already so he was happy to just give me a prescription. He's put me on 50mg and given me enough for 4 cycles. I have to take it for 5 days from CD2 and then on CD 22 I have blood taken to check that ovulation has happened and to see if the strength of the clomid needs to be increased

He said he's found there's a 60-80% success rate within 4 cycles so we will wait and see!

I'll be able to start this cycle as my period is due any day now, I'm excited but anxious about the side effects from it

AB I can't believe how relaxed you are!! I'd be terrified at just the thought of having a baby at home never mind actually doing it! But if your babies fly out then I suppose it be over before you know it and it's hardly worth going to the hospital!

Betty did you find something to amuse yourself with whilst you've got a night off?? Crack open a bottle of wine and get the chick flicks on! Xxx
Enjoy your home alone night Betty.
Yay Tina, hopefully clomid does the trick for you xx
Happy Saturday girls!! Hope everyone is well :)

My AF came this morning which I'm actually glad about ironically haha. I can officially start clomid tomorrow. I'm going to temp as well as OPK this cycle, I feel determined to catch this bloody egg!!

Been into town this morning, I'm getting hair extensions on Thursday so I've been to buy the hair today and treated myself to some jelly belly beans for tonight's X factor/ strictly! I absolutely <3 Saturday night in

Betty any sign of your AF? Xx
Tina.... Great news on both counts!!! Fab that you can start your clomid so soon! I did have some side effects but was nothing to report (think it was hot flushes and nausea) I'm sure you will be fine on it!!! Exciting times.... Let's hope and pray we both get out BFP before Christmas!!! That would just be amazing :)
We also love Saturday nights! Pjs on, strictly and some delicious food and a bit of wine..... Can't beat it!
No AF for me, still pains but again it's high up (just below my ribcage in the centre, above my stomach, anyone had this before?) the one time you want your bloody period to arrive and the little witch doesn't show, typical!!!!
:( girls I'm in pain :( I'm lay in bed with crippling AF cramps and even ibuprofen isn't taking the edge off the pain. Ahhh to be free of these cramps for 9 months, wouldn't it be wonderful!!

I'm a strictly watcher too Betty! It's the first year that I've given it a go and I'm hooked! I love Frankie, I'd like to see her win. I loved Thom Evans too, proper proper FIT!!! Was gutted when he left

Oh no.... Why are you in so much pain??? Do you normally get them this bad?

Yes I love strictly! Really love frankie and she is so beautiful! Would really like her it pixie to win. Shame thom got voted off as he was so good (and also rather yummy!!!)
Betty just looking back at your earlier post, the only time I have had pains under my ribs was when I had ovarian cysts. Believe it or not if you research ovarian cysts one of the symptoms is under rib pain! Are you feeling any better today?

I do normally get cramping but this cycles been particularly painful! I'll be on CD 3 tomorrow so with any luck they'll start to ease off. I took my first clomid tablet today, just hope it works with the amount of ibuprofen I've been popping!

How close is Christmas getting girls??? It's only the beginning of November and it's EVERYWHERE!! We're snuggled on the couch watching The Polar Express as I speak, wish I could put my tree up without looking like I belong in the loony bin haha

Well girls, I've been up since 2am in pain. I'm just downstairs hugging a hot water bottle.... Tina, I would never have thought ovarian cysts would cause pain so high up?!?! This is a new pain for me so I'm slightly worried. It's not a sharp pain it's more 'uncomfortable' like I'm sore and swollen inside (high up above my tummy) and it's giving me a bit of heartburn. It's just making me feel so sick and I have cramps. What's happening to me??? Tina, does this sound the same as the pain you had? Feeling fed up :(
ahh bless you Betty! Yes it sounds just like what I had, I wish they would just give you a bloody date to get in there and remove everything that's causing you pain :(:( Did you manage to settle back down to sleep?

Oh thanks, I actually feel so much better knowing it's just from my cysts. I can't eat anything, I feel sick. I stayed downstairs as it was better being propped up and last time I looked at the clock it was 6am and then viv got up at 7am so I've have almost no sleep but I feel a bit better so that's the main thing. I have such a busy day today (always the bloody way) the car has to be in the garage in 10mins, I have to get the house cleaned as I have the girls coming round to
Mine tonight for a Stella and dot party (it's jewellery) and work..... Ugh!

Tina, what CD are you on now? I'm so pleased you're on the clomid, hopefully this is just the boost you need! Are they only doing blood tests? I have a good feeling for you!!!! Eeeeeeek!

Really need to get the rest of my Christmas shopping done! Is everyone else all done yet??? X
Betty, with any luck you'll be getting ready right about now to snuggle down for the night and get some rest&#55357;&#56884; have your pains eased off?

I saw a picture of your curry on FB, it looks delish!! Saw that frisky should have the internet back by the end of this week at which point I'm sure she will catch up with everyone's posts

I'm on CD3, 3 more tablets to go. Not had any side effects at all so far, just feel very normal. The cramping has eased off now which is a relief! I'm trying to stay positive and hope that this is the little bit of help that we need to catch the egg! You never know, this could do the trick

I'm doing really well with my Christmas shopping. I've pretty much hot everything for Evie, we've bought her a huge sylvanian families house as her main present then all of the little animals and furniture to go with it. She's really into role playing at the minute so I'm sure she will love it! What have you got Vivienne? Xxx
Oh my god girls.... I'm in agony! What is happening to me??? I'm actually scared! It is like the worst indigestion and I feel really sick and have cramps everywhere, I can't eat as it feels like there is no room inside me. I've taken a peppermint oil capsule that should relief wind, indigestion and cramps but that has only helped a little bit??? Do you think it is my cysts or could it have something to do with the miscarriage? Can't bare not having any sleep again. Tina, were you
Like this??? Really sore and swollen just under your ribcage above your stomach??? Think I may need to call the doctor tmrw.... :(
I wasn't swollen Betty, just really sore... I would go to see your doctor to rule out infection etc if it's progressively getting worse. Don't leave it hun! What CD are you on now? Still no sign of your period?


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