7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

I've had to come off fb for a bit as I've offended my sister in law. That's different story all together! I'll tell you about it later! Haha Xx
Frisky, glad you are back. Sorry you don't like your new house. At least since you are in the area now you will be able to choose the next one yourselves. Just think of it as a stop gap until you get your dream home.
Has Joe settled back in at his new school?

Glad af came Betty, and ov for you Tina.

I ended up getting shower curtains from a £ shop, but they are really crap and thin. We have put them on the bed in case my waters break thru the night. I am going to get a couple of cheap shower curtains from Tesco or Asda at the weekend for using during labour. Still feels surreal. I have my 34 week mw appointment today to discuss the home birth xx
Hey ab, how did the 34 week appt go?? How fast has your pregnancy gone??

Joe's settled in ok, it's a bit of a culture shock as he had alot of freedom in his old school. He misses playing football. This school is that small, it doesn't have a field, so they can't play football :( I keep telling him that he will be able to play footie when it gets Warmer on the park across the road & in high school.
He hasn't had to make friends all over again as it's the same school we left to go down south. I'm happy in the way, the kids here seem more like kids, like 10year olds should be. At his old School, some of his pals were not a good influence. It's hard....he says this school is 'no fun' which it probably isn't in comparison. But when he's asked, he says he is happy we are up here as he's near his grandma.Xx
Frisky that's mad the way that your mum made it out to be fabulous and it really isn't. Do you think maybe she said it because she wanted you back home maybe? Good thing is though that it doesn't have to be a permanent thing and in 6 short months you can look at moving on. Did you get the carpets fitted?

AB, I'm still finding this mad that you're gonna give birth on shower curtains in your house! You're braver than I am I know that much. I think I'd choose to have the baby in the bath if I chose to do it at home, lovely and warm! Though I expect it wouldn't work out that way when the contractions were in full force

Betty I need some insight from you. When you was on clomid were your PMS symptoms more intensified? The only reason I ask is today I think I'm 1DPO and I have incredibly sore nipples to touch. I never have sore nipples! Is this because of the clomid? I don't wanna start cracking up by symptom spotting but it's happening already argghhh!!! Xx
Hi Tina...I'm not sure, I think it's the fact it's so close to her & was the only 3 bed near Joe's school. She feels awful now, but I just don't understand why she didn't mention the state of carpets.
2 of the rooms are fitted now, the landlord 'forgot' to mention Joe's room, so they are coming back on Thursday to do that.

How cold is it?? Not liking this cold at all! Need some new winter boots and coat.

Tina.....as hard as you try, no doubt you will be crazy symptom spotting this month!! ;) X
Appt went well. mw is coming to see me on thursday or friday as I have to sign paperwork for the home birth. I just hope his birth is as straightforward as the girls,lol.

Thats good that Joe is back with his old friends.

Tina I hope that sore nipples are a good sign for you and not just clomid related xx
Morning lovelies!

Frisky, nothing is ever straightforward is it! At least though that you have 2 new carpets so you are getting there. Try and relax and enjoy the coming weeks my dear, it's going to be your little mans first Christmas :) :) have you bought him anything or are you not making much of a fuss this year?

AB glad that your appointment went well!

I've woken up this morning with horrible cramps. Right low down where I would get ovulation cramps. Of course I thought god what if I still haven't ovulated? So ran to the loo, checked my cervix but it's low and tightly closed. And I wouldn't have sore boobs if ovulation hadn't already happened because they're caused by progesterone aren't they which only releases once ovulation happens.

It hurts to walk and to sit down and if I suck my tummy in it feels uncomfortable. Nipples are still very sore but I'm thinking it's just the clomid being cruel. This is going to be a horrible 2ww!! xx
Morning girls.... God I've missed loads over the last 2 days!!!
Frisky, welcome back!!!! We have missed you so much!! I'm sorry about the house, your mum may have been feeling the pressure getting you the house and just overlooked certain things, prob not to stress you out! In the end it's obviously really stressed you out but like the other girls said, it's not a forever home. You can move and I know moving is a PAIN but I bet you find an amazing home eventually :)
What have they said about your c section scar? How could they have fucked it up so royally??? As if you don't have enough to deal with after childbirth! I guess gynaecologists have to do a lot of surgery in that area so have a lot of expertise in that area, hopefully you will get in sorted soon lovely xxx ps: parsley up my fufu was not fun and didn't even frigging work!!! Never again!!!

Tina, I did have a crappy 2ww after clomid, had quite a few side effects but can't really remember what so will look through FF to see, I think you're going to really look at all symptoms this cycle which is totally normal, let's hope this clomid has worked and you get that Xmas BFP, that would be amazing!!!

I do t want to jinx anything but I'm having a really 'pleasant' AF! I had one day of cramps and heaviness and now just a nice, medium flow with no pains?!?! Not sure if it has anything to do with the weight I've lost (over a stone now!!!) and the excersizing I'm doing?
Ps: frisky, I'm loving JP! I have so much energy! I'm also going to an event in Bolton this Sunday (can't remember who's speaking)

AB, how did your app go??? Eeeeeek! Can you believe we are going to have another baby on this thread?!?! How amazing is that???

So I have finally got my operation date, whoop!!!! 9th December..... Eeeeeek! :) :) :)
Woohoo Betty that's awesome news!! You should definitely be feeling fine and in less pain by Christmas time and there's nothing stopping it going ahead this time either. I bet you feel super relieved. Well done you as well for losing all of that weight. A stone is quite an achievement so you should feel really proud of yourself.
Good news all round with your AF being more pleasant than normal too! I know it sounds horrible but the same thing happened to me when I had a M/C. My periods were really heavy and painful every cycle to the point where I would have to take time off work but after the miscarriage my periods calmed themselves down and were no where near as painful.

When are you looking at TTC again then Betty? I expect that you can't with this cycle because of the lap but are you getting straight back to it after that?

Ahhh I forgot to mention girls, my LO is being a donkey in the christmas play :) :) There's only one donkey and she came home from school yesterday and said "Guess what mum? I've got to carry a baby on my back in the christmas show and there's a really hairy man" so I said "A hairy man? what is his name?" and she said "Joseph" hehe I can't wait to go to my first ever christmas play. It's going to be a proud mummy moment xx
Tina.... Yes, I feel very proud of myself.... I mean, I was never a heffer or anything but really did need to shift that extra stone and what a difference it makes :)
I saw that you got Evie a frozen glow doll, was it difficult to get? I've managed to get everything for viv now, she has a mucky mixture of toys but she has got everything she asked for and is well and truly spoilt!!! I think she is a mouse in her nativity but I'm not entirely sure! She said she had to look for cheese so I'm presuming a mouse, I told my sister (who is the deputy head) that I wasn't impressed!!! Think I will still be in floods of tears, I'm such a softie!!!

Yes, I'm glad I have my op date and it's not too far away, only difference is that it's not in my local hospital, I'm now going to north tees (bigger hospital) and have to stay in overnight..... It's all good though! My consultant told me that I will be very fertile straight after the op so to not waste anytime (I do love him) obviously no sex before the op, can't have a repeat of last time (still can't believe that happened!)

Frisky..... What has happened with your sister???? Families hey? Who'd have em?? X
AB, what did you get your girls for crimbo and are you all wrapped up??? X
Woo hoo on the op date betty!! That's not far at all. How exciting knowing you will turbo fertile afterwards!! Glad your Af isn't a horrific one. I truly believe all the juicing will be making a difference there. I can't believe you have lost a stone? You looked amazing before, you must look really good now! I got weighed at the docs 2 week's ago, it was in kg which I don't get...the doc said "Ohhh dear, not to worry, you HAVE just had a baby, you will lose it soon enough" So I was like "Oh my God, in stones....Just how bad is it?" She then told me I was 10st 2lb!! Haaaaha!! To be fair...My normal weight is around 9.5 stone and I was 10st 2 in my first few weeks of pregnancy, so I'm not too shocked! I just need to exercise as it's all flabby, I just haven't had the time or energy yet! I'm just going to set realistic goals...7lb first. I'd like to get down to 9st. Any less than that, I start looking too skinny.

Awwwh Tina, bless Evie being the donkey...that's too cute, no doubt you will cry your eyes out. I love Xmas...Joe doesn't believe any more :( but I've got it all to come with Oscar! :)
We're not going mad on presents this year...Oscars a bit young, obviously we will get him a few bits but we will focus on Joe. Plus our washing machine broke today, it's been a long time coming, so we really need a new one. Will get one tomorrow, can't cope without one. And I really want tickets for the Courteeners, they go on sale this Friday!
I bought Oscar the cutest Xmas jumper from asda today, I couldn't resist. He has his jabs later today, poor little dude.

Tina, how are your symptoms doing?

Betty, basically Aaron Started coming out with comments last week at how I was cuddling Oscar too much. I knew someone had said something as he's never said it before. Both his sister's have had baby's just weeks apart from me. To cut a long story short...they have been 'advising' az, one of his sister's doesn't even HOLD her baby whilst feeding, she props him up against cushions. The other one doesn't let her fella even pick their baby up!! Which is weird if you ask me. Anyway, I was fuming as I felt like they were judging me! But before I found out it was them who had said anything...me being me, put a rant on facebook about it!
It wasn't aimed at them as I didn't know they had said it till after, but obviously they thought it was. I've since found out that zoe, Aaron's eldest sister, she rings him up whenever I put something negative on facebook!! Stupid cow! So I've took myself off....I DO wear my heart on my sleeve, but I always have. So Az & I were rowing a bit last week about it all, but we're good now. I tell you, tiredness doesn't half make you emotional & when someone criticises your parenting skills?? Aaarrrgghhhhhh!! Because az is new to this, he is seeing his sister's shit advice as being gospel!
With Joe, I picked him up whenever he cried, which made things difficult as he always expected it...with Oscar, I'm far more chilled out, I won't go straight to him if he crys. But if he's screaming, tears and getting visably distressed, then of course I'll cuddle him to soothe him!! Also, my status got 50 odd likes! ;) Xx
Wow.....that last post is a frikkin essay!! Sorry girls! X
How could you not cuddle a baby? ?!!! Lol they are the ones with issues in my opinion.

The girls are getting frozen singing dolls, frozen jigsaws, frozen pj's and dressing gown, my little pony castle, dolls high chair and bouncy chair and baths, new doll each, Disney Princess's and princes, playdoh, princess dressing up dresses, beads sets, games, elc rosebud cottage, art stuff and I can't remember what else. Had a list on my tablet but my tablet broke lol. They are getting spoilt but it's Christmas lol. All wrapped up and hidden in the loft xx
Omg....your organization is making me feel nauseous!! Haha....I've not even bought wrapping paper!!! X
I need to be organised frisky, , could have baby anytime lol.
Remembered that they also have books and dvds xx
Frisky, don't let ANYONE ever tell you how to look after your child. I'm sure you wouldn't anyway because you're a strong independant woman :) There's nothing wrong with cuddling your child, at least you will have a strong bond with him. I would be the same as you, you do what is right for you and let everyone else worry about their own problems. I suppose Aaron isn't in the wrong either, he like you said is new to all this baby stuff so I'm sure he is more than happy to accept advice from others about what is right and wrong.

Betty, yes that doll was a friggin nightmare to get hold of! I should have bought it when it first came out a few months ago but I thought ahh I will wait until closer to Christmas WHEN YOU CAN'T GET ONE ANYWHERE!!! haha. I ended up signing up to this forum and asking if anyone knew anywhere in the Liverpool area where I could get one and a really lovely lady gave me her Argos reservation number because she didn't need it anymore. I had to travel about an hour to get it but I'm so happy that I have, Evie will be over the moon. And there's nothing better than seeing the amazed look on your kids faces on Christmas day.

When is ovulation for you Betty? Will it be before your op or will you just catch it in time? eeeek it's exciting!!!

AB, you are the ultimate organised woman!! I need to take a leaf out of your book. I mean I'm doing okay on the shopping but I still have a few things to buy.

Has anyone bought anything off amazon black friday this week? I have picked up a few stocking fillers. I've just bought Mark a black keys CD this morning. It was supposed to be 8 quid and I got it for a fiver. Then yesterday I bought Evie a cuddlupit. (cuddle-up-it I think it's pronounced!) It's one of those blankets with a hood in the shape of a rabbit and it has arms and legs. Was supposed to be 16 quid and I got it for 7! I like bargains :) :)

No more symptoms really.. just sore nipples but I am only 4DPO.

Oh my god, frisky! Like everyone else has said, do NOT listen to advice like that! Don't cuddle your baby???? Whatever!!! It's so hard at the beginning, people offer their opinions when you are trying your hardest to do your best on very little sleep and emotions all over the place. You bring your baby up how you want, not your sister in law, or anyone else for that matter!!! You're doing a bloody great job!!
I can't believe you are only 10st2lb, that's nothing! That's what I weigh now!!!

AB, you're so organised! I'm going to start wrapping what I've got next week so I'm all sorted before my op and then just a few bits to get which I think I will get online, it's payday tmrw so might see if I can get some bargains on Black Friday! :) :)
I'm a bit out of sync with my periods but in theory I should ovulate around when I have my op so will miss this cycle but should ovulate early in the new year so fingers crossed!!!!!

Tina, any symptoms to report???? When are you testing??? We could have a Christmas BFP! Too exciting!!! Xxxxxxx
I agree with Betty, 10st 2 is nothing!! You are fine the way you are you don't need to lose any weight Frisky but if it makes you feel more comfortable in yourself by doing so then go for it! I think I also weight about 10st-10st 2 because I've put a few pounds on but my normal weight is around 9st 8. It's so difficult to maintain the same weight though girls! There are too many temptations around.

No symptoms Betty, still have very sore nipples but like I said yesterday that could be because of the clomid. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a Christmas BFP. Even if it meant that I can't drink over Christmas.

If we don't make this cycle then next ovulation will be around the 20th December so lots of drunken baby making over Christmas time. Win win really haha.


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