7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

'I had my iui today! That was the most uncomfortable 30mins ever... But, if it's what i have to go through to get a BFP then so be it :bodyb:

The doctor had a difficult time getting to my cervix and she described it to be "severely angled". She told me that when i had my hsg before but that was easier to do for some reason. DH's sperm count is 19mil which surprised us since we BD'd the other day. I'm so excited and happy that we have great odds this cycle.. I hope this is it! Now it's officially a waiting game!

Frisky, how long will your husband be away? I know the days will feel even slower but hold on and try to keep busy! We're here for you! :friends:
i thought i will ov on my own but i got the trigger yesterday immediately after the u/s showed i have 3 follies.

Betty, i hope you're doing well with your pregnancy! Have you told family and friends?'

- Oooooh it does sound promising, I'll have everything crossed for you. So, are you in the 2ww with me now?
My husband's back for 2 nights next week...then 6 days in September. Turns out it will be on my most fertile days, so if it doesn't happen this cycle...we can get cracking on with it next cycle :happydance:

No symptoms as such..just back ache today. But I had that all last month. Slight cramping in tummy on and off today. Nothing major, but I noticed it. I'm hoping for signs of implantation between today & Sunday...I'll be obsessing all weekend :wacko: haha Xx
I don't know why my post isn't showing your quotes in a shaded colour kitty? Haha x
Hello ladies.... How are you? Frisky, where are you in your 2ww???
Kitty, I'm crossing everything for you my lovely!!!! Keep us posted on those symptoms!!!
Me, all good, still no pregnancy symptoms (something else to obsess about!) I'm 8 weeks now and should get a date through for my scan very soon, I won't rest until I see everything is ok!!!!
Everyone else ok?????? Mango, irts, kat, want1more!!! How are you all????
Do you mind ladies if I join?

This is my 1st month off of BCP and I am very happy that I am off those pills! I was on BCP for 5 years and before that I was on the Depo shot. AF arrived Aug 5th which I am shocked that she showed her face on time. I am 8DPO and I have some slight cramping which I know that AF is on her way, due on the 28th. If AF does come on the 28th I will wait until Sept 9th since my cycle might be irregular due to newly coming off of BCP, and plus my Dr. appt is on that day. My sister was on the pill and she was pregnant her 2nd month trying! DH wants me to get pregnant in December since his birthday is in the month. Good luck ladies and congrats to the ladies who received their BFP's! :happydance::happydance:
Hello ladies.... How are you? Frisky, where are you in your 2ww???
Kitty, I'm crossing everything for you my lovely!!!! Keep us posted on those symptoms!!!
Me, all good, still no pregnancy symptoms (something else to obsess about!) I'm 8 weeks now and should get a date through for my scan very soon, I won't rest until I see everything is ok!!!!
Everyone else ok?????? Mango, irts, kat, want1more!!! How are you all????

Hey betty my love :) oooooh, bet you can't wait for scan, will feel more real I bet??

I'm about day 9 into 2ww, not sure exactly.
Not really had any symptoms..bit of cramping the past 2 days. But what I did notice Tonight when I went to the loo (TMI Alert) I had a real milky like discharge? But loads of it? It was when I wiped. Really odd, I've never had it like that before. I know it sounds disgusting, but no other way to describe it! :blush:

I'm not even thinking it's a pregnancy symptom, as you know how I got my hopes up last cycle.:growlmad:

Hope everyone else is ok? It's gone quiet on here Xx
Do you mind ladies if I join?

This is my 1st month off of BCP and I am very happy that I am off those pills! I was on BCP for 5 years and before that I was on the Depo shot. AF arrived Aug 5th which I am shocked that she showed her face on time. I am 8DPO and I have some slight cramping which I know that AF is on her way, due on the 28th. If AF does come on the 28th I will wait until Sept 9th since my cycle might be irregular due to newly coming off of BCP, and plus my Dr. appt is on that day. My sister was on the pill and she was pregnant her 2nd month trying! DH wants me to get pregnant in December since his birthday is in the month. Good luck ladies and congrats to the ladies who received their BFP's! :happydance::happydance:

Hello my lovely and welcome :hugs:

I know it takes a while for your cycle to become regular after being on BCP, so if it isn't this month, don't worry yourself too much :)
I've heard that your extremely fertile when you come of BCP too, so get to it! ;)

My AF is due a week today i think xxx
Oh frisky, that was my main symptom! Just loads of CM which I never get after O.....? I really hope it's your time chick, keep positive!!!!
Welcome mumwife..... Keep us posted with your symptoms and good luck!!!!! :-)
Thanks betty, it isn't as bad now. Just last night before I had my bath. But it was lots? Like I said, I've never had anything like that before, really odd. I'll keep my eye out on that now! Haha Xx

I feel alot more relaxed this time. I remember last cycle, I started testing about now. I'm just gonna wait, if af arrives, then I'm lucky to have hubby home around ov day in September. :)

My son has been at his nanas the past week, he isn't home till Friday. It's the longest I've never seen him. I miss him terribly. I'm making the most of it though. After working extra shifts this week, I plan on spending the day doing absolutely nothing! Haha Xx
Hi Ladies, such a lovely thread, mind if I join?

I originally jumped to this post after reading your post on CM. I've been having a really weird time with that this month and no-one responded to the query I threw out about it, but I guess it was just TMI for most!

I don't really see much of anything after O but two days after I thought I O'd it was back. In case I got the signals/timings wrong, DH and I jumped to the sack again (heehee). But it's been copious. It's our first month off BC and I'm trying not to sweat the small stuff but it feels so damn uncomfortable I keep running to the loo to sort myself out. Because it's so off I can't decide if I keep imagining the windy pain type crampiness that's on and off too.

Had implantation bleeding last time so if no sign of that this week will wait until I'm late a couple of days to test.

Good luck and baby dust ladies,especially Friskyfish - I was reading all through the post and was absolutely gutted for you when AF arrived! Lovely that your hubby will be home at the right time next month too.

Hey ladies!!
this month/cycle has been a bit interesting.
The positive opk this month was on aug 20th (cd 11) the next picture was the next day (surge gone, opk neg) we did iui on cd 13, it seems i have O day two days after the positive opk, because my period starts exactly 14 days after that. so doc wanted iui cd 12 or 13. He said once again DH's sperm looked really really great. :happydance:
This month taking all the natural remedies i think really helped. :thumbup:

Just hoping we get to implant!!

Im not going to buy ANY tests this cycle :) Just going to wait it out.


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Hi Ladies, such a lovely thread, mind if I join?

I originally jumped to this post after reading your post on CM. I've been having a really weird time with that this month and no-one responded to the query I threw out about it, but I guess it was just TMI for most!

I don't really see much of anything after O but two days after I thought I O'd it was back. In case I got the signals/timings wrong, DH and I jumped to the sack again (heehee). But it's been copious. It's our first month off BC and I'm trying not to sweat the small stuff but it feels so damn uncomfortable I keep running to the loo to sort myself out. Because it's so off I can't decide if I keep imagining the windy pain type crampiness that's on and off too.

Had implantation bleeding last time so if no sign of that this week will wait until I'm late a couple of days to test.

Good luck and baby dust ladies,especially Friskyfish - I was reading all through the post and was absolutely gutted for you when AF arrived! Lovely that your hubby will be home at the right time next month too.


Helloooo & welcome :)

Thank you for those kinds words, I hope it's my time soon :hugs:

It's so nice to see new people joining us on this thread. We can all moan & wait it out together.

It's so hard to pinpoint when you OV isn't it? Especially as you have just come off your BC. But you sound like your doing all you can ;)

I was gonna cave in and start temping this cycle, but I figured it's just another thing to obsess about, so I've not bothered.

My AF is due anywhere between 28th Aug & 2nd Sept. She was a couple of days late last cycle, so the 2nd is going off that.

It's weird, as last cycle I convinced I was pregnant, had so many symptoms. But thus time I don't have any, just the milky white cm I got last night when I wiped. And dizzy spells ( but I had them last time) I don't feel pregnant, I feel pretty great actually! Haha:shrug:

I'm dying to see some kind of implantation spotting, but no such joy :( x

Hope your lucky this month, keep us posted with anymore symptoms :thumbup:
Have to say that everyone on this thread has been super nice and lovely!!!! I hope to have you all as my bump buddies soon as I don't seem to be bonding with all the new yummy mummy's on here (apart from Lilly who is feeling pretty rotten! Bless her)
Frisky, what did I say last cycle?! I had no symptoms (apart from the creamy CM) no sore bbs (as I did with my DD) nothing! That's why I wouldn't test because I couldn't face the disappointment again! Now look! I still have no symptoms, total opposite to when I was pregnant last time, I was so sick from about 6 weeks, I couldn't touch my bbs and I was dizzy and couldn't eat anything other than cheese sandwiches.... Now I just feel totally normal (apart from peeing a lot!!!) I have everything crossed for you!!!
Welcome Edinburg.... These girls on here are the BEST, stick with us xxx
Want one more, all sounds promising your end..... How you feeling?!?!?! When are you ladies all testing???? Totally stalking you all.... Kat, mango, irts!!!! Where are you???????
Have to say that everyone on this thread has been super nice and lovely!!!! I hope to have you all as my bump buddies soon as I don't seem to be bonding with all the new yummy mummy's on here (apart from Lilly who is feeling pretty rotten! Bless her)
Frisky, what did I say last cycle?! I had no symptoms (apart from the creamy CM) no sore bbs (as I did with my DD) nothing! That's why I wouldn't test because I couldn't face the disappointment again! Now look! I still have no symptoms, total opposite to when I was pregnant last time, I was so sick from about 6 weeks, I couldn't touch my bbs and I was dizzy and couldn't eat anything other than cheese sandwiches.... Now I just feel totally normal (apart from peeing a lot!!!) I have everything crossed for you!!!
Welcome Edinburg.... These girls on here are the BEST, stick with us xxx
Want one more, all sounds promising your end..... How you feeling?!?!?! When are you ladies all testing???? Totally stalking you all.... Kat, mango, irts!!!! Where are you???????

Awwwwh...I SO want to be bump buddies with you!! God Damm it!! :growlmad:
Haha...I must say, I've posted a few times on other threads but havnt bonded with anyone either!! Awwh bless lilly, hope she's ok x

Now, back to the TMI..haaha I only had that one occasion of the milky white stuff last night. I've had nothing like it today, it feels wet down there a bit ( sorry) but nothing there on the scale of last night...it grossed Me out! Haaha Did you have lots everyday betty??...Shit, I'm obsessing here arnt I?? :dohh:

Yes..Irts, mango, Kat!? Hope you guys are all ok xx
Betty, no symptoms :( just acne, and peeing allot, I'm only 3 dpo. I don't think symptoms would start anyway. But not even cramping.. I don't have CM, tingling boobs like last cycle which i never get anyway. Just not feeling anything.
Started taking progesterone cream after positive opk, I'm thinking that's probably it..

Frisky- i had lots last cycle!! Praying for you girl!!
Betty, no symptoms :( just acne, and peeing allot, I'm only 3 dpo. I don't think symptoms would start anyway. But not even cramping.. I don't have CM, tingling boobs like last cycle which i never get anyway. Just not feeling anything.
Started taking progesterone cream after positive opk, I'm thinking that's probably it..

Frisky- i had lots last cycle!! Praying for you girl!!

Thank you my lovely...I will do the same for you also. :hugs:
I've also got really bad spots on my face, never get them. Big ones they are as well!! :growlmad:
Frisky, (this may be tmi for some so look away now!!!) i noticed my CM about 7dpo, I normally dry up after O so this was obviously unusual for me.... One day I would have lots and the the next not so much. It was creamy and wet. When AF was about to arrive I had to keep going to the toilet to check as I thought she had arrived when in fact it was just CM.... Keep positive it's a good sign and was probably my only symptom!!!!! Eeeeeeek!!!!
Oh yeah, I got a break out on my face too (unusual for me!!!)
Sorry if that was TMi but when you gotta share info you have to go into the gory details xxx
Last night I had a low fever, something was wrong cause now I am fine. I just wasn't feeling like myself last night. I was having cramps on my right side but it only lasted for 5 minutes this morning. I am starting to get very bad acne which I hate! When I was on BCP my acne was not this bad!!! I even have a pimple on my boob which I never get. I hope my acne will go away, finger crossed. Maybe I am getting acne because I stopped taking BCP, shoot I don't know. I am loving this thread already!!:happydance:
Momwife, did you fall easy with your 2 DD??? Hopefully you won't wait too long for baby #3.... I guess it takes your body a while to adjust being off bcp....
My cousin came off the pill and 3 weeks later she was PG!!!! :-)
Haha betty....thanks for the TMI! That was quite tame, I've seen people post PHOTOS On here of their CM before now! Ewwwww haaha

Momwife, when is af due for you?? My spots are really bad, they hurt! I'll be gutted if I've started getting acne at my age!! It's karma for me never having it during puberty!! ;) Xx
Betty, Yes I was pregnant with them pretty quick. I did not know that I was pregnant with either of them probably because I was not charting and symptom spotting. With my 2DD I notice that boobs was bigger, I was looking in the mirror at myself looking at my bigger boobs singing to myself!:haha: that was the only early symptom that I can remember. Wow, 3 weeks and pregnant that was fast but great!! I know she probably wasn't expecting it to happen that quick!

Friskyfish, AF is due between the 28th and Sept 2nd. While I was on BCP my cycles was between 28-31 days. AF came right on time this month which I am still shocked! If AF does comes on time I hope it is normal! I hate acne!!!!!!:growlmad::growlmad:

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