7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Ooooooh, we are due exactly the same day. My cycles are too between 28-31 days xxx
Wow that is great Frisky!!!We are waiting for our cycles to come on the same day!!!:hugs:
momwife and frisky i'm right behind you!! due on the 4th. Praying we ALL show up with BFP's
Frisky- lol i've posted some pictures of CM on some community centers, i don't know if it was this one or another one. But, I figure what the hey. hehe.
Last cycle i always felt like i was "peeing" CM it was weird. This cycle nothing ;(

Ladies are always keeping me sane :)
Thank you! Half the time i feel like i'm the only one who symptom spots. This cycle i'm not testing at all.
momwife and frisky i'm right behind you!! due on the 4th. Praying we ALL show up with BFP's
Frisky- lol i've posted some pictures of CM on some community centers, i don't know if it was this one or another one. But, I figure what the hey. hehe.
Last cycle i always felt like i was "peeing" CM it was weird. This cycle nothing ;(

Ladies are always keeping me sane :)
Thank you! Half the time i feel like i'm the only one who symptom spots. This cycle i'm not testing at all.

Ooooooh we are all in it together then girls!! Hope this week goes fast for us...and we get out BFP's ...feel like I temp fate writing on here though! It's daft isn't it, how it gets you! Haha

Haaaaaaaahaa funny you posted pics!! It's ok, I've looked at most pics for ideas to what's goin on with me...so good on you! Haha ;) Xx
momwife and frisky i'm right behind you!! due on the 4th. Praying we ALL show up with BFP's
Frisky- lol i've posted some pictures of CM on some community centers, i don't know if it was this one or another one. But, I figure what the hey. hehe.
Last cycle i always felt like i was "peeing" CM it was weird. This cycle nothing ;(

Ladies are always keeping me sane :)
Thank you! Half the time i feel like i'm the only one who symptom spots. This cycle i'm not testing at all.

Ooooooh we are all in it together then girls!! Hope this week goes fast for us...and we get out BFP's ...feel like I temp fate writing on here though! It's daft isn't it, how it gets you! Haha

Haaaaaaaahaa funny you posted pics!! It's ok, I've looked at most pics for ideas to what's goin on with me...so good on you! Haha ;) Xx

lol, i didn't know who else to ask and i've seen some interesting pics-- pictures that-- ya never mind. :haha:

This cycle everyone DOESN"T know we've done iui (again) dh had back surgery and it just so happened he's doing better than we all thought and he didn't want to miss our chance, so no one asked "did you all get to iui?" or "how's trying to get pregnant?"
They've all laid low because they think we are on "break"-- it's so nice not getting questioned.

I don't feel like I HAVE to measure up to all the questioning and the standards.

So as far as i'm concerned it's the best cycle yet :happydance:

ya'll ever get questioned?
Wow, it just adds more pressure when people ask questions doesn't it?? Bet it's nice for you that they have given it a break. Hope your DH is feeling better...Try & drag it out a bit longer to everyone to avoid the questions starting! Haha ;)

I'm quite lucky that everyone knows my husband is away alot with the Navy, so obviously this makes tttc a little bit more difficult. It does annoy Me when people can see how broody I am though, how much I want a baby...and they say 'well, why don't you get pregnant then??!'....Er YEAH!...I'M TRYING!!

Only a couple of people know how long it's taking us & that we are even ttc. Alot of our friends around us are pregnant, I swear it's a new person each week. So, that's a bit hard. But I really think my issue is the underactive thyroid I had ( which is now fine) and the fact my hubby isn't here all the time, bad timing. I'm hoping that's all it is anyway, all my blood hormone tests have come back fine xxx
Good morning ladies, how is everyone today?

You really could go mad symptom spotting in this fortnight couldn't you? You can't ever get away from the fact that you COULD be pregnant and so every small thing becomes a mountain of uncertainty.

Well, in the spirit of getting the 'madness' over with I am enjoying totally bonkers vivid dreams (I was directing a production of Les Miserables in my sleep last night and spent some time casting an array of family and friends from my last 20 years acquaintance). I am also being plagued by spots which I normally only encounter the week AF is due.

Right, now that's out the way, I have a different kind of obsessive concern this morning. I was changing my 13 month old's morning nasty nappy (Betty, I'm sorry, if you're nauseous today skip the next couple of lines!) and they don't often bother me but this one was stomach churning. Really guffy. Yuck. Anyway, got me to wondering how on earth I'm going to cope with being a mum to my daughter when we do get that BFP and I'm so queasy I just want to hug a toilet bowl? Or, how am I going to play with her when all I want to do is close my eyes and nap on the couch cos I'm so tired?

I'm having a bummed moment when I'm just scared that my want to have another child is going to result in me becoming a shit mother to the child I already have and love more than life.

Am I nuts or getting TTC cold feet? Anyone else with other children ever had these kinds of worries?

Off out to softplay shortly - going to try to leave this brand of crazy until I actually have that BFP in my hand. Lovely that we're all testing around the same time, albeit I might be a few days after you guys - have a lovely day people!
Good morning ladies, how is everyone today?

You really could go mad symptom spotting in this fortnight couldn't you? You can't ever get away from the fact that you COULD be pregnant and so every small thing becomes a mountain of uncertainty.

Well, in the spirit of getting the 'madness' over with I am enjoying totally bonkers vivid dreams (I was directing a production of Les Miserables in my sleep last night and spent some time casting an array of family and friends from my last 20 years acquaintance). I am also being plagued by spots which I normally only encounter the week AF is due.

Right, now that's out the way, I have a different kind of obsessive concern this morning. I was changing my 13 month old's morning nasty nappy (Betty, I'm sorry, if you're nauseous today skip the next couple of lines!) and they don't often bother me but this one was stomach churning. Really guffy. Yuck. Anyway, got me to wondering how on earth I'm going to cope with being a mum to my daughter when we do get that BFP and I'm so queasy I just want to hug a toilet bowl? Or, how am I going to play with her when all I want to do is close my eyes and nap on the couch cos I'm so tired?

I'm having a bummed moment when I'm just scared that my want to have another child is going to result in me becoming a shit mother to the child I already have and love more than life.

Am I nuts or getting TTC cold feet? Anyone else with other children ever had these kinds of worries?

Off out to softplay shortly - going to try to leave this brand of crazy until I actually have that BFP in my hand. Lovely that we're all testing around the same time, albeit I might be a few days after you guys - have a lovely day people!

Wow....that dream sounds pretty epic! Haha

I think it's natural to experience those feelings of uncertainty, especially as your little one is still so young. I'm ok, as my son is 9 and is desperate for me to give him a baby brother or sister. I do however worry, as how I could ever love something as much as I love him?? But, I only think that every now and again. I've been TTC that long, I've gone past any uncertainty...I just want it to happen now :( Xx

Feeling a bit negative about things today, I absolutely have no symptoms at all. I have had no implantation bleed. I hate waiting for the due date of af, it drives me insane :wacko:

I'm trying to keep busy, but it'd hard, as yet again, it's on the back of my mind. I can't push it away. My husband is having a hard time at work at the minute too, I would just love to be able to email him a pic of a positive pregnancy test. It would make him so so happy!! Arrrgggghhhh!!

Anyway, gonna go..as I'm ranting on. Need to snap out of this mood x think I'm gonna have to go & purchase some treats for myself and resist the urge to buy a HPT! Haha x x
Wow, it just adds more pressure when people ask questions doesn't it?? Bet it's nice for you that they have given it a break. Hope your DH is feeling better...Try & drag it out a bit longer to everyone to avoid the questions starting! Haha ;)

I'm quite lucky that everyone knows my husband is away alot with the Navy, so obviously this makes tttc a little bit more difficult. It does annoy Me when people can see how broody I am though, how much I want a baby...and they say 'well, why don't you get pregnant then??!'....Er YEAH!...I'M TRYING!!
Only a couple of people know how long it's taking us & that we are even ttc. Alot of our friends around us are pregnant, I swear it's a new person each week. So, that's a bit hard. But I really think my issue is the underactive thyroid I had ( which is now fine) and the fact my hubby isn't here all the time, bad timing. I'm hoping that's all it is anyway, all my blood hormone tests have come back fine xxx

i like your plan about holding them off alittle longer :haha:
just gets tiring after while ya know? :dohh: Yup and that common question too " well why don't you get pregnant?" classic! :wacko:
I had two VERY close friends get pregnant at the same time, and I just can;t do it anymore, they say "i understand how you feel" umm?, no you don't!! When was the last time you ttc for 2 years and 5 months? :growlmad: ugh makes me mad! THEY don't know what it's like and it's so EASY for them to POP out babies makes me so upset :cry: especially to know that there's "nothing" wrong with DH or I. :shrug:
i'm 4pdiui and not a symptom insight... i'm so confused!! usually i'm doing something by now, cramping something!! but I truly think it's the progesterone, thats the only thing that i changed really this cycle.
Good morning ladies, how is everyone today?

You really could go mad symptom spotting in this fortnight couldn't you? You can't ever get away from the fact that you COULD be pregnant and so every small thing becomes a mountain of uncertainty.

Well, in the spirit of getting the 'madness' over with I am enjoying totally bonkers vivid dreams (I was directing a production of Les Miserables in my sleep last night and spent some time casting an array of family and friends from my last 20 years acquaintance). I am also being plagued by spots which I normally only encounter the week AF is due.

Right, now that's out the way, I have a different kind of obsessive concern this morning. I was changing my 13 month old's morning nasty nappy (Betty, I'm sorry, if you're nauseous today skip the next couple of lines!) and they don't often bother me but this one was stomach churning. Really guffy. Yuck. Anyway, got me to wondering how on earth I'm going to cope with being a mum to my daughter when we do get that BFP and I'm so queasy I just want to hug a toilet bowl? Or, how am I going to play with her when all I want to do is close my eyes and nap on the couch cos I'm so tired?

I'm having a bummed moment when I'm just scared that my want to have another child is going to result in me becoming a shit mother to the child I already have and love more than life.

Am I nuts or getting TTC cold feet? Anyone else with other children ever had these kinds of worries?

Off out to softplay shortly - going to try to leave this brand of crazy until I actually have that BFP in my hand. Lovely that we're all testing around the same time, albeit I might be a few days after you guys - have a lovely day people!

mad spotting is right! I did that last cycle and the one before really bad!! This cycle there's not even symptoms i can "spot".. so weird. Not even CM, nothing! Just blows me away!
And about having cold feet-- I understand where you are coming from.
We had our set of twins first (boy/girl) it was easy for dh to get our son and for me to get our daughter, just seemed like life was going, the twins seemed to be set with the attention we were giving. THEN we got pregnant with our third, Man O Man were we scared, not to mention he was a single baby, how will we incorporate him into everything that we already doing?

well, he's now going to be 5 and he fit just right in :) The one who is left out is my daughter. We've learned how to give all three our attention "equally". The park, baking, lots of activities-- don't worry, it's in our motherly blood to just automatically "adjust"...
we miscarried another set of twins 2 years ago I still wonder how that would have been but i know that we would be well adjusted either way.

Don't worry mama, all will be great.
Awwwwh, I understand completely. Each time someone announces their happy news, it's like a kick in the stomach, it really is. I've even took myself off Facebook for a while, so I don't have to see it. I know that sounds terrible, but it's just my way of coping. What I don't know won't hurt me. My husband went mad at me last week, his best friend text, telling him he's gonna be a dad. They have only been together a couple of months. I burst out crying. Haha what a psycho....DH couldn't believe my reaction. I think it made him realise just how much all this getting to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy for our friends...It's just like 'C'mon..give me break, when I'd it gonna be our turn!'

It must be so frustrating for you..I'm frustrated & havnt been TTC as long as you.

I've not had cramping either, all last tww I had it. I've not done anything different this cycle, just the same as every other. Maybe it is the progesterone that is making things different for you?

When is everyone caving in to test?? Xx
Ladies I take my hat off to you both. I think I would be a wreck if I had been TTC for as long. You are right, people who haven't been there won't understand. The possibility of waiting so long is so awful I just can't bend my head around it. So I'm sending you some HUGS and babydust, because that's all I can do, and I hope it makes your hard days just a little better to know that there are completely strangers who maybe don't get it, but who do care and who will keep their fingers crossed for you all the way to the finish line!
Awwwwh, I understand completely. Each time someone announces their happy news, it's like a kick in the stomach, it really is. I've even took myself off Facebook for a while, so I don't have to see it. I know that sounds terrible, but it's just my way of coping. What I don't know won't hurt me. My husband went mad at me last week, his best friend text, telling him he's gonna be a dad. They have only been together a couple of months. I burst out crying. Haha what a psycho....DH couldn't believe my reaction. I think it made him realise just how much all this getting to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy for our friends...It's just like 'C'mon..give me break, when I'd it gonna be our turn!'

It must be so frustrating for you..I'm frustrated & havnt been TTC as long as you.

I've not had cramping either, all last tww I had it. I've not done anything different this cycle, just the same as every other. Maybe it is the progesterone that is making things different for you?

When is everyone caving in to test?? Xx

lol-- i haven't had fb for 3 months!!! and boy does it feel good not only do you really find out who your friends are (because your phone calls only come in to those who WANT to see you) instead of those who want to snoop, it always took away from all the baby, u/s pictures, the "happiness".. I'm NOT happy for family or friends, and DH started to realize that when i took him to a "grieving and loss" class i go to Thursday nights. I KNOW i'm not crazy like sometimes i feel like i am, i try to avoid preg women, the whole 9 yards! (I don't do it on purpose, it's just a reaction of the "why can't it be my turn" it's like trying to avoid any conversations where i have to talk about losing our twins., After the 2 year mark I just got completely numb, Every month i feel like i'm just going to fail. I 7 months i lost 55 lbs, I tried what seemed like EVERYTHING in the book of infertillity. HSG testing, clomid (up to 200mg), blood work up the ying yang, FINALLY doc said IUI, man did i think it was going to work FIRST try.. errrr, wrong.. was i a complete basket case OH BOY!! NOT TO MENTION-- I"M A ONE TUBE WONDER!!! :cry:
since having only one tube-- Doc said that shouldn't matter THEN i hear women, having twins, more than one kid out of ONE tube and thats a shot in the heart!! WHY not me :cry:

So, I think WE all have every right to get "mad" at our friends, we will get preg and then we will have ttc women do the same to us, and will be able to HELP them.. It's the circle of life...

Thank you for letting me vent :winkwink:
Awwwwh, I understand completely. Each time someone announces their happy news, it's like a kick in the stomach, it really is. I've even took myself off Facebook for a while, so I don't have to see it. I know that sounds terrible, but it's just my way of coping. What I don't know won't hurt me. My husband went mad at me last week, his best friend text, telling him he's gonna be a dad. They have only been together a couple of months. I burst out crying. Haha what a psycho....DH couldn't believe my reaction. I think it made him realise just how much all this getting to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy for our friends...It's just like 'C'mon..give me break, when I'd it gonna be our turn!'

It must be so frustrating for you..I'm frustrated & havnt been TTC as long as you.

I've not had cramping either, all last tww I had it. I've not done anything different this cycle, just the same as every other. Maybe it is the progesterone that is making things different for you?

When is everyone caving in to test?? Xx

lol-- i haven't had fb for 3 months!!! and boy does it feel good not only do you really find out who your friends are (because your phone calls only come in to those who WANT to see you) instead of those who want to snoop, it always took away from all the baby, u/s pictures, the "happiness".. I'm NOT happy for family or friends, and DH started to realize that when i took him to a "grieving and loss" class i go to Thursday nights. I KNOW i'm not crazy like sometimes i feel like i am, i try to avoid preg women, the whole 9 yards! (I don't do it on purpose, it's just a reaction of the "why can't it be my turn" it's like trying to avoid any conversations where i have to talk about losing our twins., After the 2 year mark I just got completely numb, Every month i feel like i'm just going to fail. I 7 months i lost 55 lbs, I tried what seemed like EVERYTHING in the book of infertillity. HSG testing, clomid (up to 200mg), blood work up the ying yang, FINALLY doc said IUI, man did i think it was going to work FIRST try.. errrr, wrong.. was i a complete basket case OH BOY!! NOT TO MENTION-- I"M A ONE TUBE WONDER!!! :cry:
since having only one tube-- Doc said that shouldn't matter THEN i hear women, having twins, more than one kid out of ONE tube and thats a shot in the heart!! WHY not me :cry:

So, I think WE all have every right to get "mad" at our friends, we will get preg and then we will have ttc women do the same to us, and will be able to HELP them.. It's the circle of life...

Thank you for letting me vent :winkwink:[/QUOTE

That's so true about Facebook, you DO realize who your true friends are.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your twins :( I do know the pain, I lost my daughter full term. It was 10 years ago, but still hurts xxx
Excuse Me for being thick, but what's IUI? I'm not sure of all the lingo on here! :dohh:

I know I can't make you feel better, but I'm here if u wanna rant my lovely :hugs:

And thanks for understanding Edinburgh, and letting me rant :wacko:
Only a few days till we know I guess xxx
Hello ladies and welcome edinburgh and momwife!
I hope you're all having a lovely day today. Days are gloomy the past few days and it's really affecting my mood. Doesnt help that i have a migraine for 4 days now!!! ugh :(

Apart from that I have nausea and cramps from time to time. But last night, oh my god, i thought my cramps was gonna make me pass out. It happened right after we BD'd... DH got up to clean himself up and I just curled into a ball and couldnt stop squirming. The pain was in my lower abdomen and vagina and had shot up to my stomach. The pain was so intense I was feeling nauseaus and close to vomitting. Has anyone had this? It lasted for 30 mins that gradually faded until I fell asleep. First time ever this happened to me.

Frisky and want1more, I'm sorry for your losses. I can just imagine what it feels like. Not being able to conceive and learning you have lost another cycle is already painful enough. I'm certain having to lose a child is a million times more hurtful. Hugs to you both.

frisky, iui is intra-uterine insemination ;)
Hello ladies and welcome edinburgh and momwife!
I hope you're all having a lovely day today. Days are gloomy the past few days and it's really affecting my mood. Doesnt help that i have a migraine for 4 days now!!! ugh :(

Apart from that I have nausea and cramps from time to time. But last night, oh my god, i thought my cramps was gonna make me pass out. It happened right after we BD'd... DH got up to clean himself up and I just curled into a ball and couldnt stop squirming. The pain was in my lower abdomen and vagina and had shot up to my stomach. The pain was so intense I was feeling nauseaus and close to vomitting. Has anyone had this? It lasted for 30 mins that gradually faded until I fell asleep. First time ever this happened to me.

Frisky and want1more, I'm sorry for your losses. I can just imagine what it feels like. Not being able to conceive and learning you have lost another cycle is already painful enough. I'm certain having to lose a child is a million times more hurtful. Hugs to you both.

frisky, iui is intra-uterine insemination ;)

Hello kitty, haha thanks for explaining that to me. And thanks for those kind words.:hugs:

I must say, the only time I'm in that much intense pain, is when I'm on my period. I suffer badly with cramps. But ouch....yours sounds more than cramps if it was making you feel sick. Could you not have picked up a tummy bug or something?? Weird how it happened after you BD'd though..Has it gone now?
When is af due for you kitty?

Nothing happening with me, just feel a little bit more 'wet' down there (Tmi sorry) But I couldn't feel any less pregnant.:nope:
Checking my diary from last cycle, I had loads of symptoms & had done 3 tests by now! Haha..I must admit, I did have a crazy moment yesterday, where I was literally chucking everything out of the drawers in my bedroom, in hope I would find a hpt! Haha so glad I didn't :wacko:
Morning ladies!
Kitty that sounds awful, cramps like that are usually a bug. Have you done any strenuous exercise that might have stained something in your abdomen? Pain might have been set off by spasms in a damaged muscle after 'o'.

I'm on the bus on way to work. Work is great for keeping my mind off ttc! More nuts dreams last night. I'm blonde and for some reason tried to dye my hair black. Result looked like toddlers had drawn in my head with crayons. Was glad to wake up.

Other than that I still feel too wet, I'm tired (had to nap with my little one yesterday before dinner) and my breakfast of granola tasted like fish this morning.

I don't remember tiredness kicking in so early before and I haven't had any implantation bleeding so I'm not convinced that I'm not just coming down with something.

Ok ladies, have a lovely day, think positive chilled out thoughts and keep those fingers crossed! Half way through this particular 2ww!
Oh my god Edinburgh....You have just reminded me. I woke up this morning near to tears after a really horrible vivid dream. I can't remember what it was about now, but I remember being upset. It will probably come to me today at work.
I agree, work does take your mind off things.

Have a nice day :) Xx
Oh...had a really itchy right nipple last night! Haha does that count as a symptom?
Edinburgh, does everyone get implantation bleeding?? I hope not, as I've had none either :( Xx
Awwwwh, I understand completely. Each time someone announces their happy news, it's like a kick in the stomach, it really is. I've even took myself off Facebook for a while, so I don't have to see it. I know that sounds terrible, but it's just my way of coping. What I don't know won't hurt me. My husband went mad at me last week, his best friend text, telling him he's gonna be a dad. They have only been together a couple of months. I burst out crying. Haha what a psycho....DH couldn't believe my reaction. I think it made him realise just how much all this getting to me.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy for our friends...It's just like 'C'mon..give me break, when I'd it gonna be our turn!'

It must be so frustrating for you..I'm frustrated & havnt been TTC as long as you.

I've not had cramping either, all last tww I had it. I've not done anything different this cycle, just the same as every other. Maybe it is the progesterone that is making things different for you?

When is everyone caving in to test?? Xx

lol-- i haven't had fb for 3 months!!! and boy does it feel good not only do you really find out who your friends are (because your phone calls only come in to those who WANT to see you) instead of those who want to snoop, it always took away from all the baby, u/s pictures, the "happiness".. I'm NOT happy for family or friends, and DH started to realize that when i took him to a "grieving and loss" class i go to Thursday nights. I KNOW i'm not crazy like sometimes i feel like i am, i try to avoid preg women, the whole 9 yards! (I don't do it on purpose, it's just a reaction of the "why can't it be my turn" it's like trying to avoid any conversations where i have to talk about losing our twins., After the 2 year mark I just got completely numb, Every month i feel like i'm just going to fail. I 7 months i lost 55 lbs, I tried what seemed like EVERYTHING in the book of infertillity. HSG testing, clomid (up to 200mg), blood work up the ying yang, FINALLY doc said IUI, man did i think it was going to work FIRST try.. errrr, wrong.. was i a complete basket case OH BOY!! NOT TO MENTION-- I"M A ONE TUBE WONDER!!! :cry:
since having only one tube-- Doc said that shouldn't matter THEN i hear women, having twins, more than one kid out of ONE tube and thats a shot in the heart!! WHY not me :cry:

So, I think WE all have every right to get "mad" at our friends, we will get preg and then we will have ttc women do the same to us, and will be able to HELP them.. It's the circle of life...

Thank you for letting me vent :winkwink:[/QUOTE

That's so true about Facebook, you DO realize who your true friends are.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your twins :( I do know the pain, I lost my daughter full term. It was 10 years ago, but still hurts xxx
Excuse Me for being thick, but what's IUI? I'm not sure of all the lingo on here! :dohh:

I know I can't make you feel better, but I'm here if u wanna rant my lovely :hugs:

And thanks for understanding Edinburgh, and letting me rant :wacko:
Only a few days till we know I guess xxx

I'm sorry for your loss, its always going to hurt, no matter how long ago it was, I'm just having a hard time mourning, it seems i cry when something reminds me of being pregnant with them.
Just hard..

IUI is where they take Dh sperm, wash them with a special solution to make them more powerful, and insert them straight into the vagina so its closer to the egg and you by pass the cervix. And since the doctor thinks i have hostile cervical mucus, he went for iui. :)
Praying for iui to work because after that is ivf and we feel we should stop at iui. :cry:

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